Q3 MBO - Integrate SDV Badges on project pages
My understanding is that we wish to publish the SDV Badges on the following pages:
https://sdv.eclipse.org/projects/ (@oliviergoulet ) -
https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/automotive.adaaa (@epoirier )
The designs are available here:
- desktop: https://xd.adobe.com/view/36603db4-e453-4602-99e3-9750bb190fb0-6333/
- mobile: https://xd.adobe.com/view/ea376f49-b9bb-4a23-81b3-3028c73e737e-bf64/
@mkokabi Do we have a mockup for how we should integrate these badges on a project page such as https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/automotive.adaaa
I am assuming we would want to create a new block in the sidebar but it would help us if we can get an approved design before @epoirier works on this.
@paulinagueorguieva @dana - Please let me know if I am missing any additonal requirements before we start working on this.
@bbaldassari2kd Can you provide instructions on how we should be including these badges on the website? Thanks!