Science WG missing WGPA document information
Our source for matching working groups to their respective documents is missing the document information for the Science WG. This means that while the documents + relation will be relayed in the organizations output, they won't be flagged as science wg docs, but as "unknown".
@scorbett I can see in the Foundation DB that the science WGPA entry is flagged with comments indicating that there is no actual document for this agreement. The ID of that entry is 2fc4cedbbdb70b2ebf69
, found under WGPA - Science
in the system documents section. In order to properly match organizations to the science working group, we need to match some sort of entry in our system. Just looking for your go-ahead for this, as well as to know if we should classify it as an organization or individual document. We can update this later as there's no major shifts here, but just to make sure we cross our t's and dot our i's and all of that!