WIP: fix various errors (placeholder to be split in multiple issues)
last a4f manual run logs contains some errors:
We need to go through them, identify each problem, decompose this issue in multiple issues, assign priorities and fix them
Moreover, it seems that the fossy command doesn't use variants, and this is wrong and leads to inconsistent results in the dashboard (more investigation required) -
Bugfix: Fossy does not use variants sometimes (upload creates fossy.json files without variants) -
ALIENSPDX and FOSSY files should have the group id in their filenames -
Adapt pool methods to handle group ids in filenames -
Adapt harvest that it chooses only current group id files that match with the group id inside .env
Related MR !39 (merged)
wrong assumption in algorithm to hash variants: file names for the same content may change
21-10-22 16:34:58 ERROR aliens4friends.commands.command | ModelError: can't merge tags and packages for recipe busybox-1.31.1-r0-e95eb6a2, because some fields mismatch, diff is: {'values_changed': {'root.recipe.source_files[51].relpath': {'new_value': 'oniro.cfg', 'old_value': 'allscenarios.cfg'}}}
issue #59 (closed) Also Debian packages may have variants, but snapmatcher doesn't handle it (solved by !40 (merged))
21-10-22 16:59:25 ERROR aliens4friends.commands.command | AlienSnapMatcherError: checksum mismatch in debian package libcroco 0.6.13-1: debian control files are ['cd54520c6c3c42e53685dc706e28721742aa3fff libcroco_0.6.13.orig.tar.xz', '2e9123ced7b7077fb7d67e0ec762d19a980ab57b libcroco_0.6.13-1.debian.tar.xz'] while snap match srcfiles are ['2e9123ced7b7077fb7d67e0ec762d19a980ab57b libcroco_0.6.13-1.debian.tar.xz', 'cd54520c6c3c42e53685dc706e28721742aa3fff libcroco_0.6.13.orig.tar.xz', 'b94d7b1023e38ba2de8db46bd25a485c9ca52623 libcroco_0.6.13-1.debian.tar.xz']
Missing support for lzip archives (fixed via b533906d)
21-10-22 21:00:19 ERROR aliens4friends.commands.command | CommandError: [ed-1.15-r0] Archive type unknown for files/ed-1.15.tar.lz.
Conversion error by java spdx-tools
21-10-23 07:57:07 INFO aliens4friends.commons.fossyupload | [libcheck@0.14.0-r0-5153fb0b] Uploading alien SPDX
21-10-23 07:57:10 ERROR aliens4friends.commands.command | SPDXUtilsException: Error in converting spdxtv file into RDF with java spdx-tools. Command output is: WARNING: sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass is not supported. This will impact performance.
Edited by Alberto Pianon