Finalize the UI
Login page for Portal does not display properly on mobile view
org profile - links section, links and add link form do not align well (need to add margin top to links list)
Remove alert message for 'Roles for a contact can NOT be empty.' (Because CM and EMPLY will never be deleted via the table, so the roles will never be empty)
dashboard - committers and contributors cards may not have the same height if the number of items is different
Filter on contributors when user comes from the dashboard contributors view more button (all contacts but committers should be considered as contributors)
Set TopSlideMsg component in App component so that it can be used by any components in Portal without re-importing it a few times in different components.
Make the employee role read only in the edit role pop-up
Member Reps should not be able to remove add the employee role. That's should be done via the "request removal from org" button.
- Moved to nice to have, item 7
Confirm if the user would like to delete the links on org profile page
Remove committer and employee from the popup window in contact management page, keep them in the table
Contact management page, for removal pop up window, remove the radio options and only keep the comment as optional field (content: Please provide any details, if necessary, relevant to Eclipse regarding removing this individual from your organization in the Eclipse database. (Optional))
CBI description on dashboard -
Your projects card, only show active projects. Show "No working group yet" when it's empty.
Use fetch with pagination for resources API call
CRA should only be edited by CR, not every one else
DE should only be able to edit MA
Form validation
logo is not displayed in the center on dashboard
Resources section view all logic issue. Need to clear the content in view all state or make sure the API call will only be done once.
Add the footer to the bottom
make the image limitation to 200*200
Nice to have
Not happening on prod. Should be caused by the test username and password on staging.401 error on a webmanifest file (potential solution), this does not impact any functionalities on our web app. Could be caused by the test username and password for staging (very likely)
note the updates will take xx hours to show up
#432 (closed) add "an hour delay" to no access error page
add description for contact edit role modal window, similar to CBI card
Don't show the rep at all in org intro card, if there it's "Not Assigned"
Update the logo on dashboard if it is updated in org profile page
#430 (closed) Only do 1 GET API call for any info we need. (Don't do it again when we come back and forth among pages)
Edited by Zhou Fang