Feedback for SAMIoT 2020 Conference
Philippe needed the site to be live. I decided to commit the PR and create a separate issue with my feedback:
- content/2020/sam-iot/images/brain_iot_logo.jpg is 400kb please optimize for web!
- I am fine with adding some custom styles to the less file but let's make sure these new classes are re-usable.
In this situation, I am referring to ".technical-topics-notes".
For example, is only makes sense to set the links to white if .technical-topics-notes is used within .featured-section-row-dark-bg.
If for some reason, we cant refactor the code to be re-usable, I would like to see a comment in the code regarding where we are using this class to make sure we don't remove it in the future.
Finally, should we create a shortcode for the technical-topics-notes section?