[redesign-2021] - ECD Tools Website Refresh
This is a top-level bug for tracking the ECD Tools Website Refresh project.
This bug will be used to post updates about the project and discuss top-level issues.
The plan is to breakdown this project into smaller issues. I plan on creating these new issues in the next few days.
Design File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/uu2ilbtrguehpy7/EXC201007_Eclipse_Cloud_Website_Rev12.xd?dl=0
Navigation: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TTevxsz6Fo4GyxqBctkuB-6ucr6hOdearrvEyFtyeJQ/edit?usp=sharing
Invision Link: https://invis.io/5C10DOVC3QTG