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  • Zhou (Link)  Fang's avatar
    Portal Landing Page - Left sidebar and Dashboard FAQs (#144) · 9d89be15
    Zhou (Link) Fang authored
    * Added basic router and navigation layout
    * finished navigation logic
    * made the left nav bar a component and improved the styles
    * Added a demo collapse section
    * finished the basic faq collapse list
    * finished the basic faq collapse list
    * finished style for FAQs part
    * removed unused imports
    * minor update to fix a React warning
    * Added fetch for user name and avatar
    * made some improvements based on feedback
    * Added basic components and styles
    * commented out home
    * fixed unused variables issue
    * Server responds 302 redirect when there is no token/q_session #193
    Adds property that stops auto redirect when there is an issue with
    authentication and source is Javascript.
    * Changed some of the navs to sub navs
    * simplified the style of panels
    Co-authored-by: Martin Lowe's avatarMartin Lowe <>
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