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  • eclipse/aidge/aidge_core
  • hrouis/aidge_core
  • mszczep/aidge_core
  • oantoni/aidge_core
  • cguillon/aidge_core
  • jeromeh/aidge_core
  • axelfarr/aidge_core
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  • noamzerah/aidge_core
  • lrakotoarivony/aidge_core
  • silvanosky/aidge_core
  • maab05/aidge_core
  • mick94/aidge_core
  • lucaslopez/aidge_core_ll
  • wboussella/aidge_core
  • farnez/aidge_core
  • mnewson/aidge_core
17 results
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with 1860 additions and 203 deletions
Provide tree_update_from_cache(path) method which
minimize changes in a generated tree when files are
re-generated but identical.
It takes as argument a generated tree, and optionally a cache path.
Then it will update both the generated tree and the cache tree
to take the cache version of the files when identical, or the newly
generated one otherwise.
This is in particular useful for speeding up iterative compilation
when generating a source/build system tree.
For instance:
- first time, one generates a tree of files:
- generated: path/{t1,t2,t3}
- then call tree_update_from_cache("path")
- will generate: __cache_path/{t1,t2,t3}
- and untouch: path/{t1,t2,t3}
- second time, re-generate a tree of file:
- say generated files are identical: path/{t1,t2,t3}
- then call tree_update_from_cache("path")
- will untouch in cache: __cache_path/{t1,t2,t3}
- and reset to previous timestamps files: path/{t1,t2,t3}
- third time, re-generate again with some changes:
- say t1 is identical, t2 content has changed and no t3: path/{t1,t2'}
- then call tree_update_from_cache("path")
- will update t2' and remove t3 in cache: __cache_path/{t1,t2'}
- and reset to previous timestamp t1: path/{t1,t2'}
Note that by default the `dir`/__cache_`name` cache path is used
for a given path `dir`/`name`.
Though it is also possible to have the cache path inside the generated tree,
in this case use for instance:
tree_update_from_cache(path, Path(path) / "__cache_src")
For more evolved scenarii, specialize the provided FileTreeCache class.
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
import sys
import filecmp
from typing import Optional, Union, List
from .tree_utils import tree_move, tree_remove
__all__ = [
def is_relative_to(path: Path, other: Path) -> bool:
Dynamically choose implementation based on Python version
# Python 3.9+
if sys.version_info >= (3, 9):
return path.is_relative_to(other)
# Python 3.8 and earlier
return True
except ValueError:
return False
class FileTreeCache():
Class for implementation of the file tree cache.
Can be derived to changes for instance default cache name/tmp name prefixes
or to specialize for other contexts.
default_cache_prefix = "__cache_"
default_tmp_cache_prefix = "__tmp_cache_"
default_tmp_prefix = "__tmp_"
def __init__(self,
src_path: Union[str, Path],
cache_path: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None
) -> None:
self.src_path = Path(src_path).absolute()
self.cache_path = (
if cache_path is not None else
(self.src_path.parent /
ctx_msg = f"tree_cache: {src_path = }, {cache_path = }"
assert self.src_path != self.cache_path, f"src_path and cache_path must differ on {ctx_msg}"
assert not is_relative_to(self.src_path, self.cache_path), f"src_path must not be relative to cache_path on {ctx_msg}"
self._tmp_path = (
self.src_path.parent /
self._tmp_cache_path = (
self.src_path.parent /
def _copytree_or_cache(cls, src_dir: Path, dst_dir: Path, cache_dir: Path, dst_cache_dir: Path) -> None:
assert not dst_dir.exists()
assert not dst_cache_dir.exists()
assert src_dir.is_dir()
assert not cache_dir.exists() or cache_dir.is_dir()
assert not is_relative_to(cache_dir, src_dir)
def copy_or_cache(src, dst):
base_src = Path(src).relative_to(src_dir)
cache_src = cache_dir / base_src
base_dst = Path(dst).relative_to(dst_dir)
cache_dst = dst_cache_dir / base_dst
cache_dst.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
if cache_src.exists() and filecmp.cmp(str(src), str(cache_src), shallow=False):
shutil.copy2(str(cache_src), str(cache_dst))
shutil.copy2(str(cache_src), dst)
shutil.copy2(src, str(cache_dst))
shutil.copy2(src, dst)
shutil.copytree(str(src_dir), str(dst_dir), copy_function=copy_or_cache)
def update_from_cache(self) -> None:
assert self.src_path.exists(), f"src path must exist before swapping with cache"
# Move cache path apart first as it may be relative to source path
tree_move(self.cache_path, self._tmp_cache_path, ignore_missing=True, exist_ok=True)
# Move source path apart before recreating merged source tree
tree_move(self.src_path, self._tmp_path, exist_ok=True)
# Manage the source/cache merge to the dst/dst_cahe with a variant of
# copytree.
# Remove tmp source path
# Note that the tmp cache path may not exist
tree_remove(self._tmp_cache_path, ignore_missing=True)
def tree_update_from_cache(
src_path: Union[str, Path],
cache_path: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None) -> None:
Update from cache the current generation of a tree from the
older generations, preserving file stamps when files contents are identical.
:param src_path: str or Path object to the generated tree
:param cache_path: optional str or Path object to the cache path,
or defaults to: `cache_path = src_path.parent / f"__cache_{}"`
FileTreeCache(src_path, cache_path).update_from_cache()
Provide utility function for file trees manipulations.
import shutil
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union
__all__ = [
def is_relative_to(path: Path, other: Path) -> bool:
Dynamically choose implementation based on Python version
# Python 3.9+
if sys.version_info >= (3, 9):
return path.is_relative_to(other)
# Python 3.8 and earlier
return True
except ValueError:
return False
def tree_remove(
path: Union[str, Path],
ignore_missing: bool = False,
) -> None:
Remove the full tree at path.
Optionally ignore if the path does not exist when ignore_missing is True.
:param path: str or Path object to the directory path
:param ignore_missing: if True will return early is path does not exists
path = Path(path)
ctx_msg = f"tree_remove: : {path = }"
assert ignore_missing or path.exists(), f"path must exists when ignore_missing is False on {ctx_msg}"
if ignore_missing and not path.exists():
def tree_move(
src_path: Union[str, Path],
dst_path: Union[str, Path],
ignore_missing: bool = False,
exist_ok: bool = False,
) -> None:
Move the whole src_path file tree to dst_path.
Optionally does nothing if the src path does not exists and ignore_missing is True.
Optionally the full dst_path will be removed first when exists_ok is True.
:param src_path: str or Path object to the source directory path
:param dst_path: str or Path object to the new path name for the source directory
:param ignore_missing: if True will return early is src_path does not exists
:param exist_ok: if True will first erase the new path name if it exists
src_path = Path(src_path)
dst_path = Path(dst_path)
ctx_msg = f"tree_move: : {src_path = }, {dst_path = }"
assert ignore_missing or src_path.exists(), f"src_path must exists when ignore_missing is False on {ctx_msg}"
assert exist_ok or not dst_path.exists(), f"dst_path must not exists when exist_ok is False on {ctx_msg}"
assert src_path != dst_path, f"paths must not be identical on {ctx_msg}"
assert not is_relative_to(dst_path, src_path), f"dst_path must not be relative to src_path on {ctx_msg}"
assert not is_relative_to(src_path, dst_path), f"src_path must not be relative to dst_path on {ctx_msg}"
if ignore_missing and not src_path.exists():
if exist_ok and dst_path.exists():
shutil.move(src_path, dst_path)
Example main.cpp used to test aidge export.
This file is copied in the test export.
#include <iostream>
/* Register default cpu Tensor implementation */
#include <aidge/backend/cpu/data/TensorImpl.hpp>
/* Include model generator */
#include "include/dnn.hpp"
int main()
std::cout << "BEGIN" << std::endl;
std::shared_ptr<Aidge::GraphView> graph = generateModel();
std::cout << "END" << std::endl;
return 0;
This diff is collapsed.
Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
import unittest
import aidge_core
from functools import reduce
import numpy as np
class testImpl(aidge_core.OperatorImpl):
def __init__(self, op: aidge_core.Operator):
aidge_core.OperatorImpl.__init__(self, op, 'cpu') # Required to avoid type error !
def forward(self):
class test_OperatorImpl(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test Op
def setUp(self):
def tearDown(self):
def test_setImplementation(self):
"""Test setting an implementation manually
matmul = aidge_core.GenericOperator("MatMul", 1, 0, 1, name="MatMul0")
generic_matmul_op = matmul.get_operator()
generic_matmul_op.set_forward_dims(lambda x: x)
generic_matmul_op.set_input(0, aidge_core.Tensor(np.arange(18).reshape(1,2,3,3)))
self.assertEqual(GLOBAL_CPT, 1)
def test_Registrar_setOp(self):
"""Test registering an implementation
aidge_core.register_Conv2DOp("cpu", testImpl)
self.assertTrue("cpu" in aidge_core.get_keys_Conv2DOp())
conv = aidge_core.Conv2D(2,2,[1,1], name="Conv0")
conv.get_operator().set_input(0, aidge_core.Tensor(np.arange(18).reshape(1,2,3,3)))
self.assertEqual(GLOBAL_CPT, 1)
def test_Registrar_setGraphView(self):
"""Test registering an implementation
aidge_core.register_Conv2DOp("cpu", testImpl)
aidge_core.register_ProducerOp("cpu", testImpl)
self.assertTrue("cpu" in aidge_core.get_keys_Conv2DOp())
conv = aidge_core.Conv2D(2,2,[1,1], name="Conv0")
model = aidge_core.sequential([conv])
conv.get_operator().set_input(0, aidge_core.Tensor(np.arange(18).reshape(1,2,3,3)))
self.assertEqual(GLOBAL_CPT, 1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
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This diff is collapsed.
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