CIF tools that write CIF models should check annotation constraints
All tools that produce CIF models with annotations should check the constraints on annotations again, to ensure they produce valid output models. This applies regardless of whether the annotations themselves were manipulated, moved or copied, or remained unchanged, as annotation processors can check for anything they want.
This is part of the larger plan, in #593 (closed).
Tools to change:
Update CIF merger. (!909 (merged)) -
Add to CIF data-based synthesis tool. (!909 (merged)) -
Add to CIF to CIF transformer. (!909 (merged)) -
Add to CIF event disabler. (!909 (merged)) -
Add to CIF controller properties checker, once !907 (merged) is merged. (!910 (merged))
The following tools do not require changes:
- Tools that do not produce a CIF output file:
- CIF PLC code generator (stable)
- CIF PLC code generator (experimental)
- CIF to mCRL2 transformer
- CIF to Supremica transformer
- CIF to UPPAAL transformer
- CIF to yEd transformer
- CIF simulator
- CIF code generator
- CIF event-based tools (all checks and the analysis tool)
- Tools with CIF output file that do not require annotation post checking, since they create entirely new specifications with only known built-in annotations, for which we know there are no issues:
- CIF explorer
- CIF event-based tools (abstraction, DFA minimization, NFA to DFA, projection, synchronous product, synthesis, trim)
Edited by Dennis Hendriks