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= Abbreviations
API:: Application Programming Interface
ASN.1:: Abstract Syntax Notation One
ATS:: Abstract Test Suite
BER:: Basic Encoding Rules (of ASN.1)
BXER:: Basic XER
BNF:: Backus–Naur Formalism
CER:: Canonical Encoding Rules (of ASN.1)
CXER:: Canonical XER
DER:: Distinguished Encoding Rules (of ASN.1)
ETS:: Executable Test Suite
ETSI:: European Telecommunications Standards Institute
EXER:: Extended XER
GUI:: Graphical User Interface
HC:: Host Controller
HTML:: Hypertext Markup Language
HTTP:: HyperText Transfer Protocol
IP:: Internet Protocol
LSB:: Least Significant Byte
MC:: Main Controller
MTC:: Main (or Master) Test Component
PDU:: Protocol Data Unit
pl:: Patch Level
PTC:: Parallel Test Component
PT:: Port Type
SO:: Shared Object
SUT:: System Under Test
TC:: Test Component (either MTC or PTC)
TCC:: Test Competence Center
TCP:: Transmission Control Protocol
TLV:: Tag, Length, Value
TTCN:: Tree and Tabular Combined Notation
TTCN–2:: Tree and Tabular Combined Notation
TTCN–3:: Tree and Tabular Combined Notation version 3 (formerly) +
Testing and Test Control Notation (new resolution)
URL:: Universal Resource Locator
XER:: XML Encoding Rules for ASN.1
XML:: Extensible Markup Language
Author: Jenő Balaskó
Version: 6/198 17-CRL 113 200/6, Rev. PE1
Date: 2018-06-18
= API Technical Reference for TITAN TTCN-3 Test Executor
:author: Jenő Balaskó
:revnumber: 6/198 17-CRL 113 200/6, Rev. PE1
:revdate: 2018-06-18
:title-logo-image: images/titan_logo.png
== Abstract
This document describes detailed information on the TITAN Application Programming Interface (API) on C++ level, advanced TTCN–3 programming, and background information on the TITAN TTCN–3 Test Executor project.
== Copyright
Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Ericsson Telecom AB +
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0 that accompanies this distribution, and is available at
== Disclaimer
The contents of this document are subject to revision without notice due to continued progress in methodology, design and manufacturing. Ericsson shall have no liability for any error or damage of any kind resulting from the use of this document.
== Contents
* link:1-introduction.adoc[Introduction]
* link:2-test_ports.adoc[Test Ports]
* link:3-logger_plug-ins.adoc[Logger Plug-ins]
* link:4-encoding_and_decoding.adoc[Encoding and Decoding]
* link:5-mapping_ttcn3_data_types_to_c+\+_constructs.adoc[Mapping TTCN–3 Data Types to C++ Constructs]
* link:6-tips_&_troubleshooting.adoc[Tips & Troubleshooting]
* link:7-references.adoc[References]
* link:8-abbreviations.adoc[Abbreviations]
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Author: Jenő Balaskó
Version: 1/1531-CRL 113 200/6, Rev. PE1
Date: 2018-06-18
= Installation Guide for the TITAN TTCN-3 Test Executor
:author: Jenő Balaskó
:revnumber: 1/1531-CRL 113 200/6, Rev. PE1
:revdate: 2018-06-18
:title-logo-image: images/titan_logo.png
This document describes the detailed information of installing TITAN TTCN-3 Test Executor and all of its components.
Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Ericsson Telecom AB. +
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0 that accompanies this distribution, and is available at +
The contents of this document are subject to revision without notice due to continued progress in methodology, design and manufacturing. Ericsson shall have no liability for any error or damage of any kind resulting from the use of this document.
= Introduction
== Overview
This document describes obtaining the TITAN TTCN-3 Test Executor software, installing the Test Executor and all of its components, setting the user environment, and licensing mechanism.
== Target Groups
This document is for all audience who intend to create and execute simulations.
== Typographical Conventions
This document uses the following typographical conventions:
* *Bold* is used to represent graphical user interface (GUI) components such as buttons, menus, menu items, dialog box options, fields and keywords, as well as menu commands. Bold is also used with ’+’ to represent key combinations. For example, *Ctrl+Click*
* The "*/*" character is used to denote a menu and sub-menu sequence. For example, *File / Open*.
* `Monospaced` font is used represent system elements such as command and parameter names, program names, path names, URLs, directory names and code examples.
* *`Bold monospaced font`* is used for commands that must be entered at the Command Line Interface (CLI), For example, *`ttcn3_start`*
== Prerequisites
The supported platforms are Solaris, Linux and Cygwin (on Windows platforms).
The following are required for proper operation of the TITAN:
* Openssl-devel 0.9.8k or higher
* Libxml2-devel 2.7.1 or higher
* JDK 1.5.0_10 or later (only required if the JNI-based executor in the Executor plug-in is used. JNI cannot be used on Cygwin.)
NOTE: If the platform has other, but compatible, version of above tools, TITAN will be built with those.
On Linux, the platform-supplied versions of OpenSSL-devel and libxml2-devel are used. OpenSSL is usually installed by default. The libxml2 package and the development packages may need to be installed manually.
The development packages should be called openssldev (or devel) or libopenssldev (or devel) and libxml2dev (or devel) respectively.
To deploy the prerequisites is special on Cygwin therefore it is discussed below.
== Installing Prerequisites on Cygwin (on Windows)
To deploy the prerequisites is special on Cygwin therefore it is discussed below.
Titan is always built on the newest Cygwin version available.
* If Cygwin has been installed already, refresh your Cygwin installation. Start the Cygwin setup utility (see below). It will refresh your installed Cygwin packages to the newest versions.
* If Cygwin hasn’t been installed yet:
. Download and execute the latest Cygwin installer utility depending on your platform and the Titan package to be downloaded:32-bit version: version:
. Select Install from Internet (recommended to save local disk place)
. Choose Cygwin installation root directory (C: is recommended).
. Select All users or Just Me.
. Select "Local Package Directory" (typically the same directory, where the setup…exe Cygwin installer utility is stored).
. Use Internet Explorer Proxy Settings (recommended).
. Select a download mirror site.
. In the package selection dialog you can select different views to find the required packages easier and you can search the packages via the search field. The Cygwin installer will automatically select the packages which the manually selected ones are depending on. Do not deselect any automatically selected package! There are three hierarchical levels of minimally required packages, depending on Your task:
.. test execution only (from command line or from Eclipse Titan Executor): +
Base: <All packages> (Default setting of the installer) +
Net: openssl +
Tcl: expect
.. Test case development: in addition to the above select the following packages: +
Devel: binutils +
Devel: gcc-g++ +
Devel: make +
Libs: libxml2-devel +
Net: openssl-devel (automatically installs Net:openssl as well, if selected
.. To compile your own Titan Cygwin binary: in addition to the above, select the following packages: +
Devel: bison +
Devel: ctags (optional) +
Devel: diffstat +
Devel: flex +
Devel: gcc-core +
Devel: perl +
Devel: git +
Editors: <any editor of your preference> e.g vi, nedit, xemacs, gedit, nano and so on +
Libs: libncurses-devel +
Libs: libreadline-devel +
Libs: libexpat1 +
Libs: libiconv, libiconv-devel, libiconv2
.. To contribute to Titan, test port or protocol module development: Devel: git-review If, after selecting the required packages and clicking on the "Next" button, a "Resolving Dependencies" window lists further required packages, ensure that the "Select required packages (RECOMMENDED)" checkbox is checked and click on the "Next" button.
. Select the ``Create'' icon on the Desktop checkbox
. Optional +
Your "unix" home directory, by default is: <your cygwin installation directory>/home/<yourUserId>. If you are (also) working in command line mode, it is a good practice to change this to the folder where your TTCN-3 projects are located. Edit the file <your cygwin installation directory>/etc/passw: In the line: ourUserId>:unused:<xxxxxx>:<yyyyy>:U-<yourDomain>&lt;yourUserId>, S-1-5-21-nnnnnn…nnnnnn:/home/<yourUserId>:/bin/bash replace ``/home/<yourUserId>'' with the folder of your preference.
NOTE: you can access all Windows drives from Cygwin as /cygdrive/<windowsDriveLetter>. Example: to set your "unix" home directory to the "My_Home" folder within your Windows Documents folder, you should replace "/home/<yourUserId>" by /cygdrive/c/Users/<yourUserId>/Documents/My_Home''WARNING: The path of your "unix" home directory shall not contain any space! It is not a requirement, but is a kind of best practice to place Titan into a subfolder within your "unix" home directory.
. When installation is finished, add the +
$CYGWIN_INSTALL_DIRECTORY\usr\bin directories to the PATH +
environment variable of Windows, so Eclipse will access the shell commands. +
For example, if the cygwin root is ``C:64'' then ``Path'' should contain ``C:64;C:64''.
. To check if your installation is correct, open either a Cygwin shell (use the desktop icon created during Cygwin installation or start bash.exe from the Windows Start menu) or start cmd.exe from the Windows Start menu and type:bash.exe
= Installing from a pre-built binary package
This chapter describes obtaining the software and installing it.
== Downloading the Software
The Titan package can be installed from the provided download sites.
Download the Titan package for your platform, OS and GCC version from the provided download sites:
* For Ericsson users only: The usage of this version is conditioned by the presence of a license file and supported by the Titan support team.
* For users outside Ericsson: This version is licensed under the Eclipse Public License.
A binary distribution, suitable for the used operating system (Solaris, Linux, FreeBSD), and for a C++ compiler, in a tar-gzip archive will be received. For Windowsfootnote:[For using TITAN on Windows platforms, installing the Cygwin programming environment is required see chapter 1.5 Installing Prerequisites on Cygwin (on Windows)] users there is no pre-built version, but compiling the open-source version is possible.
WARNING: the version of C++ compiler used is important. If the version difference between the system’s compiler and the compiler that the basic TTCN–3 library was built with is large enough, the linking of executable test suites will fail with strange error messages. The reason is the different mapping of C++ class and (polymorphic) member function names into linker symbols.For example, this problem persists between versions 2.8.x and 2.95.x of GCC. Different C++ compilers (e.g. Sun Workshop and GCC) are, of course, totally incompatible. The solution for this problem is to use nearly the same version of the C++ compiler as the binary package was built with.
Binaries for other operating systems or C++ compilers are available only on request.
== Installing the Package
No administrator (root) privileges are required for installation, but the install directory must be readable for all users of the test executor. Perform the following steps to install TITAN:
. Create an empty directory, for example, `/usr/local/TTCN3` or `/home/<UserId>/TTCN3`. This directory will be referred as `$TTCN3_DIR` in the further sections of this document.
. Copy the `.tgz` file into this directory.
. Unpack all files from the archive using any of the following commands (assuming GNU tar): +
`tar xvzf ttcn3-<version>-<platform>-<compiler>.tgz` +
or +
`gzip -dc ttcn3-<version>-<platform>-<compiler>.tgz | tar -xvf-`
The following sub-directories are created:
* `bin` contains the executable programs: The Compiler, the Makefile Generator, the Main Controller for parallel test execution and two log formatter utilities.
* `etc` contains a demo license key, which enables to use the parser parts of the Compiler by any user on any host, that is, without C++ code generation. The installation can be tested with this demo key until the personalized license key is received.
* `include` contains the C+/+ header files needed to compile the generated C++ code.
* `lib` contains the pre-compiled Base Library for use with the generated C++ code both for single and parallel mode in static and dynamic linkingfootnote:[Note that not all platforms support dynamic linking.] formats.
* `man` contains UNIX manual pages (for the Compiler and the Makefile Generator).
* `demo` contains a simple TTCN–3 test suite ("Hello, world!") together with a sample test port and a compiled executable.
* `doc` contains this documentation in PostScript and PDF formats.
To complete the TITAN TTCN–3 Test Executor installation, some environmental variables should be set and the login script should be modified.
NOTE: The C++ source code generated by this version (patch level) of Compiler is not compatible with older versions of TTCN–3 Base Library and vice versa.footnote:[Sometimes even the linking fails; but a successful linking does not mean that everything is correct at all.]If upgrading TITAN from an older version, all modules of existing test suites must be re-translated with the new compiler in order to make them running with the new libraries.
It is recommended to make a backup copy of the older version of the distribution. There are some minor incompatibilities in the compiler’s grammar that may cause many syntax errors in TTCN–3 modules that were translated correctly with earlier versions.
== Install TITAN with Clang
Currently it is experimental to use TITAN with clang on Ubuntu operating system. It was tested only on Ubuntu. In order to use TITAN with clang on Ubuntu some steps must be done:
. Install *clang-3.8* (3.8 is the required version).
. Go into your TITAN installation directory and open (or create) the Makefile.personal file and add the following lines: +
*CXX := clang++-3.8* +
*CC := clang-3.8*
. If TITAN is already compiled run *make distclean* command
. To compile TITAN with clang run *make* and *make install* commands.
There are some important notes about using clang with TITAN:
* The C++ source code generated and TITAN must be compiled with the same version of clang. See section 2.2 note.
* Makefiles of TTCN-3 projects must be modified by hand(replace *CXX = g++* with *CXX = clang++3.8*). Or regenerated using *makefilegen*, to use clang compiler. TITAN’s *makefilegen* can detect if it was compiled with clang and will generate makefiles with clang as default C++ compiler.
* Required clang version is *3.8*.
= Building Titan from source code
== Obtaining the source code to your local machine
The name of the source code repository of Titan is titan.core in the github. Follow steps as follows.
. First time execute these commands: +
`cd ~/git +
git clone` +
This way a folder "titan.core", the "titan repository" will be created with the TITAN source code and build system. +
To update the already existing repository execute these commands: +
`cd ~/git/titan.core +
git pull`
. Follow the instructions in the file "`titan.core/README.<your platform>`"
. Continue with the next paragraph of this document.
= Setting the User Environment
This chapter describes the environment variables that must be set, and the modification of the user login scripts.
== Environment Variables
The following environment variables should be set:
* With system administrator privileges, set the `$TTCN3_DIR` environment variable in the common `/etc/profile` and add the `$TTCN3_DIR/bin` directory to the system paths.
* All tools of TITAN, including the Executable Test Suites, require a shared library of OpenSSL (``) for execution. To avoid incompatibilities, the suitable shared object file is provided in `$TTCN3_DIR/lib`, so add `$TTCN3_DIR/lib` to the `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` environment variable.
WARNING: If this step is not performed, the compiler will not start!
* Add `$TTCN3_DIR/man` to the `$MANPATH` environment variable to reach the manual pages directly.
* If there is no valid license key, refer to[Licensing]. If upgrading from an older version with a license key valid for this version, skip this step.
* To run TITAN, ensure that the `$TTCN3_DIR` environmental variable has been set, for example, assuming a tcsh as login shell: `setenv TTCN3_DIR /usr/local/TTCNv3`
* To use the TTCN–3 keyword help feature in the GUI with a web browser other than the default Netscape, it is necessary to set the `$TTCN3_BROWSER `environmental variable, for example, to specify Opera, type the following at the C-shell: `setenv $TTCN3_BROWSER opera`
After setting the environmental variables, the TITAN TTCN–3 Test Executor installation is complete.
== Modification of the User Login Script
The following examples provide some help in modifying the login scripts.
*Example modifications of login script* assuming bash as login shell:
*Example modifications of login script* assuming tcsh as login shell:
setenv TTCN3_DIR /usr/local/TTCNv3
setenv PATH ${TTCN3_DIR}/bin:${PATH}
setenv MANPATH ${MANPATH}:${TTCN3_DIR}/man
setenv TTCN3_LICENSE_FILE /home/tmpusr/license.dat
== Modifying Makefile Library
Make sure that the Makefile contains the following highlighted part:
SOLARIS8_LIBS = -lxnet -lxml2 -lresolv -lnsl -lsocket
LINUX_LIBS = -lxml2 -lpthread -lrt
= Licensing
This chapter describes how to obtain and install a TITAN license key.
From version 1.1.pl8, TITAN can be used only with a valid license key.
== Obtaining License Key (Only for Ericsson users)
The license keys are *free of charge* and can be ordered via an HTML form on the following URL: Request a Titan licence at:
The personalized license key is a simple ASCII text file, which is sent as an e-mail attachment.
Example of license file:
The license key contains the following information encoded in PEM format of OpenSSL library:
A unique identifier (integer number). If the license needs to be renewed or there are problems with licensing, refer to this `Unique ID`.
* Personal data: user’s name, e-mail address, company’s name and department.
* The time interval of the license key validity.
* The host ID of the computer where the license is valid on (optional).
* The login name that is allowed to use the tool with this key (optional).
* The type of limitation, that is, host ID, login name or both.
* The version interval of the Test Executor that the license key is valid for.
* The list of features that are enabled by this key (in a bitmask).
* DSA digital signaturefootnote:[The public key required to check the DSA signature is compiled into all tools and libraries.], which is calculated on all information fields to protect data integrity and make it impossible to modify license information by the user.
== Installing the License Key
Perform the following steps to install the license key:
* Save the license key somewhere in the user home directory. The recommended name for it is `license.dat`, but it can be named alternatively
* It is advised to change its permissions to read-only in order to avoid accidental modification or erasing.
* Set the `TTCN3_LICENSE_FILE` environment variable to point to the license file with full path name. Add this command to the login script to do this step automatically for each login.
* Check the validity of the license by issuing `$TTCN3_DIR/bin/compiler -v`. The compiler will print its version and the information contained in the license file. Also it checks the validity of the license key. Example printout:
TTCN-3 and ASN.1 Compiler for the TTCN-3 Test Executor
Product number: CRL 113 200/4 R2A
Build date: Sep 19 2014 10:17:18
Compiled with: GCC 4.8.2
Copyright Ericsson Telecom AB 2000-2014
License information:
License file : /home/ethbaat/license_98.dat
Unique ID : 98
Licensee : Attila Balasko
E-mail :
Company : Ericsson Hungary
Department : ETH/XZR
Valid from : Fri Sep 20 00:00:00 2002
Valid until : Tue Aug 25 23:59:59 2015
Limitation : USER
Host ID : 00000000
Login name : ethbaat
Versions : from 1.1.pl0 until 1.99.pl99
Languages : TTCN3 ASN1
Max PTCs : 10000
The license key is valid.
Using OpenSSL 1.0.1e 11 Feb 2013
The last line of the printout indicates the success or the problems with the license key.
If a host-limited key is needed, perform it in the same way but do it as system administrator. Copy it into a common directory, for example `$TTCN3_DIR/etc`, and set `TTCN3_LICENSE_FILE` in the common login script of all users, for example, in `/etc/profile`.
= References
* link:[User Guide for TITAN TTCN-3 Test Executor]
* link:[Programmers Technical Reference for TITAN TTCN-3 Test Executor]
# Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Ericsson Telecom AB
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# Balasko, Jeno
# Ormandi, Matyas
scp *.doc
ssh "make -C /home/titanrt/jenkins/usrguide_pdf && exit"
scp*.pdf .
= About the Document
== Purpose
The purpose of this document is to provide detailed information on writing components, for example, test ports, and so on, for executable test suites.
== Target Groups
This document is intended for programmers of TTCN–3 test suites with information in addition to that provided in the <<_13, TITAN User Guide>>. It is recommended that the programmer reads the TITAN User Guide before reading this document.
== Typographical Conventions
This document uses the following typographical conventions:
*Bold* is used to represent graphical user interface (GUI) components such as buttons, menus, menu items, dialog box options, fields and keywords, as well as menu commands. Bold is also used with ’+’ to represent key combinations. For example, *Ctrl+Click*
The character `**/**' is used to denote a menu and sub-menu sequence. For example, *File / Open*.
`Monospaced` font is used represent system elements such as command and parameter names, program names, path names, URLs, directory names and code examples.
*`Bold monospaced`* font is used for commands that must be entered at the Command Line Interface (CLI).
= Code Coverage of TTCN-3 Modules
Note: the feature described here is deprecated; please use instead the coverage tool described in <<4-ttcn3_language_extensions.adoc#profiling-and-code-coverage, Profiling and code coverage>>.
The TTCN-3 compiler is able to instrument the generated C/C++ code for a set of TTCN-3 modules (= or files) to generate code coverage information during runtime. To enable this feature the `-K file` option needs to be used. For convenience this option is available for `ttcn3_makefilegen` as well. It’s possible to generate code coverage information only for a given set of TTCN-3 modules listed on the command line. In that case the set of files in `file` needs to be a subset of the files listed on the command line. If `file` contains a file which is not listed on the command line an error will be issued.
== Generating Code Coverage
Assuming a project with the following files: `a.ttcn`, `b.ttcn`, `c.ttcn` in parallel mode and some PTCs during runtime were created. The scenario is the following:
. Install LCOV. It’s an external tool necessary to generate HTML output. Available here: or can be installed using the package manager of your OS. This step needs to be performed only once.
. Create an ASCII text file listing all the TTCN-3 modules to generate code coverage data for, one file name in a line. In this case we want to generate code coverage data for `a.ttcn` and `b.ttcn` and we’re not interested in `c.ttcn`. Our `tcov_file_list.txt` will look like: `a.ttcn, b.ttcn`
. Generate a `Makefile` using `tcov_file_list.txt`:
ttcn3_makefilegen -K tcov_file_list.txt -g -e mytest *.ttcn
. Run: make
. Then: `ttcn3_start ./mytest`
(During runtime some .tcd XML files will be generated. Namely a `tcov-<component_id>.tcd` file per PTC and one for MTC.)
. Collect and merge all .tcd files using `tcov2lcov` with default parameters:
(An `` file will be generated in the current working directory. For more detailed information about `tcov2lcov` see <<command-line-syntax-of-tcov2lcov, here>>.)
. Generate HTML using LCOV’s `genhtml` and the generated `` (see <<converting-code-coverage-data-from-xml-to-html, here>> for more information):
genhtml –no-branch-coverage –t "Titan Coverage" –legend –o titan_coverage
. Open `titan_coverage/index.html` in a browser.
== Converting Code Coverage Data from XML to HTML
The `tcov2lcov` tool (binary tool) shipped with Titan and LCOV’s `genhtml` tool (Perl script) are provided to generate human readable HTML from the Titan generated .tcd XML code coverage data files. LCOV’s `genhtml` is not part of the Titan distribution and needs to be installed separately. The basic process is the following:
. Execute `tcov2lcov` to collect and merge all the .tcd files generated during test execution. One .tcd file per component. By default an `` file will be generated in the current working directory, which can be processed directly by LCOV’s `genhtml`. More detailed information about `tcov2lcov` can be found in 10.3.
. Execute `genhtml` with `` as its input parameter. The recommended parameters are the following:` genhtml –no-branch-coverage -t "Titan Coverage" –legend -o titan_coverage`. For more detailed introduction to `genhtml` and LCOV in general please read their user manuals at
== Command Line Syntax of tcov2lcov
tcov2lcov [-h][-b dir][-d dir][-o file][-x xsd]
tcov2lcov -v
The Titan code coverage data to LCOV coverage data converter collects all valid .tcd XML files from a given directory recursively and generates a single ASCII text file suitable to be further processed by LCOV’s `genhtml` tool to produce human readable HTML output. Please note that the output format generated by `tcov2lcov` is also human readable ASCII, but its only purpose is to provide an input for LCOV’s `genhtml` tool. This format is LCOV specific and not documented here.
The following command line options are available (listed in alphabetical order):
* `-b dir` (optional)
Set code base directory for source files. `dir` is usually the absolute path to the directory of the source files. This path is used as a common prefix for `genhtml`. The default value is the absolute path of the current working directory.
* `-d dir` (optional)
`.tcd` files will be collected from `dir` recursively. By default the current working directory will be examined.
* `-h` (optional)
Display help.
* `-o file` (optional)
Set the name of the output file. The default file name is ``.
* `-x xsd` (optional)
Path to an XSD to validate all .tcd XML files found against. By default `$TTCN3_DIR/include/tcov.xsd` is used. This XSD file is part of the Titan distribution. If any of the .tcd files doesn’t conform to the XSD an error will be given.
== Limitations
The Titan compiler implements some optimizations which can affect the accuracy of the generated code coverage information. These optimizations cannot be turned off. The compile time evaluation of constant expressions can lead to untracked lines and statements (white in LCOV’s HTML output) invisible to the code coverage information generator. These lines and statements are not counted as never-executed lines and statements (orange in LCOV’s HTML output), so the statistics are not affected, but the end result can be confusing.
External functions are not yet supported and they’re not shown in the statistics.
The Titan code coverage implementation is based on Titan’s internal location tracking mechanism enabled by the `–L` compiler flag, which must be used together with `-K`. Sometimes it can lead to a little bit confusing or strange code coverage output. E.g. multiple location objects are generated when multiple variable declarations appear on the same line in the TTCN-3 source code. In this case the code coverage output will show that the given line is executed twice. For more complex statements like `for` three location objects are generated etc.
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