Implement the design for the new Membership Portal
With, we decided to leverage BrowserRouter to separate the membership Enrollment form and the Membership portal.
We are currently planning to use the following path:
- (Membership Enrolment)
- (Membership Portal)
The goal of this issue will be to implement the current design which is still a work in progress:
I expect the content to change in the next week or so, while the marketing team is finalizing the design but the overall structure of the page shouldn't change.
Let's implement the following:
Left sidebar (Navigation) with Eclipsefdn logo -
toolbar -
User account quick links with picture
Intro Section -
Your company logo -
Company Rep -
Quick links
Overview (These should link to the appropriate section on the page) -
Projects and Working Groups -
Committers and Contributor -
Your Committers -
Your Contributors -
Your Committer Activity -
Common Build Infrastructure
Statistic Section -
Contributors by Country -
Resources -
Member Information -
Links -
Contact Search -
List of Contacts
This is the first phase of this project. I don't expect any form validation or any real data on the page. The goal here is to create a prototype of the membership portal.
I will create additional issues for each of these sections/blocks in order to better define the requirements with the rest of the team.