diff --git a/releng.control/config.xml b/releng.control/config.xml
index 5eda1e0c81489cffb4caffe6416801f56adb6aea..de93b03456efaddd0a96408bd9240d0d8e8e3365 100644
--- a/releng.control/config.xml
+++ b/releng.control/config.xml
@@ -23,6 +23,79 @@
 		file="${logDir}/buildstatus.html" />
+    <project
+        name="wtp-R1.5-P"
+        buildafterfailed="true">
+        <dateformat format="yyyyMMdd-HHmm z" />
+        <listeners>
+            <currentbuildstatuslistener />
+        </listeners>
+        <log
+            dir="${logDir}"
+            encoding="ISO-8859-1" />
+        <!-- Defines where cruise looks for changes, to decide whether to run the build -->
+        <modificationset quietperiod="120">
+            <cvs 
+                tag="R1_5_maintenance_patches"
+                localworkingcopy="${build.home}/build-node/checkout/wtp-R1.5-P/releng" />
+            <cvs 
+                tag="R1_5_maintenance_patches"
+                localworkingcopy="${build.home}/build-node/checkout/wtp-R1.5-P/releng.wtpbuilder" />
+        </modificationset>
+        <schedule interval="${time.onRequestOnly}">
+            <ant
+                antscript="${build.home}/releng.control/ant.sh"
+                buildfile="committer.xml"
+                target="Build"
+                useQuiet="false"
+                useLogger="false"
+                savelogdir="${logDir}"
+                usedebug="false"
+                antworkingdir="${build.home}/releng.control">
+                <property
+                    name="buildType"
+                    value="P" />
+                <property
+                    name="buildId"
+                    value="1.5.2" />
+                <property
+                    name="buildBranch"
+                    value="R1.5" />
+                <property
+                    name="mapVersionTag"
+                    value="R1_5_maintenance_patches" />
+                <property
+                    name="build.component"
+                    value="wtp-patches" />
+                    <property
+                    name="build.home"
+                    value="${build.home}" />
+            </ant>
+        </schedule>
+        <!-- Publishers are run *after* a build completes -->
+        <publishers>
+            <email
+                mailhost="localhost"
+                returnaddress="${build.buildmaster.email}"
+                skipusers="false"
+                subjectprefix="[wtp-R1.5-P-Bbuild]"
+                spamwhilebroken="false"
+                buildresultsurl="${build.result.url}/cruisecontrol/buildresults/wtp-R1.5-P">
+            </email>
+        </publishers>
+    </project>
 	<!-- ++++++++++++++++ -->
 	<!-- R1.0 MAINTENANCE -->