diff --git a/releng.wtpbuilder/one_time_use_scripts/fixzips.xml b/releng.wtpbuilder/one_time_use_scripts/fixzips.xml
index eada0734fec96819b7372d1f1a97c92027b8bbbc..fffc00971d6ba9cc95aa4576181d179ec4e050c4 100644
--- a/releng.wtpbuilder/one_time_use_scripts/fixzips.xml
+++ b/releng.wtpbuilder/one_time_use_scripts/fixzips.xml
@@ -1,40 +1,79 @@
-<project default="fixzips" basedir=".">
-	<target name="fixzips">
-		<property name="buildDirectory" value="/shared/webtools/committers/wtp-R3.0-R/20080616152118" />
-		<property name="buildLabel" value="R-3.0-20080616152118" />
-		<antcall target="fixzip">
-			<param name="newarchiveName" value="wtp-jpt-sdk-R-3.0-20080616152118.zip" />
-      <param name="archiveName" value="wtp-jpt-sdk-R-3.0-20080616152118ORIG.zip" />
-		</antcall>
-    <antcall target="fixzip">
-      <param name="newarchiveName" value="wtp-sdk-noop-R-3.0-20080616152118.zip" />
-      <param name="archiveName" value="wtp-sdk-noop-R-3.0-20080616152118ORIG.zip" />
-    </antcall>
-    <antcall target="fixzip">
-      <param name="newarchiveName" value="wtp-sdk-R-3.0-20080616152118.zip" />
-      <param name="archiveName" value="wtp-sdk-R-3.0-20080616152118ORIG.zip" />
-    </antcall>		
-	</target>
-	<target name="fixzip">
-		<zip destfile="${buildDirectory}/${buildLabel}/${newarchiveName}">
-			<zipfileset src="${buildDirectory}/${buildLabel}/${archiveName}" excludes="eclipse/features/org.eclipse.jpt.sdk*/**" />
-		</zip>
-		<antcall target="createChecksums">
-			<param name="archiveName" value="${newarchiveName}" />
-		</antcall>
-	</target>
-	<target name="createChecksums">
-		<!-- This createChecksums task creates two files, for use in two contexts.
-          a. an x.md5 file, that has the name of the file in the contents.
-          This is good for some "third party" executables, like md5summ, that
-          expects the name in the file.
-          b. since ant does not deal well with md5 files with anything in them
-          other than the checksum, we provide same thing in a file with
-          an md5antformat extension, that has only the checksum.
-      -->
-		<mkdir dir="${buildDirectory}/${buildLabel}/checksum" />
-		<checksum file="${buildDirectory}/${buildLabel}/${archiveName}" property="md5" />
-		<echo message="${md5} *${archiveName}" file="${buildDirectory}/${buildLabel}/checksum/${archiveName}.md5" />
-		<echo message="${md5}" file="${buildDirectory}/${buildLabel}/checksum/${archiveName}.md5antformat" />
-	</target>
+    default="fixzips"
+    basedir=".">
+    <target
+        name="fixzips">
+        <property
+            name="buildDirectory"
+            value="/shared/webtools/committers/wtp-R3.0-R/20080616152118"/>
+        <property
+            name="buildLabel"
+            value="R-3.0-20080616152118"/>
+        <antcall
+            target="fixzip">
+            <param
+                name="newarchiveName"
+                value="wtp-jpt-sdk-R-3.0-20080616152118.zip"/>
+            <param
+                name="archiveName"
+                value="wtp-jpt-sdk-R-3.0-20080616152118ORIG.zip"/>
+        </antcall>
+        <antcall
+            target="fixzip">
+            <param
+                name="newarchiveName"
+                value="wtp-sdk-noop-R-3.0-20080616152118.zip"/>
+            <param
+                name="archiveName"
+                value="wtp-sdk-noop-R-3.0-20080616152118ORIG.zip"/>
+        </antcall>
+        <antcall
+            target="fixzip">
+            <param
+                name="newarchiveName"
+                value="wtp-sdk-R-3.0-20080616152118.zip"/>
+            <param
+                name="archiveName"
+                value="wtp-sdk-R-3.0-20080616152118ORIG.zip"/>
+        </antcall>
+    </target>
+    <target
+        name="fixzip">
+        <zip
+            destfile="${buildDirectory}/${buildLabel}/${newarchiveName}">
+            <zipfileset
+                src="${buildDirectory}/${buildLabel}/${archiveName}"
+                excludes="eclipse/features/org.eclipse.jpt.sdk*/**"/>
+        </zip>
+        <antcall
+            target="createChecksums">
+            <param
+                name="archiveName"
+                value="${newarchiveName}"/>
+        </antcall>
+    </target>
+    <target
+        name="createChecksums">
+        <!--
+            This createChecksums task creates two files, for use in two
+            contexts. a. an x.md5 file, that has the name of the file in
+            the contents. This is good for some "third party"
+            executables, like md5summ, that expects the name in the
+            file. b. since ant does not deal well with md5 files with
+            anything in them other than the checksum, we provide same
+            thing in a file with an md5antformat extension, that has
+            only the checksum.
+        -->
+        <mkdir
+            dir="${buildDirectory}/${buildLabel}/checksum"/>
+        <checksum
+            file="${buildDirectory}/${buildLabel}/${archiveName}"
+            property="md5"/>
+        <echo
+            message="${md5} *${archiveName}"
+            file="${buildDirectory}/${buildLabel}/checksum/${archiveName}.md5"/>
+        <echo
+            message="${md5}"
+            file="${buildDirectory}/${buildLabel}/checksum/${archiveName}.md5antformat"/>
+    </target>
\ No newline at end of file