[Q3-redesign] - Implement the new look and feel for sdv.eclipse.org
This issue is about tracking generic updates to our template for the new l&f:
Implement updates to the
- Header
- Footer
- Typography (font, text and link color, default color scheme)
Details already shared by @mkokabi on #54 (closed)
- The 2 primary colors for buttons, footer, icons, and heading include:
- Magenta #AA216E
- Purple #452062
- the secondary color for the top box is #A36A9C
- footer color:
- #452062
The heading font is Audiowide All the other texts are Roboto
The visual assets are available here: https://gitlab.eclipse.org/eclipsefdn/it/websites/sdv.eclipse.org/uploads/25b01c673cd152870cb9d2bfbb2f6fb7/Visual_Assets_SDV_Website.zip
@oliviergoulet Whenever you get a moment, can you review and confirm that you have everything you need.
Edited by Christopher Guindon