Some (minor issues) found in the current version
Hey @autumnfound ,
The result looks pretty good! Thanks a lot. Nevertheless, I notice some minor improvements that you or I could fix. Let me share them with you.
- When we mention the H2020 instrument on a project, we should NOT show:
The social links look too big: We should remove the square around a keep only the button below the logo. So for example for AGILE, we could have:
And I'm not convinced anymore that we must keep the description of the associated Eclipse project(s) because in most of the cases, it will be described in the project description by itself. So I would reduce the size of the right side bar and add the Eclipse projects there. It could look like that:
I also found that the logo of Opees was missing.
The Gemoc Studio logo was missing in the project description.
Does it make any sense ? Thanks a lot for your help -Philippe