## Description
Using LXD Containers to simple & quick create virtualhosts for Oniro testing.
LXD solution is lightweight and does not burden your system like classic virtual machine.
Unlike to Docker it can be usable as full working virtual system in container.
## Intruction
1. Installation and setup of LXD
``` bash
sudo snap install lxd
lxd init # setup size of storage, 120GB is recomended for building tests
# Size in GB of the new loop device (1GB minimum) [default=30GB]: 120
# Keep default values for others settings
2. Edit LXC Profile to implement settings
``` bash
lxc profile copy default onirotest-profile
lxc profile edit onirotest-profile
3. Insert settings below to lxc profile
``` bash
user.user-data: |
npackage_upgrade: true
- htop
- gawk
- wget
- git
- diffstat
- unzip
- texinfo
- gcc-multilib
- build-essential.
- chrpath.
- socat.
- cpio.
- python3.
- python3-pip
- python3-pexpect
- xz-utils.
- debianutils.
- iputils-ping.
- python3-git.
- python3-jinja2.
- libegl1-mesa.
- libsdl1.2-dev
- pylint3
- xterm..
- file.
- zstd
- default
- onirotest
name: onirotest
plain_text_passwd: 'onirotest'
home: /home/onirotest
shell: /bin/bash
lock_passwd: True
gecos: Ubuntu
groups: [plugdev, dip, netdev, root, sudo]
Settings description
- initialize cloud-config to implement settings
- preinstalled all required host packages from docs (https://docs.oniroproject.org/en/latest/oniro/oniro-quick-build.html#prerequisites)
- auto update packages
- create user 'onirotest'
- adding groups
4. Profile configuration file should looks something like this:
``` yaml
user.user-data: "#cloud-config\npackage_upgrade: true\npackages:\n - htop\n -
gawk \n - wget \n - git \n - diffstat \n - unzip \n - texinfo \n - gcc-multilib\n
\ - build-essential \n - chrpath \n - socat \n - cpio \n - python3 \n - python3-pip
\n - python3-pexpect\n - xz-utils \n - debianutils \n - iputils-ping \n -
python3-git \n - python3-jinja2 \n - libegl1-mesa \n - libsdl1.2-dev\n - pylint3
\n - xterm \n - file \n - zstd\nusers:\n - default\n - onirotest\nsystem_info:\n
\ default_user:\n name: onirotest\n plain_text_passwd: 'onirotest'\n home:
/home/onirotest\n shell: /bin/bash\n lock_passwd: True\n gecos: Ubuntu\n
\ groups: [plugdev, dip, netdev, root, sudo]\n"
description: Default LXD profile
name: eth0
network: lxdbr0
type: nic
path: /
pool: default
type: disk
name: onirotest-profile
used_by: []
5. Create & run virtual host Ubuntu 20.04 with 'onirotest-profile' settings
``` bash
lxc launch ubuntu:20.04 virtualhost -p onirotest-profile
lxc exec virtualhost -- sudo --login --user onirotest
#use `exit` to exit
Now you can use new virtualhost to testing any things.
You can also simple create new containers using `lxc launch ubuntu:20.04 name_of_your_new_container -p onirotest-profile` or continue work in previous container.
to check runnig containers please use `lxc list`
``` bash
➜ ~ lxc list
| virtualhost | RUNNING | (eth0) | fd42:1228:da87:1497:216:3eff:feab:a0f7 (eth0) | CONTAINER | 0 |
for more please visit: https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd/advanced-guide/ |
\ No newline at end of file |