Quick Update on https://iot.eclipse.org/eclipse-iot-day-santa-clara-2019/
Created by: JamekaW
Hi Eric,
Could you please add the talk description for Frederic's Eclipse IoT - State of the Union talk?
Description: Where are we coming from? Where are we? Where are we going? In this presentation, Frédéric Desbiens, IoT and Edge Computing Program Manager at the Eclipse Foundation, will share with you what happened in the Eclipse IoT Ecosystem in the last year and what is the Foundation's roadmap for the future. Learn about major project releases. Discover new projects such as ioFog, fog05 and Sparkplug. Hear about our new and upcoming working groups. Just don't expect answers to the great philosophical questions of life!
Also, could you make this title case? -> change to this: Eclipse VOLTTRON - Overview of the Platform