Make GitLab / EF User Account names visible on the profile pages
When I create a Helpdesk issue, I want to adress (@ or cc) members of my team. To do that, I need the user name (-> EF user account name -> GitLab user name). Even if I know the clear name and / or the mail adress, it is very hard to find out the GitLab name. Please add something to the profile page similar as with GitHub (very little icon bottom right).
Two more wishes -> I can open more issues for that:
- e.g. Tractus-X, I would expect to see in the contributor / committer list the GitHub IDs and the GitLab names directly, or max one click away
- when looking to the profile of contributors, I never see the GitHub name, even if it is filled out in the profile (Social Media)
Thanks Angelika
Edited by Angelika Wittek