TheiaCon 2023 - Website Update (Adding PC Content)
Hi Team,
Could you kindly add the following information under Jonathan's (PC) profile on the TheiaCon 2023 website please. I'va also updated the webdev doc and identified the request in there as well. Please let me know if you need anything else. We are still waiting on his pic but I would like to get this info on our website while we wait for his picture. Thank you again.
Job title: Senior Member of Technical Staff Company: Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) Bio:Jonathan Madsen is a Software System Design Engineer in the Profiling Tools Group at AMD. He is a contributor to the rocprofiler library for performance analysis of AMD GPUs and is the lead developer of the Omnitrace performance analysis tool. His focus is on improving observability and performance analysis for software running on AMD heterogeneous systems. Prior to his time at AMD, he earned his PhD in Nuclear Engineering from Texas A&M University and spent four years as an Application Performance Specialist at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) where he served as one of LBNL's representatives on the C++ standardization committee and as a mentor for porting applications to the GPU, authored performance analysis tools and frameworks, and collaborated with researchers from several DOE research labs on the development of a performance portable execution framework targeting all major HPC platforms named Kokkos.
Link to doc: