############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2000-2021 Ericsson Telecom AB # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # https://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-2.0/EPL-2.0.html # # Contributors: # Balasko, Jeno # Baranyi, Botond # Forstner, Matyas # Kovacs, Ferenc # Pandi, Krisztian # Raduly, Csaba # Szabo, Janos Zoltan – initial implementation # ############################################################################## # General stuff (to be included at the end of makefiles). The # following variables are used: DEPFILES, SUBDIRS... tags: $(SOURCES) ifdef SUBDIRS @for i in $(SUBDIRS) ; do \ (cd $$i && $(MAKE) tags) || exit 1; \ done endif etags --members *.hh *.h *.c *.cc dep: ifdef SUBDIRS @for i in $(SUBDIRS) ; do \ (cd $$i && $(MAKE) dep) || exit 1; \ done endif ifdef DEPFILES $(MAKE) $(DEPFILES) endif clean: ifdef SUBDIRS @for i in $(SUBDIRS) ; do \ (cd $$i && $(MAKE) clean) || exit 1; \ done endif $(RM) $(TARGETS) $(OBJECTS) $(TOBECLEANED) distclean: ifdef SUBDIRS @for i in $(SUBDIRS) ; do \ (cd $$i && $(MAKE) distclean) || exit 1; \ done endif $(RM) $(TARGETS) $(OBJECTS) $(TOBECLEANED) \ $(GENERATED_HEADERS) $(GENERATED_SOURCES) \ $(GENERATED_OTHERS) \ $(DEPFILES) TAGS *.gcno *.gcda # This target allows us to "make ../clean" ../% $(foreach dir, $(SUBDIRS), $(dir)/%): cd $(dir $@) && $(MAKE) $(notdir $@) # General rules to compile C(++) files. # # These macros implement "silent" rules during building. # Define the V make variable or environment variable to a nonzero value to get # the exact call to the compiler: e.g. make V=1 # # Define the VD variable to get the exact (verbose) action while # generating dependencies. # NULL := SPACE := ${NULL} ${NULL} DEF_V := 0 DEF_VD:= 0 V_CC_0 = @echo " (CC) " $<;$(SPACE) V_CXX_0 = @echo " (C++) " $<;$(SPACE) V_DEP_0 = @echo " (dep) " $<;$(SPACE) V_CC_ = $(V_CC_$(DEF_V)) V_CXX_ = $(V_CXX_$(DEF_V)) V_DEP_ = $(V_DEP_$(DEF_VD)) V_CC = $(V_CC_$(V)) V_CXX = $(V_CXX_$(V)) V_DEP = $(V_DEP_$(VD)) %.o: %.c $(V_CC)$(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CCFLAGS) $< -o $@ # Special rule for building profmerge files %.profmerge.o: %.cc $(V_CXX)$(CXX) -c -DPROF_MERGE $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $< -o $@ %.o: %.cc $(V_CXX)$(CXX) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $< -o $@ # Preprocess C/C++ files %.i: %.c $(CC) -E $(CPPFLAGS) $(CCFLAGS) \ $< > $@ %.ii: %.cc $(CXX) -E $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) \ $< > $@ # General rules to create the dependency file. %.d: %.c $(V_DEP)set -e; $(CC) $(CCDEPFLAG) $(CPPFLAGS) $< \ | sed 's,\($*\)\.o[ :]*,\1.o $@ : ,g' > $@; \ [ -s $@ ] || rm -f $@ %.d: %.cc $(V_DEP)set -e; $(CXX) $(CXXDEPFLAG) $(CPPFLAGS) $< \ | sed 's,\($*\)\.o[ :]*,\1.o $@ : ,g' > $@; \ [ -s $@ ] || rm -f $@ ifdef DEPFILES ifndef MAKECMDGOALS DEPFILES_NEEDED := yes else DEPFILES_NEEDED := $(filter-out clean distclean, $(MAKECMDGOALS)) endif ifdef DEPFILES_NEEDED DEPFILES_INCLUDE := $(filter-out $(MAKECMDGOALS), $(DEPFILES)) ifdef DEPFILES_INCLUDE ifeq (,$(findstring n,$(MAKEFLAGS))) # -n was *not* given to make -include $(DEPFILES_INCLUDE) endif endif endif endif # Building PDFs from man pages (for MinGW) %.pdf: %.1 man2pdf ./$< $@ # The "./" prefix is important, it tells man that the input is a filename, # so it shouldn't search through MANPATH. # List of fake targets: .PHONY: all install tags dep clean distclean # Disable all built-in suffix rules of make .SUFFIXES: # Do not delete generated headers while building .d files # (.PRECIOUS would also keep them if make is killed) .SECONDARY: $(GENERATED_HEADERS) ifdef SRCDIR REQUIRED_MAKE_VERSION = 3.81 # 3.80 is known not to work; 3.82 does work REAL_MAKE_VERSION = $(firstword $(MAKE_VERSION)) EARLIER_MAKE_VERSION = $(firstword $(sort $(REAL_MAKE_VERSION) $(REQUIRED_MAKE_VERSION))) ifeq "$(REQUIRED_MAKE_VERSION)" "$(EARLIER_MAKE_VERSION)" # Declare a search path for every source. # "vpath %.cc $(ABS_SRC)" would lump in generated .cc files, # potentially picking up generated files laying around in the source dir # instead of generating them in the build dir. $(foreach src, $(STATIC_SOURCES) $(ORIGINATORS), $(eval vpath $(src) $(ABS_SRC))) else # alas, make 3.80 can't cope with the "foreach/eval vpath" above #$(warning no OOBE with make $(MAKE_VERSION)) endif endif