Document Operators
The issue is to add documentation for Operators classes and python binding:
Abs -
Add -
And -
ArgMax -
Atan -
AvgPooling -
BatchNorm -
BitShift -
Cast -
Clip -
Concat -
ConstantOfShape -
Conv -
ConvDepthWise -
DepthToSpace -
Div -
Erf -
FC -
Flatten -
Fold -
Gather -
GenericOperator -
GlobalAveragePooling -
GridSample -
Heaviside -
Identity -
ILayerNorm -
LeakyReLU -
Ln -
MatMul -
MaxPooling -
Memorize -
MetaOperator -
Move -
Mul -
Operator -
OperatorTensor -
Pad -
Pop -
Pow -
Producer -
ReduceMean -
ReduceSum -
ReLU -
Reshape -
Resize -
Round -
Scaling -
Shape -
ShiftGELU -
ShiftMax -
Sigmoid -
Slice -
Softmax -
Split -
Sqrt -
Squeeze -
Stack -
Sub -
Tanh -
Transpose -
Unfold -
Unsqueeze -
Edited by Houssem ROUIS