Add a note describing to where the Trademark and Domain Name Assignment Agreements should be sent.
The Trademark and Domain Name Assignment Agreement document does not include any help to tell folks where to send the completed agreement. We do provide help in a lot of places (e.g., the handbook), but a lot of folks still get this wrong.
Completed agreements should be sent to
The /legal
page contains a link and short description, but does not indicate to where the agreement should be sent. I propose this addition (the last sentence):
Trademark and Domain Name Assignment Agreement: Pre-existing projects which move to the Eclipse Foundation will be required to execute this agreement to ensure that the Eclipse Foundation has rights to any trademarks associated with the project name. Send the completed agreement to
Further, I'd like to include a note in the PDF of the agreement.
I'm thinking something along the following lines:
Please send the completed form to
Please be sure to list all trademarks that you hold (registered or otherwise), along with all domains that you own that leverage those trademarks, in Exhibit A.
I experimented with this using the Document Viewer on Fedora, but AFAICT, the note that I added is not available to Windows users. We may need to use something like Acrobat to insert the note.
/fyi @shmacdonald