Very long lines are not rendered in console window and text editor.
When lines reach a certain length, they become 'invisible' in the console window and text editor. The information is there, it can be selected and copied, but it cannot be seen.
We run into problems for state output during simulation.
When running the CIF simulator in normal
model, using any input mode, the console window should display something like this:
Initial state: time=0.0, <Variable = initial state>
and after each transition:
Transition: event <Event name>
State: time=<curTime>, <Variable = current state>
When the model tests\simulator\misc\many_invariants.cif
is simulated, the state line becomes invisible. When tests\simulator\misc\many_invariants.cif.out
is opened in the text editor, the line is also invisible. At which length the line becomes invisible may differ between users.
Notice that this error was not present in the old CIF version.