Speaker Info / Talks / Agenda - TheiaCon 2023
Hi Team, I'm submitting a ticket ahead of time so you have insight of whats going to be coming in, in the next couple of weeks. We should be getting some early picks for a hand full of speakers this week. As soon as I have their info, I will share it with you in this issue and in the website word document. The new deadline for CFP is october 9 and we should be getting a copy of the program by the end of next week. Once we get the program I will also share it with you. The times may not be finalized but at least I can share the list of talks and speakers and we can add the timing of it all afterwards. I want to make sure we have some information on the website as we start to promote it across our social channels. thank you all so much in advance for your time and effort it is always appreciated.