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Improved scheduling

Merged Olivier BICHLER requested to merge scheduling into dev
@@ -47,22 +47,23 @@ void ReduceMeanImpl_cpu_forward_kernel(const typename ReduceMean_Op::Attrs& attr
for (std::size_t post = 0; post < stride_post; ++post) {
const std::size_t idx_i = pre * dim_i * stride_post + post;
const std::size_t idx_o = pre * stride_post + post;
output[idx_o] = input[idx_i];
for (std::size_t i = 1; i < dim_i; ++i) {
output[idx_o] += input[idx_i + i*stride_post];
O mean = 0;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < dim_i; ++i) {
// Single pass numerically stable mean, using the fmaf
mean = fmaf(input[idx_i + i*stride_post] - mean, 1.0f/(i+1), mean);
output[idx_o] /= dim_i;
output[idx_o] = mean;
} else {
std::size_t outputElements = totalElements;
std::size_t *stride_post = new std::size_t[nb_dims];
auto stride_post = std::unique_ptr<std::size_t[]>(new std::size_t[nb_dims]);
stride_post[nb_dims - 1] = 1;
for (std::size_t i = nb_dims-2; i != static_cast<std::size_t>(-1); --i) {
stride_post[i] = stride_post[i+1]*inputDims[i+1];
std::size_t *stride_pre = new std::size_t[nb_dims];
auto stride_pre = std::unique_ptr<std::size_t[]>(new std::size_t[nb_dims]);
stride_pre[0] = 1;
for (std::size_t i = 1; i < nb_dims; ++i) {
stride_pre[i] = stride_pre[i-1]*inputDims[i-1];
@@ -80,13 +81,15 @@ void ReduceMeanImpl_cpu_forward_kernel(const typename ReduceMean_Op::Attrs& attr
for (std::size_t post = 0; post < stride_post[a]; ++post) {
const std::size_t idx_i = pre * dim_i * stride_post[a] + post;
const std::size_t idx_o = pre * stride_post[a] + post;
outputAccumulation[idx_o] = inputAccumulation[idx_i];
for (std::size_t i = 1; i < dim_i; ++i) {
outputAccumulation[idx_o] += inputAccumulation[idx_i + i*stride_post[a]];
I mean = 0;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < dim_i; ++i) {
// Single pass numerically stable mean, using the fmaf
mean = fmaf(inputAccumulation[idx_i + i*stride_post[a]] - mean, 1.0f/(i+1), mean);
outputAccumulation[idx_o] = mean;
std::for_each(stride_pre+a+1, stride_pre+nb_dims, [dim_i] (std::size_t& val) { val /= dim_i; });
std::for_each(stride_pre.get()+a+1, stride_pre.get()+nb_dims, [dim_i] (std::size_t& val) { val /= dim_i; });
if (inputAccumulation != input) {
delete[] inputAccumulation;
@@ -94,14 +97,10 @@ void ReduceMeanImpl_cpu_forward_kernel(const typename ReduceMean_Op::Attrs& attr
// Copy elements from inputAccumulation to output while dividing by divisor
I divisor = totalElements / outputElements;
std::transform(inputAccumulation, inputAccumulation + outputElements, output,
[divisor](I element) { return element / divisor; });
std::copy(inputAccumulation, inputAccumulation + outputElements, output);
if (outputAccumulation) {
delete[] outputAccumulation;
delete[] stride_post;
delete[] stride_pre;