Issue with the tutorial "add custom operator" when using compute_output_dims
In the tutorial to add a custom operator in the CPP generic export, the user will have a problem when he/she has to set the compute_output_dims function for the Swish
class SwishImpl(aidge_core.OperatorImpl): # Inherit OperatorImpl to interface with Aidge !
def __init__(self, op: aidge_core.Operator):
aidge_core.OperatorImpl.__init__(self, op, 'cpu')
# no need to define forward() function in python as we do not intend to run a scheduler on the model
for node in model.get_nodes():
if node.type() == "Swish":
node.get_operator().set_compute_output_dims(lambda x: x) # to propagate dimensions in the model
node.get_operator().set_impl(SwishImpl(node.get_operator())) # Setting implementation
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[10], line 8
6 for node in model.get_nodes():
7 if node.type() == "Swish":
----> 8 node.get_operator().set_compute_output_dims(lambda x: x) # to propagate dimensions in the model
9 node.get_operator().set_impl(SwishImpl(node.get_operator())) # Setting implementation
IndexError: map::at
It seems there is an issue with the C++ code of the GenericOperator