Creation of PlcTask from PLCOpen XML fails in TwinCAT
When importing a PLCOpen XML file in TwinCAT that is generated with the PLC code generator, TwinCAT fails.
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Creation of object 'PlcTask' failed.
Reason: The string 't#10ms' is not a valid TimeSpan value. 0
All other files (GVL's, POU's, and DUT's) are imported correctly.
I also tried importing the XML file in CODESYS, but I could not get that to work for the PlcTask object.
We can obtain inspiration from what ESCET generates:
<task interval="t#10ms" name="PlcTask" priority="20">
<pouInstance name="MAIN" typeName="MAIN"/>
versus TwinCAT:
<task name="PlcTask" interval="PT0S" priority="20">
<pouInstance name="MAIN" typeName="">
<xhtml xmlns="" />
<data name="" handleUnknown="implementation">
<TaskSettings KindOfTask="Cyclic" Interval="10000" IntervalUnit="us">
<Watchdog Enabled="false" TimeUnit="ms" />
<data name="" handleUnknown="discard">
Official specification can be found here:
Edited by Dennis Hendriks