diff --git a/plugins/org.eclipse.wtp.releng.tools/src/org/eclipse/wtp/releng/tools/MapFileGenerator.java b/plugins/org.eclipse.wtp.releng.tools/src/org/eclipse/wtp/releng/tools/MapFileGenerator.java
index 527eeb455b096e3a37f33133deb5f5f8febc1f8c..cf22314dc145ec755fcf6fb8579229bf2d4160b3 100644
--- a/plugins/org.eclipse.wtp.releng.tools/src/org/eclipse/wtp/releng/tools/MapFileGenerator.java
+++ b/plugins/org.eclipse.wtp.releng.tools/src/org/eclipse/wtp/releng/tools/MapFileGenerator.java
@@ -6,14 +6,13 @@
  * Contributors: IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
- * This Class was copied from similar package in Orbit, org.eclipse.orbit.releng.tools
+ * This Class was originally copied and modified from similar package in Orbit, org.eclipse.orbit.releng.tools
  * Thanks to DJ and others. 
 package org.eclipse.wtp.releng.tools;
 import java.io.BufferedReader;
 import java.io.BufferedWriter;
-import java.io.File;
 import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
 import java.io.FileReader;
 import java.io.FileWriter;
@@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ import org.apache.tools.ant.Task;
  * <pre>
- * <code>
+ * &lt;code&gt;
  *    &lt;!-- This declares the task to ant. It needs to be tweaked to point to the jar containing the task --&gt;
  *    &lt;taskdef
@@ -52,30 +51,27 @@ import org.apache.tools.ant.Task;
  *    &lt;eclipse.mapGenerator
  *    root=&quot;${topBuildDirectory}/${buildLabel}/bundles&quot;
  *    addressPrefix=&quot;http://download.eclipse.org/tools/orbit/committers/drops/${buildLabel}/bundles/&quot;
- *    inputFile=&quot;${topBuildDirectory}/finalPluginsVersions.properties&quot;
+ *    inputFilePluginVersions=&quot;${topBuildDirectory}/finalPluginsVersions.properties&quot;
  *    outputFile=&quot;${topBuildDirectory}/${buildLabel}/orbitBundles.map&quot; /&gt;
  *    &lt;/target&gt;
- * </code>
- </pre>
+ * &lt;/code&gt;
+ * </pre>
 public class MapFileGenerator extends Task {
 	private static final String EOL = System.getProperty("line.separator");
-	// Longterm we'll want to use 'bundle', but due to 
+	// Longterm we'll want to use 'bundle', but due to
 	// https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=174331
 	// we'll use 'plugin' for now.
 	private static final String BUNDLE = "bundle";
 	private static final String PLUGIN = "plugin";
+	private String FEATURE_LINE_PREFIX = "feature";
 	private boolean usePlugin = true;
 	private DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.LONG, DateFormat.LONG);
-	private File root;
-	private String username;
-	private String pwd;
-	private String addressPrefix;
-	private String inputFile;
-	private String outputFile;
+	private String inputFilePluginVersions;
+	private String inputFileFeatureVersions;
 	private String p2MapFile;
 	private String p2Repository;
@@ -95,30 +91,25 @@ public class MapFileGenerator extends Task {
 		try {
-			List list = getBundleDetails();
-			writeList(list, outputFile, false);
-			// only write out a p2 map file if the required attributes are present
+			List listbundleinfo = getVersionDetails(inputFilePluginVersions);
+			List listfeatureinfo = getVersionDetails(inputFileFeatureVersions);
+			// only write out a p2 map file if the required attributes are
+			// present
 			if (p2MapFile != null && p2Repository != null)
-				writeList(list, p2MapFile, true);
+				writeList(listfeatureinfo, listbundleinfo, p2MapFile);
-		} catch (IOException e) {
+		}
+		catch (IOException e) {
 			new BuildException(e);
-	// plugin@my.bundle.id,1.0.0=p2IU,id=my.bundle.id,version=1.0.0.v20081201,repository=http:/example.com/repo 
-	private String generateP2Fetch(BundleInfo info) {
-		return BUNDLE_LINE_PREFIX + '@' + info.id + ',' + info.version + "=p2IU,id=" + info.id + ",version=" + info.fullVersion + ",repository=" + p2Repository + EOL;
-	}
-	// plugin@my.bundle.id,1.0.0=GET,http://eclipse.org/downloads/orbit/my.bundle.id_1.0.0.v20081201.zip,unpack=true|false
-	private String generateCVSFetch(BundleInfo info) {
-		String fileName = info.id + "_" + info.fullVersion;
-		boolean isJar = isJar(fileName);
-		return new String(BUNDLE_LINE_PREFIX + "@" + info.id + ',' + info.version + "=GET," + addressPrefix + fileName + (isJar ? ".jar" : ".zip,unpack=true") + (username == null ? "" : ',' + username) + (pwd == null ? "" : ',' + pwd) + EOL);
+	// plugin@my.bundle.id,1.0.0=p2IU,id=my.bundle.id,version=1.0.0.v20081201,repository=http:/example.com/repo
+	private String generateP2Fetch(String prefix, BundleInfo info) {
+		return prefix + '@' + info.id + ',' + info.version + "=p2IU,id=" + info.id + ",version=" + info.fullVersion + ",repository=" + p2Repository + EOL;
-	private List getBundleDetails() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
+	private List getVersionDetails(String inputFile) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
 		List bundleDetailsList = new ArrayList();
 		BufferedReader reader = null;
 		try {
@@ -133,7 +124,8 @@ public class MapFileGenerator extends Task {
 				m = replacementExpression.matcher(current);
 				if (!m.matches())
-				// the properties file contains entries with and without a version and
+				// the properties file contains entries with and without a
+				// version and
 				// we want to skip the non-version ones
 				if (m.group(2) == null)
@@ -145,68 +137,57 @@ public class MapFileGenerator extends Task {
-		} finally {
+		}
+		finally {
 			if (reader != null)
 		return bundleDetailsList;
-	private void writeList(List bundleDetailsList, String output, boolean isP2) throws IOException {
+	private void writeList(List featureDetailsList, List bundleDetailsList, String output) throws IOException {
 		BufferedWriter writer = null;
 		try {
 			writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(output));
 			writer.write("!*** This file was created on " + dateFormat.format(new Date()));
-			Collections.sort(bundleDetailsList);
-			Iterator iterator = bundleDetailsList.iterator();
+			Collections.sort(featureDetailsList);
+			Iterator iterator = featureDetailsList.iterator();
 			while (iterator.hasNext()) {
 				BundleInfo info = (BundleInfo) iterator.next();
 				// double space for readability
-				writer.write(EOL);
-				writer.write(isP2 ? generateP2Fetch(info) : generateCVSFetch(info));
+				// writer.write(EOL);
+				writer.write(generateP2Fetch(FEATURE_LINE_PREFIX, info));
-		} finally {
+			Collections.sort(bundleDetailsList);
+			Iterator iterator2 = bundleDetailsList.iterator();
+			while (iterator2.hasNext()) {
+				BundleInfo info = (BundleInfo) iterator2.next();
+				// double space for readability
+				// writer.write(EOL);
+				writer.write(generateP2Fetch(BUNDLE_LINE_PREFIX, info));
+			}
+		}
+		finally {
 			if (writer != null)
-	private boolean isJar(String path) {
-		File checked = new File(root, path + ".jar");
-		if (checked.exists())
-			return true;
-		return false;
-	}
-	public void setRoot(File root) {
-		this.root = root;
-	}
-	public void setUsername(String username) {
-		this.username = username;
-	}
-	public void setPassword(String pwd) {
-		this.pwd = pwd;
-	}
-	public void setAddressPrefix(String addressPrefix) {
-		this.addressPrefix = addressPrefix;
-	}
-	public void setInputFile(String inputFile) {
-		this.inputFile = inputFile;
-	}
-	public void setOutputFile(String outputFile) {
-		this.outputFile = outputFile;
+	public void setInputFilePluginVersions(String inputFile) {
+		this.inputFilePluginVersions = inputFile;
 	public void setP2MapFile(String value) {
 		this.p2MapFile = value;
 	public void setP2Repository(String value) {
 		this.p2Repository = value;
+	public void setInputFileFeatureVersions(String inputFileFeatureVersions) {
+		this.inputFileFeatureVersions = inputFileFeatureVersions;
+	}