Demo preparation: gathering bugs and essential tasks
Bugs and tasks
Modifying a type definition doesn't affect related code parts (no markers) -
Codelens: "Referenced n times": Appears only for the first function definition in the module -
Document comment generation: incorrect indentation -
Hover, Doc comment view: Ugly hover content when it comes from document comment -
File exclusion: extension sends the correct notification, but setExcludedState on the server side doesn't seem to be called, nothing happens -
Create TPD file for IDE_Demo to demonstrate exclusion by tpd -
Automatic code completion doesn't work seamless (in case: smallestEnclosingScope == null), temporarily support completion only if it triggered by shortcut -
What about quick fix for unused definitions? -
Typing bit-, hex- or octetstring value: typing '' causes StringIndexOutOfBoundsException -
After insertion of a completion item's insertText (in case of CompletionItemKind.Snippet), locations don't change correctly -
Project item's source text not always up to date -
Sometimes happens: hover content is correct, but only the current module's info is displayed in the doc comment view -
Titanium metrics view doesn't work -
Create Walkthrough Page for the extension -
Check NPEs in lsp.titanium: cea08960 -
QickFix for missing return statement: Exception: CodeActionForMissingReturn (60) = {} -> -1
Edited by Csilla Farkas