diff --git a/documentation/Attestation_Manager_Complete.postman_collection.json b/documentation/Attestation_Manager_Complete.postman_collection.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4e194026f38b16d6d90b25838d0cf95c897b7208
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/Attestation_Manager_Complete.postman_collection.json
@@ -0,0 +1,619 @@
+	"info": {
+		"_postman_id": "fb7eaa5c-4a0e-4fcc-8c75-c71b76716709",
+		"name": "Attestation Manager Complete",
+		"description": "Attestation Manager is the collection of apis which are used used to create schema and credential definition, offer verifiable credentials and issue them, get list of schemas and credential definition by different filters.",
+		"schema": "https://schema.getpostman.com/json/collection/v2.1.0/collection.json",
+		"_exporter_id": "17714957"
+	},
+	"item": [
+		{
+			"name": "Autoissue-PCM-VC",
+			"item": [
+				{
+					"name": "Create-pcm-schema",
+					"event": [
+						{
+							"listen": "test",
+							"script": {
+								"exec": [
+									"const res = pm.response.json()\r",
+									"\r",
+									"if(res.statusCode == 201){\r",
+									"    pm.environment.set(\"pcm-schema-id\", res.data.schemaID);\r",
+									"}"
+								],
+								"type": "text/javascript"
+							}
+						}
+					],
+					"request": {
+						"method": "POST",
+						"header": [],
+						"body": {
+							"mode": "raw",
+							"raw": "{\r\n    \"name\": \"principal_schema_01-07-22\",\r\n    \"version\": \"01.07.22\",\r\n    \"attributes\": [\r\n        \"email\",\r\n        \"issuerDID\",\r\n        \"subjectDID\",\r\n        \"federationName\",\r\n        \"employeeID\",\r\n        \"federationID\",\r\n        \"firstName\",\r\n        \"lastName\",\r\n        \"address\"\r\n    ],\r\n    \"createdBy\": \"acceptsAnyStrings\"\r\n}",
+							"options": {
+								"raw": {
+									"language": "json"
+								}
+							}
+						},
+						"url": {
+							"raw": "{{att_man_baseURL}}/v1/schemas",
+							"host": [
+								"{{att_man_baseURL}}"
+							],
+							"path": [
+								"v1",
+								"schemas"
+							]
+						}
+					},
+					"response": []
+				},
+				{
+					"name": "Create-pcm-cred-def",
+					"event": [
+						{
+							"listen": "test",
+							"script": {
+								"exec": [
+									"const res = pm.response.json()\r",
+									"\r",
+									"if(res.statusCode == 201){\r",
+									"    pm.environment.set(\"pcm-vc-cred-def-id\", res.data.credDefId);\r",
+									"}"
+								],
+								"type": "text/javascript"
+							}
+						}
+					],
+					"request": {
+						"method": "POST",
+						"header": [],
+						"body": {
+							"mode": "raw",
+							"raw": "{\r\n  \"name\": \"principal_member-010722-01\",\r\n  \"isRevokable\": false,\r\n  \"isAutoIssue\": false,\r\n  \"schemaID\": \"{{pcm-schema-id}}\",\r\n  \"createdBy\": \"acceptsAnyString\",\r\n  \"expiryHours\" : \"-1\"\r\n}",
+							"options": {
+								"raw": {
+									"language": "json"
+								}
+							}
+						},
+						"url": {
+							"raw": "{{att_man_baseURL}}/v1/credentialDef",
+							"host": [
+								"{{att_man_baseURL}}"
+							],
+							"path": [
+								"v1",
+								"credentialDef"
+							]
+						}
+					},
+					"response": []
+				},
+				{
+					"name": "Post-credentialType-for-autoissue",
+					"request": {
+						"method": "POST",
+						"header": [
+							{
+								"key": "Content-Type",
+								"value": "application/json"
+							}
+						],
+						"body": {
+							"mode": "raw",
+							"raw": "{\n  \"type\": \"principalMemberCredential\",\n  \"schemaId\": \"{{pcm-schema-id}}\"\n}"
+						},
+						"url": {
+							"raw": "{{att_man_baseURL}}/v1/credentialType",
+							"host": [
+								"{{att_man_baseURL}}"
+							],
+							"path": [
+								"v1",
+								"credentialType"
+							]
+						}
+					},
+					"response": []
+				},
+				{
+					"name": "update-credDefId-Type",
+					"request": {
+						"method": "PATCH",
+						"header": [
+							{
+								"key": "Content-Type",
+								"value": "application/json"
+							}
+						],
+						"body": {
+							"mode": "raw",
+							"raw": "{\n    \"schemaId\": \"{{pcm-schema-id}}\"\n}"
+						},
+						"url": {
+							"raw": "{{att_man_baseURL}}/v1/updateSchemaIdByType?type=principalMemberCredential",
+							"host": [
+								"{{att_man_baseURL}}"
+							],
+							"path": [
+								"v1",
+								"updateSchemaIdByType"
+							],
+							"query": [
+								{
+									"key": "type",
+									"value": "principalMemberCredential"
+								}
+							]
+						}
+					},
+					"response": []
+				},
+				{
+					"name": "Offer-pcm-cred-def-MANUALLY-temp",
+					"event": [
+						{
+							"listen": "test",
+							"script": {
+								"exec": [
+									"const res = pm.response.json()\r",
+									"\r",
+									"if(res.statusCode == 201){\r",
+									"    pm.environment.set(\"cred-offer-id\", res.data.id);\r",
+									"}\r",
+									"\r",
+									""
+								],
+								"type": "text/javascript"
+							}
+						},
+						{
+							"listen": "prerequest",
+							"script": {
+								"exec": [
+									"const arr = JSON.parse(pm.environment.get(\"schema_attr\"))\r",
+									"for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {\r",
+									"    pm.globals.set(\"array\"+[i], arr[i]);\r",
+									"}"
+								],
+								"type": "text/javascript"
+							}
+						}
+					],
+					"request": {
+						"method": "POST",
+						"header": [],
+						"body": {
+							"mode": "raw",
+							"raw": "{\r\n    \"connectionId\": \"{{conn-id}}\",\r\n    \"credentialDefinitionId\": \"{{pcm-vc-cred-def-id}}\",\r\n    \"comment\": \"Created\",\r\n    \"attributes\": [\r\n        {\r\n            \"name\": \"email\",\r\n            \"value\": \"alena@vomoto.com\"\r\n        },\r\n        {\r\n            \"name\": \"issuerDID\",\r\n            \"value\": \"H1XnVZzx83suh2x71jnFJt\"\r\n        },\r\n        {\r\n            \"name\": \"subjectDID\",\r\n            \"value\": \"H1XnVZzx83suh2x71jnFJt\"\r\n        }\r\n    ],\r\n    \"autoAcceptCredential\": \"never\"\r\n}",
+							"options": {
+								"raw": {
+									"language": "json"
+								}
+							}
+						},
+						"url": {
+							"raw": "{{att_man_baseURL}}/v1/create-offer-credential/",
+							"host": [
+								"{{att_man_baseURL}}"
+							],
+							"path": [
+								"v1",
+								"create-offer-credential",
+								""
+							]
+						}
+					},
+					"response": []
+				}
+			]
+		},
+		{
+			"name": "Get-all-schemas",
+			"request": {
+				"method": "GET",
+				"header": [],
+				"url": {
+					"raw": "{{att_man_baseURL}}/v1/schemas?pageSize=20&page",
+					"host": [
+						"{{att_man_baseURL}}"
+					],
+					"path": [
+						"v1",
+						"schemas"
+					],
+					"query": [
+						{
+							"key": "pageSize",
+							"value": "20"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "page",
+							"value": null
+						}
+					]
+				},
+				"description": "#### **Description** **:**\n\nThis request fetches all the the schemas created by the requesting participant.\n\n#### **Query Parameters :**\n\n| **Key** | **isRequired** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- | --- |\n| pageSize | no | `pageSize`  <br>Should be provided in query parameter. It filters the list and sets the page size. |\n| page | no | `page`  <br>Should be provided in query parameter. It filters the list and sets the page to land on. |"
+			},
+			"response": []
+		},
+		{
+			"name": "Get-schema-by-id",
+			"request": {
+				"method": "GET",
+				"header": [],
+				"url": {
+					"raw": "{{att_man_baseURL}}/v1/schemas/{{pcm-schema-id}}",
+					"host": [
+						"{{att_man_baseURL}}"
+					],
+					"path": [
+						"v1",
+						"schemas",
+						"{{pcm-schema-id}}"
+					]
+				},
+				"description": "#### **Description** **:**\n\nThis request is used to fetch schema for the provided schema id in URL."
+			},
+			"response": []
+		},
+		{
+			"name": "Create-schemas",
+			"event": [
+				{
+					"listen": "test",
+					"script": {
+						"exec": [
+							"const res = pm.response.json()\r",
+							"\r",
+							"if(res.statusCode == 201){\r",
+							"    pm.environment.set(\"schema-id\", res.data.schemaID);\r",
+							"}"
+						],
+						"type": "text/javascript"
+					}
+				}
+			],
+			"request": {
+				"method": "POST",
+				"header": [],
+				"body": {
+					"mode": "raw",
+					"raw": "{\r\n  \"name\": \"pizza_sandwich_280622-01\",\r\n  \"version\": \"28.06.22\",\r\n  \"attributes\": {{schema_attr}},\r\n  \"createdBy\": \"2344789247389\"\r\n}",
+					"options": {
+						"raw": {
+							"language": "json"
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				"url": {
+					"raw": "{{att_man_baseURL}}/v1/schemas",
+					"host": [
+						"{{att_man_baseURL}}"
+					],
+					"path": [
+						"v1",
+						"schemas"
+					]
+				},
+				"description": "#### **Description** **:**\n\nIt is used to create the schema.\n\n> The schema is a template which defines the schema name, version and the attributes and is used to define the credential definition.\n\n#### **Body Parameters :**\n\n| **Key** | **isRequired** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- | --- |\n| name | required | `\"shema_name\"`  <br>should be provided in \"STRING\" format |\n| version | required | `\"X.X.X\"`  <br>should be provided as \"SemVer\"(\"1.2.3\") in \"STRING\" format. |\n| attributes | required | `[\"attr_1\",\"attr_2\"......\"attr_n\"]`  <br>attributes are the key against which the values will be issued in credential. attributes in the \"STRING\" array. |\n| created_by | required | `\"OCM_DID\"`  <br>created_by accepts the Organization Credential Manager's DID. |"
+			},
+			"response": []
+		},
+		{
+			"name": "Create-cred-def",
+			"event": [
+				{
+					"listen": "test",
+					"script": {
+						"exec": [
+							"const res = pm.response.json()\r",
+							"\r",
+							"if(res.statusCode == 201){\r",
+							"    pm.environment.set(\"cred-def-id\", res.data.credDefId);\r",
+							"}"
+						],
+						"type": "text/javascript"
+					}
+				}
+			],
+			"request": {
+				"method": "POST",
+				"header": [],
+				"body": {
+					"mode": "raw",
+					"raw": "{\r\n  \"name\": \"Enrollment_credDef-010722\",\r\n  \"isRevokable\": false,\r\n  \"isAutoIssue\": false,\r\n  \"schemaID\": \"{{schema-id}}\",\r\n  \"createdBy\": \"acceptsAnyString\",\r\n  \"expiryHours\" : \"24\"\r\n}",
+					"options": {
+						"raw": {
+							"language": "json"
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				"url": {
+					"raw": "{{att_man_baseURL}}/v1/credentialDef",
+					"host": [
+						"{{att_man_baseURL}}"
+					],
+					"path": [
+						"v1",
+						"credentialDef"
+					]
+				},
+				"description": "#### **Description** **:**\n\nIt is used to create the Credential Definition.\n\n> A credential definition is a particular issuer's template based on an existing schema to issue credentials from.\n\n#### **Body Parameters :**\n\n| **Key** | **isRequired** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- | --- |\n| name | required | `\"Cred_Def_name\"`  <br>should be provided in \"STRING\" format |\n| is_revokable | required | `true` or `false`  <br>should be provided boolean. |\n| is_auto_issue | required | `true` or `false`  <br>should be provided boolean. |\n| schemaID | required | `\"schema_name\"`Should be valid existing schema and should be provided as \"STRING\" |\n| created_by | required | `\"OCM_DID\"`  <br>created_by accepts the Organization Credential Manager's DID. |\n| expiry | required | `\"number of hours\"`  <br>expiry provides the time for which the verifiable credential will stay active in the wallet. |"
+			},
+			"response": []
+		},
+		{
+			"name": "Offer-cred-def",
+			"event": [
+				{
+					"listen": "test",
+					"script": {
+						"exec": [
+							"const res = pm.response.json()\r",
+							"\r",
+							"if(res.statusCode == 201){\r",
+							"    pm.environment.set(\"cred-offer-id\", res.data.id);\r",
+							"}\r",
+							"\r",
+							""
+						],
+						"type": "text/javascript"
+					}
+				},
+				{
+					"listen": "prerequest",
+					"script": {
+						"exec": [
+							"const arr = JSON.parse(pm.environment.get(\"schema_attr\"))\r",
+							"for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {\r",
+							"    pm.globals.set(\"array\"+[i], arr[i]);\r",
+							"}"
+						],
+						"type": "text/javascript"
+					}
+				}
+			],
+			"request": {
+				"method": "POST",
+				"header": [],
+				"body": {
+					"mode": "raw",
+					"raw": "{\r\n    \"connectionId\": \"{{conn-id}}\",\r\n    \"credentialDefinitionId\": \"{{cred-def-id}}\",\r\n    \"comment\": \"Created\",\r\n    \"attributes\": [\r\n        {\r\n            \"name\": \"{{array0}}\",\r\n            \"value\": \"test_fname_3\"\r\n        },\r\n        {\r\n            \"name\": \"{{array1}}\",\r\n            \"value\": \"test_lname_3\"\r\n        },\r\n        {\r\n            \"name\": \"{{array2}}\",\r\n            \"value\": \"test_gender_3\"\r\n        }\r\n    ],\r\n    \"autoAcceptCredential\": \"never\"\r\n}",
+					"options": {
+						"raw": {
+							"language": "json"
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				"url": {
+					"raw": "{{att_man_baseURL}}/v1/create-offer-credential/",
+					"host": [
+						"{{att_man_baseURL}}"
+					],
+					"path": [
+						"v1",
+						"create-offer-credential",
+						""
+					]
+				},
+				"description": "#### **Description** **:**\n\nA message sent by the Issuer to the potential Holder, describing the credential they intend to offer.\n\n> In Hyperledger Indy, this message is required, because it forces the Issuer to make a cryptographic commitment to the set of fields in the final credential and thus prevents Issuers from inserting spurious data.\n\n#### **Body Parameters :**\n\n| **Key** | **isRequired** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- | --- |\n| connectionId | required | `\"`connectionId`\"`  <br>should be provided in \"STRING\" format. It the peer to peer connection id for two aeries agent. |\n| credentialDefinitionId | required | `\"cred_def_id\"`  <br>should be provided in \"STRING\" format. It is the derived when the Credential Definition is created. |\n| attributes | required | `[{ \"name\" : \"attr_name\", \"value\" : \"attr_value\" }]`  <br>should be provided JSON array. |"
+			},
+			"response": []
+		},
+		{
+			"name": "Accept-request-issue-cred",
+			"request": {
+				"method": "POST",
+				"header": [],
+				"url": {
+					"raw": "{{att_man_baseURL}}/v1/accept-request?credentialId={{cred-offer-id}}",
+					"host": [
+						"{{att_man_baseURL}}"
+					],
+					"path": [
+						"v1",
+						"accept-request"
+					],
+					"query": [
+						{
+							"key": "credentialId",
+							"value": "{{cred-offer-id}}"
+						}
+					]
+				},
+				"description": "#### **Description** **:**\n\nIt is used to accept the acknowledgement received from another Aries agent for the issuance for Verifiable Credential and send Verifiable Credential.\n\n#### **Query Parameters :**\n\n| **Key** | **isRequired** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- | --- |\n| credentialId | required | `\"credential_offer_id\"`  <br>should be provided in \"STRING\" format. It is derived from offer_credential_definition request. |"
+			},
+			"response": []
+		},
+		{
+			"name": "Get-credentials",
+			"request": {
+				"method": "GET",
+				"header": [],
+				"url": {
+					"raw": "{{att_man_baseURL}}/v1/credential/",
+					"host": [
+						"{{att_man_baseURL}}"
+					],
+					"path": [
+						"v1",
+						"credential",
+						""
+					],
+					"query": [
+						{
+							"key": "state",
+							"value": "",
+							"disabled": true
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "pageSize",
+							"value": "",
+							"disabled": true
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "page",
+							"value": "",
+							"disabled": true
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "isReceived",
+							"value": "true",
+							"disabled": true
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "threadId",
+							"value": "33e5ea8e-ec08-4144-aac3-d173ab0e58b8",
+							"disabled": true
+						}
+					]
+				},
+				"description": "#### **Description** **:**\n\nThis request fetches the created credentials.\n\n> It uses pagination to provide the particular number of records filtered as per the input given.\n\n#### **Query Parameters :**\n\n| **Key** | **isRequired** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- | --- |\n| state | no | `state`  <br>should be provided in query parameter. It filters the connections list according the provided state value. |\n| pageSize | no | `pageSize`  <br>Should be provided in query parameter. It filters the list and sets the page size. |\n| page | no | `page`  <br>Should be provided in query parameter. It filters the list and sets the page to land on. |"
+			},
+			"response": []
+		},
+		{
+			"name": "Get-cred-by-id",
+			"event": [
+				{
+					"listen": "prerequest",
+					"script": {
+						"exec": [
+							""
+						],
+						"type": "text/javascript"
+					}
+				},
+				{
+					"listen": "test",
+					"script": {
+						"exec": [
+							""
+						],
+						"type": "text/javascript"
+					}
+				}
+			],
+			"request": {
+				"method": "GET",
+				"header": [],
+				"url": {
+					"raw": "{{att_man_baseURL}}/v1/credentialDef/{{cred-def-id}}",
+					"host": [
+						"{{att_man_baseURL}}"
+					],
+					"path": [
+						"v1",
+						"credentialDef",
+						"{{cred-def-id}}"
+					]
+				},
+				"description": "#### **Description** **:**\n\nThis request is used to fetch credential definitions for the provided cred_def_id in URL."
+			},
+			"response": []
+		},
+		{
+			"name": "Get-cred-by-schema-id",
+			"request": {
+				"method": "GET",
+				"header": [],
+				"url": {
+					"raw": "{{att_man_baseURL}}/v1/credentialDef?schemaID={{schema-id}}",
+					"host": [
+						"{{att_man_baseURL}}"
+					],
+					"path": [
+						"v1",
+						"credentialDef"
+					],
+					"query": [
+						{
+							"key": "schemaID",
+							"value": "{{schema-id}}"
+						}
+					]
+				},
+				"description": "#### **Description** **:**\n\nThis request fetches the created credentials against provided schema_id.\n\n> It uses pagination to provide the particular number of records filtered as per the input given.\n\n#### **Query Parameters :**\n\n| **Key** | **isRequired** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- | --- |\n| schemaID | no | `\"schema_name\"`Should be valid existing schema and should be provided as \"STRING\" |"
+			},
+			"response": []
+		},
+		{
+			"name": "Get-Dids-For-Schema",
+			"request": {
+				"method": "GET",
+				"header": [],
+				"url": {
+					"raw": "{{att_man_baseURL}}/v1/schemas/get-dids-for-schema/{{pcm-schema-id}}",
+					"host": [
+						"{{att_man_baseURL}}"
+					],
+					"path": [
+						"v1",
+						"schemas",
+						"get-dids-for-schema",
+						"{{pcm-schema-id}}"
+					]
+				}
+			},
+			"response": []
+		},
+		{
+			"name": "map-user-info",
+			"event": [
+				{
+					"listen": "test",
+					"script": {
+						"exec": [
+							"const res = pm.response.json();\r",
+							"\r",
+							"\t\r",
+							"let template = `\r",
+							"<html>\r",
+							"    <body> \r",
+							"        <br>\r",
+							"        <div style=\"text-align:center;\">\r",
+							"            <img src='https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?size=300x300&data=+{{data.invitationUrl}}'></img>\r",
+							"        </div>\r",
+							"    </body>\r",
+							"</html>`;\r",
+							"pm.visualizer.set(template, res);\r",
+							""
+						],
+						"type": "text/javascript"
+					}
+				}
+			],
+			"request": {
+				"method": "POST",
+				"header": [],
+				"body": {
+					"mode": "raw",
+					"raw": "{\r\n    \"userInfoURL\": \"https://retoolapi.dev/MJrw6e/userinfo/10\"\r\n}",
+					"options": {
+						"raw": {
+							"language": "json"
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				"url": {
+					"raw": "{{princi_man_baseURL}}/v1/map-user-info",
+					"host": [
+						"{{princi_man_baseURL}}"
+					],
+					"path": [
+						"v1",
+						"map-user-info"
+					]
+				},
+				"description": "#### **Description** **:**\n\nIt is used to accept the acknowledgement received from another Aries agent for the issuance for Verifiable Credential and send Verifiable Credential.\n\n#### **Query Parameters :**\n\n| **Key** | **isRequired** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- | --- |\n| credentialId | required | `\"credential_offer_id\"`  <br>should be provided in \"STRING\" format. It is derived from offer_credential_definition request. |"
+			},
+			"response": []
+		}
+	]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/documentation/Connection_Manager.postman_collection.json b/documentation/Connection_Manager.postman_collection.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8d4d53a0813dd1a454719ac6c68455e1fd25b0aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/Connection_Manager.postman_collection.json
@@ -0,0 +1,507 @@
+	"info": {
+		"_postman_id": "2409bab2-cd0d-4956-8f46-bb9919b46ae7",
+		"name": "Connection Manager",
+		"description": "StartFragment\n\nThe Connection Manager is a collection of requests which can be used to create the connection invitation URL, to get all connections and their information.",
+		"schema": "https://schema.getpostman.com/json/collection/v2.1.0/collection.json",
+		"_exporter_id": "17714957"
+	},
+	"item": [
+		{
+			"name": "Create-Invitation-URL",
+			"event": [
+				{
+					"listen": "test",
+					"script": {
+						"exec": [
+							"const res = pm.response.json();\r",
+							"\r",
+							"if (res.statusCode == 200) {\r",
+							"\tpm.environment.set(\"conn-id\", res.data.connection.id);\r",
+							"\r",
+							"\tlet template = `\r",
+							"    <html>\r",
+							"        <body> \r",
+							"            <div>Scan the QR code below for connetion with id {{data.connection.id}}</div>\r",
+							"            <br>\r",
+							"            <div style=\"text-align:center;\">\r",
+							"                <img src='https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?size=300x300&data=+{{data.invitationUrl}}'></img>\r",
+							"            </div>\r",
+							"        </body>\r",
+							"    </html>`;\r",
+							"\tpm.visualizer.set(template, res);\r",
+							"}"
+						],
+						"type": "text/javascript"
+					}
+				}
+			],
+			"request": {
+				"method": "POST",
+				"header": [],
+				"body": {
+					"mode": "raw",
+					"raw": "",
+					"options": {
+						"raw": {
+							"language": "json"
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				"url": {
+					"raw": "{{Con_man_baseURL}}/v1/invitation-url?alias=member",
+					"host": [
+						"{{Con_man_baseURL}}"
+					],
+					"path": [
+						"v1",
+						"invitation-url"
+					],
+					"query": [
+						{
+							"key": "alias",
+							"value": "member"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "alias",
+							"value": "subscriber",
+							"disabled": true
+						}
+					]
+				},
+				"description": "#### **Description** **:**\n\nIt is used to create the connection invitation URL to establish the peer to peer connection between two aeries agents or the participant user and the principal user.\n\n#### **Query Parameters :**\n\n| **Key** | **isRequired** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- | --- |\n| alias | required | \"member\" or \"subscriber\" |\n\n> for this request, the request parameter needs to be provided as \"alias\" which is required and only accepts \"member\" or \"subscriber\".\n> \n> **\"member\" as alias** : the connection invitation is created for the member.\n> \n> **\"subscriber\" as alias** : the connection invitation is created for the subscriber.\n\n> **Connecting as a member :**\n> \n> A member is someone who is enrolling for first time in GaiaX ecosystem. The principal user will receive membership credential once connected as member and the connection will move to \"trusted\" state.\n\n> **Connecting as subscriber :**\n> \n> A subscriber is someone who is already connected with some participant in GaiaX ecosystem and is willing to connect (subscribe) with some other participants in ecosystem. The principal user need to present proof against membership credential. The proof presentation will be requested upon successful connection.\n> \n> And once the proof is presented successfully, the connection will move to \"trusted\" state.\n\n  \n\n#### **Response :**\n\nThe positive response for this request comprises of following attributes :\n\n| **Key** | **Description** |\n| --- | --- |\n| `statusCode` | It return the http response code on the execution of this request. |\n| `message` | It returns the standard response with accordance to the action performed. |\n| `data` | It returns the requested information for the request. |\n| `data → invitationUrl` | It returns the invitation URL to receive connection on principal end. |\n| `data → invitation` | It returns the invitation object to receive connection on principal end. |\n| `data → connection` | It returns connection object which contains the information about the connection. |\n| `data → connection → id` | It returns the connection unique identifier. |\n| `data → connection → createdAt` | It returns the created date and time. |\n| `data → connection → did` | It returns the connection DID. |\n| `data → connection → state` | It returns the connection state. |\n| `data → connection → role` | It returns the agent role. |\n| `data → connection → alias` | It returns the alias which we set at time of creating or receiving the connection. |\n| `data → connection → multiUseInvitation` | It returns the boolean which indicates whether the connection is multi-use or not. |"
+			},
+			"response": [
+				{
+					"name": "Create-Invitation-URL",
+					"originalRequest": {
+						"method": "POST",
+						"header": [],
+						"body": {
+							"mode": "raw",
+							"raw": "",
+							"options": {
+								"raw": {
+									"language": "json"
+								}
+							}
+						},
+						"url": {
+							"raw": "{{Con_man_baseURL}}/v1/invitation-url?alias=member",
+							"host": [
+								"{{Con_man_baseURL}}"
+							],
+							"path": [
+								"v1",
+								"invitation-url"
+							],
+							"query": [
+								{
+									"key": "alias",
+									"value": "member"
+								},
+								{
+									"key": "alias",
+									"value": "subscriber",
+									"disabled": true
+								}
+							]
+						}
+					},
+					"status": "Created",
+					"code": 201,
+					"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
+					"header": [
+						{
+							"key": "date",
+							"value": "Wed, 15 Jun 2022 09:18:04 GMT"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "content-type",
+							"value": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "content-length",
+							"value": "1989"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "x-powered-by",
+							"value": "Express"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "access-control-allow-origin",
+							"value": "*"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "etag",
+							"value": "W/\"7c5-cp94PvE2DNowIosoNk1tOsH7jDY\""
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "strict-transport-security",
+							"value": "max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains"
+						}
+					],
+					"cookie": [],
+					"body": "{\n    \"statusCode\": 200,\n    \"message\": \"Connection created successfully\",\n    \"data\": {\n        \"invitationUrl\": \"https://gaiax.vereign.com:443/ocm/didcomm?c_i=eyJAdHlwZSI6Imh0dHBzOi8vZGlkY29tbS5vcmcvY29ubmVjdGlvbnMvMS4wL2ludml0YXRpb24iLCJAaWQiOiJkOTMzOTk5Mi02ZjZmLTQxYzEtYjQ0Yy1lMjNkMjUwMGMzNWIiLCJsYWJlbCI6InNzaS1hYnN0cmFjdGlvbi1hZ2VudCIsInJlY2lwaWVudEtleXMiOlsiREFnNEhrNzkyRXh6SFpRNjhHdktoY3ZrQzVYV3VqUHdiRlpmaWhTVlQyOFUiXSwic2VydmljZUVuZHBvaW50IjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9nYWlheC52ZXJlaWduLmNvbTo0NDMvb2NtL2RpZGNvbW0iLCJyb3V0aW5nS2V5cyI6W119\",\n        \"invitation\": {\n            \"@type\": \"https://didcomm.org/connections/1.0/invitation\",\n            \"@id\": \"d9339992-6f6f-41c1-b44c-e23d2500c35b\",\n            \"label\": \"ssi-abstraction-agent\",\n            \"recipientKeys\": [\n                \"DAg4Hk792ExzHZQ68GvKhcvkC5XWujPwbFZfihSVT28U\"\n            ],\n            \"serviceEndpoint\": \"https://gaiax.vereign.com:443/ocm/didcomm\",\n            \"routingKeys\": []\n        },\n        \"connection\": {\n            \"_tags\": {},\n            \"metadata\": {},\n            \"id\": \"ffc4cd40-ae18-42f7-87c2-fe4d45b6e300\",\n            \"createdAt\": \"2022-06-15T09:18:04.978Z\",\n            \"did\": \"PKjWC17JFYBPLAjdeaZoaK\",\n            \"didDoc\": {\n                \"@context\": \"https://w3id.org/did/v1\",\n                \"publicKey\": [\n                    {\n                        \"id\": \"PKjWC17JFYBPLAjdeaZoaK#1\",\n                        \"controller\": \"PKjWC17JFYBPLAjdeaZoaK\",\n                        \"type\": \"Ed25519VerificationKey2018\",\n                        \"publicKeyBase58\": \"DAg4Hk792ExzHZQ68GvKhcvkC5XWujPwbFZfihSVT28U\"\n                    }\n                ],\n                \"service\": [\n                    {\n                        \"id\": \"PKjWC17JFYBPLAjdeaZoaK#IndyAgentService\",\n                        \"serviceEndpoint\": \"https://gaiax.vereign.com:443/ocm/didcomm\",\n                        \"type\": \"IndyAgent\",\n                        \"priority\": 0,\n                        \"recipientKeys\": [\n                            \"DAg4Hk792ExzHZQ68GvKhcvkC5XWujPwbFZfihSVT28U\"\n                        ],\n                        \"routingKeys\": []\n                    }\n                ],\n                \"authentication\": [\n                    {\n                        \"publicKey\": \"PKjWC17JFYBPLAjdeaZoaK#1\",\n                        \"type\": \"Ed25519SignatureAuthentication2018\"\n                    }\n                ],\n                \"id\": \"PKjWC17JFYBPLAjdeaZoaK\"\n            },\n            \"verkey\": \"DAg4Hk792ExzHZQ68GvKhcvkC5XWujPwbFZfihSVT28U\",\n            \"state\": \"invited\",\n            \"role\": \"inviter\",\n            \"alias\": \"member\",\n            \"invitation\": {\n                \"@type\": \"https://didcomm.org/connections/1.0/invitation\",\n                \"@id\": \"d9339992-6f6f-41c1-b44c-e23d2500c35b\",\n                \"label\": \"ssi-abstraction-agent\",\n                \"recipientKeys\": [\n                    \"DAg4Hk792ExzHZQ68GvKhcvkC5XWujPwbFZfihSVT28U\"\n                ],\n                \"serviceEndpoint\": \"https://gaiax.vereign.com:443/ocm/didcomm\",\n                \"routingKeys\": []\n            },\n            \"multiUseInvitation\": false\n        }\n    }\n}"
+				}
+			]
+		},
+		{
+			"name": "Get-Connection-by-ConnectionID",
+			"event": [
+				{
+					"listen": "test",
+					"script": {
+						"exec": [
+							"const res = pm.response.json();\r",
+							"\r",
+							"let template = `\r",
+							"    <html>\r",
+							"        <body> \r",
+							"            <div style=\"text-align:center; color:green; text-transform: capitalize;\">\r",
+							"                <h2>{{data.records.status}}</h2>\r",
+							"            </div>\r",
+							"        </body>\r",
+							"    </html>`;\r",
+							"pm.visualizer.set(template, res);"
+						],
+						"type": "text/javascript"
+					}
+				}
+			],
+			"request": {
+				"method": "GET",
+				"header": [],
+				"url": {
+					"raw": "{{Con_man_baseURL}}/v1/connections/{{conn-id}}",
+					"host": [
+						"{{Con_man_baseURL}}"
+					],
+					"path": [
+						"v1",
+						"connections",
+						"{{conn-id}}"
+					]
+				},
+				"description": "#### **Description** **:**\n\nThis request is used to fetch connection information for the connection id provided in URL.\n\n> It also provides state of the connection established.\n\n  \n  \n\n#### **Response :**\n\nThe positive response for this request comprises of following attributes :\n\n| **Key** | **Description** |\n| --- | --- |\n| `statusCode` | It return the http response code on the execution of this request. |\n| `message` | It returns the standard response with accordance to the action performed. |\n| `data` | It returns the requested information for the request. |\n| `data → records → id` | It returns the unique identifier for connection table. |\n| `data → records → connectionId` | It returns the connection unique identifier. |\n| `data → records → participantDid` | It returns the participant DID. |\n| `data → records → theirDid` | It returns the principal DID. |\n| `data → records → theirLabel` | It returns the email of the principal. |\n| `data → records → createdDate` | It returns the created date. |\n| `data → records → updatedDate` | It returns the updated date. |\n| `data → records → isActive` | It returns the boolean value which indicates record is active. |"
+			},
+			"response": [
+				{
+					"name": "Get-Connection-by-ConnectionID",
+					"originalRequest": {
+						"method": "GET",
+						"header": [],
+						"url": {
+							"raw": "{{Con_man_baseURL}}/v1/connections/{{conn-id}}",
+							"host": [
+								"{{Con_man_baseURL}}"
+							],
+							"path": [
+								"v1",
+								"connections",
+								"{{conn-id}}"
+							]
+						}
+					},
+					"status": "OK",
+					"code": 200,
+					"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
+					"header": [
+						{
+							"key": "date",
+							"value": "Wed, 15 Jun 2022 09:25:00 GMT"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "content-type",
+							"value": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "content-length",
+							"value": "411"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "x-powered-by",
+							"value": "Express"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "access-control-allow-origin",
+							"value": "*"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "etag",
+							"value": "W/\"19b-TySvMVsRlQAW5a6BNN0k6i1Lo50\""
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "strict-transport-security",
+							"value": "max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains"
+						}
+					],
+					"cookie": [],
+					"body": "{\n    \"statusCode\": 200,\n    \"message\": \"Connections fetch successfully\",\n    \"data\": {\n        \"records\": {\n            \"id\": \"0f8a7f07-f064-45af-ae0a-a98c5b721d04\",\n            \"connectionId\": \"3d14a056-8e4d-4336-9a48-541ce7ec7a80\",\n            \"status\": \"trusted\",\n            \"participantDid\": \"R5LHJTmiuP8PRtH74SVHXb\",\n            \"theirDid\": \"XpaT7i3hYHHHSMrw1rY3EB\",\n            \"theirLabel\": \"test_corp@vomoto.com\",\n            \"createdDate\": \"2022-06-15T09:24:15.248Z\",\n            \"updatedDate\": \"2022-06-15T09:24:56.988Z\",\n            \"isActive\": true\n        }\n    }\n}"
+				}
+			]
+		},
+		{
+			"name": "Get-Connections",
+			"event": [
+				{
+					"listen": "test",
+					"script": {
+						"exec": [
+							"const res = pm.response.json();\r",
+							"\r",
+							"let template = `\r",
+							"    <html>\r",
+							"        <body> \r",
+							"            <div style=\"text-align:center; color:green; text-transform: capitalize;\">\r",
+							"                <h2>{{data.records.status}}</h2>\r",
+							"            </div>\r",
+							"        </body>\r",
+							"    </html>`;\r",
+							"pm.visualizer.set(template, res);"
+						],
+						"type": "text/javascript"
+					}
+				}
+			],
+			"request": {
+				"method": "GET",
+				"header": [],
+				"url": {
+					"raw": "{{Con_man_baseURL}}/v1/connections",
+					"host": [
+						"{{Con_man_baseURL}}"
+					],
+					"path": [
+						"v1",
+						"connections"
+					],
+					"query": [
+						{
+							"key": "participantDID",
+							"value": "Jv5JtLcLuEeByKazGBtfSC",
+							"disabled": true
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "status",
+							"value": "trusted",
+							"disabled": true
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "pageSize",
+							"value": "5",
+							"disabled": true
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "page",
+							"value": "2",
+							"disabled": true
+						}
+					]
+				},
+				"description": "#### **Description** **:**\n\nThis request fetches the connection information against the provided participantDID otherwise all the connections are fetched.\n\n> It uses pagination to provide the particular number of records filtered as per the input given.\n\n#### **Query Parameters :**\n\n| **Key** | **isRequired** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- | --- |\n| participantDID | required | `participantDID`  <br>should be provided in query parameter. |\n| status | no | `status`  <br>should be provided in query parameter. It filters the connections list according the provided status value. |\n| pageSize | no | `pageSize`  <br>Should be provided in query parameter. It filters the list and sets the page size. |\n| page | no | `page`  <br>Should be provided in query parameter. It filters the list and sets the page to land on. |\n\n  \n\n#### **Response :**\n\nThe positive response for this request comprises of following attributes :\n\n| **Key** | **Description** |\n| --- | --- |\n| `statusCode` | It return the http response code on the execution of this request. |\n| `message` | It returns the standard response with accordance to the action performed. |\n| `data` | It returns the requested information for the request. |\n| `data → count` | It returns the total number of records available in the table for matching query. |\n| `data → records → id` | It returns the unique identifier for connection table. |\n| `data → records → connectionId` | It returns the connection unique identifier. |\n| `data → records → participantDid` | It returns the participant DID. |\n| `data → records → theirDid` | It returns the principal DID. |\n| `data → records → theirLabel` | It returns the email of the principal. |\n| `data → records → createdDate` | It returns the created date. |\n| `data → records → updatedDate` | It returns the updated date. |\n| `data → records → isActive` | It returns the boolean value which indicates record is active. |"
+			},
+			"response": [
+				{
+					"name": "Get-Connections",
+					"originalRequest": {
+						"method": "GET",
+						"header": [],
+						"url": {
+							"raw": "{{Con_man_baseURL}}/v1/connections",
+							"host": [
+								"{{Con_man_baseURL}}"
+							],
+							"path": [
+								"v1",
+								"connections"
+							],
+							"query": [
+								{
+									"key": "participantDID",
+									"value": "3zrMzUB6fur6snh5u4eiaQ",
+									"disabled": true
+								},
+								{
+									"key": "status",
+									"value": "",
+									"disabled": true
+								},
+								{
+									"key": "pageSize",
+									"value": "",
+									"disabled": true
+								},
+								{
+									"key": "page",
+									"value": "",
+									"disabled": true
+								}
+							]
+						}
+					},
+					"status": "OK",
+					"code": 200,
+					"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
+					"header": [
+						{
+							"key": "date",
+							"value": "Wed, 15 Jun 2022 09:25:28 GMT"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "content-type",
+							"value": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "content-length",
+							"value": "3180"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "x-powered-by",
+							"value": "Express"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "access-control-allow-origin",
+							"value": "*"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "etag",
+							"value": "W/\"c6c-VFB0g130QAnHpy+JUr0Gx7WAWmM\""
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "strict-transport-security",
+							"value": "max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains"
+						}
+					],
+					"cookie": [],
+					"body": "{\n    \"statusCode\": 200,\n    \"message\": \"Connections fetch successfully\",\n    \"data\": {\n        \"count\": 111,\n        \"records\": [\n            {\n                \"id\": \"02f41110-18b7-4d1f-89d4-b418cf2d603a\",\n                \"connectionId\": \"24402e32-234b-453f-a4cf-9f3e94ed85ab\",\n                \"status\": \"complete\",\n                \"participantDid\": \"BbiM3ypCFV49iqwVKnQ3Pt\",\n                \"theirDid\": \"6XYGkoJanFdNfQCF7yy8rx\",\n                \"theirLabel\": \"emilie@vomoto.com\",\n                \"createdDate\": \"2022-06-09T14:53:40.457Z\",\n                \"updatedDate\": \"2022-06-09T14:54:40.301Z\",\n                \"isActive\": false\n            },\n            {\n                \"id\": \"049ec6ed-8645-465b-8f3a-fdd438aed36b\",\n                \"connectionId\": \"fd96855b-c979-4125-95ba-d2535e63dfe6\",\n                \"status\": \"invited\",\n                \"participantDid\": \"Jv5JtLcLuEeByKazGBtfSC\",\n                \"theirDid\": \"\",\n                \"theirLabel\": \"\",\n                \"createdDate\": \"2022-06-08T13:26:16.708Z\",\n                \"updatedDate\": \"2022-06-08T13:26:16.708Z\",\n                \"isActive\": false\n            },\n            {\n                \"id\": \"092b1789-2522-44e1-9de7-de00c8e4e601\",\n                \"connectionId\": \"719ddbe9-7dce-43df-b4be-4714bcca20a7\",\n                \"status\": \"complete\",\n                \"participantDid\": \"9DJSEsZpu6Neh2zypBGJoA\",\n                \"theirDid\": \"SMrr5oVvxW1xWCfetQdYUn\",\n                \"theirLabel\": \"rangoon@vomoto.com\",\n                \"createdDate\": \"2022-06-08T14:40:13.868Z\",\n                \"updatedDate\": \"2022-06-08T14:40:23.967Z\",\n                \"isActive\": false\n            },\n            {\n                \"id\": \"0af9b87d-50ad-4faa-ad97-4ba1ea74af73\",\n                \"connectionId\": \"2b092454-05e6-4687-85e7-61c9ec4be97c\",\n                \"status\": 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\"id\": \"0ea21690-9127-47cf-aad6-5c55721dbae2\",\n                \"connectionId\": \"9050c647-2931-4fdb-8f65-007c79f0bd33\",\n                \"status\": \"trusted\",\n                \"participantDid\": \"TaojhXfMbbKgoiE8FjMDUG\",\n                \"theirDid\": \"JmQBgTUpfu8A7egsv1ib4s\",\n                \"theirLabel\": \"sam\",\n                \"createdDate\": \"2022-06-14T10:35:42.300Z\",\n                \"updatedDate\": \"2022-06-14T10:43:59.067Z\",\n                \"isActive\": true\n            },\n            {\n                \"id\": \"0f8a7f07-f064-45af-ae0a-a98c5b721d04\",\n                \"connectionId\": \"3d14a056-8e4d-4336-9a48-541ce7ec7a80\",\n                \"status\": \"trusted\",\n                \"participantDid\": \"R5LHJTmiuP8PRtH74SVHXb\",\n                \"theirDid\": \"XpaT7i3hYHHHSMrw1rY3EB\",\n                \"theirLabel\": \"test_corp@vomoto.com\",\n                \"createdDate\": \"2022-06-15T09:24:15.248Z\",\n                \"updatedDate\": 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+				}
+			]
+		},
+		{
+			"name": "Accept-Connection",
+			"request": {
+				"method": "POST",
+				"header": [],
+				"body": {
+					"mode": "raw",
+					"raw": "{\r\n  \"invitationUrl\": \"\",\r\n  \"autoAcceptConnection\": true\r\n}\r\n",
+					"options": {
+						"raw": {
+							"language": "json"
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				"url": {
+					"raw": "",
+					"protocol": "http",
+					"host": [
+						"3",
+						"111",
+						"77",
+						"38"
+					],
+					"port": "3003",
+					"path": [
+						"v1",
+						"accept-connection-invitation"
+					]
+				}
+			},
+			"response": []
+		},
+		{
+			"name": "Get-Connection-Information",
+			"request": {
+				"method": "GET",
+				"header": [],
+				"url": {
+					"raw": "{{Con_man_baseURL}}/v1/connection-information?connectionId={{conn-id}}",
+					"host": [
+						"{{Con_man_baseURL}}"
+					],
+					"path": [
+						"v1",
+						"connection-information"
+					],
+					"query": [
+						{
+							"key": "did",
+							"value": "MJys9zJZ1m2S6dFccFJQJs",
+							"disabled": true
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "connectionId",
+							"value": "{{conn-id}}"
+						}
+					]
+				},
+				"description": "#### **Response :**\n\nThe positive response for this request comprises of following attributes :\n\n| **Key** | **Description** |\n| --- | --- |\n| `statusCode` | It return the http response code on the execution of this request. |\n| `message` | It returns the standard response with accordance to the action performed. |\n| `data` | It returns the requested information for the request. |\n| `data → records → issueCredentials` | It returns the array of issued credentials against connection id. |\n| `data → records → issueCredentials → id` | It returns the unique identifier for issued credentials record in table. |\n| `data → records → issueCredentials → credentialId` | It returns the unique identifier for issued credentials. |\n| `data → records → issueCredentials → state` | It returns the state of the issued credentials. |\n| `data → records → issueCredentials → principalDid` | It returns the principal DID. |\n| `data → records → issueCredentials → connectionId` | It returns the connection ID. |\n| `data → records → issueCredentials → createdDate` | It returns the created date. |\n| `data → records → issueCredentials → updatedDate` | It returns the updated date. |\n| `data → records → issueCredentials → expirationDate` | It returns the expiration date of issued credentials. |\n| `data → records → presenProofs` | It returns the list of proofs presentation. |\n| `data → records → presenProofs → id` | It returns the unique identifier for proofs record in table. |\n| `data → records → presenProofs → presentation_id` | It returns the unique identifier for proof presentation. |\n| `data → records → presenProofs → connectionId` | It returns the connection ID. |\n| `data → records → presenProofs → credential_def_id` | It returns the credential def id. |\n| `data → records → presenProofs → schemaId` | It returns the schema id. |\n| `data → records → presenProofs → their_did` | It returns the principal DID. |\n| `data → records → presenProofs → status` | It returns the status of proof presentation. |\n| `data → records → presenProofs → created_date` | It returns the created date. |\n| `data → records → presenProofs → updated_date` | It returns the updated date. |"
+			},
+			"response": [
+				{
+					"name": "Get-Connection-Information",
+					"originalRequest": {
+						"method": "GET",
+						"header": [],
+						"url": {
+							"raw": "{{Con_man_baseURL}}/v1/connection-information?did&connectionId={{conn-id}}",
+							"host": [
+								"{{Con_man_baseURL}}"
+							],
+							"path": [
+								"v1",
+								"connection-information"
+							],
+							"query": [
+								{
+									"key": "did",
+									"value": null
+								},
+								{
+									"key": "connectionId",
+									"value": "{{conn-id}}"
+								}
+							]
+						}
+					},
+					"status": "OK",
+					"code": 200,
+					"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
+					"header": [
+						{
+							"key": "date",
+							"value": "Wed, 15 Jun 2022 09:28:39 GMT"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "content-type",
+							"value": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "content-length",
+							"value": "1320"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "x-powered-by",
+							"value": "Express"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "access-control-allow-origin",
+							"value": "*"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "etag",
+							"value": "W/\"528-EZqt2BArtofGni3d7fvQseXpEg8\""
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "strict-transport-security",
+							"value": "max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains"
+						}
+					],
+					"cookie": [],
+					"body": "{\n    \"statusCode\": 200,\n    \"message\": \"Connection information fetch successfully\",\n    \"data\": {\n        \"records\": {\n            \"issueCredentials\": [\n                {\n                    \"id\": \"8bf0c9bf-c008-4324-b462-74ce2d0948ad\",\n                    \"credentialId\": \"1b7e0718-0eb0-4899-89b9-3fd04b95b148\",\n                    \"credDefId\": \"7KuDTpQh3GJ7Gp6kErpWvM:3:CL:322876:test_test_cred-def_140622-07\",\n                    \"state\": \"done\",\n                    \"principalDid\": \"XpaT7i3hYHHHSMrw1rY3EB\",\n                    \"connectionId\": \"3d14a056-8e4d-4336-9a48-541ce7ec7a80\",\n                    \"createdDate\": \"2022-06-15T09:25:59.053Z\",\n                    \"updatedDate\": \"2022-06-15T09:26:57.810Z\",\n                    \"expirationDate\": \"2022-07-15T09:25:59.052Z\"\n                },\n                {\n                    \"id\": \"04d6d4c9-0230-4441-a1de-9aec69ed2ff2\",\n                    \"credentialId\": \"12b0640c-99f7-4413-a27c-5b34b0ecfb0a\",\n                    \"credDefId\": \"7KuDTpQh3GJ7Gp6kErpWvM:3:CL:321508:princi_cred_def130622\",\n                    \"state\": \"done\",\n                    \"principalDid\": \"XpaT7i3hYHHHSMrw1rY3EB\",\n                    \"connectionId\": \"3d14a056-8e4d-4336-9a48-541ce7ec7a80\",\n                    \"createdDate\": \"2022-06-15T09:24:27.429Z\",\n                    \"updatedDate\": \"2022-06-15T09:24:56.976Z\",\n                    \"expirationDate\": \"2022-12-12T09:24:27.339Z\"\n                }\n            ],\n            \"presenProofs\": [\n                {\n                    \"id\": \"48b2b61d-a5d9-4c1d-a745-ed5cd018c5bd\",\n                    \"presentation_id\": \"07f27a99-4ff2-4d3c-82f9-0f49cd6d8203\",\n                    \"connectionId\": \"3d14a056-8e4d-4336-9a48-541ce7ec7a80\",\n                    \"credential_def_id\": \"\",\n                    \"schemaId\": \"7KuDTpQh3GJ7Gp6kErpWvM:2:test_test_schema140622-07:14.06.2207\",\n                    \"their_did\": \"\",\n                    \"status\": \"done\",\n                    \"created_date\": \"2022-06-15T09:27:07.302Z\",\n                    \"updated_date\": \"2022-06-15T09:27:26.804Z\"\n                }\n            ]\n        }\n    }\n}"
+				}
+			]
+		}
+	]
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+++ b/documentation/GAIAX-Complete-Flow-GX.postman_environment.json
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+	"id": "a78e1388-afe8-405d-8d5e-273f5dd3ad34",
+	"name": "GAIAX-Complete-Flow-GX",
+	"values": [
+		{
+			"key": "email",
+			"value": "tagotejo@zetmail.com",
+			"type": "default",
+			"enabled": true
+		},
+		{
+			"key": "password",
+			"value": "password@123",
+			"type": "default",
+			"enabled": true
+		},
+		{
+			"key": "otp_received",
+			"value": "",
+			"type": "default",
+			"enabled": true
+		},
+		{
+			"key": "otpId",
+			"value": "",
+			"type": "default",
+			"enabled": true
+		},
+		{
+			"key": "part-id",
+			"value": "",
+			"type": "default",
+			"enabled": true
+		},
+		{
+			"key": "conn-id",
+			"value": "",
+			"type": "default",
+			"enabled": true
+		},
+		{
+			"key": "schema-id",
+			"value": "7KuDTpQh3GJ7Gp6kErpWvM:2:pizza_sandwich_230622:23.06.22",
+			"type": "default",
+			"enabled": true
+		},
+		{
+			"key": "cred-def-id",
+			"value": "AXF7h6Jiz3At18H5Mgrcwh:3:CL:242632:KYC_Cred_Def",
+			"type": "default",
+			"enabled": true
+		},
+		{
+			"key": "cred-offer-id",
+			"value": "",
+			"type": "default",
+			"enabled": true
+		},
+		{
+			"key": "presentation-id",
+			"value": "",
+			"type": "default",
+			"enabled": true
+		},
+		{
+			"key": "schema_attr",
+			"value": "[ \"fName\",\"lName\", \"gender\"]",
+			"type": "default",
+			"enabled": true
+		},
+		{
+			"key": "email2",
+			"value": "",
+			"type": "default",
+			"enabled": true
+		},
+		{
+			"key": "password2",
+			"value": "",
+			"type": "default",
+			"enabled": true
+		},
+		{
+			"key": "pcm-vc-cred-def-id",
+			"value": "",
+			"type": "default",
+			"enabled": true
+		},
+		{
+			"key": "oob-presentation-id",
+			"value": "",
+			"type": "any",
+			"enabled": true
+		},
+		{
+			"key": "Con_man_baseURL",
+			"value": "https://gaiax.vereign.com/ocm/connection/",
+			"enabled": true
+		},
+		{
+			"key": "Onboarding_man_baseURL",
+			"value": "",
+			"type": "default",
+			"enabled": true
+		},
+		{
+			"key": "proof_man_baseURL",
+			"value": "https://gaiax.vereign.com/ocm/proof",
+			"enabled": true
+		},
+		{
+			"key": "att_man_baseURL",
+			"value": "https://gaiax.vereign.com/ocm/attestation",
+			"type": "default",
+			"enabled": true
+		},
+		{
+			"key": "pcm-schema-id",
+			"value": "",
+			"type": "any",
+			"enabled": true
+		},
+		{
+			"key": "prpsl_conn-id",
+			"value": "",
+			"type": "any",
+			"enabled": true
+		},
+		{
+			"key": "oob_type-presentation-id",
+			"value": "",
+			"type": "any",
+			"enabled": true
+		},
+		{
+			"key": "princi_man_baseURL",
+			"value": "https://gaiax.vereign.com/ocm/principal",
+			"type": "default",
+			"enabled": true
+		},
+		{
+			"key": "accptfa_conn-id",
+			"value": "",
+			"type": "any",
+			"enabled": true
+		},
+		{
+			"key": "accptfa_credID",
+			"value": "",
+			"type": "any",
+			"enabled": true
+		},
+		{
+			"key": "proofpfa_presentaionID",
+			"value": "",
+			"type": "any",
+			"enabled": true
+		}
+	],
+	"_postman_variable_scope": "environment",
+	"_postman_exported_at": "2022-07-06T14:10:05.351Z",
+	"_postman_exported_using": "Postman/9.24.0"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/documentation/Proof_Manager.postman_collection.json b/documentation/Proof_Manager.postman_collection.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c5ce55deb99088e65939a000c67d6c4e1ed8b59f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/Proof_Manager.postman_collection.json
@@ -0,0 +1,812 @@
+	"info": {
+		"_postman_id": "fc2cf79c-4e29-4101-a833-3fd2a9243c9e",
+		"name": "Proof Manager",
+		"description": "#### **Description** **:**\n\nThe Proof Manager is the collection of request which can be used to request proof presentation to connections and for out of band verifications. Also it returns all the proof presentation requests and their status.",
+		"schema": "https://schema.getpostman.com/json/collection/v2.1.0/collection.json",
+		"_exporter_id": "17714957"
+	},
+	"item": [
+		{
+			"name": "Find-proof-presentation",
+			"request": {
+				"method": "GET",
+				"header": [],
+				"url": {
+					"raw": "{{proof_man_baseURL}}/v1/find-proof-presentation?pageSize=&page",
+					"host": [
+						"{{proof_man_baseURL}}"
+					],
+					"path": [
+						"v1",
+						"find-proof-presentation"
+					],
+					"query": [
+						{
+							"key": "pageSize",
+							"value": ""
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "page",
+							"value": null
+						}
+					]
+				},
+				"description": "#### **Description** **:**\n\nThis request fetches the all the proof presentation requests for the participant. The records can be filtered using provided query parameters.\n\n#### **Query Parameters :**\n\n| **Key** | **isRequired** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- | --- |\n| pageSize | no | `pageSize`  <br>Should be provided in query parameter. It filters the list and sets the page size. |\n| page | no | `page`  <br>Should be provided in query parameter. It filters the list and sets the page to land on. |\n\n#### **Response :**\n\nThe positive response for this request comprises of following attributes :\n\n| Key | Description |\n| --- | --- |\n| `statusCode` | It return the http response code on the execution of this request. |\n| `message` | It returns the standard response with accordance to the action performed. |\n| `data` | It returns the requested information for the request. |\n| `data → count` | It returns the total number of records available in the response. |\n| `data → records` | It returns the actual information that was requested in the form of JSON object array. |\n| `data → records → id` | It returns the id for the corresponding record in the database. |\n| `data → records → presentation_id` | It returns the presentation id for the corresponding record in the database. |\n| `data → records → connectionId` | It returns the connection id for the corresponding record in the database. |\n| `data → records → credential_def_id` | It returns the credential defination id for the corresponding record in the database. |\n| `data → records → schemaId` | It returns the corresponding unique id for schema on the ledger. |\n| `data → records → their_did` | It returns the their did for the corresponding record in the database. |\n| `data → records → status` | It returns the status for the corresponding record in the database. |\n| `data → records → created_date` | It returns the date the proof was created. |\n| `data → records → updated_date` | It returns the last proof updation date. |"
+			},
+			"response": [
+				{
+					"name": "Find-proof-presentation",
+					"originalRequest": {
+						"method": "GET",
+						"header": [],
+						"url": {
+							"raw": "{{proof_man_baseURL}}/v1/find-proof-presentation?pageSize=&page",
+							"host": [
+								"{{proof_man_baseURL}}"
+							],
+							"path": [
+								"v1",
+								"find-proof-presentation"
+							],
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+					"body": "{\n    \"statusCode\": 200,\n    \"message\": \"Proof presentation fetch successfully\",\n    \"data\": {\n        \"count\": 36,\n        \"records\": [\n            {\n                \"id\": \"051bdceb-07df-419b-98f4-3c0dd92c4b68\",\n                \"presentation_id\": \"a033c848-7d9c-448e-9336-8237882d4418\",\n                \"connectionId\": \"\",\n                \"credential_def_id\": \"\",\n                \"schemaId\": \"7KuDTpQh3GJ7Gp6kErpWvM:2:test_test_schema130622:13.06.22\",\n                \"their_did\": \"\",\n                \"status\": \"request-sent\",\n                \"created_date\": \"2022-06-13T13:56:09.864Z\",\n                \"updated_date\": \"2022-06-13T13:56:09.864Z\"\n            },\n            {\n                \"id\": \"095e6ea8-f580-4269-993a-8eef6758ba74\",\n                \"presentation_id\": \"b0784df1-14a6-4f5d-b038-43c296bf715f\",\n                \"connectionId\": \"9050c647-2931-4fdb-8f65-007c79f0bd33\",\n                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+				}
+			]
+		},
+		{
+			"name": "Send-presentation-request",
+			"event": [
+				{
+					"listen": "test",
+					"script": {
+						"exec": [
+							"const res = pm.response.json()\r",
+							"\r",
+							"if(res.statusCode == 201){\r",
+							"    pm.environment.set(\"presentation-id\", res.data.presentationId);\r",
+							"}"
+						],
+						"type": "text/javascript"
+					}
+				}
+			],
+			"request": {
+				"method": "POST",
+				"header": [],
+				"body": {
+					"mode": "raw",
+					"raw": "{\r\n    \"comment\": \"Tested participant\",\r\n    \"attributes\": [\r\n        {\r\n            \"attribute_name\": \"{{array0}}\",\r\n            \"value\": \"\",\r\n            \"condition\": \"\"\r\n        }\r\n    ],\r\n    \"schemaId\": \"\",\r\n    \"credentialDefId\": \"{{cred-def-id}}\",\r\n    \"connectionId\": \"{{conn-id}}\"\r\n}",
+					"options": {
+						"raw": {
+							"language": "json"
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				"url": {
+					"raw": "{{proof_man_baseURL}}/v1/send-presentation-request",
+					"host": [
+						"{{proof_man_baseURL}}"
+					],
+					"path": [
+						"v1",
+						"send-presentation-request"
+					]
+				},
+				"description": "#### **Description** **:**\n\nFrom a verifier to a prover, the presentation request message describes values that need to be revealed and predicates that need to be fulfilled.\n\n> In Hyperledger Indy, this message is required, because it forces the Issuer to make a cryptographic commitment to the set of fields in the final credential and thus prevents Issuers from inserting spurious data.\n\n#### **Body Parameters :**\n\n| **Key** | **isRequired** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- | --- |\n| connectionId | required | `\"`connectionId`\"`  <br>should be provided in \"STRING\" format. It the peer to peer connection id for two aeries agent. |\n| credential_def_id | required | `\"cred_def_id\"`  <br>key maps to the credential definition identifier of the credential with the current attribute. It should be provided in \"STRING\" format. Mandatory if schema_id is not provided. |\n| schemaId | required | `\"schema_name\"`  <br>Should be valid existing schema and should be provided as \"STRING\". Mandatory if cred_def_id is not provided. |\n| attributes | required | `[{ \"`attribute_name`\" : \"attr_name\" }]`  <br>should be provided JSON array. |\n\n  \n\n#### **Response :**\n\nThe positive response for this request comprises of following attributes :\n\n| Key | Description |\n| --- | --- |\n| `statusCode` | It return the http response code on the execution of this request. |\n| `message` | It returns the standard response with accordance to the action performed. |\n| `data` | It returns the requested information for the request. |\n| `data → id` | It returns the id for the corresponding record in the database. |\n| `data → presentation_id` | It returns the presentation id for the corresponding record in the database. |\n| `data → connectionId` | It returns the connection id for the corresponding record in the database. |\n| `data → credential_def_id` | It returns the credential defination id for the corresponding record in the database. |\n| `data → schemaId` | It returns the corresponding unique id for schema on the ledger. |\n| `data → their_did` | It returns the their did for the corresponding record in the database. |\n| `data → status` | It returns the status for the corresponding record in the database. |\n| `data → created_date` | It returns the date the proof was created. |\n| `data → updated_date` | It returns the last proof updation date. |"
+			},
+			"response": [
+				{
+					"name": "Send-presentation-request",
+					"originalRequest": {
+						"method": "POST",
+						"header": [],
+						"body": {
+							"mode": "raw",
+							"raw": "{\r\n    \"comment\": \"Tested participant\",\r\n    \"attributes\": [\r\n        {\r\n            \"attribute_name\": \"{{array0}}\",\r\n            \"value\": \"\",\r\n            \"condition\": \"\"\r\n        },\r\n        {\r\n            \"attribute_name\": \"{{array1}}\",\r\n            \"value\": \"\",\r\n            \"condition\": \"\"\r\n        }\r\n    ],\r\n    \"schemaId\": \"{{schema-id}}\",\r\n    \"credential_def_id\": \"\",\r\n    \"connectionId\": \"{{conn-id}}\"\r\n}",
+							"options": {
+								"raw": {
+									"language": "json"
+								}
+							}
+						},
+						"url": {
+							"raw": "{{proof_man_baseURL}}/v1/send-presentation-request",
+							"host": [
+								"{{proof_man_baseURL}}"
+							],
+							"path": [
+								"v1",
+								"send-presentation-request"
+							]
+						}
+					},
+					"status": "Created",
+					"code": 201,
+					"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
+					"header": [
+						{
+							"key": "date",
+							"value": "Wed, 15 Jun 2022 09:27:07 GMT"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "content-type",
+							"value": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
+						},
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+							"key": "content-length",
+							"value": "454"
+						},
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+							"key": "x-powered-by",
+							"value": "Express"
+						},
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+							"key": "access-control-allow-origin",
+							"value": "*"
+						},
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+							"key": "etag",
+							"value": "W/\"1c6-E7pFwPlnxfbEOOkPcsFYYpmaWW8\""
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "strict-transport-security",
+							"value": "max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains"
+						}
+					],
+					"cookie": [],
+					"body": "{\n    \"statusCode\": 201,\n    \"message\": \"Presentation request send successfully\",\n    \"data\": {\n        \"id\": \"48b2b61d-a5d9-4c1d-a745-ed5cd018c5bd\",\n        \"presentation_id\": \"07f27a99-4ff2-4d3c-82f9-0f49cd6d8203\",\n        \"connectionId\": \"3d14a056-8e4d-4336-9a48-541ce7ec7a80\",\n        \"credential_def_id\": \"\",\n        \"schemaId\": \"7KuDTpQh3GJ7Gp6kErpWvM:2:test_test_schema140622-07:14.06.2207\",\n        \"their_did\": \"\",\n        \"status\": \"request-sent\",\n        \"created_date\": \"2022-06-15T09:27:07.302Z\",\n        \"updated_date\": \"2022-06-15T09:27:07.302Z\"\n    }\n}"
+				}
+			]
+		},
+		{
+			"name": "Check-Verification",
+			"event": [
+				{
+					"listen": "test",
+					"script": {
+						"exec": [
+							"const res = pm.response.json();\r",
+							"\r",
+							"if (res.statusCode == 200) {\r",
+							"\tif (res.data.isVerified == true && res.data.state == \"done\") {\r",
+							"\t\tlet template = `\r",
+							"            <html>\r",
+							"                <body> \r",
+							"                    <div style=\"text-align:center; color:green;\">\r",
+							"                        <h2>Proof verified successfully</h2>\r",
+							"                    </div>\r",
+							"                </body>\r",
+							"            </html>`;\r",
+							"\t\tpm.visualizer.set(template, res);\r",
+							"\t} else {\r",
+							"\t\tlet template = `\r",
+							"            <html>\r",
+							"                <body> \r",
+							"                    <div style=\"text-align:center; color:red;\">\r",
+							"                        <h2>Proof not presented yet.</h2>\r",
+							"                    </div>\r",
+							"                </body>\r",
+							"            </html>`;\r",
+							"\t\tpm.visualizer.set(template, res);\r",
+							"\t}\r",
+							"}"
+						],
+						"type": "text/javascript"
+					}
+				}
+			],
+			"protocolProfileBehavior": {
+				"disableBodyPruning": true
+			},
+			"request": {
+				"method": "GET",
+				"header": [],
+				"body": {
+					"mode": "raw",
+					"raw": "",
+					"options": {
+						"raw": {
+							"language": "json"
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				"url": {
+					"raw": "{{proof_man_baseURL}}/v1/find-by-presentation-id?presentationId={{presentation-id}}",
+					"host": [
+						"{{proof_man_baseURL}}"
+					],
+					"path": [
+						"v1",
+						"find-by-presentation-id"
+					],
+					"query": [
+						{
+							"key": "presentationId",
+							"value": "{{presentation-id}}"
+						}
+					]
+				},
+				"description": "#### **Description** **:**\n\nThis request is used to fetch proof presentation request information for the presentation id provided in query parameter.\n\n> It also provides state of the proof presentation request.\n\n#### **Query Parameter** **:**\n\n| **Key** | **isRequired** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- | --- |\n| presentationId | required | `\"presentation_id\"`  <br>presentation_id is fetched from the proof request. It provides the state of the request. |"
+			},
+			"response": [
+				{
+					"name": "Check-Verification",
+					"originalRequest": {
+						"method": "GET",
+						"header": [],
+						"body": {
+							"mode": "raw",
+							"raw": "",
+							"options": {
+								"raw": {
+									"language": "json"
+								}
+							}
+						},
+						"url": {
+							"raw": "{{proof_man_baseURL}}/v1/find-by-presentation-id?presentation_id={{presentation-id}}",
+							"host": [
+								"{{proof_man_baseURL}}"
+							],
+							"path": [
+								"v1",
+								"find-by-presentation-id"
+							],
+							"query": [
+								{
+									"key": "presentation_id",
+									"value": "{{presentation-id}}"
+								}
+							]
+						}
+					},
+					"status": "OK",
+					"code": 200,
+					"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
+					"header": [
+						{
+							"key": "date",
+							"value": "Wed, 15 Jun 2022 09:27:28 GMT"
+						},
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+							"key": "content-type",
+							"value": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "content-length",
+							"value": "7040"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "x-powered-by",
+							"value": "Express"
+						},
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+							"key": "access-control-allow-origin",
+							"value": "*"
+						},
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+							"key": "etag",
+							"value": "W/\"1b80-KzH+KoJHRvjoAbq0eUEVKSnHnbc\""
+						},
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+							"key": "strict-transport-security",
+							"value": "max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains"
+						}
+					],
+					"cookie": [],
+					"body": "{\n    \"statusCode\": 200,\n    \"message\": \"Proof presentation fetch successfully\",\n    \"data\": {\n        \"_tags\": {\n            \"threadId\": \"2037118f-1e63-4bd7-963b-c0e437f0ddd3\",\n            \"state\": \"done\",\n            \"connectionId\": \"3d14a056-8e4d-4336-9a48-541ce7ec7a80\"\n        },\n        \"metadata\": {},\n        \"id\": \"07f27a99-4ff2-4d3c-82f9-0f49cd6d8203\",\n        \"createdAt\": \"2022-06-15T09:27:07.209Z\",\n        \"requestMessage\": {\n            \"@type\": \"https://didcomm.org/present-proof/1.0/request-presentation\",\n            \"@id\": \"2037118f-1e63-4bd7-963b-c0e437f0ddd3\",\n            \"comment\": \"Tested participant\",\n            \"request_presentations~attach\": [\n                {\n                    \"@id\": \"libindy-request-presentation-0\",\n                    \"mime-type\": \"application/json\",\n                    \"data\": {\n                        \"base64\": \"eyJuYW1lIjoiUHJvb2YgUmVxdWVzdCIsInZlcnNpb24iOiJQcm9vZiBSZXF1ZXN0Iiwibm9uY2UiOiIxMTMzMjE0Mzg2ODU3IiwicmVxdWVzdGVkX2F0dHJpYnV0ZXMiOnsiYWRkaXRpb25hbFByb3AxIjp7Im5hbWVzIjpbImZOYW1lIiwibE5hbWUiXSwicmVzdHJpY3Rpb25zIjpbeyJzY2hlbWFfaWQiOiI3S3VEVHBRaDNHSjdHcDZrRXJwV3ZNOjI6dGVzdF90ZXN0X3NjaGVtYTE0MDYyMi0wNzoxNC4wNi4yMjA3In1dfX0sInJlcXVlc3RlZF9wcmVkaWNhdGVzIjp7fX0=\"\n                    }\n                }\n            ]\n        },\n        \"state\": \"done\",\n        \"connectionId\": \"3d14a056-8e4d-4336-9a48-541ce7ec7a80\",\n        \"threadId\": \"2037118f-1e63-4bd7-963b-c0e437f0ddd3\",\n        \"isVerified\": true,\n        \"presentationMessage\": {\n            \"@type\": \"https://didcomm.org/present-proof/1.0/presentation\",\n            \"@id\": \"7396b6fd-cde1-454f-b620-1014e363b723\",\n            \"presentations~attach\": [\n                {\n                    \"@id\": \"libindy-presentation-0\",\n                    \"mime-type\": \"application/json\",\n                    \"data\": {\n                        \"base64\": \"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\"\n                    }\n                }\n            ],\n            \"~thread\": {\n                \"thid\": \"2037118f-1e63-4bd7-963b-c0e437f0ddd3\"\n            }\n        }\n    }\n}"
+				}
+			]
+		},
+		{
+			"name": "Out-of-band-proof-presentation",
+			"event": [
+				{
+					"listen": "test",
+					"script": {
+						"exec": [
+							"const res = pm.response.json();\r",
+							"\r",
+							"let template = `\r",
+							"<html>\r",
+							"    <body> \r",
+							"        <div>Scan the QR code below for out of band proof presentation</div>\r",
+							"        <br>\r",
+							"        <div style=\"text-align:center;\">\r",
+							"            <img src='https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?size=350x350&data=+{{data.presentationMessage}}'></img>\r",
+							"        </div>\r",
+							"    </body>\r",
+							"</html>`;\r",
+							"pm.visualizer.set(template, res);\r",
+							"\r",
+							"if(res.statusCode == 201){\r",
+							"    pm.environment.set(\"oob-presentation-id\", res.data.presentationId);\r",
+							"}"
+						],
+						"type": "text/javascript"
+					}
+				}
+			],
+			"request": {
+				"method": "POST",
+				"header": [],
+				"body": {
+					"mode": "raw",
+					"raw": "{\r\n  \"schemaName\":\"\",\r\n  \"attributes\":[\"{{array0}}\",\"{{array1}}\"],\r\n  \"options\": {  \r\n                \"type\":\"Aries1.0\",\r\n                \"credentialDefinationName\":\"{{cred-def-id}}\"\r\n             }\r\n}",
+					"options": {
+						"raw": {
+							"language": "json"
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				"url": {
+					"raw": "{{proof_man_baseURL}}/v1/send-out-of-band-presentation-request",
+					"host": [
+						"{{proof_man_baseURL}}"
+					],
+					"path": [
+						"v1",
+						"send-out-of-band-presentation-request"
+					]
+				},
+				"description": "#### **Description** **:**\n\nFrom a verifier to a prover, the out of band presentation request message describes values that need to be revealed and predicates that need to be fulfilled.\n\n> The Out-of-band protocol is used when you wish to engage with another agent and you don't have a DIDComm connection to use for the interaction.\n\n#### **Body Parameters :**\n\n| **Key** | **isRequired** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- | --- |\n| credential_def_id | required | `\"cred_def_id\"`  <br>key maps to the credential definition identifier of the credential with the current attribute. It should be provided in \"STRING\" format. Mandatory if schema_id is not provided. |\n| schemaId | required | `\"schema_name\"`  <br>Should be valid existing schema and should be provided as \"STRING\". Mandatory if cred_def_id is not provided. |\n| attributes | required | `[{ \"`attribute_name`\" : \"attr_name\" }]`  <br>should be provided JSON array. |\n\n  \n  \n\n#### **Response :**\n\nThe positive response for this request comprises of following attributes :\n\n| Key | Description |\n| --- | --- |\n| `statusCode` | It return the http response code on the execution of this request. |\n| `message` | It returns the standard response with accordance to the action performed. |\n| `data` | It returns the requested information for the request. |\n| `data → id` | It returns the id for the corresponding record in the database. |\n| `data → presentation_id` | It returns the presentation id for the corresponding record in the database. |\n| `data → connectionId` | It returns the connection id for the corresponding record in the database. |\n| `data → credential_def_id` | It returns the credential defination id for the corresponding record in the database. |\n| `data → schemaId` | It returns the corresponding unique id for schema on the ledger. |\n| `data → their_did` | It returns the their did for the corresponding record in the database. |\n| `data → status` | It returns the status for the corresponding record in the database. |\n| `data → created_date` | It returns the date the presentation proof was created. |\n| `data → updated_date` | It returns the last presentation proof updation date. |\n| `data → presentationMessage` | It returns the presentation message for the corresponding record return by the mediator. |"
+			},
+			"response": [
+				{
+					"name": "Out-of-band-proof-presentation",
+					"originalRequest": {
+						"method": "POST",
+						"header": [],
+						"body": {
+							"mode": "raw",
+							"raw": "{\r\n    \"comment\": \"Out of Band\",\r\n    \"attributes\": [\r\n        {\r\n            \"attribute_name\": \"{{array0}}\",\r\n            \"value\": \"\",\r\n            \"condition\": \"\"\r\n        },\r\n        {\r\n            \"attribute_name\": \"{{array1}}\",\r\n            \"value\": \"\",\r\n            \"condition\": \"\"\r\n        }\r\n    ],\r\n    \"credential_def_id\": \"\",\r\n    \"schemaId\": \"{{schema-id}}\"\r\n}",
+							"options": {
+								"raw": {
+									"language": "json"
+								}
+							}
+						},
+						"url": {
+							"raw": "{{proof_man_baseURL}}/v1/send-out-of-band-presentation-request",
+							"host": [
+								"{{proof_man_baseURL}}"
+							],
+							"path": [
+								"v1",
+								"send-out-of-band-presentation-request"
+							]
+						}
+					},
+					"status": "Created",
+					"code": 201,
+					"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
+					"header": [
+						{
+							"key": "date",
+							"value": "Wed, 15 Jun 2022 09:27:47 GMT"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "content-type",
+							"value": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "content-length",
+							"value": "1570"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "x-powered-by",
+							"value": "Express"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "access-control-allow-origin",
+							"value": "*"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "etag",
+							"value": "W/\"622-ZaUMbvDBDS5ELn3jeaSKeedxEIQ\""
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "strict-transport-security",
+							"value": "max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains"
+						}
+					],
+					"cookie": [],
+					"body": "{\n    \"statusCode\": 201,\n    \"message\": \"Presentation request send successfully\",\n    \"data\": {\n        \"id\": \"853d92b2-0260-41a7-a9af-3c026be8fe35\",\n        \"presentation_id\": \"7fa03531-74f4-49a0-a94f-6feb30041c13\",\n        \"connectionId\": \"\",\n        \"credential_def_id\": \"\",\n        \"schemaId\": \"7KuDTpQh3GJ7Gp6kErpWvM:2:test_test_schema140622-07:14.06.2207\",\n        \"their_did\": \"\",\n        \"status\": \"request-sent\",\n        \"created_date\": \"2022-06-15T09:27:47.562Z\",\n        \"updated_date\": \"2022-06-15T09:27:47.562Z\",\n        \"presentationMessage\": \"https://gaiax.vereign.com:443/ocm/didcomm/?d_m=eyJAdHlwZSI6Imh0dHBzOi8vZGlkY29tbS5vcmcvcHJlc2VudC1wcm9vZi8xLjAvcmVxdWVzdC1wcmVzZW50YXRpb24iLCJAaWQiOiJlOGViZGQyZS0xOGM2LTRkY2EtOWFmMy05ZjZjNWYyNzk0YzYiLCJjb21tZW50IjoiT3V0IG9mIEJhbmQiLCJyZXF1ZXN0X3ByZXNlbnRhdGlvbnN-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\"\n    }\n}"
+				}
+			]
+		},
+		{
+			"name": "Check-OOB-Verification",
+			"event": [
+				{
+					"listen": "test",
+					"script": {
+						"exec": [
+							"const res = pm.response.json();\r",
+							"\r",
+							"if (res.statusCode == 200) {\r",
+							"\tif (res.data.isVerified == true && res.data.state == \"done\") {\r",
+							"\t\tlet template = `\r",
+							"            <html>\r",
+							"                <body> \r",
+							"                    <div style=\"text-align:center; color:green;\">\r",
+							"                        <h2>Proof verified successfully</h2>\r",
+							"                    </div>\r",
+							"                </body>\r",
+							"            </html>`;\r",
+							"\t\tpm.visualizer.set(template, res);\r",
+							"\t} else {\r",
+							"\t\tlet template = `\r",
+							"            <html>\r",
+							"                <body> \r",
+							"                    <div style=\"text-align:center; color:red;\">\r",
+							"                        <h2>Proof not presented yet.</h2>\r",
+							"                    </div>\r",
+							"                </body>\r",
+							"            </html>`;\r",
+							"\t\tpm.visualizer.set(template, res);\r",
+							"\t}\r",
+							"}"
+						],
+						"type": "text/javascript"
+					}
+				}
+			],
+			"request": {
+				"method": "GET",
+				"header": [],
+				"url": {
+					"raw": "{{proof_man_baseURL}}/v1/find-by-presentation-id?presentationId={{oob-presentation-id}}",
+					"host": [
+						"{{proof_man_baseURL}}"
+					],
+					"path": [
+						"v1",
+						"find-by-presentation-id"
+					],
+					"query": [
+						{
+							"key": "presentationId",
+							"value": "{{oob-presentation-id}}"
+						}
+					]
+				},
+				"description": "#### **Description** **:**\n\nThis request is used to fetch proof presentation request information for the presentation id provided in query parameter.\n\n> It also provides state of the proof presentation request.\n\n#### **Query Parameter** **:**\n\n| **Key** | **isRequired** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- | --- |\n| presentationId | required | `\"presentation_id\"`  <br>presentation_id is fetched from the proof request. It provides the state of the request. |"
+			},
+			"response": [
+				{
+					"name": "Check-OOB-Verification",
+					"originalRequest": {
+						"method": "GET",
+						"header": [],
+						"url": {
+							"raw": "{{proof_man_baseURL}}/v1/find-by-presentation-id?presentation_id={{oob-presentation-id}}",
+							"host": [
+								"{{proof_man_baseURL}}"
+							],
+							"path": [
+								"v1",
+								"find-by-presentation-id"
+							],
+							"query": [
+								{
+									"key": "presentation_id",
+									"value": "{{oob-presentation-id}}"
+								}
+							]
+						}
+					},
+					"status": "OK",
+					"code": 200,
+					"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
+					"header": [
+						{
+							"key": "date",
+							"value": "Wed, 15 Jun 2022 09:28:08 GMT"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "content-type",
+							"value": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "content-length",
+							"value": "7384"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "x-powered-by",
+							"value": "Express"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "access-control-allow-origin",
+							"value": "*"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "etag",
+							"value": "W/\"1cd8-GlvND2hpBaJd1J2NNqI0bQBluQU\""
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "strict-transport-security",
+							"value": "max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains"
+						}
+					],
+					"cookie": [],
+					"body": "{\n    \"statusCode\": 200,\n    \"message\": \"Proof presentation fetch successfully\",\n    \"data\": {\n        \"_tags\": {\n            \"state\": \"done\",\n            \"threadId\": \"e8ebdd2e-18c6-4dca-9af3-9f6c5f2794c6\"\n        },\n        \"metadata\": {},\n        \"id\": \"7fa03531-74f4-49a0-a94f-6feb30041c13\",\n        \"createdAt\": \"2022-06-15T09:27:47.528Z\",\n        \"requestMessage\": {\n            \"@type\": \"https://didcomm.org/present-proof/1.0/request-presentation\",\n            \"@id\": \"e8ebdd2e-18c6-4dca-9af3-9f6c5f2794c6\",\n            \"comment\": \"Out of Band\",\n            \"request_presentations~attach\": [\n                {\n                    \"@id\": \"libindy-request-presentation-0\",\n                    \"mime-type\": \"application/json\",\n                    \"data\": {\n                        \"base64\": \"eyJuYW1lIjoiT3V0IE9mIEJhbmQgUHJvb2YgUmVxdWVzdCIsInZlcnNpb24iOiJPdXQgT2YgQmFuZCBQcm9vZiBSZXF1ZXN0Iiwibm9uY2UiOiI5Njk2NjM0MjY2NDY0IiwicmVxdWVzdGVkX2F0dHJpYnV0ZXMiOnsiYWRkaXRpb25hbFByb3AxIjp7Im5hbWVzIjpbImZOYW1lIiwibE5hbWUiXSwicmVzdHJpY3Rpb25zIjpbeyJzY2hlbWFfaWQiOiI3S3VEVHBRaDNHSjdHcDZrRXJwV3ZNOjI6dGVzdF90ZXN0X3NjaGVtYTE0MDYyMi0wNzoxNC4wNi4yMjA3In1dfX0sInJlcXVlc3RlZF9wcmVkaWNhdGVzIjp7fX0=\"\n                    }\n                }\n            ],\n            \"~service\": {\n                \"recipientKeys\": [\n                    \"BujL2yfa3XNAWLrzversmz9zYvJJNdYhpLkKB5zg3BiL\"\n                ],\n                \"routingKeys\": [],\n                \"serviceEndpoint\": \"https://gaiax.vereign.com:443/ocm/didcomm\"\n            }\n        },\n        \"state\": \"done\",\n        \"threadId\": \"e8ebdd2e-18c6-4dca-9af3-9f6c5f2794c6\",\n        \"autoAcceptProof\": \"always\",\n        \"isVerified\": true,\n        \"presentationMessage\": {\n            \"@type\": \"https://didcomm.org/present-proof/1.0/presentation\",\n            \"@id\": \"8e2ce5d1-2f04-4edd-935e-75e6b5fed752\",\n            \"presentations~attach\": [\n                {\n                    \"@id\": \"libindy-presentation-0\",\n                    \"mime-type\": \"application/json\",\n                    \"data\": {\n                        \"base64\": \"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\"\n                    }\n                }\n            ],\n            \"~thread\": {\n                \"thid\": \"e8ebdd2e-18c6-4dca-9af3-9f6c5f2794c6\"\n            },\n            \"~service\": {\n                \"recipientKeys\": [\n                    \"evCcbASAsuvWGB4y2Z3tVeXKQLsgnF6MZ1NPWcPteiH\"\n                ],\n                \"routingKeys\": [\n                    \"3uq8CaLCKcP1Q2JW8KLyDQu9ZrHPbZw4Kix9oZqeY7Tf\"\n                ],\n                \"serviceEndpoint\": \"https://gaiax.vereign.com/mediator\"\n            },\n            \"~transport\": {\n                \"return_route\": \"all\"\n            }\n        }\n    }\n}"
+				}
+			]
+		},
+		{
+			"name": "Out-of-band-proof-for-type",
+			"event": [
+				{
+					"listen": "test",
+					"script": {
+						"exec": [
+							"const res = pm.response.json();\r",
+							"\r",
+							"let template = `\r",
+							"<html>\r",
+							"    <body> \r",
+							"        <div>Scan the QR code below for out of band proof presentation</div>\r",
+							"        <br>\r",
+							"        <div style=\"text-align:center;\">\r",
+							"            <img src='https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?size=350x350&data=+{{data.presentationMessage}}'></img>\r",
+							"        </div>\r",
+							"    </body>\r",
+							"</html>`;\r",
+							"pm.visualizer.set(template, res);\r",
+							"\r",
+							"if(res.statusCode == 201){\r",
+							"    pm.environment.set(\"oob_type-presentation-id\", res.data.presentationId);\r",
+							"}"
+						],
+						"type": "text/javascript"
+					}
+				}
+			],
+			"request": {
+				"method": "POST",
+				"header": [
+					{
+						"key": "accept",
+						"value": "*/*"
+					}
+				],
+				"url": {
+					"raw": "{{proof_man_baseURL}}/v1/out-of-band-proof?type=principalMemberCredential",
+					"host": [
+						"{{proof_man_baseURL}}"
+					],
+					"path": [
+						"v1",
+						"out-of-band-proof"
+					],
+					"query": [
+						{
+							"key": "type",
+							"value": "principalMemberCredential"
+						}
+					]
+				}
+			},
+			"response": []
+		},
+		{
+			"name": "Check-OOB-Type-Verification",
+			"event": [
+				{
+					"listen": "test",
+					"script": {
+						"exec": [
+							"const res = pm.response.json();\r",
+							"\r",
+							"if (res.statusCode == 200) {\r",
+							"\tif (res.data.isVerified == true && res.data.state == \"done\") {\r",
+							"\t\tlet template = `\r",
+							"            <html>\r",
+							"                <body> \r",
+							"                    <div style=\"text-align:center; color:green;\">\r",
+							"                        <h2>Proof verified successfully</h2>\r",
+							"                    </div>\r",
+							"                </body>\r",
+							"            </html>`;\r",
+							"\t\tpm.visualizer.set(template, res);\r",
+							"\t} else {\r",
+							"\t\tlet template = `\r",
+							"            <html>\r",
+							"                <body> \r",
+							"                    <div style=\"text-align:center; color:red;\">\r",
+							"                        <h2>Proof not presented yet.</h2>\r",
+							"                    </div>\r",
+							"                </body>\r",
+							"            </html>`;\r",
+							"\t\tpm.visualizer.set(template, res);\r",
+							"\t}\r",
+							"}"
+						],
+						"type": "text/javascript"
+					}
+				}
+			],
+			"request": {
+				"method": "GET",
+				"header": [],
+				"url": {
+					"raw": "{{proof_man_baseURL}}/v1/find-by-presentation-id?presentationId={{oob_type-presentation-id}}",
+					"host": [
+						"{{proof_man_baseURL}}"
+					],
+					"path": [
+						"v1",
+						"find-by-presentation-id"
+					],
+					"query": [
+						{
+							"key": "presentationId",
+							"value": "{{oob_type-presentation-id}}"
+						}
+					]
+				},
+				"description": "#### **Description** **:**\n\nThis request is used to fetch proof presentation request information for the presentation id provided in query parameter.\n\n> It also provides state of the proof presentation request.\n\n#### **Query Parameter** **:**\n\n| **Key** | **isRequired** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- | --- |\n| presentationId | required | `\"presentation_id\"`  <br>presentation_id is fetched from the proof request. It provides the state of the request. |"
+			},
+			"response": [
+				{
+					"name": "Check-OOB-Verification",
+					"originalRequest": {
+						"method": "GET",
+						"header": [],
+						"url": {
+							"raw": "{{proof_man_baseURL}}/v1/find-by-presentation-id?presentation_id={{oob-presentation-id}}",
+							"host": [
+								"{{proof_man_baseURL}}"
+							],
+							"path": [
+								"v1",
+								"find-by-presentation-id"
+							],
+							"query": [
+								{
+									"key": "presentation_id",
+									"value": "{{oob-presentation-id}}"
+								}
+							]
+						}
+					},
+					"status": "OK",
+					"code": 200,
+					"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
+					"header": [
+						{
+							"key": "date",
+							"value": "Wed, 15 Jun 2022 09:28:08 GMT"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "content-type",
+							"value": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "content-length",
+							"value": "7384"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "x-powered-by",
+							"value": "Express"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "access-control-allow-origin",
+							"value": "*"
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "etag",
+							"value": "W/\"1cd8-GlvND2hpBaJd1J2NNqI0bQBluQU\""
+						},
+						{
+							"key": "strict-transport-security",
+							"value": "max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains"
+						}
+					],
+					"cookie": [],
+					"body": "{\n    \"statusCode\": 200,\n    \"message\": \"Proof presentation fetch successfully\",\n    \"data\": {\n        \"_tags\": {\n            \"state\": \"done\",\n            \"threadId\": \"e8ebdd2e-18c6-4dca-9af3-9f6c5f2794c6\"\n        },\n        \"metadata\": {},\n        \"id\": \"7fa03531-74f4-49a0-a94f-6feb30041c13\",\n        \"createdAt\": \"2022-06-15T09:27:47.528Z\",\n        \"requestMessage\": {\n            \"@type\": \"https://didcomm.org/present-proof/1.0/request-presentation\",\n            \"@id\": \"e8ebdd2e-18c6-4dca-9af3-9f6c5f2794c6\",\n            \"comment\": \"Out of Band\",\n            \"request_presentations~attach\": [\n                {\n                    \"@id\": \"libindy-request-presentation-0\",\n                    \"mime-type\": \"application/json\",\n                    \"data\": {\n                        \"base64\": \"eyJuYW1lIjoiT3V0IE9mIEJhbmQgUHJvb2YgUmVxdWVzdCIsInZlcnNpb24iOiJPdXQgT2YgQmFuZCBQcm9vZiBSZXF1ZXN0Iiwibm9uY2UiOiI5Njk2NjM0MjY2NDY0IiwicmVxdWVzdGVkX2F0dHJpYnV0ZXMiOnsiYWRkaXRpb25hbFByb3AxIjp7Im5hbWVzIjpbImZOYW1lIiwibE5hbWUiXSwicmVzdHJpY3Rpb25zIjpbeyJzY2hlbWFfaWQiOiI3S3VEVHBRaDNHSjdHcDZrRXJwV3ZNOjI6dGVzdF90ZXN0X3NjaGVtYTE0MDYyMi0wNzoxNC4wNi4yMjA3In1dfX0sInJlcXVlc3RlZF9wcmVkaWNhdGVzIjp7fX0=\"\n                    }\n                }\n            ],\n            \"~service\": {\n                \"recipientKeys\": [\n                    \"BujL2yfa3XNAWLrzversmz9zYvJJNdYhpLkKB5zg3BiL\"\n                ],\n                \"routingKeys\": [],\n                \"serviceEndpoint\": \"https://gaiax.vereign.com:443/ocm/didcomm\"\n            }\n        },\n        \"state\": \"done\",\n        \"threadId\": \"e8ebdd2e-18c6-4dca-9af3-9f6c5f2794c6\",\n        \"autoAcceptProof\": \"always\",\n        \"isVerified\": true,\n        \"presentationMessage\": {\n            \"@type\": \"https://didcomm.org/present-proof/1.0/presentation\",\n            \"@id\": \"8e2ce5d1-2f04-4edd-935e-75e6b5fed752\",\n            \"presentations~attach\": [\n                {\n                    \"@id\": \"libindy-presentation-0\",\n                    \"mime-type\": \"application/json\",\n                    \"data\": {\n                        \"base64\": \"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\"\n                    }\n                }\n            ],\n            \"~thread\": {\n                \"thid\": \"e8ebdd2e-18c6-4dca-9af3-9f6c5f2794c6\"\n            },\n            \"~service\": {\n                \"recipientKeys\": [\n                    \"evCcbASAsuvWGB4y2Z3tVeXKQLsgnF6MZ1NPWcPteiH\"\n                ],\n                \"routingKeys\": [\n                    \"3uq8CaLCKcP1Q2JW8KLyDQu9ZrHPbZw4Kix9oZqeY7Tf\"\n                ],\n                \"serviceEndpoint\": \"https://gaiax.vereign.com/mediator\"\n            },\n            \"~transport\": {\n                \"return_route\": \"all\"\n            }\n        }\n    }\n}"
+				}
+			]
+		},
+		{
+			"name": "",
+			"request": {
+				"method": "POST",
+				"header": [
+					{
+						"key": "accept",
+						"value": "*/*"
+					}
+				],
+				"url": {
+					"raw": "{{proof_man_baseURL}}/v1/accept-presentation?presentation_id=5eceaa96-d08a-42a3-a083-98672ce55188",
+					"host": [
+						"{{proof_man_baseURL}}"
+					],
+					"path": [
+						"v1",
+						"accept-presentation"
+					],
+					"query": [
+						{
+							"key": "presentation_id",
+							"value": "5eceaa96-d08a-42a3-a083-98672ce55188"
+						}
+					]
+				}
+			},
+			"response": []
+		},
+		{
+			"name": "Get-agent-proofs-proposal",
+			"request": {
+				"method": "GET",
+				"header": [],
+				"url": {
+					"raw": "{{proof_man_baseURL}}/v1/agent-proofs?threadId=85054e0d-2c21-4711-88d0-0c66ad1959f5",
+					"host": [
+						"{{proof_man_baseURL}}"
+					],
+					"path": [
+						"v1",
+						"agent-proofs"
+					],
+					"query": [
+						{
+							"key": "threadId",
+							"value": "85054e0d-2c21-4711-88d0-0c66ad1959f5"
+						}
+					]
+				}
+			},
+			"response": []
+		}
+	]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/documentation/README.md b/documentation/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7f9b02bd352394295e1107bad6552610b04b275b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Introduction
+The purpuse of this repository is to hold specific information related to `Organization Credential Manager` project: 
+* Initial high level requirement which are specific for the project
+* Technical documentation and diagrams
+* Agreed tools and libraries
+* Outcome of researches
diff --git a/documentation/create-credential-definition.md b/documentation/create-credential-definition.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0b40958bdb81e4f860b76cab3af09214e80ca2aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/create-credential-definition.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+participant OCM Admin
+participant OCM Attestation Manager
+  par
+  OCM Admin ->> OCM Attestation Manager: Calls the POST method credentialDef with relevant attributes.
+  OCM Attestation Manager ->> OCM Admin: Responds with status code 201, with message 'Credential definition created successfully', if credential definition is created on ledger successfully
+  end
diff --git a/documentation/create-schema-sequence.md b/documentation/create-schema-sequence.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fa530f544ccdfef38042cca4247dea3ff0f82f23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/create-schema-sequence.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+participant OCM Admin
+participant OCM Attestation Manager
+  par
+  OCM Admin ->> OCM Attestation Manager: Calls the POST method Schemas with relevant attributes.
+  OCM Attestation Manager ->> OCM Admin: Responds with status code 201, with message 'Schema created successfully', if schema is created on ledger successfully
+  end
+  ```
diff --git a/documentation/er-diagram.md b/documentation/er-diagram.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3fcce92486b468a6f21a8f8fc6f60e00c5e5ffd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/er-diagram.md
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# OCM ER Diagram
+    erDiagram
+        Participant ||--o{ Schema : Creates-Consume
+        Schema ||--|{ Attributes : Has
+        CredentialDef ||--|| Schema : Has
+        Connection ||--o{ Credential : Issues
+        Credential ||--|| CredentialDef : Has
+        Participant ||--o{ Connection : Has
+        Proof }o--|| Connection : Requests
+        Agent }o--|| Participant : Has
+        Agent ||--|{ Ledger : Has
+        User }|--|| Participant : Has
+        Config {
+            uuid id
+            string key
+            string value
+            DateTime created_date
+            DateTime updated_date
+        }
+        Participant {
+            uuid id
+            string name
+            string address
+            string website
+            DateTime created_date
+            uuid created_by
+            DateTime updated_date
+            uuid updated_by
+        }
+        User {
+            uuid id
+            string email
+            string password
+            Boolean is_verified
+            Role role
+            uuid participant_id
+            DateTime created_date
+            uuid created_by
+            DateTime updated_date
+            uuid updated_by
+        }
+        Agent {
+            uuid id
+            uuid participant_id
+            string agent_url
+            string invitation_url
+            string public_did
+            string wallet_name
+            string status
+            DateTime created_date
+            uuid created_by
+            DateTime updated_date
+            uuid updated_by
+        }
+        Ledger {
+            uuid id
+            uuid agent_id
+            string network
+            Blob genesis_file
+            string environment
+            DateTime created_date
+            DateTime updated_date
+        }
+        Schema {
+            uuid id
+            string schemaID
+            string participant_did
+            string name
+            DateTime created_date
+            uuid created_by
+            DateTime updated_date
+            uuid updated_by
+        }
+        Attributes {
+            uuid id
+            string schemaID
+            string name
+            DateTime created_date
+            uuid created_by
+            DateTime updated_date
+            uuid updated_by
+        }
+        Credential {
+            uuid id
+            uuid exchange_id
+            uuid cred_def_id
+            string connection_id
+            string participant_id
+            string principal_did
+            DateTime created_date
+            DateTime updated_date
+        }
+        CredentialDef {
+            uuid id
+            string cred_def_id
+            string schemaID
+            string name
+            Boolean is_auto_issue
+            Boolean is_revokable
+            DateTime created_date
+            uuid created_by
+            DateTime updated_date
+            uuid updated_by
+        }
+        Connection {
+            uuid id
+            string connection_id
+            string status
+            string participant_did
+            string their_did
+            string their_label
+            DateTime created_date
+            uuid created_by
+            DateTime updated_date
+            uuid updated_by
+        }
+        Proof {
+            uuid id
+            string presentation_id
+            string credential_def_id
+            string participant_did
+            string their_did
+            string status
+            DateTime created_date
+            DateTime updated_date
+        }
diff --git a/documentation/issue-credential-sequence.md b/documentation/issue-credential-sequence.md
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..86a4d4eaefb1251adf608ddc1c3671b51534621c
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+++ b/documentation/issue-credential-sequence.md
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+participant PCM User
+participant PCM App
+participant OCM Admin
+participant OCM Attestation Manager
+  par
+  OCM Admin ->> OCM Attestation Manager: Calls the POST method create-offer-Credential with connectionId, credentialDefinitionId and relevant attributes and their values.
+  OCM Attestation Manager ->> PCM App: Offers the Credential to the corresponding PCM
+  PCM User->> PCM App: Accepts the Credential
+  PCM App ->> OCM Attestation Manager: Sends acknowledgement
+  OCM Attestation Manager ->> PCM App: Accepts the acknowledgement on accept-request API, and issues the Verifiable Credential, which gets stored in PCM wallet.
+  end
+  ```
diff --git a/documentation/ocm-services.md b/documentation/ocm-services.md
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ffbf1baea6057edae44cb8452b603ed84db6edd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/ocm-services.md
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# OCM ER Diagram
+    flowchart LR
+        gateway[API Gateway] -->Connection
+        subgraph test
+        service1 --> service2
+        subgraph subgraph
+        subgraph2-->subgraph1
+        end
+        end
diff --git a/documentation/onboarding.md b/documentation/onboarding.md
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..105df24b2fa668c4e1a63678829a028da001aa1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/onboarding.md
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Onboarding Diagram
+    flowchart LR
+        subgraph AA["Authentication & Authorization"]
+        g-reg["Registration"]
+        end
+        subgraph gaiax[Gaiax]
+        TSA["Trust Services API"]
+          subgraph ocm
+            AISBL
+            Services-->g-db
+            g-reg-->Services
+            Services-- Request -->AISBL
+            AISBL-- callback -->Services
+         end
+            g-db[(Database)]
+        end
+        subgraph ayanworks[Ayanworks]
+        aAdmin((Admin))
+        aAdmin-->g-reg
+        a-ocm["OCM Services"]-- Request -->a-afj
+        a-afj["AFJ"]-- callback -->a-ocm
+        a-ocm-->a-db[(Database)]
+        AISBL-- "Credential Issue v2" -->a-afj
+        a-TSA["Trust Service API"]
+        end
+        subgraph vereign[Vereign]
+        vAdmin((Admin))
+        vAdmin-->g-reg
+        v-ocm["OCM Services"]-- Request -->v-afj
+        v-afj["AFJ"]-- callback -->v-ocm
+        v-ocm-->v-db[(Database)]
+        AISBL-- "Credential Issue v2" -->v-afj
+        v-TSA["Trust Service API"]
+        end
+        subgraph pcm[PCM]
+        p-afj["Mobile Aries Agent"]-- "Registration connection" -->AISBL
+        p-afj-- "Subscription Connection" -->v-afj
+        end
+        subgraph Certifier
+        cAriesAgent["Aries Agent"]-- eIDAS VC -->a-afj
+        cAriesAgent["Aries Agent"]-- eIDAS VC -->v-afj
+        end
diff --git a/documentation/out-of-band-sequence.md b/documentation/out-of-band-sequence.md
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dc001887fd9d52efce4c4e6361d01c7183a39832
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/out-of-band-sequence.md
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+participant PCM User
+participant PCM App
+participant OCM Admin
+participant OCM Proof Manager
+ par
+ OCM Admin ->> OCM Proof Manager: Calls the POST method send-out-of-band-presentation-request, with either schemaId or credentialDefinitionId and required attributes.
+ OCM Proof Manager ->> OCM Admin: Sends the URL generated of proof presentation request
+ OCM Admin->> OCM Admin: Receives the URL and converts it to QR code and displays the same.
+ PCM App ->> OCM Admin: Scans the QR code for Out of Band Proof Presentation.
+ PCM User ->> PCM App: The User accepts to share the requested attributes of specified credential.
+ PCM App ->> OCM Proof Manager: Sends the requested attributes, if proof verification is successful it sets isVerified as true and state as done in the database.
+ OCM Admin ->> OCM Proof Manager: Calls Get method find-by-presentation-id API, against the presentation-id of proof request, and confirms the status of isVerified and state.
+ end
diff --git a/documentation/principal-credential-schema.md b/documentation/principal-credential-schema.md
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..27cce9d81a340664def2d4fc2ed861dd5d97207e
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+++ b/documentation/principal-credential-schema.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+## Principal Credential Schema
+This schema is used to issue VC to Principal User at the time of registration. This VC will indicate respective principal user is part of Gaiax ecosystem. This VC will also be used every time to make respective connection as Trusted via Proof Verification of this schemaID
+Following attributes should be in schema (case sensitive)
+ 1. email // principalUser email address
+ 2. issuerDID // issuer OCM organization public DID 
+ 3. subjectDID // holder pairwise DID
+ ```
diff --git a/documentation/principal-user-registration-sequence.md b/documentation/principal-user-registration-sequence.md
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e0debe21c49455aa85898ba5714234c5d320f9c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/principal-user-registration-sequence.md
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+participant Playstore/Appstore
+participant PCM User
+participant PCM App
+participant OCM Notification Manager(Federation)
+participant Mediator
+participant OCM Admin
+participant OCM Connection Manager
+participant OCM Principal Manager
+participant OCM Attestation Manager
+ par
+  User Device->>Playstore/Appstore: Downloads PCM App
+  PCM User ->> PCM App: Enters email
+  PCM App ->>OCM Notification Manager(Federation): sends email Address to notification/sendOTP(), for OTP generation
+  OCM Notification Manager(Federation) ->> PCM User: Sends OTP to Email address provided
+  PCM User->>PCM App: Enters OTP
+  PCM App ->>OCM Notification Manager(Federation): Sends OTP to notification/verifyOTP()
+  OCM Notification Manager(Federation)->>PCM App: On successful verification, returns success
+  PCM User ->> PCM App: Enters Pin and Biometric
+  PCM App ->> PCM App: Create Wallet, show mnemonic
+  PCM User->>PCM App: copies and saves mnemonic
+  end
+  par
+  PCM App->> Mediator: Sends DIDComm Connection
+  Mediator->>PCM App: On successful connection sends connected
+  end
+  par
+  OCM Admin ->> OCM Connection Manager: Uses invitationURL(), to generate new Invitation URL with parameter 'alias = member'
+  OCM Admin ->> OCM Admin: Converts URL to QR, and displays
+  PCM App ->> OCM Admin: Scans the QR code, and the connection between PCM and OCM gets completed and active
+  OCM Connection Manager ->> OCM Principal Manager: Request for issuance of Principal credential
+  OCM Principal Manager ->> OCM Attestation Manager: Requests Attestation Manager with Principal Credential CredDef to issue credential based on CredDef
+  OCM Attestation Manager ->> PCM App: Issues Credential to the individual and the credential gets stored in PCM App's wallet
+  end
diff --git a/documentation/proof-verification-sequence.md b/documentation/proof-verification-sequence.md
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6869f6ff3a430ceb663a1211f1ca5f188f228b82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/proof-verification-sequence.md
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+participant PCM User
+participant PCM App
+participant OCM Admin
+participant OCM Proof Manager
+ par
+ OCM Admin ->> OCM Proof Manager: Calls the POST method send-presentation-request, against the connectionID, with either schemaId or credentialDefinitionId and required attributes.
+ OCM Proof Manager ->> PCM App: Sends the Proof Presentation Request.
+ PCM User ->> PCM App: The User accepts to share the requested attributes of specified credential.
+ PCM App ->> OCM Proof Manager: Sends the requested attributes, if proof verification is successful it sets isVerified as true and state as done in the database.
+ OCM Admin ->> OCM Proof Manager: Calls Get method find-by-presentation-id API, against the presentation-id of proof request, and confirms the status of isVerified and state.
+ end
diff --git a/documentation/subscription-sequence.md b/documentation/subscription-sequence.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..786277b2cf5554f0743deb4a35e9478579da9f58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/subscription-sequence.md
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+participant PCM App
+participant OCM Admin
+participant OCM Connection Manager
+participant OCM Connection Manager Db
+participant OCM Principal Manager
+participant OCM Proof Manager
+  par
+  OCM Admin ->> OCM Connection Manager: Uses invitationURL(), to generate new Invitation URL with parameter 'alias = subscriber'
+  OCM Admin ->> OCM Admin: Converts URL to QR, and displays
+  PCM App ->> OCM Admin: Scans the QR code, and the connection between PCM and OCM gets completed and active
+  OCM Connection Manager ->> OCM Principal Manager: Requests for Proof Verification on Principal credential, to turn connection from active to trusted
+  OCM Principal Manager ->> OCM Proof Manager: Requests Proof Verification on sendMembershipProofRequest() on Principal Credential schema
+  OCM Proof Manager ->> PCM App: Requests for proof verification from PCM App
+  PCM App ->> OCM Proof Manager: Responds with Proof Request.
+  OCM Proof Manager ->> OCM Connection Manager Db: Changes the status of Connection to Trusted from Completed if proof verification is successful
+  end