How to apply <meta ...> tags for Markdown content in
Summary web site contains multiple copies of Specification version documents. In general, much of this information doesn't change, version to version. SEO site ratings are lowered against sites with multiple pages that look similar (or are the same). To reduce this we propose to provide meta-data that blocks robots from indexing non-current specifications. This would require the addition of tags such as <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">
. We need a mechanism for providing these page content tags to provide these. This is a request for assistance or direction about how we can apply these page level directives.
Secondarily, are there more general features that the site tools can provide to help us more affirmatively direct robot indexing of the Jakarta EE specification pages.
The pages in question are: -- for example, contains links to four specification versions -- when the bot gets to the specification pages themselves, the differences may not be that great, in relationship to the whole document. We would suggest that the above <meta ...> tags be added to each of the non-latest sub-pages (8.1, 9.0, 9.1). At this time, we don't believe we would need to add the meta data field to any additional files since the robots would be blocked at that point from traversing the page tree any further.
From the example pages I provided, here are the Repository locations of each page: The EE Platform (non-specific) -- Each sub-page is in its own directory
Meta tags are added to each _index from 8, 9, 9.1 directories.
Urgent -
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Blocker -
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The impact of this is purely of a page ranking perspective