[Sirius] Integrate the code from org.eclipse.papyrus-sirius git into the git org.eclipse.papyrus-desktop
The git org.eclipse.papyrus-sirius contains the code for:
- Sirius integration into Papyrus
- EEF Integration into Papyrus
- UML Sirius Diagrams
- UML EEF Property Views
- Papyrus-Sirius Documentation
- Papyrus-Sirius EEF Documentation
- JUnit tests
I propose this migration plan from the git Papyrus-Sirius to the git Papyrus-Desktop:
- features:
- plugins:
- releng-sirius -> nothing to copy, we must adapt the Papyrus releng folder
- specs -> this folder contains the specs extractor used to build the initial requirements. I propose to abandon it.
- tests
- org.eclipse.papyrus.sirius.junit.utils -> moved into the tests/junit/framework folder
- org.eclipse.papyrus.sirius.bundles.tests -> moved into the tests/junit/framework folder
- all other plugins -> moved into a new folder : tests/junit/plugins/uml/sirius
Edited by Vincent Lorenzo