 * Copyright (c) 2000-2021 Ericsson Telecom AB
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * https://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-2.0/EPL-2.0.html
 * Contributors:
 *   >
 *   Baji, Laszlo
 *   Balasko, Jeno
 *   Baranyi, Botond
 *   Beres, Szabolcs
 *   Delic, Adam
 *   Forstner, Matyas
 *   Koppany, Csaba
 *   Kovacs, Ferenc
 *   Kremer, Peter
 *   Lovassy, Arpad
 *   Pandi, Krisztian
 *   Raduly, Csaba
 *   Szabados, Kristof
 *   Szabo, Bence Janos
 *   Szabo, Janos Zoltan – initial implementation
 *   Szalay, Akos
 *   Zalanyi, Balazs Andor
 *   Pandi, Krisztian
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#if defined SOLARIS || defined SOLARIS8
#include <sys/utsname.h>

#include "../common/memory.h"
#include "../common/path.h"
#include "../common/version_internal.h"
#include "../common/userinfo.h"
#include "ttcn3/ttcn3_preparser.h"
#include "asn1/asn1_preparser.h"

#ifdef LICENSE
#include "../common/license.h"

#include "xpather.h"

static const char *program_name = NULL;
static unsigned int error_count = 0;
static boolean suppress_warnings = FALSE;
void free_string2_list(struct string2_list* act_elem);
void free_string_list(struct string_list* act_elem);
void ERROR(const char *fmt, ...)
  va_list parameters;
  fprintf(stderr, "%s: error: ", program_name);
  va_start(parameters, fmt);
  vfprintf(stderr, fmt, parameters);
  fprintf(stderr, "\n");

void WARNING(const char *fmt, ...)
  va_list parameters;
  if (suppress_warnings) return;
  fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning: ", program_name);
  va_start(parameters, fmt);
  vfprintf(stderr, fmt, parameters);
  putc('\n', stderr);

void NOTIFY(const char *fmt, ...)
  va_list parameters;
  va_start(parameters, fmt);
  vfprintf(stderr, fmt, parameters);
  putc('\n', stderr);

void DEBUG(unsigned level, const char *fmt, ...)
  va_list parameters;
  fprintf(stderr, "%*s", 2 * level, "");
  va_start(parameters, fmt);
  vfprintf(stderr, fmt, parameters);
  putc('\n', stderr);

void path_error(const char *fmt, ...)
  va_list ap;
  char *err_msg;
  va_start(ap, fmt);
  err_msg = mprintf_va_list(fmt, ap);
  ERROR("%s", err_msg);

#if defined SOLARIS || defined SOLARIS8
/** Automatic detection of Solaris version based on uname() system call.
 * Distinguishing is needed because some socket functions use socklen_t
 * (which is an alias for unsigned int) as length arguments on Solaris 8.
 * On Solaris 2.6 the argument type is simply int and no socklen_t or other
 * alias exists.
 * Note: It was discovered later that Solaris 7 (which is used rarely within
 * Ericsson) already uses socklen_t thus the SOLARIS8 platform identifier is a
 * bit misleading. */
static const char *get_platform_string(void)
    struct utsname name;
    int major, minor;
    if (uname(&name) < 0) {
	WARNING("System call uname() failed: %s", strerror(errno));
	errno = 0;
	return "SOLARIS";
    if (sscanf(name.release, "%d.%d", &major, &minor) == 2 && major == 5) {
	if (minor <= 6) return "SOLARIS";
	else return "SOLARIS8";
    } else {
	ERROR("Invalid OS release: %s", name.release);
	return "SOLARIS";
#elif defined LINUX
#define get_platform_string() "LINUX"
#elif defined FREEBSD
#define get_platform_string() "FREEBSD"
#elif defined WIN32
#define get_platform_string() "WIN32"
#elif defined INTERIX
#define get_platform_string() "INTERIX"
#error Platform was not set.

/** structure for describing TTCN-3 and ASN.1 modules */
struct module_struct {
  char *dir_name; /* directory of the TTCN-3 or ASN.1 file, it is NULL if the
		     file is in the current working directory */
  char *file_name; /* name of the TTCN-3 or ASN.1 file */
  char *module_name; /* name of the TTCN-3 or ASN.1 module */
  boolean is_regular; /* indicates whether the name of the source file follows
			 the default naming convention */

/** structure for describing test ports and other C/C++ modules */
struct user_struct {
  char *dir_name; /* directory of the C/C++ source files, it is NULL if the
		     files are in the current working directory */
  char *file_prefix; /* the common prefix of the header and source file */
  char *header_name; /* name of the C/C++ header file, which has .hh or .h or .hpp
			suffix, it is NULL if there is no header file */
  char *source_name; /* name of the C/C++ source file, which has .cc or .c or .cpp
			suffix, it is NULL if there is no source file */
  boolean has_hh_suffix; /* indicates whether the header file is present and
			    has .hh or .hpp suffix */
  boolean has_cc_suffix; /* indicates whether the source file is present and
			    has .cc or .cpp suffix */

/** structure for directories that pre-compiled files are taken from */
struct base_dir_struct {
  const char *dir_name; /* name of the directory */
  boolean has_modules; /* indicates whether there are TTCN-3/ASN.1 modules in
			  the directory (it is set to FALSE if dir_name
			  contains user C/C++ files only */

/** data structure that describes the information needed for the Makefile */
struct makefile_struct {
  char *project_name;
  size_t nTTCN3Modules;
  struct module_struct *TTCN3Modules;

  boolean preprocess;
  size_t nTTCN3PPModules;
  struct module_struct *TTCN3PPModules;

  boolean TTCN3ModulesRegular;
  boolean BaseTTCN3ModulesRegular;
  size_t nTTCN3IncludeFiles;
  char **TTCN3IncludeFiles;

  size_t nASN1Modules;
  struct module_struct *ASN1Modules;
  boolean ASN1ModulesRegular;
  boolean BaseASN1ModulesRegular;
  size_t nXSDModules;
  struct module_struct *XSDModules;
  // No XSDModulesRegular and BaseXSDModulesRegular: it would be always false

  size_t nUserFiles;
  struct user_struct *UserFiles;
  boolean UserHeadersRegular;
  boolean UserSourcesRegular;
  boolean BaseUserHeadersRegular;
  boolean BaseUserSourcesRegular;

  size_t nOtherFiles;
  char **OtherFiles;

  boolean central_storage;
  size_t nBaseDirs;
  struct base_dir_struct *BaseDirs;
  char *working_dir;
  boolean gnu_make;
  boolean single_mode;
  char *output_file;
  char *ets_name;
  boolean force_overwrite;
  boolean use_runtime_2;
  boolean dynamic;
  boolean gcc_dep;
  char *code_splitting_mode;
  boolean coverage;
  char *tcov_file_name;
  struct string_list* profiled_file_list; /* not owned */
  boolean library;
  boolean linkingStrategy;
  boolean hierarchical;
  struct string_list* sub_project_dirs; /* not owned */
  struct string_list* ttcn3_prep_includes; /* not owned */
  struct string_list* ttcn3_prep_defines; /* not owned */
  struct string_list* ttcn3_prep_undefines; /* not owned */
  struct string_list* prep_includes; /* not owned */
  struct string_list* prep_defines; /* not owned */
  struct string_list* prep_undefines; /* not owned */
  const char *codesplittpd;
  boolean quietly;
  boolean disablesubtypecheck;
  const char *cxxcompiler;
  const char *optlevel;
  const char *optflags;
  const char* linkerOptions;
  boolean semanticcheckonly;
  boolean disableattibutevalidation;
  boolean disableber;
  boolean disableraw;
  boolean disabletext;
  boolean disablexer;
  boolean disablejson;
  boolean disableoer;
  boolean forcexerinasn;
  boolean defaultasomit;
  boolean gccmsgformat;
  boolean linenumbersonlymsg;
  boolean includesourceinfo;
  boolean addsourcelineinfo;
  boolean suppresswarnings;
  boolean outparamboundness;
  boolean omit_in_value_list;
  boolean warnings_for_bad_variants;
  boolean activate_debugger;
  boolean ignore_untagged_on_top_union;
  boolean disable_predef_ext_folder;
  boolean enable_legacy_encoding;
  boolean disable_userinfo;
  boolean realtime_features;
  boolean oop_features;
  boolean charstring_compat;
  struct string_list* solspeclibraries; /* not owned */
  struct string_list* sol8speclibraries; /* not owned */
  struct string_list* linuxspeclibraries; /* not owned */
  struct string_list* freebsdspeclibraries; /* not owned */
  struct string_list* win32speclibraries; /* not owned */
  const char *ttcn3preprocessor;
  struct string_list* linkerlibraries; /* not owned */
  struct string_list* additionalObjects; /* not owned */
  struct string_list* linkerlibsearchpath; /* not owned */
  char* generatorCommandOutput; /* not owned */
  struct string2_list* target_placement_list; /* not owned */

/** Initializes structure \a makefile with empty lists and default settings. */
static void init_makefile_struct(struct makefile_struct *makefile)
  makefile->project_name = NULL;
  makefile->nTTCN3Modules = 0;
  makefile->TTCN3Modules = NULL;
  makefile->preprocess = FALSE;
  makefile->nTTCN3PPModules = 0;
  makefile->TTCN3PPModules = NULL;
  makefile->TTCN3ModulesRegular = TRUE;
  makefile->BaseTTCN3ModulesRegular = TRUE;
  makefile->nTTCN3IncludeFiles = 0;
  makefile->TTCN3IncludeFiles = NULL;
  makefile->nASN1Modules = 0;
  makefile->ASN1Modules = NULL;
  makefile->ASN1ModulesRegular = TRUE;
  makefile->BaseASN1ModulesRegular = TRUE;
  makefile->nXSDModules = 0;
  makefile->XSDModules = NULL;
  makefile->nUserFiles = 0;
  makefile->UserFiles = NULL;
  makefile->UserHeadersRegular = TRUE;
  makefile->UserSourcesRegular = TRUE;
  makefile->BaseUserHeadersRegular = TRUE;
  makefile->BaseUserSourcesRegular = TRUE;
  makefile->nOtherFiles = 0;
  makefile->OtherFiles = NULL;
  makefile->central_storage = FALSE;
  makefile->nBaseDirs = 0;
  makefile->BaseDirs = NULL;
  makefile->working_dir = get_working_dir();
  makefile->gnu_make = FALSE;
  makefile->single_mode = FALSE;
  makefile->ets_name = NULL;
  makefile->output_file = NULL;
  makefile->force_overwrite = FALSE;
  makefile->use_runtime_2 = FALSE;
  makefile->dynamic = FALSE;
  makefile->gcc_dep = FALSE;
  makefile->code_splitting_mode = NULL;
  makefile->coverage = FALSE;
  makefile->tcov_file_name = NULL;
  makefile->profiled_file_list = NULL;
  makefile->library = FALSE;
  makefile->linkingStrategy = FALSE;
  makefile->hierarchical = FALSE;
  makefile->sub_project_dirs = NULL;
  makefile->ttcn3_prep_includes = NULL;
  makefile->prep_includes = NULL;
  makefile->prep_defines = NULL;
  makefile->outparamboundness = FALSE;
  makefile->omit_in_value_list = FALSE;
  makefile->warnings_for_bad_variants = FALSE;
  makefile->activate_debugger = FALSE;
  makefile->ignore_untagged_on_top_union = FALSE;
  makefile->disable_predef_ext_folder = FALSE;
  makefile->enable_legacy_encoding = FALSE;
  makefile->disable_userinfo = FALSE;
  makefile->realtime_features = FALSE;
  makefile->oop_features = FALSE;
  makefile->charstring_compat = FALSE;
  makefile->solspeclibraries = NULL;
  makefile->sol8speclibraries = NULL;
  makefile->linuxspeclibraries = NULL;
  makefile->freebsdspeclibraries = NULL;
  makefile->win32speclibraries = NULL;
  makefile->linkerlibraries = NULL;
  makefile->additionalObjects = NULL;
  makefile->linkerlibsearchpath = NULL;
  makefile->generatorCommandOutput = NULL;
  makefile->target_placement_list = NULL;

/** Deallocates all memory associated with structure \a makefile. */
static void free_makefile_struct(const struct makefile_struct *makefile)
  size_t i;
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3Modules; i++) {
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3PPModules; i++) {
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3IncludeFiles; i++)
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nASN1Modules; i++) {
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nXSDModules; i++) {
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nUserFiles; i++) {
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nOtherFiles; i++) Free(makefile->OtherFiles[i]);

/** Displays the contents of structure \a makefile as debug messages. */
static void dump_makefile_struct(const struct makefile_struct *makefile,
  unsigned level)
  size_t i;
  DEBUG(level, "Data used for Makefile generation:");
  DEBUG(level + 1, "TTCN-3 project name: %s", makefile->project_name);
  DEBUG(level + 1, "TTCN-3 modules: (%u pcs.)", makefile->nTTCN3Modules);
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3Modules; i++) {
    const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3Modules + i;
    DEBUG(level + 2, "Module name: %s", module->module_name);
    if (module->dir_name != NULL)
      DEBUG(level + 3, "Directory: %s", module->dir_name);
    DEBUG(level + 3, "File name: %s", module->file_name);
    DEBUG(level + 3, "Follows the naming convention: %s",
      module->is_regular ? "yes" : "no");
  DEBUG(level + 1, "TTCN-3 preprocessing: %s",
        makefile->preprocess ? "yes" : "no");
  if (makefile->preprocess) {
    DEBUG(level + 1, "TTCN-3 modules to be preprocessed: (%u pcs.)",
    for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3PPModules; i++) {
      const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3PPModules + i;
      DEBUG(level + 2, "Module name: %s", module->module_name);
      if (module->dir_name != NULL)
        DEBUG(level + 3, "Directory: %s", module->dir_name);
      DEBUG(level + 3, "File name: %s", module->file_name);
      DEBUG(level + 3, "Follows the naming convention: %s",
        module->is_regular ? "yes" : "no");
    DEBUG(level + 1, "TTCN-3 include files: (%u pcs.)",
    for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3IncludeFiles; i++)
      DEBUG(level + 2, "File name: %s", makefile->TTCN3IncludeFiles[i]);
  DEBUG(level + 1, "All local TTCN-3 modules follow the naming convention: %s",
    makefile->TTCN3ModulesRegular ? "yes" : "no");
  if (makefile->central_storage) DEBUG(level + 1, "All TTCN-3 modules from other "
    "directories follow the naming convention: %s",
    makefile->BaseTTCN3ModulesRegular ? "yes" : "no");
  DEBUG(level + 1, "ASN.1 modules: (%u pcs.)", makefile->nASN1Modules);
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nASN1Modules; i++) {
    const struct module_struct *module = makefile->ASN1Modules + i;
    DEBUG(level + 2, "Module name: %s", module->module_name);
    if (module->dir_name != NULL)
      DEBUG(level + 3, "Directory: %s", module->dir_name);
    DEBUG(level + 3, "File name: %s", module->file_name);
    DEBUG(level + 3, "Follows the naming convention: %s",
      module->is_regular ? "yes" : "no");
  DEBUG(level + 1, "All local ASN.1 modules follow the naming convention: %s",
    makefile->ASN1ModulesRegular ? "yes" : "no");
  if (makefile->central_storage) DEBUG(level + 1, "All ASN.1 modules from other "
    "directories follow the naming convention: %s",
    makefile->BaseASN1ModulesRegular ? "yes" : "no");
  DEBUG(level + 1, "User C/C++ modules: (%u pcs.)", makefile->nUserFiles);
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nUserFiles; i++) {
    const struct user_struct *user = makefile->UserFiles + i;
    DEBUG(level + 2, "File prefix: %s", user->file_prefix);
    if (user->dir_name != NULL)
      DEBUG(level + 3, "Directory: %s", user->dir_name);
    if (user->header_name != NULL) {
      DEBUG(level + 3, "Header file: %s", user->header_name);
      DEBUG(level + 3, "Header file has .hh or .hpp suffix: %s",
      user->has_hh_suffix ? "yes" : "no");
    if (user->source_name != NULL) {
      DEBUG(level + 3, "Source file: %s", user->source_name);
      DEBUG(level + 3, "Source file has .cc or .cpp suffix: %s",
      user->has_cc_suffix ? "yes" : "no");
      DEBUG(level + 3, "Object file: %s.o", user->file_prefix);
  DEBUG(level + 1, "All local C/C++ header files follow the naming "
    "convention: %s", makefile->UserHeadersRegular ? "yes" : "no");
  DEBUG(level + 1, "All local C/C++ source files follow the naming "
    "convention: %s", makefile->UserSourcesRegular ? "yes" : "no");
  if (makefile->central_storage) {
    DEBUG(level + 1, "All C/C++ header files from other directories follow the "
      "naming convention: %s", makefile->BaseUserHeadersRegular ? "yes" : "no");
    DEBUG(level + 1, "All C/C++ source files from other directories follow the "
      "naming convention: %s", makefile->BaseUserSourcesRegular ? "yes" : "no");
  DEBUG(level + 1, "Other files: (%u pcs.)", makefile->nOtherFiles);
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nOtherFiles; i++)
    DEBUG(level + 2, "File name: %s", makefile->OtherFiles[i]);
  DEBUG(level + 1, "Use pre-compiled files from central storage: %s",
    makefile->central_storage ? "yes" : "no");
  if (makefile->central_storage) {
    DEBUG(level + 1, "Directories of pre-compiled files: (%u pcs.)",
    for (i = 0; i < makefile->nBaseDirs; i++) {
      const struct base_dir_struct *base_dir = makefile->BaseDirs + i;
      DEBUG(level + 2, "Directory: %s", base_dir->dir_name);
      DEBUG(level + 3, "Has TTCN-3/ASN.1 modules: %s",
      base_dir->has_modules ? "yes" : "no");
  DEBUG(level + 1, "Working directory: %s",
    makefile->working_dir != NULL ? makefile->working_dir : "<unknown>");
  DEBUG(level + 1, "GNU make: %s", makefile->gnu_make ? "yes" : "no");
  DEBUG(level + 1, "Execution mode: %s",
    makefile->single_mode ? "single" : "parallel");
  DEBUG(level + 1, "Name of executable: %s",
    makefile->ets_name != NULL ? makefile->ets_name : "<unknown>");
  DEBUG(level + 1, "Output file: %s",
    makefile->output_file != NULL ? makefile->output_file : "<unknown>");
  DEBUG(level + 1, "Force overwrite: %s",
    makefile->force_overwrite ? "yes" : "no");
  DEBUG(level + 1, "Use function test runtime: %s",
    makefile->use_runtime_2 ? "yes" : "no");
  DEBUG(level + 1, "Use dynamic linking: %s",
    makefile->dynamic ? "yes" : "no");
  DEBUG(level + 1, "Code splitting mode: %s",
    makefile->code_splitting_mode != NULL ?
      makefile->code_splitting_mode : "<unknown>");
  DEBUG(level + 1, "Code coverage file: %s",
    makefile->tcov_file_name != NULL ?
      makefile->tcov_file_name : "<unknown>");
  if (makefile->profiled_file_list) {
    char* lists = mcopystr(makefile->profiled_file_list->str);
    struct string_list* iter = makefile->profiled_file_list->next;
    while(iter != NULL) {
      lists = mputprintf(lists, " %s", iter->str);
      iter = iter->next;
    DEBUG(level + 1, "Profiled file list(s): %s", lists);
  DEBUG(level + 1, "Enable coverage: %s", makefile->coverage ? "yes" : "no");

/** Returns the name of an existing file that is related to command line
 * argument \a argument. Tries the given list of suffixes. NULL pointer is
 * returned if no file was found. The returned string shall be deallocated
 * by the caller. */
static char *get_file_name_for_argument(const char *argument)
  static const char * const suffix_list[] = {
    "", ".ttcnpp", ".ttcnin", ".ttcn", ".ttcn3", ".3mp", ".asn", ".asn1",
    ".cc", ".c", ".cpp", ".hh", ".h",".hpp", ".cfg", ".prj", NULL
  const char * const *suffix_ptr;
  for (suffix_ptr = suffix_list; *suffix_ptr != NULL; suffix_ptr++) {
    char *file_name = mputstr(mcopystr(argument), *suffix_ptr);
    if (get_path_status(file_name) == PS_FILE) return file_name;
  return NULL;

/** Converts \a path_name to an absolute directory using \a working_dir.
 * NULL pointer is returned if \a path_name does not contain a directory or
 * the resulting absolute directory is identical to \a working_dir.
 * The returned string shall be deallocated by the caller. */
static char *get_dir_name(const char *path_name, const char *working_dir)
  char *dir_name = get_dir_from_path(path_name);
  if (dir_name != NULL) {
    char *absolute_dir = get_absolute_dir(dir_name, working_dir, TRUE);
    if (absolute_dir == NULL || working_dir == NULL) {
      /* an error occurred */
      return NULL;
    } else if (!strcmp(absolute_dir, working_dir)) {
      /* the directory is identical to the working dir */
      return NULL;
    } else return absolute_dir;
  } else return NULL;

/** Returns whether \a dirname1 and \a dirname2 contain the same (canonized
 * absolute) directories. NULL pointer is handled in a special way: it is
 * identical only to itself. */
static boolean is_same_directory(const char *dirname1, const char *dirname2)
  if (dirname1 == NULL) {
    if (dirname2 == NULL) return TRUE;
    else return FALSE;
  } else {
    if (dirname2 == NULL) return FALSE;
    else if (strcmp(dirname1, dirname2)) return FALSE;
    else return TRUE;

/** Returns whether the file \a filename1 in directory \a dirname1 is identical
 * to file \a filename2 in directory \a dirname2. Only the directory names can
 * be NULL. */
static boolean is_same_file(const char *dirname1, const char *filename1,
  const char *dirname2, const char *filename2)
  /* first examine the file names for efficiency reasons */
  if (strcmp(filename1, filename2)) return FALSE;
  else return is_same_directory(dirname1, dirname2);

/** Determines whether the TTCN-3 or ASN.1 module identifiers \a module1 and
 * \a module2 are the same. Characters '-' and '_' in module names are not
 * distinguished. */
static boolean is_same_module(const char *module1, const char *module2)
  size_t i;
  for (i = 0; ; i++) {
    switch (module1[i]) {
    case '\0':
      if (module2[i] == '\0') return TRUE;
      else return FALSE;
    case '-':
    case '_':
      if (module2[i] != '-' && module2[i] != '_') return FALSE;
      if (module1[i] != module2[i]) return FALSE;
  return FALSE; /* to avoid warnings */

/** Truncates the suffix (i.e. the last dot and the characters following it)
 * from \a file_name and returns a copy of the prefix of \a file_name.
 * If \a file_name does not have a suffix an exact copy of it is returned.
 * The returned string shall be deallocated by the caller. */
static char *cut_suffix(const char *file_name)
  char *ret_val;
  size_t last_dot = (size_t)-1;
  size_t i;
  for (i = 0; file_name[i] != '\0'; i++)
    if (file_name[i] == '.') last_dot = i;
  ret_val = mcopystr(file_name);
  if (last_dot != (size_t)-1) ret_val = mtruncstr(ret_val, last_dot);
  return ret_val;

/** Determines the name of the preprocessed file from \a file_name.
 *  It is assumed that \a file_name has ttcnpp suffix.
 *  The returned string shall be deallocated by the caller. */
static char *get_preprocessed_file_name(const char *file_name)
  char *ret_val = cut_suffix(file_name);
  ret_val = mputstr(ret_val, ".ttcn");
  return ret_val;

/** Check if any of the preprocessed ttcn file names with the preprocessed
 * (TTCN-3) suffix is equal to any other file given in the \a makefile */
static void check_preprocessed_filename_collision(
  struct makefile_struct *makefile)
  size_t i;
  if (makefile->nTTCN3PPModules == 0) {
    WARNING("TTCN-3 preprocessing (option `-p') is enabled, but no TTCN-3 "
      "files to be preprocessed were given for the Makefile.");
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3PPModules; i++) {
    const struct module_struct *pp_module = makefile->TTCN3PPModules + i;
    /* name of the intermediate preprocessed file */
    char *preprocessed_name = get_preprocessed_file_name(pp_module->file_name);
    size_t j;
    for (j = 0; j < makefile->nTTCN3Modules; j++) {
      struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3Modules + j;
      if (is_same_file(pp_module->dir_name, preprocessed_name,
	module->dir_name, module->file_name)) {
	if (is_same_module(pp_module->module_name, module->module_name)) {
          /* same file with the same module */
	  char *pp_pathname = compose_path_name(pp_module->dir_name,
	  char *m_pathname = compose_path_name(module->dir_name,
	  WARNING("File `%s' containing TTCN-3 module `%s' is generated by "
	    "the preprocessor from `%s'. Removing the file from the list of "
	    "normal TTCN-3 modules.", m_pathname, module->module_name,
	  memmove(module, module + 1, (makefile->nTTCN3Modules - j) *
	  makefile->TTCN3Modules =
	    (struct module_struct*)Realloc(makefile->TTCN3Modules,
	    makefile->nTTCN3Modules * sizeof(*makefile->TTCN3Modules));
	} else {
          /* same file with different module */
	  char *pp_pathname = compose_path_name(pp_module->dir_name,
	  char *m_pathname = compose_path_name(module->dir_name,
	  ERROR("Preprocessed intermediate file of `%s' (module `%s') clashes "
	    "with file `%s' containing TTCN-3 module `%s'.", pp_pathname,
	    pp_module->module_name, m_pathname, module->module_name);
      } else if (is_same_module(pp_module->module_name, module->module_name)) {
        /* different file with the same module */
	char *pp_pathname = compose_path_name(pp_module->dir_name,
	char *m_pathname = compose_path_name(module->dir_name,
	ERROR("Both files `%s' and `%s' contain TTCN-3 module `%s'.",
	  pp_pathname, m_pathname, pp_module->module_name);
    for (j = 0; j < makefile->nASN1Modules; j++) {
      struct module_struct *module = makefile->ASN1Modules + j;
      if (is_same_file(pp_module->dir_name, preprocessed_name,
	module->dir_name, module->file_name)) {
	char *pp_pathname = compose_path_name(pp_module->dir_name,
	char *m_pathname = compose_path_name(module->dir_name,
	ERROR("Preprocessed intermediate file of `%s' (module `%s') clashes "
	  "with file `%s' containing ASN.1 module `%s'.", pp_pathname,
	  pp_module->module_name, m_pathname, module->module_name);
    for (j = 0; j < makefile->nXSDModules; j++) {
      struct module_struct *module = makefile->XSDModules + j;
      if (module->dir_name == NULL || module->file_name == NULL) {
      if (is_same_file(pp_module->dir_name, preprocessed_name,
	module->dir_name, module->file_name)) {
	char *pp_pathname = compose_path_name(pp_module->dir_name,
	char *m_pathname = compose_path_name(module->dir_name,
	ERROR("Preprocessed intermediate file of `%s' (module `%s') clashes "
	  "with file `%s' containing TTCN-3 module `%s'.", pp_pathname,
	  pp_module->module_name, m_pathname, module->module_name);
    for (j = 0; j < makefile->nOtherFiles; j++) {
      char *dir_name = get_dir_name(makefile->OtherFiles[j],
      char *file_name = get_file_from_path(makefile->OtherFiles[j]);
      if (is_same_file(pp_module->dir_name, preprocessed_name, dir_name,
	file_name)) {
	char *pp_pathname = compose_path_name(pp_module->dir_name,
	ERROR("Preprocessed intermediate file of `%s' (module `%s') clashes "
	  "with other file `%s'.", pp_pathname, pp_module->module_name,

/** Checks the name clash between existing module \a module and newly added
 * module with parameters \a path_name, \a dir_name, \a file_name,
 * \a module_name. Both the existing and the new module shall be of the same
 * kind, parameter \a kind shall contain the respective string (either "ASN.1"
 * or "TTCN-3"). If a clash is found the parameters of the new module except
 * \a path_name are deallocated and TRUE is returned. Otherwise FALSE is
 * returned. */
static boolean check_module_clash_same(const struct module_struct *module,
  const char *kind, const char *path_name, char *dir_name, char *file_name,
  char *module_name)
  if (is_same_module(module_name, module->module_name)) {
    if (is_same_file(dir_name, file_name,
        module->dir_name, module->file_name)) {
      /* the same file was given twice: just issue a warning */
      WARNING("File `%s' was given more than once for the Makefile.",
    } else {
      /* two different files contain the same module: this cannot be
       * resolved as the generated C++ files will clash */
      char *path_name1 = compose_path_name(module->dir_name,
      char *path_name2 = compose_path_name(dir_name, file_name);
      ERROR("Both files `%s' and `%s' contain %s module `%s'.",
	path_name1, path_name2, kind, module_name);
    return TRUE;
  } else return FALSE;

/** Checks the name clash between existing module \a module and newly added
 * module with parameters \a dir_name, \a file_name, \a module_name. The two
 * modules shall be of different kinds (one is ASN.1, the other is TTCN-3).
 * Parameters \a kind1 and \a kind2 shall contain the respective strings. If a
 * clash is found the parameters of the new module are deallocated and TRUE is
 * returned. Otherwise FALSE is returned. */
static boolean check_module_clash_different(const struct module_struct *module,
  const char *kind1, char *dir_name, char *file_name, char *module_name,
  const char *kind2)
  if (is_same_module(module_name, module->module_name)) {
    /* two different files contain the same module: this cannot be resolved
     * as the generated C++ files will clash */
    char *path_name1 = compose_path_name(module->dir_name, module->file_name);
    char *path_name2 = compose_path_name(dir_name, file_name);
    ERROR("File `%s' containing %s module `%s' and file `%s' containing "
      "%s module `%s' cannot be used together in the same Makefile.",
      path_name1, kind1, module->module_name, path_name2, kind2, module_name);
    return TRUE;
  } else return FALSE;

/** Adds a TTCN-3 module to Makefile descriptor structure \a makefile.
 * The name of the TTCN-3 source file is \a path_name, the module identifier
 * is \a module_name. It is checked whether a file or module with the same name
 * already exists in \a makefile and an appropriate warning or error is
 * reported. */
static void add_ttcn3_module(struct makefile_struct *makefile,
  const char *path_name, char *module_name)
  struct module_struct *module;
  char *dir_name = get_dir_name(path_name, makefile->working_dir);
  char *file_name = get_file_from_path(path_name);
  const char *suffix = get_suffix(file_name);
  size_t i;
  boolean is_preprocessed = FALSE;

  if (suffix != NULL) {
    if (!strcmp(suffix, "ttcnpp")) {
      if (makefile->preprocess) is_preprocessed = TRUE;
      else WARNING("The suffix of TTCN-3 file `%s' indicates that it should be "
        "preprocessed, but TTCN-3 preprocessing is not enabled. The file "
        "will be added to the list of normal TTCN-3 modules in the Makefile.",
    } else if (!strcmp(suffix, "ttcnin")) {
      WARNING("The suffix of file `%s' indicates that it should be a "
        "preprocessor include file, but it contains a TTCN-3 module named `%s'. "
        "The file will be added to the list of normal TTCN-3 modules in the "
        "Makefile.", path_name, module_name);

  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nASN1Modules; i++) {
    if (check_module_clash_different(makefile->ASN1Modules + i, "ASN.1",
      dir_name, file_name, module_name, "TTCN-3")) return;
  /* never entered if suffix is NULL */
  if (is_preprocessed) {
    char *file_prefix;
    for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3PPModules; i++) {
      if (check_module_clash_same(makefile->TTCN3PPModules + i, "TTCN-3",
          path_name, dir_name, file_name, module_name)) return;
    for (i = 0; i < makefile->nXSDModules; i++) {
      if (check_module_clash_different(makefile->XSDModules + i, "TTCN-3",
        dir_name, file_name, module_name, "TTCN-3")) return;
    /* clashes with normal TTCN-3 modules will be checked (and maybe resolved)
     * in \a check_preprocessed_filename_collision() */
    /* add it to the list of TTCN-3 modules to be preprocessed */
    makefile->TTCN3PPModules = (struct module_struct*)
        (makefile->nTTCN3PPModules + 1) * sizeof(*makefile->TTCN3PPModules));
    module = makefile->TTCN3PPModules + makefile->nTTCN3PPModules;
    module->dir_name = dir_name;
    module->file_name = file_name;
    module->module_name = module_name;
    file_prefix = cut_suffix(file_name);
    if (!strcmp(file_prefix, module_name)) module->is_regular = TRUE;
    else module->is_regular = FALSE;
  } else {
    /* the file is not preprocessed */
    for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3Modules; i++) {
      if (check_module_clash_same(makefile->TTCN3Modules + i, "TTCN-3",
          path_name, dir_name, file_name, module_name)) return;
    /* clashes with preprocessed TTCN-3 modules will be checked (and maybe
     * resolved) in \a check_preprocessed_filename_collision() */
    /* add it to the list of normal TTCN-3 modules */
    makefile->TTCN3Modules = (struct module_struct*)
        (makefile->nTTCN3Modules + 1) * sizeof(*makefile->TTCN3Modules));
    module = makefile->TTCN3Modules + makefile->nTTCN3Modules;
    module->dir_name = dir_name;
    module->file_name = file_name;
    module->module_name = module_name;
    if (suffix != NULL && !strcmp(suffix, "ttcn")) {
      char *file_prefix = cut_suffix(file_name);
      if (!strcmp(file_prefix, module_name)) module->is_regular = TRUE;
      else module->is_regular = FALSE;
    } else {
      module->is_regular = FALSE;

/** ASN.1 filename shall contain no hyphen */
static boolean is_valid_asn1_filename(const char* file_name)
  if (0 == strchr(file_name, '-')) {
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

/** Adds an ASN.1 module to Makefile descriptor structure \a makefile.
 * The name of the ASN.1 source file is \a path_name, the module identifier
 * is \a module_name. It is checked whether a file or module with the same name
 * already exists in \a makefile and an appropriate warning or error is
 * reported. */
static void add_asn1_module(struct makefile_struct *makefile,
  const char *path_name, char *module_name)
  struct module_struct *module;
  char *dir_name = get_dir_name(path_name, makefile->working_dir);
  char *file_name = get_file_from_path(path_name);
  const char *suffix = get_suffix(file_name);
  size_t i;
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nASN1Modules; i++) {
    if (check_module_clash_same(makefile->ASN1Modules + i, "ASN.1", path_name,
      dir_name, file_name, module_name)) return;
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3Modules; i++) {
    if (check_module_clash_different(makefile->TTCN3Modules + i, "TTCN-3",
      dir_name, file_name, module_name, "ASN.1")) return;
  if (makefile->preprocess) {
    for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3PPModules; i++) {
      if (check_module_clash_different(makefile->TTCN3PPModules + i, "TTCN-3",
	dir_name, file_name, module_name, "ASN.1")) return;
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nXSDModules; i++) {
    if (check_module_clash_different(makefile->XSDModules + i, "TTCN-3",
      dir_name, file_name, module_name, "ASN.1")) return;
  makefile->ASN1Modules = (struct module_struct*)
      (makefile->nASN1Modules + 1) * sizeof(*makefile->ASN1Modules));
  module = makefile->ASN1Modules + makefile->nASN1Modules;
  module->dir_name = dir_name;
  module->file_name = file_name;
  module->module_name = module_name;
  if (suffix != NULL && !strcmp(suffix, "asn")) {
    char *file_prefix = cut_suffix(file_name);
    /* replace all '_' with '-' in file name prefix */
    for (i = 0; file_prefix[i] != '\0'; i++)
      if (file_prefix[i] == '_') file_prefix[i] = '-';
    if (!strcmp(file_prefix, module_name)) module->is_regular = TRUE;
    else module->is_regular = FALSE;
  } else {
    module->is_regular = FALSE;

/** Adds an XSD module to Makefile descriptor structure \a makefile.
 * The name of the XSD source file is \a path_name, the module identifier
 * is \a module_name. It is checked whether a file or module with the same name
 * already exists in \a makefile and an appropriate warning or error is
 * reported. */
static void add_xsd_module(struct makefile_struct *makefile,
  const char *path_name, char *module_name)
  struct module_struct *module;
  char *dir_name = get_dir_name(path_name, makefile->working_dir);
  char *file_name = get_file_from_path(path_name);
  size_t i;
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nXSDModules; i++) { 
    if (strcmp(makefile->XSDModules[i].module_name, module_name) == 0) {
      WARNING("The XSD file `%s' containing TTCN-3 module `%s' and XSD "
      "file `%s' containing XSD module `%s' could cause problems.",
      path_name, module_name);
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nXSDModules; i++) {
    if (makefile->XSDModules[i].file_name == NULL) continue;
    if (strcmp(makefile->XSDModules[i].file_name, file_name) == 0) {
      WARNING("File `%s' was given more than once for the Makefile.",
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nASN1Modules; i++) {
    if (check_module_clash_different(makefile->ASN1Modules + i, "ASN.1",
      dir_name, file_name, module_name, "TTCN-3")) return;
  if (makefile->preprocess) {
    for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3PPModules; i++) {
      if (check_module_clash_different(makefile->TTCN3PPModules + i, "TTCN-3",
	        dir_name, file_name, module_name, "TTCN-3")) return;
  // The first XSD module, insert UsefulTtcn3Types.ttcn and XSD.ttcn too
  if (makefile->nXSDModules == 0) {
    makefile->XSDModules = (struct module_struct*)
      (makefile->nXSDModules + 2) * sizeof(*makefile->XSDModules));
    module = makefile->XSDModules + makefile->nXSDModules;
    module->dir_name = NULL;
    module->file_name = NULL;
    module->module_name = mprintf("UsefulTtcn3Types");
    module->is_regular = FALSE; // Always false
    module = makefile->XSDModules + makefile->nXSDModules;
    module->dir_name = NULL;
    module->file_name = NULL;
    module->module_name = mprintf("XSD");
    module->is_regular = FALSE; // Always false
  makefile->XSDModules = (struct module_struct*)
      (makefile->nXSDModules + 1) * sizeof(*makefile->XSDModules));
  module = makefile->XSDModules + makefile->nXSDModules;
  module->dir_name = dir_name;
  module->file_name = file_name;
  module->module_name = module_name;
  module->is_regular = FALSE; // Always false

/** Adds the file named \a path_name to the list of files pointed by \a list_ptr
 * and \a list_size. The suffix or contents of \a path_name are not examined,
 * only duplicate entries are checked. In case of duplicate entries warning is
 * reported only if argument \a report_warning is set to TRUE. */
static void add_path_to_list(size_t *list_size, char ***list_ptr,
  const char *path_name, const char *working_dir, boolean report_warning)
  size_t i;
  char *dir_name = get_dir_name(path_name, working_dir);
  char *file_name = get_file_from_path(path_name);
  char *canonized_path_name = compose_path_name(dir_name, file_name);
  for (i = 0; i < *list_size; i++) {
    if (!strcmp(canonized_path_name, (*list_ptr)[i])) {
      if (report_warning) WARNING("File `%s' was given more than once for the "
                                  "Makefile.", path_name);
  *list_ptr = (char**)Realloc(*list_ptr, (*list_size + 1) * sizeof(**list_ptr));
  (*list_ptr)[*list_size] = canonized_path_name;

/** Adds a C/C++ header or source file or an other file named \a path_name to
 * Makefile descriptor structure \a makefile. The file is classified based on
 * its suffix and not by content. If the file clashes with existing files or
 * modules the appropriate warning or error is generated. */
static void add_user_file(struct makefile_struct *makefile,
  const char *path_name)
  const char *suffix = get_suffix(path_name);
  if (suffix != NULL) {
    if (!strcmp(suffix, "ttcn") || !strcmp(suffix, "ttcn3") ||
        !strcmp(suffix, "3mp") || !strcmp(suffix, "ttcnpp")) {
      /* The file content was already checked. Since it doesn't look like
       * a valid TTCN-3 file, these suffixes are suspect */
      WARNING("File `%s' does not contain a valid TTCN-3 module. "
              "It will be added to the Makefile as other file.", path_name);
    else if (!strcmp(suffix, "ttcnin")) {
      /* this is a TTCN-3 include file */
      if (makefile->preprocess) {
        &makefile->TTCN3IncludeFiles, path_name, makefile->working_dir, TRUE);
      else {
        WARNING("The suffix of file `%s' indicates that it is a TTCN-3 "
                "include file, but TTCN-3 preprocessing is not enabled. The file "
                "will be added to the Makefile as other file.", path_name);
    else if (!strcmp(suffix, "asn") || !strcmp(suffix, "asn1")) {
      /* The file content was already checked. Since it doesn't look like
       * a valid ASN.1 file, these suffixes are suspect */
      WARNING("File `%s' does not contain a valid ASN.1 module. "
              "It will be added to the Makefile as other file.", path_name);
    } else if (!strcmp(suffix, "xsd")) {
      WARNING("File `%s' does not contain a valid XSD module. "
              "It will be added to the Makefile as other file.", path_name);
    else if (!strcmp(suffix, "cc") || !strcmp(suffix, "c") || !strcmp(suffix, "cpp")) {
      /* this is a source file */
      char *dir_name = get_dir_name(path_name, makefile->working_dir);
      char *file_name = get_file_from_path(path_name);
      char *file_prefix = cut_suffix(file_name);
      struct user_struct *user;
      size_t i;
      for (i = 0; i < makefile->nUserFiles; i++) {
        user = makefile->UserFiles + i;
        if (!strcmp(file_prefix, user->file_prefix)) {
          if (user->source_name != NULL) {
          /* the source file is already present */
            if (is_same_file(dir_name, file_name,
              user->dir_name, user->source_name)) {
              WARNING("File `%s' was given more than once for the Makefile.", path_name);
            else {
              char *path_name1 = compose_path_name(user->dir_name, user->source_name);
              char *path_name2 = compose_path_name(dir_name, file_name);
              ERROR("C/C++ source files `%s' and `%s' cannot be used together "
                    "in the same Makefile.", path_name1, path_name2);
          else {
            /* a header file with the same prefix is already present */
            if (is_same_directory(dir_name, user->dir_name)) {
              user->source_name = file_name;
              file_name = NULL;
              if (!strcmp(suffix, "cc") || !strcmp(suffix, "cpp")) 
                user->has_cc_suffix = TRUE;
            else {
              char *path_name1 = compose_path_name(dir_name, file_name);
              char *path_name2 = compose_path_name(user->dir_name, user->header_name);
              ERROR("C/C++ source file `%s' cannot be used together with "
              "header file `%s' in the same Makefile.", path_name1,
      makefile->UserFiles = (struct user_struct*)Realloc(makefile->UserFiles,
      (makefile->nUserFiles + 1) * sizeof(*makefile->UserFiles));
      user = makefile->UserFiles + makefile->nUserFiles;
      user->dir_name = dir_name;
      user->file_prefix = file_prefix;
      user->header_name = NULL;
      user->source_name = file_name;
      user->has_hh_suffix = FALSE;
      if (!strcmp(suffix, "cc") || !strcmp(suffix, "cpp")) user->has_cc_suffix = TRUE;
      else user->has_cc_suffix = FALSE;
    else if (!strcmp(suffix, "hh") || !strcmp(suffix, "h")) {
      /* this is a header file */
      char *dir_name = get_dir_name(path_name, makefile->working_dir);
      char *file_name = get_file_from_path(path_name);
      char *file_prefix = cut_suffix(file_name);
      struct user_struct *user;
      size_t i;
      for (i = 0; i < makefile->nUserFiles; i++) {
        user = makefile->UserFiles + i;
        if (!strcmp(file_prefix, user->file_prefix)) {
          if (user->header_name != NULL) {
          /* the header file is already present */
            if (is_same_file(dir_name, file_name, user->dir_name, user->header_name)) {
              WARNING("File `%s' was given more than once for the Makefile.", path_name);
            else {
              char *path_name1 = compose_path_name(user->dir_name, user->header_name);
              char *path_name2 = compose_path_name(dir_name, file_name);
              ERROR("C/C++ header files `%s' and `%s' cannot be used together "
              "in the same Makefile.", path_name1, path_name2);
          else {
          /* a source file with the same prefix is already present */
            if (is_same_directory(dir_name, user->dir_name)) {
              user->header_name = file_name;
              file_name = NULL;
              if (!strcmp(suffix, "hh") || !strcmp(suffix, "hpp")) 
                user->has_hh_suffix = TRUE;
            else {
              char *path_name1 = compose_path_name(dir_name, file_name);
              char *path_name2 = compose_path_name(user->dir_name, user->source_name);
              ERROR("C/C++ header file `%s' cannot be used together with "
                    "source file `%s' in the same Makefile.", path_name1, path_name2);
      makefile->UserFiles = (struct user_struct*)Realloc(makefile->UserFiles,
        (makefile->nUserFiles + 1) * sizeof(*makefile->UserFiles));
      user = makefile->UserFiles + makefile->nUserFiles;
      user->dir_name = dir_name;
      user->file_prefix = file_prefix;
      user->header_name = file_name;
      user->source_name = NULL;
      if (!strcmp(suffix, "hh") || !strcmp(suffix, "hpp")) user->has_hh_suffix = TRUE;
      else user->has_hh_suffix = FALSE;
      user->has_cc_suffix = FALSE;
  } /* end if (suffix != NULL) */
  /* treat the file as other file if it was not handled yet */
  add_path_to_list(&makefile->nOtherFiles, &makefile->OtherFiles, path_name,
    makefile->working_dir, TRUE);

static void add_file_to_makefile(struct makefile_struct *makefile, char *argument) {
  char *file_name = get_file_name_for_argument(argument);
  if (file_name != NULL) {
    FILE *fp = fopen(file_name, "r");
    if (fp != NULL) {
      char *module_name = NULL;
      if (is_ttcn3_module(file_name, fp, &module_name)) {
        if (is_asn1_module(file_name, fp, NULL)) {
          ERROR("File `%s' looks so strange that it can be both ASN.1 and "
          "TTCN-3 module. Add it to the Makefile manually.", file_name);
        } else {
            add_ttcn3_module(makefile, file_name, module_name);
     } else if (is_asn1_module(file_name, fp, &module_name)) {
         expstring_t only_file_name = get_file_from_path(file_name);
         if (is_valid_asn1_filename(only_file_name)) {
           add_asn1_module(makefile, file_name, module_name);
         } else {
             ERROR("The file name `%s' (without suffix) shall be identical to the module name `%s'.\n"
                   "If the name of the ASN.1 module contains a hyphen, the corresponding "
                   "file name shall contain an underscore character instead.", file_name, module_name);
     } else if (is_xsd_module(file_name, &module_name)) {
       add_xsd_module(makefile, file_name, module_name);
     } else {
       add_user_file(makefile, file_name);
    } else {
       ERROR("Cannot open file `%s' for reading: %s", file_name,
       errno = 0;
  } else if (get_path_status(argument) == PS_DIRECTORY) {
    ERROR("Argument `%s' is a directory.", argument);
  } else {
    ERROR("Cannot find any source file for argument `%s'.", argument);

/** Removes the generated C++ header and/or source files of module \a module
 * from Makefile descriptor structure \a makefile. A warning is displayed if
 * such file is found. */
static void drop_generated_files(struct makefile_struct *makefile,
  const struct module_struct *module)
  char *module_name = mcopystr(module->module_name);
  size_t i;
  /* transform all '-' characters in ASN.1 module name to '_' */
  for (i = 0; module_name[i] != '\0'; i++)
    if (module_name[i] == '-') module_name[i] = '_';
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nUserFiles; i++) {
    struct user_struct *user = makefile->UserFiles + i;
    if (!strcmp(module_name, user->file_prefix)) {
      char *m_pathname = compose_path_name(module->dir_name, module->file_name);
      /** Note: if central storage is used the generated C++ files are placed
       * into the same directory as the TTCN-3/ASN.1 modules, otherwise the
       * files are generated into the working directory. */
      boolean is_same_dir = is_same_directory(user->dir_name,
	makefile->central_storage ? module->dir_name : NULL);
      if (user->header_name != NULL) {
	char *u_pathname = compose_path_name(user->dir_name,
	if (is_same_dir && user->has_hh_suffix) {
	  WARNING("Header file `%s' is generated from module `%s' (file `%s'). "
	    "Removing it from the list of user files.", u_pathname,
	    module->module_name, m_pathname);
	} else {
	  ERROR("Header file `%s' cannot be used together with module `%s' "
	    "(file `%s') in the same Makefile.", u_pathname,
	    module->module_name, m_pathname);
      if (user->source_name != NULL) {
	char *u_pathname = compose_path_name(user->dir_name,
	if (is_same_dir && user->has_cc_suffix) {
	  WARNING("Source file `%s' is generated from module `%s' (file "
	    "`%s'). Removing it from the list of user files.", u_pathname,
	    module->module_name, m_pathname);
	} else {
	  ERROR("Source file `%s' cannot be used together with module "
	    "`%s' (file `%s') in the same Makefile.", u_pathname,
	    module->module_name, m_pathname);
      memmove(user, user + 1, (makefile->nUserFiles - i) *
      makefile->UserFiles = (struct user_struct*)Realloc(makefile->UserFiles,
	makefile->nUserFiles * sizeof(*makefile->UserFiles));

static void drop_generated_TTCN3_files(struct makefile_struct *makefile,
  const struct module_struct *module) {
  size_t i;
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3Modules; i++) {
    struct module_struct *ttcn_module = makefile->TTCN3Modules + i;
    char *module_file_name = NULL;
    module_file_name = mputprintf(module_file_name, "%s.ttcn", module->module_name);
    /** Note: if central storage is used the generated C++ files are placed
     * into the same directory as the TTCN-3/ASN.1 modules, otherwise the
     * files are generated into the working directory. */
    if (strcmp(ttcn_module->file_name, module_file_name) == 0) {
      char *m_pathname = compose_path_name(module->dir_name, module->file_name);
      boolean is_same_dir = is_same_directory(ttcn_module->dir_name,
        makefile->central_storage ? module->dir_name : NULL);
      char *u_pathname = compose_path_name(ttcn_module->dir_name,
      if (is_same_dir) {
        WARNING("TTCN-3 file `%s' is generated from XSD file `%s'."
          " Removing it from the list of user files.", u_pathname,
      } else {
        ERROR("TTCN-3 file `%s' cannot be used together with module "
          "`%s' in the same Makefile.", u_pathname,
      memmove(ttcn_module, ttcn_module + 1, (makefile->nTTCN3Modules - i) *
      makefile->TTCN3Modules = (struct module_struct*)Realloc(makefile->TTCN3Modules,
        makefile->nTTCN3Modules * sizeof(*makefile->TTCN3Modules));
    } else {

/** Drops all C++ header and source files of the Makefile descriptor structure
 * \a makefile that are generated from its TTCN-3 or ASN.1 modules.
 * in the case of XSD modules the generated TTCN-3 file will be dropped. */
static void filter_out_generated_files(struct makefile_struct *makefile)
  size_t i;
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3Modules; i++) {
    drop_generated_files(makefile, makefile->TTCN3Modules + i);
  if (makefile->preprocess) {
    for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3PPModules; i++) {
      drop_generated_files(makefile, makefile->TTCN3PPModules + i);
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nASN1Modules; i++) {
    drop_generated_files(makefile, makefile->ASN1Modules + i);
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nXSDModules; i++) {
    drop_generated_TTCN3_files(makefile, makefile->XSDModules + i);

/** Completes the list of user C/C++ header and source files in \a makefile.
 * If only the source file was given the function looks for the corresponding
 * header file or vice versa. */
static void complete_user_files(const struct makefile_struct *makefile)
  size_t i;
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nUserFiles; i++) {
    struct user_struct *user = makefile->UserFiles + i;
    if (user->header_name == NULL) {
      static const char * const suffix_list[] = { "hh", "h", "hpp", NULL };
      const char * const *suffix_ptr;
      for (suffix_ptr = suffix_list; *suffix_ptr != NULL; suffix_ptr++) {
        char *file_name = mprintf("%s.%s", user->file_prefix, *suffix_ptr);
        char *path_name = compose_path_name(user->dir_name, file_name);
        if (get_path_status(path_name) == PS_FILE) {
          user->header_name = file_name;
          if (!strcmp(*suffix_ptr, "hh") || !strcmp(*suffix_ptr, "hpp"))
            user->has_hh_suffix = TRUE;
    else if (user->source_name == NULL) {
      static const char * const suffix_list[] = { "cc", "c", "cpp", NULL };
      const char * const *suffix_ptr;
      for (suffix_ptr = suffix_list; *suffix_ptr != NULL; suffix_ptr++) {
        char *file_name = mprintf("%s.%s", user->file_prefix, *suffix_ptr);
        char *path_name = compose_path_name(user->dir_name, file_name);
        if (get_path_status(path_name) == PS_FILE) {
          user->source_name = file_name;
          if (!strcmp(*suffix_ptr, "cc") || !strcmp(*suffix_ptr, "cpp"))
            user->has_cc_suffix = TRUE;

/** Converts the directory name pointed by \a dir_ptr to a relative pathname
 * based on \a working_dir. The original directory name is deallocated and
 * replaced with a new string. Nothing happens if \a dir_ptr points to NULL. */
static void replace_dir_with_relative(char **dir_ptr, const char *working_dir)
  if (*dir_ptr != NULL) {
    char *rel_dir = get_relative_dir(*dir_ptr, working_dir);
    *dir_ptr = rel_dir;

/** Converts the directory part of path name pointed by \a path_ptr to a relative
 * pathname based on \a working_dir. The original path name is deallocated and
 * replaced with a new string. */
static void convert_path_to_relative(char **path_ptr, const char *working_dir)
  char *dir_name = get_dir_name(*path_ptr, working_dir);
  if (dir_name != NULL) {
    char *file_name = get_file_from_path(*path_ptr);
    replace_dir_with_relative(&dir_name, working_dir);
    *path_ptr = compose_path_name(dir_name, file_name);

/** Converts all directories used by the Makefile descriptor structure
 * \a makefile to relative pathnames based on the working directory stored in
 * \a makefile. */
static void convert_dirs_to_relative(struct makefile_struct *makefile)
  size_t i;
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3Modules; i++) {
  if (makefile->preprocess) {
    for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3PPModules; i++) {
    for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3IncludeFiles; i++) {
      convert_path_to_relative(makefile->TTCN3IncludeFiles + i,
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nASN1Modules; i++) {
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nXSDModules; i++) {
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nUserFiles; i++) {
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nOtherFiles; i++) {
    convert_path_to_relative(makefile->OtherFiles + i, makefile->working_dir);
  if (makefile->ets_name != NULL)
    convert_path_to_relative(&makefile->ets_name, makefile->working_dir);

/* Returns whether the string \a file_name contains special characters. */
static boolean has_special_chars(const char *file_name)
  if (file_name != NULL) {
    size_t i;
    for (i = 0; ; i++) {
      int c = (unsigned char)file_name[i];
      switch (c) {
      case '\0':
	return FALSE;
      case ' ':
      case '*':
      case '?':
      case '[':
      case ']':
      case '<':
      case '=':
      case '>':
      case '|':
      case '&':
      case '$':
      case '%':
      case '{':
      case '}':
      case ';':
      case ':':
      case '(':
      case ')':
      case '#':
      case '!':
      case '\'':
      case '"':
      case '`':
      case '\\':
	return TRUE;
	if (!isascii(c) || !isprint(c)) return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

/** Checks whether the path name composed of \a dir_name and \a file_name
 * contains special characters that are not allowed in the Makefile. Parameter
 * \a what contains the description of the corresponding file. */
static void check_special_chars_in_path(const char *dir_name,
  const char *file_name, const char *what)
  if (has_special_chars(dir_name) || has_special_chars(file_name)) {
    char *path_name = compose_path_name(dir_name, file_name);
    ERROR("The name of %s `%s' contains special characters that cannot be "
      "handled properly by the `make' utility and/or the shell.", what,

/** Checks whether the directory names or file names that will be used in the
 * generated Makefile contain special characters that cannot be handled by the
 * "make" utility. */
static void check_special_chars(const struct makefile_struct *makefile)
  size_t i;
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3Modules; i++) {
      makefile->TTCN3Modules[i].file_name, "TTCN-3 file");
  if (makefile->preprocess) {
    for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3PPModules; i++) {
	"TTCN-3 file to be preprocessed");
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nASN1Modules; i++) {
      makefile->ASN1Modules[i].file_name, "ASN.1 file");
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nXSDModules; i++) {
      makefile->XSDModules[i].file_name, "XSD file");
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nUserFiles; i++) {
    const struct user_struct *user = makefile->UserFiles + i;
    if (user->source_name != NULL)
      check_special_chars_in_path(user->dir_name, user->source_name,
	"C/C++ source file");
    else check_special_chars_in_path(user->dir_name, user->header_name,
	"C/C++ header file");
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nOtherFiles; i++) {
    check_special_chars_in_path(NULL, makefile->OtherFiles[i], "other file");

/** Adds base directory \a dir_name to Makefile descriptor structure
 * \a makefile. Flag \a has_modules indicates whether \a dir_name contains
 * TTCN-3 and/or ASN.1 modules or XSD modules. The new directory is ignored if it is already
 * added to \a makefile. */
static void add_base_dir(struct makefile_struct *makefile,
  const char *dir_name, boolean has_modules)
  if (dir_name != NULL) {
    struct base_dir_struct *base_dir;
    size_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < makefile->nBaseDirs; i++) {
      base_dir = makefile->BaseDirs + i;
      if (!strcmp(dir_name, base_dir->dir_name)) {
	if (has_modules) base_dir->has_modules = TRUE;
    makefile->BaseDirs = (struct base_dir_struct*)Realloc(makefile->BaseDirs,
      (makefile->nBaseDirs + 1) * sizeof(*makefile->BaseDirs));
    base_dir = makefile->BaseDirs + makefile->nBaseDirs;
    base_dir->dir_name = dir_name;
    base_dir->has_modules = has_modules;

/** Collects all directories that are used in the Makefile descriptor structure
 * \a makefile in order to use pre-compiled files from them. */
static void collect_base_dirs(struct makefile_struct *makefile)
  size_t i;
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3Modules; i++) {
    add_base_dir(makefile, makefile->TTCN3Modules[i].dir_name, TRUE);
  if (makefile->preprocess) {
    for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3PPModules; i++) {
      add_base_dir(makefile, makefile->TTCN3PPModules[i].dir_name, TRUE);
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nASN1Modules; i++) {
    add_base_dir(makefile, makefile->ASN1Modules[i].dir_name, TRUE);
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nXSDModules; i++) {
    add_base_dir(makefile, makefile->XSDModules[i].dir_name, TRUE);
  for (i = 0; i < makefile->nUserFiles; i++) {
    add_base_dir(makefile, makefile->UserFiles[i].dir_name, FALSE);
  if (makefile->nBaseDirs == 0) {
    WARNING("Usage of pre-compiled files from central storage (option `-c') "
      "is enabled, but all given files are located in the current working "

/** Checks whether the TTCN-3, ASN.1 and C++ files follow the default naming
 * convention and sets the appropriate flags accordingly. */
static void check_naming_convention(struct makefile_struct *makefile)
  /* initially set all flags to true */
  makefile->TTCN3ModulesRegular = TRUE;
  makefile->BaseTTCN3ModulesRegular = TRUE;
  makefile->ASN1ModulesRegular = TRUE;
  makefile->BaseASN1ModulesRegular = TRUE;
  makefile->UserHeadersRegular = TRUE;
  makefile->UserSourcesRegular = TRUE;
  makefile->BaseUserHeadersRegular = TRUE;
  makefile->BaseUserSourcesRegular = TRUE;
  if (makefile->central_storage) {
    /* this project (Makefile) will use pre-compiled files from other
       directories */
    size_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3Modules; i++) {
      const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3Modules + i;
      if (module->dir_name != NULL) {
        if (!module->is_regular) makefile->BaseTTCN3ModulesRegular = FALSE;
      else {
        if (!module->is_regular) makefile->TTCN3ModulesRegular = FALSE;
      if (!makefile->TTCN3ModulesRegular && !makefile->BaseTTCN3ModulesRegular)
    /* ttcnpp files are ttcn files */
    if ((makefile->TTCN3ModulesRegular || makefile->BaseTTCN3ModulesRegular) &&
         makefile->preprocess) {
      for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3PPModules; i++) {
        const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3PPModules + i;
        if (module->dir_name != NULL) {
          if (!module->is_regular) makefile->BaseTTCN3ModulesRegular = FALSE;
        } else {
          if (!module->is_regular) makefile->TTCN3ModulesRegular = FALSE;
        if (!makefile->TTCN3ModulesRegular && !makefile->BaseTTCN3ModulesRegular)
    for (i = 0; i < makefile->nASN1Modules; i++) {
      const struct module_struct *module = makefile->ASN1Modules + i;
      if (module->dir_name != NULL) {
        if (!module->is_regular) makefile->BaseASN1ModulesRegular = FALSE;
      else {
        if (!module->is_regular) makefile->ASN1ModulesRegular = FALSE;
      if (!makefile->ASN1ModulesRegular && !makefile->BaseASN1ModulesRegular)
    for (i = 0; i < makefile->nUserFiles; i++) {
      const struct user_struct *user = makefile->UserFiles + i;
      if (user->dir_name != NULL) {
        if (!user->has_cc_suffix)
          makefile->BaseUserSourcesRegular = FALSE;
        if (!user->has_cc_suffix || !user->has_hh_suffix)
          makefile->BaseUserHeadersRegular = FALSE;
      else {
        if (!user->has_cc_suffix)
          makefile->UserSourcesRegular = FALSE;
        if (!user->has_cc_suffix || !user->has_hh_suffix)
          makefile->UserHeadersRegular = FALSE;
      if (!makefile->UserHeadersRegular && !makefile->UserSourcesRegular &&
          !makefile->BaseUserHeadersRegular &&
          !makefile->BaseUserSourcesRegular) break;
  } else {
    /* this project (Makefile) will-be stand-alone */
    size_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3Modules; i++) {
      const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3Modules + i;
      if (!module->is_regular || module->dir_name != NULL) {
        makefile->TTCN3ModulesRegular = FALSE;
    if (makefile->TTCN3ModulesRegular && makefile->preprocess) {
      for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3PPModules; i++) {
        const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3PPModules + i;
        if (!module->is_regular || module->dir_name != NULL) {
          makefile->TTCN3ModulesRegular = FALSE;
    for (i = 0; i < makefile->nASN1Modules; i++) {
      const struct module_struct *module = makefile->ASN1Modules + i;
      if (!module->is_regular || module->dir_name != NULL) {
        makefile->ASN1ModulesRegular = FALSE;
    for (i = 0; i < makefile->nUserFiles; i++) {
      const struct user_struct *user = makefile->UserFiles + i;
      if (!user->has_cc_suffix)
        makefile->UserSourcesRegular = FALSE;
      if (!user->has_cc_suffix || !user->has_hh_suffix)
        makefile->UserHeadersRegular = FALSE;
      if (!makefile->UserHeadersRegular && !makefile->UserSourcesRegular)

/** Prints the name of the TTCN-3 or ASN.1 source file that belongs to module
 * \a module to file \a fp. */
static void print_file_name(FILE *fp, const struct module_struct *module)
  char *path_name = compose_path_name(module->dir_name, module->file_name);
  fprintf(fp, " %s", path_name);

/** Prints the name of the preprocessed TTCN-3 source file that belongs to
 *  module \a module to file \a fp. */
static void print_preprocessed_file_name(FILE *fp,
                                         const struct module_struct *module)
  char *preprocessed_name = get_preprocessed_file_name(module->file_name);
  char *path_name = compose_path_name(module->dir_name, preprocessed_name);
  fprintf(fp, " %s", path_name);

/** Prints the name of the generated TTCN-3, header, source or object file of module
 * \a module to file \a fp. The name of the directory is added only if
 * \a add_directory is TRUE. Parameter \a suffix shall be 'ttcn", "hh", "cc", "hpp", "cpp" or "o". */
static void print_generated_file_name(FILE *fp,
  const struct module_struct *module, boolean add_directory, const char *suffix)
  char *file_name = mcopystr(module->module_name);
  /* replace '-' with '_' */
  size_t i;
  for (i = 0; file_name[i] != '\0'; i++)
    if (file_name[i] == '-') file_name[i] = '_';
  /* append the suffix */
  file_name = mputprintf(file_name, "%s", suffix);
  /* add the directory name if necessary */
  if (add_directory) {
    char *path_name = compose_path_name(module->dir_name, file_name);
    file_name = path_name;
  fprintf(fp, " %s", file_name);

/** Prints the name of the user C/C++ header file of user module \a user if the
 * above file exists. */
static void print_header_name(FILE *fp, const struct user_struct *user)
  if (user->header_name != NULL) {
    char *path_name = compose_path_name(user->dir_name, user->header_name);
    fprintf(fp, " %s", path_name);

/** Prints the name of the user C/C++ source file of user module \a user if the
 * above file exists. */
static void print_source_name(FILE *fp, const struct user_struct *user)
  if (user->source_name != NULL) {
    char *path_name = compose_path_name(user->dir_name, user->source_name);
    fprintf(fp, " %s", path_name);

/** Prints the name of the user C/C++ object file of user module \a user if the
 * above file exists (i.e. the respective source file is present). */
static void print_object_name(FILE *fp, const struct user_struct *user)
  if (user->source_name != NULL) {
    char *file_name = mprintf("%s.o", user->file_prefix);
    char *path_name = compose_path_name(user->dir_name, file_name);
    fprintf(fp, " %s", path_name);

static void print_shared_object_name(FILE *fp, const struct user_struct *user)
  if (user->source_name != NULL) {
    char *file_name = mprintf("%s.so", user->file_prefix);
    char *path_name = compose_path_name(user->dir_name, file_name);
    fprintf(fp, " %s", path_name);
/** Prints the splitted files' names for a given module. */
static void print_splitted_file_names(FILE *fp,
  const struct makefile_struct *makefile, const struct module_struct *module, const boolean dir)
  int n_slices;
  if (strcmp(makefile->code_splitting_mode, "-U type") == 0) {
    print_generated_file_name(fp, module, dir, "_seq.cc");
    print_generated_file_name(fp, module, dir, "_set.cc");
    print_generated_file_name(fp, module, dir, "_seqof.cc");
    print_generated_file_name(fp, module, dir, "_setof.cc");
    print_generated_file_name(fp, module, dir, "_union.cc");
  } else if(makefile->code_splitting_mode != NULL && (n_slices = atoi(makefile->code_splitting_mode + 2))) {
    for (int i = 1; i < n_slices; i++) {
      char buffer[16]; // 6 digits + 4 chars + _part
      sprintf(buffer, "_part_%i.cc", i);
      print_generated_file_name(fp, module, dir, buffer);

static void fprint_extra_targets(FILE* fp, struct string2_list* target_placement_list, const char* placement)
  struct string2_list* act_elem = target_placement_list;
  while (act_elem) {
    if (act_elem->str1 && act_elem->str2 && (strcmp(act_elem->str2,placement)==0)) {
      fprintf(fp, " %s", act_elem->str1);
    act_elem = act_elem->next;

#define COMMENT_PREFIX "# "

/** Prints the Makefile based on structure \a makefile. */
static void print_makefile(struct makefile_struct *makefile)
  boolean add_refd_prjs = FALSE;
  if (makefile->linkingStrategy && makefile->hierarchical) {
    add_refd_prjs = hasSubProject(makefile->project_name);
  else {
    add_refd_prjs = makefile->sub_project_dirs && makefile->sub_project_dirs->str;
  NOTIFY("Generating Makefile skeleton...");

  if (makefile->force_overwrite ||
      get_path_status(makefile->output_file) == PS_NONEXISTENT) {
    size_t i;
    char *user_info;
    const char* cxx;
    const char *rm_command = makefile->gnu_make ? "$(RM)" : "rm -f";
    FILE *fp;
    boolean run_compiler = (makefile->nASN1Modules > 0)
      || (makefile->nTTCN3Modules) || (makefile->nTTCN3PPModules > 0)
      || (makefile->nXSDModules > 0);

    expstring_t titan_dir = 0;
    const char * last_slash = strrchr(program_name, '/');
    if (last_slash != NULL) {
      size_t path_len = last_slash - program_name;
      titan_dir = mcopystr(program_name);
      /* Chop off the program name, and the /bin before it (if any) */
      if (path_len >= 4
        && memcmp(titan_dir + path_len - 4, "/bin", 4) == 0) {
        titan_dir = mtruncstr(titan_dir, path_len - 4);
      else {
        titan_dir = mtruncstr(titan_dir, path_len);

    fp = fopen(makefile->output_file, "w");
    if (fp == NULL){
      ERROR("Cannot open output file `%s' for writing: %s",
      makefile->output_file, strerror(errno));
    user_info = get_user_info();
    fprintf(fp, "# This Makefile was generated by the Makefile Generator\n"
      "# of the TTCN-3 Test Executor version " PRODUCT_NUMBER "\n"
      "# for %s\n"
      "# The following make commands are available:\n"
      "# - make, make all      Builds the %s.\n"
      "# - make archive        Archives all source files.\n"
      "# - make check          Checks the semantics of TTCN-3 and ASN.1"
      "# - make port           Generates test port and external class skeletons.\n"
      "%s" // clean:
      "%s" //clean-all
      "# - make compile        Translates TTCN-3 and ASN.1 modules to C++.\n"
      "# - make dep            Creates/updates dependency list.\n"
      "# - make executable     Builds the executable test suite.\n"
      "# - make library        Builds the library archive.\n"
      "# - make objects        Builds the object files without linking the "
      "executable.\n", user_info,
      makefile->library ? "library archive." : "executable test suite",
      (makefile->linkingStrategy && makefile->hierarchical) ?
      "# - make clean          Removes generated files from project.\n" :
      "# - make clean          Removes all generated files.\n",
      (makefile->linkingStrategy && makefile->hierarchical) ?
      "# - make clean-all      Removes all generated files from the project hierarchy.\n" : "");
    if (makefile->dynamic)
      fprintf(fp, "# - make shared_objects Builds the shared object files "
              "without linking the executable.\n");
    if (makefile->preprocess)
      fputs("# - make preprocess     Preprocess TTCN-3 files.\n", fp);
    if (makefile->central_storage) {
      fputs("# WARNING! This Makefile uses pre-compiled files from the "
            "following directories:\n", fp);
      for (i = 0; i < makefile->nBaseDirs; i++)
        fprintf(fp, "# %s\n", makefile->BaseDirs[i].dir_name);
      fputs("# The executable tests will be consistent only if all directories "
            "# the same platform and the same version of TTCN-3 Test Executor "
            "# C++ compiler with the same command line switches.\n\n", fp);
    if (makefile->gnu_make) {
      fputs("# WARNING! This Makefile can be used with GNU make only.\n"
            "# Other versions of make may report syntax errors in it.\n\n"
            "# Do NOT touch this line...\n"
            ".PHONY: all shared_objects executable library objects check port clean dep archive", fp);
      if (makefile->preprocess) fputs(" preprocess", fp);
      if (add_refd_prjs) {
        fprintf(fp, "\\\n referenced-all referenced-shared_objects referenced-executable referenced-library referenced-objects referenced-check"
              "\\\n referenced-clean%s",
              (makefile->linkingStrategy && makefile->hierarchical) ?
              "-all" : "");
      fprint_extra_targets(fp, makefile->target_placement_list, "PHONY");

      if (makefile->gcc_dep) {
        fputs("\n\n.SUFFIXES: .d", fp);
      fputs("\n\n", fp);

    if (makefile->linkingStrategy) {
      const char* tpd_name = getTPDFileName(makefile->project_name);
      if (tpd_name) {
        fputs("# Titan Project Descriptor file what this Makefile is generated from.\n", fp);
        fprintf(fp, "TPD = %s\n\n", tpd_name);
      const char* root_dir = getPathToRootDir(makefile->project_name);
      if (root_dir) {
        fputs("# Relative path to top directory at OS level.\n", fp);
        fprintf(fp, "ROOT_DIR = %s\n\n", root_dir);

    if (add_refd_prjs) {
      struct string_list* act_elem = NULL;
      struct string_list* head = NULL;
      if (makefile->linkingStrategy && makefile->hierarchical) {// pair with free_string_list
        head = act_elem = getRefWorkingDirs(makefile->project_name);
      else {
        act_elem = makefile->sub_project_dirs;
      if (!makefile->linkingStrategy)
        fputs("# This is the top level makefile of a Makefile hierarchy generated from\n", fp);
      fputs("# Titan Project Descriptor hierarchy. List of referenced project\n"
            "# working directories (ordered by dependencies):\n", fp);
      while (act_elem) {
        if (act_elem->str) {
          fprintf(fp, "# %s\n", act_elem->str);
        act_elem = act_elem->next;
      if (makefile->linkingStrategy && makefile->hierarchical) { // pair with getRefWorkingDirs
      fputs("REFERENCED_PROJECT_DIRS = ", fp);
      if (makefile->linkingStrategy && makefile->hierarchical) {
        head = act_elem = getRefWorkingDirs(makefile->project_name); // pair with free_string_list
      else {
        act_elem = makefile->sub_project_dirs;
      while (act_elem) {
        if (act_elem->str) {
          fprintf(fp, "%s ", act_elem->str);
        act_elem = act_elem->next;
      fputs("\n\n", fp);
      if (makefile->linkingStrategy && makefile->hierarchical) {// pair with getRefWorkingDirs

      fprintf(fp, "#\n"
          "# Set these variables...\n"
          "# The path of your TTCN-3 Test Executor installation:\n"
          "# Uncomment this line to override the environment variable.\n"
          "TTCN3_SUBDIR = \n"
          "ifndef TTCN3_DIR\n"
          "TTCN3_DIR = %s\n"
      , titan_dir ?
        "# The value below points to the location of the TITAN version\n"
        "# that generated this makefile.\n" : ""
      , titan_dir ? titan_dir : "");
    } else {
      fprintf(fp, "#\n"
          "# Set these variables...\n"
          "ifndef TTCN3_DIR\n"
          "ifneq (,$(wildcard /usr/include/titan/))\n"
          "TTCN3_DIR = /usr\n"
          "TTCN3_SUBDIR = /titan\n"
          "TTCN3_DIR = \n"
          "TTCN3_SUBDIR = \n"

    boolean cxx_free = FALSE;
    if (makefile->cxxcompiler) {
      cxx = makefile->cxxcompiler;
    } else {
#ifdef __clang__
      unsigned int
        compiler_major = __clang_major__,
        compiler_minor = __clang_minor__;
      if (compiler_major < 7) {
        cxx = mprintf("clang++-%u.%u", compiler_major, compiler_minor);
      else {
        cxx = mprintf("clang++-%u", compiler_major);
      cxx_free = TRUE;
      cxx = "g++";

    fprintf(fp, "\n# Your platform: (SOLARIS, SOLARIS8, LINUX, FREEBSD or "
      "PLATFORM = %s\n\n"
      "# Your C++ compiler:\n"
      "# (if you change the platform, you may need to change the compiler)\n"
      "CXX = %s \n\n", get_platform_string(), cxx);

    if (makefile->preprocess || makefile->ttcn3preprocessor) {
      const char* cpp;
      if (makefile->ttcn3preprocessor) {
        cpp = makefile->ttcn3preprocessor;
      } else {
        cpp = "cpp";
      fprintf(fp,"# C preprocessor used for TTCN-3 files:\n"
          "CPP = %s\n\n", cpp);

    fputs("# Flags for the C++ preprocessor (and makedepend as well):\n"
          "CPPFLAGS = -D$(PLATFORM) -I$(TTCN3_DIR)/include$(TTCN3_SUBDIR)", fp);

    // enable debug mode for the generated code, too
    fputs(" -DMEMORY_DEBUG", fp);

    if (makefile->use_runtime_2) fputs(" -DTITAN_RUNTIME_2", fp);

    for (i = 0; i < makefile->nBaseDirs; i++) {
      fprintf(fp, " -I%s", makefile->BaseDirs[i].dir_name);

    if (makefile->prep_includes) {
      struct string_list* act_elem = makefile->prep_includes;
      while (act_elem) {
        if (act_elem->str) {
          fprintf(fp, " -I%s", act_elem->str);
        act_elem = act_elem->next;

    if (makefile->prep_defines) {
      struct string_list* act_elem = makefile->prep_defines;
      while (act_elem) {
        if (act_elem->str) {
          fprintf(fp, " -D%s", act_elem->str);
        act_elem = act_elem->next;

    if (makefile->prep_undefines) {
      struct string_list* act_elem = makefile->prep_undefines;
      while (act_elem) {
        if (act_elem->str) {
          fprintf(fp, " -U%s", act_elem->str);
        act_elem = act_elem->next;

    fputs("\n\n", fp);

    if (makefile->gcc_dep) {
      fprintf(fp, "# Flags for dependency generation\n"
        "CXXDEPFLAGS = -%s\n\n", strstr(cxx, "g++") ? "MM" : "xM1");

    if (cxx_free) {
      cxx = NULL;
    if (makefile->preprocess || makefile->ttcn3_prep_includes ||  makefile->ttcn3_prep_defines) {
      fputs("# Flags for preprocessing TTCN-3 files:\n"
            "CPPFLAGS_TTCN3 =", fp);

      if (makefile->preprocess) {
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nBaseDirs; i++) {
          fprintf(fp, " -I%s", makefile->BaseDirs[i].dir_name);
      if (makefile->ttcn3_prep_includes) {
        struct string_list* act_elem = makefile->ttcn3_prep_includes;
        while (act_elem) {
          if (act_elem->str) {
            fprintf(fp, " -I%s", act_elem->str);
          act_elem = act_elem->next;
      if (makefile->ttcn3_prep_defines) {
        struct string_list* act_elem = makefile->ttcn3_prep_defines;
        while (act_elem) {
          if (act_elem->str) {
            fprintf(fp, " -D%s", act_elem->str);
          act_elem = act_elem->next;
      if (makefile->ttcn3_prep_undefines) {
        struct string_list* act_elem = makefile->ttcn3_prep_undefines;
        while (act_elem) {
          if (act_elem->str) {
            fprintf(fp, " -U%s", act_elem->str);
          act_elem = act_elem->next;
      fputs("\n\n", fp);

    fprintf(fp, "# Flags for the C++ compiler:\n"
          "CXXFLAGS = %s%s %s %s"
          " -g" // enable debug information for the generated code
          "# Flags for the linker:\n"
          "LDFLAGS = %s%s %s\n\n"
          "ifeq ($(PLATFORM), WIN32)\n"
          "# Silence linker warnings.\n"
          "LDFLAGS += -Wl,--enable-auto-import,--enable-runtime-pseudo-reloc\n"
          "# Utility to create library files\n"
          "AR = ar\n"
          "ARFLAGS = \n\n"
          "# Flags for the TTCN-3 and ASN.1 compiler:\n"
          "COMPILER_FLAGS =%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n\n"
          "# Execution mode: (either ttcn3 or ttcn3-parallel)\n"
          "TTCN3_LIB = ttcn3%s%s%s\n\n"
#ifdef LICENSE
          "# The path of your OpenSSL installation:\n"
          "# If you do not have your own one, leave it unchanged.\n"
          "%sOPENSSL_DIR = $(TTCN3_DIR)\n\n"
          "# The path of your libxml2 installation:\n"
          "# If you do not have your own one, leave it unchanged.\n"
          "%sXMLDIR = $(TTCN3_DIR)\n\n"
          "# Directory to store the archived source files:\n",
          makefile->dynamic ? "-Wall -fPIC" : "-Wall", /* CXXFLAGS */
          makefile->coverage ? " -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -g" : "", /* CXXFLAGS COVERAGE */
          makefile->optlevel ? makefile->optlevel : "", /* CXXFLAGS optimization level */
          makefile->optflags ? makefile->optflags : "", /* CXXFLAGS optimization level */
          makefile->dynamic ? "-fPIC" : "", /* LDFLAGS */
          makefile->coverage ? " -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -g -lgcov" : "", /* LDFLAGS COVERAGE */
          makefile->linkerOptions ? makefile->linkerOptions : "",
          /* COMPILER_FLAGS */
          makefile->use_runtime_2 ? " -L -R " : " -L ",
          (makefile->code_splitting_mode ? makefile->code_splitting_mode : ""),
          (makefile->quietly ? " -q" : ""),
          (makefile->disablesubtypecheck ? " -y" : ""),
          (makefile->semanticcheckonly ? " -s" : ""),
          (makefile->disableattibutevalidation ? " -0" : ""),
          (makefile->disableber ? " -b" : ""),
          (makefile->disableraw ? " -r" : ""),
          (makefile->disabletext ? " -x" : ""),
          (makefile->disablexer ? " -X" : ""),
          (makefile->disablejson ? " -j" : ""),
          (makefile->disableoer ? " -O" : ""),
          (makefile->forcexerinasn ? " -a" : ""),
          (makefile->defaultasomit ? " -d" : ""),
          (makefile->gccmsgformat ? " -g" : ""),
          (makefile->linenumbersonlymsg ? " -i" : ""),
          (makefile->includesourceinfo ? " -l" : ""),
          /*(makefile->addsourcelineinfo ? " -L" : ""),*/
          (makefile->suppresswarnings ? " -w" : ""),
          (makefile->outparamboundness ? " -Y" : ""),
          (makefile->omit_in_value_list ? " -M" : ""),
          (makefile->warnings_for_bad_variants ? " -E" : ""),
          (makefile->activate_debugger ? " -n" : ""),
          (makefile->ignore_untagged_on_top_union ? " -N" : ""),
          (makefile->enable_legacy_encoding ? " -e" : ""),
          (makefile->tcov_file_name ? makefile->tcov_file_name : ""),
          (makefile->profiled_file_list ? " -z $(PROFILED_FILE_LIST)" : ""),
          (makefile->disable_userinfo ? " -D" : ""),
          (makefile->realtime_features ? " -I" : ""),
          (makefile->oop_features ? " -k" : ""),
	  (makefile->charstring_compat ? " -h" : ""),
          /* end of COMPILER FLAGS */
          (makefile->use_runtime_2 ? "-rt2"    : ""), /* TTCN3_LIB */
          (makefile->single_mode   ? ""        : "-parallel"),
          (makefile->dynamic       ? "-dynamic": ""),
#ifdef LICENSE
          (makefile->disable_predef_ext_folder ? "# " : ""),
          (makefile->disable_predef_ext_folder ? "# " : "")
    if (!makefile->gnu_make) {
      fputs("# Note: you can set any directory except ./archive\n", fp);
    fputs("ARCHIVE_DIR = backup\n\n"
          "# You may change these variables. Add your files if necessary...\n"
          "# TTCN-3 modules of this project:\n"
          "TTCN3_MODULES =", fp);
    for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3Modules; i++) {
      const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3Modules + i;
      if (module->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage)
        /* If the file is in the current directory or
         * is not in the current directory but central directory is not used,
         * it goes into TTCN3_MODULES */
        print_file_name(fp, module);
    fprint_extra_targets(fp, makefile->target_placement_list, "TTCN3_MODULES");
    if (makefile->nXSDModules) {
      fputs("\n\nXSD_MODULES =", fp);
      for (i = 0; i < makefile->nXSDModules; i++) {
        const struct module_struct *module = makefile->XSDModules + i;
        if (module->file_name != NULL && (module->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage)) {
          /* If the file is in the current directory or
           * is not in the current directory but central directory is not used,
           * it goes into XSD_MODULES */
          print_file_name(fp, module);
      fprint_extra_targets(fp, makefile->target_placement_list, "XSD_MODULES");
    if (makefile->preprocess) {
      "# TTCN-3 modules to preprocess:\n"
            "TTCN3_PP_MODULES =", fp);
      for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3PPModules; i++) {
        const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3PPModules + i;
        if (module->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage)
          print_file_name(fp, module);
      fprint_extra_targets(fp, makefile->target_placement_list, "TTCN3_PP_MODULES");
    if (makefile->central_storage) {
      "# TTCN-3 modules used from central project(s):\n"
      "BASE_TTCN3_MODULES =", fp);
      if (!makefile->linkingStrategy) {
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3Modules; i++) {
          const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3Modules + i;
          /* Central storage used AND file is not in the current directory => it goes into BASE_TTCN3_MODULES */
          if (module->dir_name != NULL) print_file_name(fp, module);
        if (makefile->preprocess) {
          "# TTCN-3 modules to preprocess used from central project(s):\n"
          "BASE_TTCN3_PP_MODULES =", fp);
          for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3PPModules; i++) {
            const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3PPModules + i;
            if (module->dir_name != NULL && !isTtcnPPFileInLibrary(module->file_name))
              print_file_name(fp, module);
        if (makefile->nXSDModules) {
          "# XSD modules used from central project(s):\n"
          "BASE_XSD_MODULES =", fp);
          for (i = 0; i < makefile->nXSDModules; i++) {
            const struct module_struct *module = makefile->XSDModules + i;
            /* Central storage used AND file is not in the current directory => it goes into BASE_XSD_MODULES */
            if (module->dir_name != NULL) print_file_name(fp, module);
      else { // new linking strategy
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3Modules; i++) {
          const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3Modules + i;
          /* Central storage used AND file is not in the current directory => it goes into BASE_TTCN3_MODULES */
          if (module->dir_name != NULL && !isTtcn3ModuleInLibrary(module->module_name))
            print_file_name(fp, module);
        "# TTCN-3 library linked modules used from central project(s):\n"
        "BASE2_TTCN3_MODULES =", fp);
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3Modules; i++) {
          const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3Modules + i;
          /* Central storage used AND file is not in the current directory => it goes into BASE_TTCN3_MODULES */
          if (module->dir_name != NULL && isTtcn3ModuleInLibrary(module->module_name))
            print_file_name(fp, module);
        if (makefile->preprocess) {
          "# TTCN-3 modules to preprocess used from central project(s):\n"
          "BASE_TTCN3_PP_MODULES =", fp);
          for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3PPModules; i++) {
            const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3PPModules + i;
            if (module->dir_name != NULL && !isTtcnPPFileInLibrary(module->file_name))
              print_file_name(fp, module);
          "# TTCN-3 library linked modules to preprocess used from central project(s):\n"
          "BASE2_TTCN3_PP_MODULES =", fp);
          for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3PPModules; i++) {
            const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3PPModules + i;
            if (module->dir_name != NULL && isTtcnPPFileInLibrary(module->file_name))
              print_file_name(fp, module);
        if (makefile->nXSDModules) {
          "# XSD modules used from central project(s):\n"
          "BASE_XSD_MODULES =", fp);
          for (i = 0; i < makefile->nXSDModules; i++) {
            const struct module_struct *module = makefile->XSDModules + i;
            /* Central storage used AND file is not in the current directory => it goes into BASE_XSD_MODULES */
            if (module->dir_name != NULL && !isXSDModuleInLibrary(module->module_name))
              print_file_name(fp, module);
        if (makefile->nXSDModules) {
          "# XSD library linked modules used from central project(s):\n"
          "BASE2_XSD_MODULES =", fp);
          for (i = 0; i < makefile->nXSDModules; i++) {
            const struct module_struct *module = makefile->XSDModules + i;
            /* Central storage used AND file is not in the current directory => it goes into BASE_TTCN3_MODULES */
            if (module->dir_name != NULL && isXSDModuleInLibrary(module->module_name))
              print_file_name(fp, module);
    if (makefile->preprocess) {
            "# Files to include in TTCN-3 preprocessed modules:\n"
            "TTCN3_INCLUDES =", fp);
      for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3IncludeFiles; i++)
        fprintf(fp, " %s", makefile->TTCN3IncludeFiles[i]);
      fprint_extra_targets(fp, makefile->target_placement_list, "TTCN3_INCLUDES");
          "# ASN.1 modules of this project:\n"
          "ASN1_MODULES =", fp);
    for (i = 0; i < makefile->nASN1Modules; i++) {
      const struct module_struct *module = makefile->ASN1Modules + i;
      if (module->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage)
        print_file_name(fp, module);
    fprint_extra_targets(fp, makefile->target_placement_list, "ASN1_MODULES");
    if (makefile->central_storage) {
      "# ASN.1 modules used from central project(s):\n"
      "BASE_ASN1_MODULES =", fp);
      if (!makefile->linkingStrategy) {
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nASN1Modules; i++) {
          const struct module_struct *module = makefile->ASN1Modules + i;
          if (module->dir_name != NULL) print_file_name(fp, module);
      else {
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nASN1Modules; i++) {
          const struct module_struct *module = makefile->ASN1Modules + i;
          if (module->dir_name != NULL  && !isAsn1ModuleInLibrary(module->module_name))
            print_file_name(fp, module);
        "# ASN.1 library linked modules used from central project(s):\n"
        "BASE2_ASN1_MODULES =", fp);
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nASN1Modules; i++) {
          const struct module_struct *module = makefile->ASN1Modules + i;
          if (module->dir_name != NULL  && isAsn1ModuleInLibrary(module->module_name))
            print_file_name(fp, module);
    if (makefile->preprocess) {
            "# TTCN-3 source files generated by the C preprocessor:\n"
            "PREPROCESSED_TTCN3_MODULES =", fp);
      for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3PPModules; i++) {
        const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3PPModules + i;
        if (module->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage)
          print_preprocessed_file_name(fp, module);
      if (makefile->central_storage) {
        "# TTCN-3 files generated by the CPP used from central project(s):\n"
        if (!makefile->linkingStrategy) {
          for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3PPModules; i++) {
            const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3PPModules + i;
            if (module->dir_name != NULL)
              print_preprocessed_file_name(fp, module);
        else { // new linking strategy
          for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3PPModules; i++) {
            const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3PPModules + i;
            if (module->dir_name != NULL && !isTtcnPPFileInLibrary(module->file_name))
              print_preprocessed_file_name(fp, module);
          "# TTCN-3 library linked files generated by the CPP used from central project(s):\n"
          for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3PPModules; i++) {
            const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3PPModules + i;
            if (module->dir_name != NULL && isTtcnPPFileInLibrary(module->file_name))
              print_preprocessed_file_name(fp, module);
    if (makefile->profiled_file_list) {
      if (makefile->profiled_file_list->next && !makefile->central_storage) {
        // merge all profiled file lists into one list
        fprintf(fp, "\n\n"
                "# Text file containing the list of profiled TTCN-3 files of "
                "this project:\n"
                "PROFILED_FILE_LIST = %s.merged\n"
                "PROFILED_FILE_LIST_SEGMENTS =",
        struct string_list* iter = makefile->profiled_file_list;
        while(iter != NULL) {
          fprintf(fp, " %s", iter->str);
          iter = iter->next;
      else {
        // only one profiled file list is needed
        fprintf(fp, "\n\n"
                "# Text file containing the list of profiled TTCN-3 files of "
                "this project:\n"
                "PROFILED_FILE_LIST = %s", makefile->profiled_file_list->str);
    boolean has_xsd_module = FALSE;
    boolean has_base_xsd_module = FALSE;
    if (makefile->nXSDModules) {
             "XSD2TTCN_GENERATED_MODULES =", fp);
      for (i = 0; i < makefile->nXSDModules; i++) {
        const struct module_struct *module = makefile->XSDModules + i;
        if (module->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage) {
          if (strcmp(module->module_name, "XSD") != 0 &&
              strcmp(module->module_name, "UsefulTtcn3Types") != 0) {
            has_xsd_module = TRUE;
        if (module->dir_name != NULL && makefile->central_storage) {
          has_base_xsd_module = TRUE;

      for (i = 0; i < makefile->nXSDModules; i++) {
        const struct module_struct *module = makefile->XSDModules + i;
        if (module->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage)
          /* If the file is in the current directory or
           * is not in the current directory but central directory is not used,
           * it goes into XSD_MODULES */
          print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, ".ttcn");
      fputs("\n\nTTCN3_MODULES += $(XSD2TTCN_GENERATED_MODULES)", fp);
      if (makefile->central_storage) {
              "BASE_XSD2TTCN_GENERATED_MODULES =", fp);
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nXSDModules; i++) {
          const struct module_struct *module = makefile->XSDModules + i;
          if (module->dir_name != NULL && !isXSDModuleInLibrary(module->module_name))
            print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, ".ttcn");
        if (makefile->linkingStrategy) {
              "BASE2_XSD2TTCN_GENERATED_MODULES =", fp);
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nXSDModules; i++) {
          const struct module_struct *module = makefile->XSDModules + i;
          if (module->dir_name != NULL && isXSDModuleInLibrary(module->module_name))
            print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, ".ttcn");
        fputs("\n\nBASE2_TTCN3_MODULES += $(BASE2_XSD2TTCN_GENERATED_MODULES)", fp);
          "# C++ source & header files generated from the TTCN-3 & ASN.1 "
          "modules of\n"
          "# this project:\n"
          "GENERATED_SOURCES =", fp);
    if (makefile->gnu_make && ((makefile->TTCN3ModulesRegular) || (!makefile->nTTCN3Modules && makefile->nXSDModules))) {
      fputs(" $(TTCN3_MODULES:.ttcn=.cc)", fp);
      if (makefile->code_splitting_mode) {
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3Modules; i++) {
          const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3Modules + i;
          if (module->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage)
            print_splitted_file_names(fp, makefile, module, FALSE);
      if (makefile->preprocess) {
        fputs(" $(TTCN3_PP_MODULES:.ttcnpp=.cc)", fp);
        if (makefile->code_splitting_mode) {
          for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3PPModules; i++) {
            const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3PPModules + i;
            if (module->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage)
              print_splitted_file_names(fp, makefile, module, FALSE);
      if (makefile->nXSDModules) {
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nXSDModules; i++) {
          const struct module_struct *module = makefile->XSDModules + i;
          if (module->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage) {
            if (makefile->code_splitting_mode)
              print_splitted_file_names(fp, makefile, module, FALSE);
    } else {
      for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3Modules; i++) {
        const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3Modules + i;
        if (module->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage) {
          print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, ".cc");
          if (makefile->code_splitting_mode)
            print_splitted_file_names(fp, makefile, module, FALSE);
      if (makefile->preprocess) {
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3PPModules; i++) {
          const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3PPModules + i;
          if (module->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage) {
            print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, ".cc");
            if (makefile->code_splitting_mode)
              print_splitted_file_names(fp, makefile, module, FALSE);
      if (makefile->nXSDModules) {
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nXSDModules; i++) {
          const struct module_struct *module = makefile->XSDModules + i;
          if (module->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage) {
            print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, ".cc");
            if (makefile->code_splitting_mode)
              print_splitted_file_names(fp, makefile, module, FALSE);
    if (makefile->gnu_make && makefile->ASN1ModulesRegular) {
      fputs(" $(ASN1_MODULES:.asn=.cc)", fp);
      if (makefile->code_splitting_mode) {
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nASN1Modules; i++) {
          const struct module_struct *module = makefile->ASN1Modules + i;
          if (module->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage) {
            print_splitted_file_names(fp, makefile, module, FALSE);
    } else {
      for (i = 0; i < makefile->nASN1Modules; i++) {
        const struct module_struct *module = makefile->ASN1Modules + i;
        if (module->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage) {
          print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, ".cc");
          if (makefile->code_splitting_mode)
            print_splitted_file_names(fp, makefile, module, FALSE);

    fputs("\nGENERATED_HEADERS =", fp);
    if (makefile->gnu_make) {
      int n_slices;
      // If GNU make and any splitting set, then if we would
      // use the .cc=.hh then the _part_i.hh header files would be printed into
      // the makefile that would cause weird behavior.
      if (makefile->code_splitting_mode != NULL &&
           ((n_slices = atoi(makefile->code_splitting_mode + 2)) ||
             strcmp(makefile->code_splitting_mode, "-U type") == 0)) {
        if (makefile->TTCN3ModulesRegular) {
          fputs(" $(TTCN3_MODULES:.ttcn=.hh)", fp);
          if (makefile->preprocess) {
            fputs(" $(TTCN3_PP_MODULES:.ttcnpp=.hh)", fp);
        } else {
          for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3Modules; i++) {
            const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3Modules + i;
            if (module->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage)
              print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, ".hh");
          if (makefile->preprocess) {
            for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3PPModules; i++) {
              const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3PPModules + i;
              if (module->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage)
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, ".hh");
          if (makefile->nXSDModules) {
            for (i = 0; i < makefile->nXSDModules; i++) {
              const struct module_struct *module = makefile->XSDModules + i;
              if (module->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage)
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, ".hh");
        if (makefile->ASN1ModulesRegular) {
          fputs(" $(ASN1_MODULES:.asn=.hh)", fp);
        } else {
          for (i = 0; i < makefile->nASN1Modules; i++) {
            const struct module_struct *module = makefile->ASN1Modules + i;
            if (module->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage)
              print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, ".hh");
      } else {
        // Generate normally
        fputs(" $(GENERATED_SOURCES:.cc=.hh)", fp);
    else {
      for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3Modules; i++) {
        const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3Modules + i;
        if (module->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage)
          print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, ".hh");
      if (makefile->preprocess) {
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3PPModules; i++) {
          const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3PPModules + i;
          if (module->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage)
            print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, ".hh");
      for (i = 0; i < makefile->nASN1Modules; i++) {
        const struct module_struct *module = makefile->ASN1Modules + i;
        if (module->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage)
          print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, ".hh");
      if (makefile->nXSDModules) {
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nXSDModules; i++) {
          const struct module_struct *module = makefile->XSDModules + i;
          if (module->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage)
            print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, ".hh");
    if (makefile->central_storage) {
            "# C++ source & header files generated from the TTCN-3 & ASN.1 "
            "modules of\n"
            "# central project(s):\n"
            "BASE_GENERATED_SOURCES =", fp);
      if (makefile->gnu_make && (makefile->BaseTTCN3ModulesRegular)) {
        fputs(" $(BASE_TTCN3_MODULES:.ttcn=.cc)", fp);
        if (makefile->code_splitting_mode) {
          for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3Modules; i++) {
            const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3Modules + i;
            if (module->dir_name != NULL) {
              print_splitted_file_names(fp, makefile, module, TRUE);
        if (makefile->preprocess) {
          fputs(" $(BASE_TTCN3_PP_MODULES:.ttcnpp=.cc)", fp);
          if (makefile->code_splitting_mode) {
            for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3PPModules; i++) {
              const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3PPModules + i;
              if (module->dir_name != NULL) {
                print_splitted_file_names(fp, makefile, module, TRUE);
        if (makefile->code_splitting_mode) {
          for (i = 0; i < makefile->nXSDModules; i++) {
            const struct module_struct *module = makefile->XSDModules + i;
            if (module->dir_name != NULL) {
              print_splitted_file_names(fp, makefile, module, TRUE);
      } else {
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3Modules; i++) {
          const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3Modules + i;
          if (module->dir_name != NULL) {
            print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, ".cc");
            if (makefile->code_splitting_mode)
              print_splitted_file_names(fp, makefile, module, TRUE);
        if (makefile->preprocess) {
          for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3PPModules; i++) {
            const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3PPModules + i;
            if (module->dir_name != NULL) {
              print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, ".cc");
              if (makefile->code_splitting_mode)
                print_splitted_file_names(fp, makefile, module, TRUE);
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nXSDModules; i++) {
          const struct module_struct *module = makefile->XSDModules + i;
          if (module->dir_name != NULL) {
            print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, ".cc");
            if (makefile->code_splitting_mode)
              print_splitted_file_names(fp, makefile, module, TRUE);
      if (makefile->gnu_make && makefile->BaseASN1ModulesRegular) {
        fputs(" $(BASE_ASN1_MODULES:.asn=.cc)", fp);
        if (makefile->code_splitting_mode) {
          for (i = 0; i < makefile->nASN1Modules; i++) {
            const struct module_struct *module = makefile->ASN1Modules + i;
            if (module->dir_name != NULL) {
              print_splitted_file_names(fp, makefile, module, TRUE);
      } else {
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nASN1Modules; i++) {
          const struct module_struct *module = makefile->ASN1Modules + i;
          if (module->dir_name != NULL) {
            print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, ".cc");
            if (makefile->code_splitting_mode)
              print_splitted_file_names(fp, makefile, module, TRUE);
      fputs("\nBASE_GENERATED_HEADERS =", fp);
      if (makefile->gnu_make) {
        int n_slices;
        // If GNU make and any code splitting set, then if we would
        // use the .cc=.hh then the _part_i.hh header files would be printed into
        // the makefile that would cause weird behavior.
        if (makefile->code_splitting_mode != NULL &&
           ((n_slices = atoi(makefile->code_splitting_mode + 2)) ||
             strcmp(makefile->code_splitting_mode, "-U type") == 0)) {
          if (makefile->TTCN3ModulesRegular) {
            fputs(" $(BASE_TTCN3_MODULES:.ttcn=.hh)", fp);
            if (makefile->preprocess) {
              fputs(" $(BASE_TTCN3_PP_MODULES:.ttcnpp=.hh)", fp);
          } else {
            for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3Modules; i++) {
              const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3Modules + i;
              if (module->dir_name != NULL)
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, ".hh");
            if (makefile->preprocess) {
              for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3PPModules; i++) {
                const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3PPModules + i;
                if (module->dir_name != NULL)
                  print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, ".hh");
            if (makefile->nXSDModules) {
              for (i = 0; i < makefile->nXSDModules; i++) {
                const struct module_struct *module = makefile->XSDModules + i;
                if (module->dir_name != NULL)
                  print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, ".hh");
          if (makefile->ASN1ModulesRegular) {
            fputs(" $(BASE_ASN1_MODULES:.asn=.hh)", fp);
          } else {
            for (i = 0; i < makefile->nASN1Modules; i++) {
              const struct module_struct *module = makefile->ASN1Modules + i;
              if (module->dir_name != NULL)
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, ".hh");
        } else {
          // Generate normally
          fputs(" $(BASE_GENERATED_SOURCES:.cc=.hh)", fp);
      } else {
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3Modules; i++) {
          const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3Modules + i;
          if (module->dir_name != NULL)
            print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, ".hh");
        if (makefile->preprocess) {
          for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3PPModules; i++) {
            const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3PPModules + i;
            if (module->dir_name != NULL)
              print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, ".hh");
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nASN1Modules; i++) {
          const struct module_struct *module = makefile->ASN1Modules + i;
          if (module->dir_name != NULL)
            print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, ".hh");
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nXSDModules; i++) {
          const struct module_struct *module = makefile->XSDModules + i;
          if (module->dir_name != NULL)
            print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, ".hh");

    if (makefile->linkingStrategy) {
            "# C++ source & header files generated from the TTCN-3 "
            " library linked modules of\n"
            "# central project(s):\n"
            "BASE2_GENERATED_SOURCES =", fp);
      if (makefile->gnu_make && makefile->BaseTTCN3ModulesRegular) {
        fputs(" $(BASE2_TTCN3_MODULES:.ttcn=.cc)", fp);
        fputs(" $(BASE2_ASN1_MODULES:.asn=.cc)", fp);
        if (makefile->preprocess)
          fputs(" $(BASE2_TTCN3_PP_MODULES:.ttcnpp=.cc)", fp);
      else {
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3Modules; i++) {
          const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3Modules + i;
          if (module->dir_name != NULL && isTtcn3ModuleInLibrary(module->module_name)) {
            print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, ".cc");
        if (makefile->preprocess) {
          for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3PPModules; i++) {
            const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3PPModules + i;
            if (module->dir_name != NULL && isTtcnPPFileInLibrary(module->file_name)) {
              print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, ".cc");
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nXSDModules; i++) {
          const struct module_struct *module = makefile->XSDModules + i;
          if (module->dir_name != NULL && isXSDModuleInLibrary(module->module_name)) {
            print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, ".cc");

      fputs("\nBASE2_GENERATED_HEADERS =", fp);
      if (makefile->gnu_make) {
          fputs(" $(BASE2_GENERATED_SOURCES:.cc=.hh)", fp);
        ERROR("the usage of 'Z' flag requires GNU make");

          "# C/C++ Source & header files of Test Ports, external functions "
          "# other modules:\n"
          "USER_SOURCES =", fp);
    for (i = 0; i < makefile->nUserFiles; i++) {
      const struct user_struct *user = makefile->UserFiles + i;
      if (user->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage)
        print_source_name(fp, user);
    fprint_extra_targets(fp, makefile->target_placement_list, "USER_SOURCES");
    fputs("\nUSER_HEADERS =", fp);
    if (makefile->gnu_make && makefile->UserHeadersRegular) {
      fputs(" $(USER_SOURCES:.cc=.hh)", fp);
    } else {
      for (i = 0; i < makefile->nUserFiles; i++) {
        const struct user_struct *user = makefile->UserFiles + i;
        if (user->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage)
          print_header_name(fp, user);
    fprint_extra_targets(fp, makefile->target_placement_list, "USER_HEADERS");
    if (makefile->central_storage) {
            "# C/C++ Source & header files of Test Ports, external functions "
            "# other modules used from central project(s):\n"
            "BASE_USER_SOURCES =", fp);
      if (!makefile->linkingStrategy) {
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nUserFiles; i++) {
          const struct user_struct *user = makefile->UserFiles + i;
          if (user->dir_name != NULL) {
            print_source_name(fp, user);
        fputs("\nBASE_USER_HEADERS =", fp);
        if (makefile->gnu_make && makefile->BaseUserHeadersRegular) {
          fputs(" $(BASE_USER_SOURCES:.cc=.hh)", fp);
        else {
          for (i = 0; i < makefile->nUserFiles; i++) {
            const struct user_struct *user = makefile->UserFiles + i;
            if (user->dir_name != NULL)
              print_header_name(fp, user);
      else {
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nUserFiles; i++) {
          const struct user_struct *user = makefile->UserFiles + i;
          if (user->dir_name != NULL && !isSourceFileInLibrary(user->source_name)) {
            print_source_name(fp, user);
        fputs("\nBASE_USER_HEADERS =", fp);
        if (makefile->gnu_make && makefile->BaseUserHeadersRegular) {
          fputs(" $(BASE_USER_SOURCES:.cc=.hh)", fp);
        else {
          for (i = 0; i < makefile->nUserFiles; i++) {
            const struct user_struct *user = makefile->UserFiles + i;
            if (user->dir_name != NULL && !isHeaderFileInLibrary(user->header_name))
              print_header_name(fp, user);

              "# C/C++ Source & header files of Test Ports, external functions "
              "# other modules used from library linked central project(s):\n"
              "BASE2_USER_SOURCES =", fp);
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nUserFiles; i++) {
          const struct user_struct *user = makefile->UserFiles + i;
          if (user->dir_name != NULL && isSourceFileInLibrary(user->source_name)) {
            print_source_name(fp, user);
        fputs("\nBASE2_USER_HEADERS =", fp);
        if (makefile->gnu_make && makefile->BaseUserHeadersRegular) {
          fputs(" $(BASE2_USER_SOURCES:.cc=.hh)", fp);
        else {
          for (i = 0; i < makefile->nUserFiles; i++) {
            const struct user_struct *user = makefile->UserFiles + i;
            if (user->dir_name != NULL && isHeaderFileInLibrary(user->header_name))
              print_header_name(fp, user);
    if (makefile->dynamic) {
            "# Shared object files of this project:\n"
            "SHARED_OBJECTS =", fp);
      if (makefile->gnu_make) {
        fputs(" $(GENERATED_SOURCES:.cc=.so)", fp);
      } else {
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3Modules; i++) {
          const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3Modules + i;
          if (module->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage) {
            print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, ".so");
            if (makefile->code_splitting_mode != NULL) {
              int n_slices;
              if (strcmp(makefile->code_splitting_mode, "-U type") == 0) {
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_seq.so");
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_set.so");
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_seqof.so");
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_setof.so");
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_union.so");
              } else if((n_slices = atoi(makefile->code_splitting_mode + 2))) {
                for (int slice = 1; slice < n_slices; slice++) {
                char buffer[16]; // 6 digits + 4 chars + _part
                sprintf(buffer, "_part_%i.so", slice);
                  print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, buffer);
        if (makefile->preprocess) {
          for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3PPModules; i++) {
            const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3PPModules + i;
            if (module->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage) {
              print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, ".so");
              if (makefile->code_splitting_mode != NULL) {
                int n_slices;
                if (strcmp(makefile->code_splitting_mode, "-U type") == 0) {
                  print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_seq.so");
                  print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_set.so");
                  print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_seqof.so");
                  print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_setof.so");
                  print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_union.so");
                } else if((n_slices = atoi(makefile->code_splitting_mode + 2))) {
                  for (int slice = 1; slice < n_slices; slice++) {
                char buffer[16]; // 6 digits + 4 chars + _part
                sprintf(buffer, "_part_%i.so", slice);
                    print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, buffer);
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nASN1Modules; i++) {
          const struct module_struct *module = makefile->ASN1Modules + i;
          if (module->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage) {
            print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, ".so");
            if (makefile->code_splitting_mode != NULL) {
              int n_slices;
              if (strcmp(makefile->code_splitting_mode, "-U type") == 0) {
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_seq.so");
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_set.so");
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_seqof.so");
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_setof.so");
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_union.so");
              } else if((n_slices = atoi(makefile->code_splitting_mode + 2))) {
                for (int slice = 1; slice < n_slices; slice++) {
                char buffer[16]; // 6 digits + 4 chars + _part
                sprintf(buffer, "_part_%i.so", slice);
                  print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, buffer);
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nXSDModules; i++) {
          const struct module_struct *module = makefile->XSDModules + i;
          if (module->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage) {
            print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, ".so");
            if (makefile->code_splitting_mode != NULL) {
              int n_slices;
              if (strcmp(makefile->code_splitting_mode, "-U type") == 0) {
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_seq.so");
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_set.so");
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_seqof.so");
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_setof.so");
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_union.so");
              } else if((n_slices = atoi(makefile->code_splitting_mode + 2))) {
                for (int slice = 1; slice < n_slices; slice++) {
                char buffer[16]; // 6 digits + 4 chars + _part
                sprintf(buffer, "_part_%i.so", slice);
                  print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, buffer);
      if (makefile->gnu_make && makefile->UserSourcesRegular) {
        fputs(" $(USER_SOURCES:.cc=.so)", fp);
      } else {
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nUserFiles; i++) {
          const struct user_struct *user = makefile->UserFiles + i;
          if (user->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage)
            print_shared_object_name(fp, user);

          "# Object files of this project that are needed for the executable "
          "test suite:\n"
          "OBJECTS = $(GENERATED_OBJECTS) $(USER_OBJECTS)\n\n" /* never := */
          "GENERATED_OBJECTS =", fp);
    if (makefile->gnu_make) {
      fputs(" $(GENERATED_SOURCES:.cc=.o)", fp);
    } else {
      for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3Modules; i++) {
        const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3Modules + i;
        if (module->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage) {
          print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, ".o");
          if (makefile->code_splitting_mode != NULL) {
            int n_slices;
            if (strcmp(makefile->code_splitting_mode, "-U type") == 0) {
              print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_seq.o");
              print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_set.o");
              print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_seqof.o");
              print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_setof.o");
              print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_union.o");
            } else if((n_slices = atoi(makefile->code_splitting_mode + 2))) {
              for (int slice = 1; slice < n_slices; slice++) {
                char buffer[16]; // 6 digits + 4 chars + _part
                sprintf(buffer, "_part_%i.o", slice);
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, buffer);
      if (makefile->preprocess) {
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3PPModules; i++) {
          const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3PPModules + i;
          if (module->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage) {
            print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, ".o");
            if (makefile->code_splitting_mode != NULL) {
              int n_slices;
              if (strcmp(makefile->code_splitting_mode, "-U type") == 0) {
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_seq.o");
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_set.o");
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_seqof.o");
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_setof.o");
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_union.o");
              } else if((n_slices = atoi(makefile->code_splitting_mode + 2))) {
                for (int slice = 1; slice < n_slices; slice++) {
                  char buffer[16]; // 6 digits + 4 chars + _part
                sprintf(buffer, "_part_%i.o", slice);
                  print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, buffer);
      for (i = 0; i < makefile->nASN1Modules; i++) {
        const struct module_struct *module = makefile->ASN1Modules + i;
        if (module->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage) {
          print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, ".o");
          if (makefile->code_splitting_mode != NULL) {
            int n_slices;
            if (strcmp(makefile->code_splitting_mode, "-U type") == 0) {
              print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_seq.o");
              print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_set.o");
              print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_seqof.o");
              print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_setof.o");
              print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_union.o");
            } else if((n_slices = atoi(makefile->code_splitting_mode + 2))) {
              for (int slice = 1; slice < n_slices; slice++) {
                char buffer[16]; // 6 digits + 4 chars + _part
                sprintf(buffer, "_part_%i.o", slice);
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, buffer);
      if (makefile->nXSDModules) {
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nXSDModules; i++) {
          const struct module_struct *module = makefile->XSDModules + i;
          if (module->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage) {
            print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, ".o");
            if (makefile->code_splitting_mode != NULL) {
              int n_slices;
              if (strcmp(makefile->code_splitting_mode, "-U type") == 0) {
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_seq.o");
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_set.o");
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_seqof.o");
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_setof.o");
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, "_union.o");
              } else if((n_slices = atoi(makefile->code_splitting_mode + 2))) {
                for (int slice = 1; slice < n_slices; slice++) {
                  char buffer[16]; // 6 digits + 4 chars + _part
                  sprintf(buffer, "_part_%i.o", slice);
                  print_generated_file_name(fp, module, FALSE, buffer);

    fputs("\n\nUSER_OBJECTS =", fp);
    if (makefile->gnu_make && makefile->UserSourcesRegular) {
      fputs(" $(USER_SOURCES:.cc=.o)", fp);
    } else {
      for (i = 0; i < makefile->nUserFiles; i++) {
        const struct user_struct *user = makefile->UserFiles + i;
        if (user->dir_name == NULL || !makefile->central_storage)
          print_object_name(fp, user);
    fprint_extra_targets(fp, makefile->target_placement_list, "USER_OBJECTS");

    if (makefile->gcc_dep) {
        /* GNU Make processes included makefiles in reverse order. By putting
         * user sources first, their .d will be generated last, after the
         * GENERATED_SOURCES (and GENERATED_HEADERS) have been created.
         * This avoid spurious errors during incremental dependency generation */
      fputs("\n\nDEPFILES = $(USER_OBJECTS:.o=.d)  $(GENERATED_OBJECTS:.o=.d)", fp);

    if (makefile->central_storage) {
      if (makefile->dynamic) {
              "# Shared object files of central project(s):\n"
              "BASE_SHARED_OBJECTS =", fp);
        if (!makefile->linkingStrategy) {
          if (makefile->gnu_make) {
            fputs(" $(BASE_GENERATED_SOURCES:.cc=.so)", fp);
          else {
            for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3Modules; i++) {
              const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3Modules + i;
              if (module->dir_name != NULL) {
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, ".so");
                if (makefile->code_splitting_mode != NULL) {
                  int n_slices;
                  if (strcmp(makefile->code_splitting_mode, "-U type") == 0) {
                    print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_seq.so");
                    print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_set.so");
                    print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_seqof.so");
                    print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_setof.so");
                    print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_union.so");
                  } else if((n_slices = atoi(makefile->code_splitting_mode + 2))) {
                    for (int slice = 1; slice < n_slices; slice++) {
                      char buffer[16]; // 6 digits + 4 chars + _part
                      sprintf(buffer, "_part_%i.so", slice);
                      print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, buffer);
            if (makefile->preprocess) {
              for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3PPModules; i++) {
                const struct module_struct *module =
                  makefile->TTCN3PPModules + i;
                if (module->dir_name != NULL) {
                  print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, ".so");
                  if (makefile->code_splitting_mode != NULL) {
                    int n_slices;
                    if (strcmp(makefile->code_splitting_mode, "-U type") == 0) {
                      print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_seq.so");
                      print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_set.so");
                      print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_seqof.so");
                      print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_setof.so");
                      print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_union.so");
                    } else if((n_slices = atoi(makefile->code_splitting_mode + 2))) {
                      for (int slice = 1; slice < n_slices; slice++) {
                        char buffer[16]; // 6 digits + 4 chars + _part
                        sprintf(buffer, "_part_%i.so", slice);
                        print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, buffer);
            for (i = 0; i < makefile->nASN1Modules; i++) {
              const struct module_struct *module = makefile->ASN1Modules + i;
              if (module->dir_name != NULL) {
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, ".so");
                if (makefile->code_splitting_mode != NULL) {
                  int n_slices;
                  if (strcmp(makefile->code_splitting_mode, "-U type") == 0) {
                    print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_seq.so");
                    print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_set.so");
                    print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_seqof.so");
                    print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_setof.so");
                    print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_union.so");
                  } else if((n_slices = atoi(makefile->code_splitting_mode + 2))) {
                    for (int slice = 1; slice < n_slices; slice++) {
                      char buffer[16]; // 6 digits + 4 chars + _part
                      sprintf(buffer, "_part_%i.so", slice);
                      print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, buffer);
            for (i = 0; i < makefile->nXSDModules; i++) {
              const struct module_struct *module = makefile->XSDModules + i;
              if (module->dir_name != NULL) {
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, ".so");
                if (makefile->code_splitting_mode != NULL) {
                  int n_slices;
                  if (strcmp(makefile->code_splitting_mode, "-U type") == 0) {
                    print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_seq.so");
                    print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_set.so");
                    print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_seqof.so");
                    print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_setof.so");
                    print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_union.so");
                  } else if((n_slices = atoi(makefile->code_splitting_mode + 2))) {
                    for (int slice = 1; slice < n_slices; slice++) {
                      char buffer[16]; // 6 digits + 4 chars + _part
                      sprintf(buffer, "_part_%i.so", slice);
                      print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, buffer);
          if (makefile->gnu_make && makefile->BaseUserSourcesRegular) {
            fputs(" $(BASE_USER_SOURCES:.cc=.so)", fp);
          else {
            for (i = 0; i < makefile->nUserFiles; i++) {
              const struct user_struct *user = makefile->UserFiles + i;
              if (user->dir_name != NULL)
                print_shared_object_name(fp, user);
        else { // new linkingStrategy
          if (makefile->gnu_make) {
            fputs(" $(BASE_GENERATED_SOURCES:.cc=.so)", fp);
            ERROR("the usage of 'Z' flag requires GNU make");

          if (makefile->gnu_make && makefile->BaseUserSourcesRegular) {
            fputs(" $(BASE_USER_SOURCES:.cc=.so)", fp);
          else {
            for (i = 0; i < makefile->nUserFiles; i++) {
              const struct user_struct *user = makefile->UserFiles + i;
              if (user->dir_name != NULL && !isSourceFileInLibrary(user->source_name))
                print_shared_object_name(fp, user);
      } /* if dynamic */
            "# Object files of central project(s) that are needed for the "
            "executable test suite:\n"
            "BASE_OBJECTS =", fp);
      if (!makefile->linkingStrategy) {
        if (makefile->gnu_make) {
          fputs(" $(BASE_GENERATED_SOURCES:.cc=.o)", fp);
        else {
          for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3Modules; i++) {
            const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3Modules + i;
            if (module->dir_name != NULL) {
              print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, ".o");
              if (makefile->code_splitting_mode != NULL) {
                int n_slices;
                if (strcmp(makefile->code_splitting_mode, "-U type") == 0) {
                  print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_seq.o");
                  print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_set.o");
                  print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_seqof.o");
                  print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_setof.o");
                  print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_union.o");
                } else if((n_slices = atoi(makefile->code_splitting_mode + 2))) {
                  for (int slice = 1; slice < n_slices; slice++) {
                    char buffer[16]; // 6 digits + 4 chars + _part
                    sprintf(buffer, "_part_%i.o", slice);
                    print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, buffer);
          if (makefile->preprocess) {
            for (i = 0; i < makefile->nTTCN3PPModules; i++) {
              const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3PPModules + i;
              if (module->dir_name != NULL) {
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, ".o");
                if (makefile->code_splitting_mode != NULL) {
                  int n_slices;
                  if (strcmp(makefile->code_splitting_mode, "-U type") == 0) {
                    print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_seq.o");
                    print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_set.o");
                    print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_seqof.o");
                    print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_setof.o");
                    print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_union.o");
                  } else if((n_slices = atoi(makefile->code_splitting_mode + 2))) {
                    for (int slice = 1; slice < n_slices; slice++) {
                      char buffer[16]; // 6 digits + 4 chars + _part
                      sprintf(buffer, "_part_%i.o", slice);
                      print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, buffer);
          for (i = 0; i < makefile->nASN1Modules; i++) {
            const struct module_struct *module = makefile->ASN1Modules + i;
            if (module->dir_name != NULL) {
              print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, ".o");
              if (makefile->code_splitting_mode != NULL) {
                int n_slices;
                if (strcmp(makefile->code_splitting_mode, "-U type") == 0) {
                  print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_seq.o");
                  print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_set.o");
                  print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_seqof.o");
                  print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_setof.o");
                  print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_union.o");
                } else if((n_slices = atoi(makefile->code_splitting_mode + 2))) {
                  for (int slice = 1; slice < n_slices; slice++) {
                    char buffer[16]; // 6 digits + 4 chars + _part
                    sprintf(buffer, "_part_%i.o", slice);
                    print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, buffer);
          for (i = 0; i < makefile->nXSDModules; i++) {
            const struct module_struct *module = makefile->XSDModules + i;
            if (module->dir_name != NULL) {
              print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, ".o");
              if (makefile->code_splitting_mode != NULL) {
                int n_slices;
                if (strcmp(makefile->code_splitting_mode, "-U type") == 0) {
                  print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_seq.o");
                  print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_set.o");
                  print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_seqof.o");
                  print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_setof.o");
                  print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, "_union.o");
                } else if((n_slices = atoi(makefile->code_splitting_mode + 2))) {
                  for (int slice = 1; slice < n_slices; slice++) {
                    char buffer[16]; // 6 digits + 4 chars + _part
                    sprintf(buffer, "_part_%i.o", slice);
                    print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, buffer);
        if (makefile->gnu_make && makefile->BaseUserSourcesRegular) {
          fputs(" $(BASE_USER_SOURCES:.cc=.o)", fp);
        else {
          for (i = 0; i < makefile->nUserFiles; i++) {
            const struct user_struct *user = makefile->UserFiles + i;
            if (user->dir_name != NULL)
              print_object_name(fp, user);
      else { // new linkingStrategy
        if (makefile->gnu_make) {
          fputs(" $(BASE_GENERATED_SOURCES:.cc=.o)", fp);
          ERROR("the usage of 'Z' flag requires GNU make");

        if (makefile->gnu_make && makefile->BaseUserSourcesRegular) {
          fputs(" $(BASE_USER_SOURCES:.cc=.o)", fp);
        else {
          for (i = 0; i < makefile->nUserFiles; i++) {
            const struct user_struct *user = makefile->UserFiles + i;
            if (user->dir_name != NULL && !isSourceFileInLibrary(user->source_name))
              print_object_name(fp, user);
    if (makefile->linkingStrategy) {
            "# Object files of library linked central project(s) that are needed for the "
            "executable test suite:\n"
            "BASE2_OBJECTS =", fp);
      if (makefile->gnu_make) {
        if (makefile->dynamic)
          fputs(" $(BASE2_GENERATED_SOURCES:.cc=.so)", fp);
          fputs(" $(BASE2_GENERATED_SOURCES:.cc=.o)", fp);
      else ERROR("the usage of 'Z' flag requires GNU make");

      if (makefile->gnu_make && makefile->BaseUserSourcesRegular) {
        if (makefile->dynamic)
          fputs(" $(BASE2_USER_SOURCES:.cc=.so)", fp);
          fputs(" $(BASE2_USER_SOURCES:.cc=.o)", fp);
      else {
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nUserFiles; i++) {
          const struct user_struct *user = makefile->UserFiles + i;
          if (user->dir_name != NULL && isSourceFileInLibrary(user->source_name)) {
             if (makefile->dynamic)
               print_shared_object_name(fp, user);
               print_object_name(fp, user);
      if (makefile->hierarchical) {
              "#Libraries of referenced project(s) that are needed for the "
              "executable or library target:\n"
              "BASE2_LIBRARY =", fp);
        struct string2_list* head = getLinkerLibs(makefile->project_name);
        struct string2_list* act_elem = head;
        while (act_elem) {
          if (act_elem->str2) {
            fputs(" ", fp);
            fprintf(fp, "%s/lib%s.%s", act_elem->str1, act_elem->str2,
                    isDynamicLibrary(act_elem->str2) ? "so" : "a");
          act_elem = act_elem->next;

    "# Other files of the project (Makefile, configuration files, etc.)\n"
    "# that will be added to the archived source files:\n"
    "OTHER_FILES =", fp);
    for (i = 0; i < makefile->nOtherFiles; i++)
      fprintf(fp, " %s", makefile->OtherFiles[i]);
    fprint_extra_targets(fp, makefile->target_placement_list, "OTHER_FILES");

    if (makefile->ets_name) {
      const char *ets_suffix = NULL;
      /* EXECUTABLE variable */
      fprintf(fp, "\n\n"
          "# The name of the executable test suite:\n"
          "EXECUTABLE = %s", makefile->ets_name);
#ifdef WIN32
        /* add the .exe suffix unless it is already present */
        ets_suffix = get_suffix(makefile->ets_name);
        if (ets_suffix == NULL || strcmp(ets_suffix, "exe"))
          fputs(".exe", fp);
      fputs("\n\n", fp);
      if (makefile->linkingStrategy) {
#ifndef WIN32
        fputs("DYNAMIC_LIBRARY = lib$(EXECUTABLE).so\n", fp);
        fputs("STATIC_LIBRARY = lib$(EXECUTABLE).a\n", fp);
        char* name_prefix = cut_suffix(makefile->ets_name);
        fprintf(fp, "DYNAMIC_LIBRARY = lib%s.so\n", name_prefix);
        fprintf(fp, "STATIC_LIBRARY = lib%s.a\n", name_prefix);
      /* LIBRARY variable */
      ets_suffix = get_suffix(makefile->ets_name);
      if (ets_suffix != NULL && !strcmp(ets_suffix, "exe")) {
        char* name_prefix = cut_suffix(makefile->ets_name);
          fprintf(fp, "\n\nLIBRARY = %s%s%s\n", "lib", name_prefix ? name_prefix :  "library",
              makefile->dynamic ? ".so" : ".a");
      else {
#ifndef WIN32
        fprintf(fp, "\n\nLIBRARY = lib$(EXECUTABLE)%s\n",
                makefile->dynamic ? ".so" : ".a");
        fprintf(fp, "\n\nLIBRARY = lib%s%s\n",
                makefile->ets_name, makefile->dynamic ? ".so" : ".a");

    } else {
          "# The name of the executable test suite:\n"
          "EXECUTABLE =\n"
          "LIBRARY =\n", fp);
    if (!makefile->linkingStrategy || !buildObjects(makefile->project_name, add_refd_prjs)) {
      fprintf(fp, "\n"
        "TARGET = $(%s)", makefile->library ? "LIBRARY" : "EXECUTABLE");
    else {
      if (makefile->dynamic) {
              "TARGET = $(SHARED_OBJECTS)", fp);
      else {
              "TARGET = $(OBJECTS)", fp);
      "# Do not modify these unless you know what you are doing...\n"
      "# Platform specific additional libraries:\n"
      "#\n", fp);

    fputs("SOLARIS_LIBS = -lsocket -lnsl -lxml2", fp);
    fputs(" -lresolv", fp);
    fputs(" -lcurses -ledit", fp);
    if (makefile->solspeclibraries) {
      struct string_list* act_elem = makefile->solspeclibraries;
      while (act_elem) {
        if (act_elem->str) {
          fprintf(fp, " -l%s", act_elem->str);
        act_elem = act_elem->next;
    fputs("\n", fp);

    fputs("SOLARIS8_LIBS = -lsocket -lnsl -lxml2", fp);
    fputs(" -lresolv", fp);
    fputs(" -lcurses -ledit", fp);
    if (makefile->sol8speclibraries) {
      struct string_list* act_elem = makefile->sol8speclibraries;
      while (act_elem) {
        if (act_elem->str) {
          fprintf(fp, " -l%s", act_elem->str);
        act_elem = act_elem->next;
    fputs("\n", fp);

    fputs("LINUX_LIBS = -lxml2", fp);
    fputs(" -lpthread -lrt", fp);
    fputs(" -lncurses -ledit", fp);
    if (makefile->linuxspeclibraries) {
      struct string_list* act_elem = makefile->linuxspeclibraries;
      while (act_elem) {
        if (act_elem->str) {
          fprintf(fp, " -l%s", act_elem->str);
        act_elem = act_elem->next;
    fputs("\n", fp);

    fputs("FREEBSD_LIBS = -lxml2", fp);
    fputs(" -lncurses -ledit", fp);
    if (makefile->freebsdspeclibraries) {
      struct string_list* act_elem = makefile->freebsdspeclibraries;
      while (act_elem) {
        if (act_elem->str) {
          fprintf(fp, " -l%s", act_elem->str);
        act_elem = act_elem->next;
    fputs("\n", fp);

    fputs("WIN32_LIBS = -lxml2", fp);
    fputs(" -lncurses -ledit", fp);
    if (makefile->win32speclibraries) {
      struct string_list* act_elem = makefile->win32speclibraries;
      while (act_elem) {
        if (act_elem->str) {
          fprintf(fp, " -l%s", act_elem->str);
        act_elem = act_elem->next;
    fputs("\n\n", fp);

      "# Rules for building the executable...\n"
      "#\n\n", fp);
    fprintf(fp, "all:%s $(TARGET) ;\n\n", add_refd_prjs?" referenced-all":"");

    if (makefile->dynamic) {
      fprintf(fp, "shared_objects:%s $(SHARED_OBJECTS) ;\n\n", add_refd_prjs?" referenced-shared_objects":"");

      "executable:%s $(EXECUTABLE) ;\n\n"
      "library:%s $(LIBRARY) ;\n\n"
      "objects:%s $(OBJECTS) compile;\n\n", add_refd_prjs?" referenced-executable":"", add_refd_prjs?" referenced-library":"", add_refd_prjs?" referenced-objects":"");

    /* target $(EXECUTABLE) */
    if (makefile->dynamic && makefile->library) {
      /* There is no need to create the .so for all the source files */
      fputs("$(EXECUTABLE): $(LIBRARY)\n"
          "\tif $(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(LIBRARY)", fp);
    else {
      fprintf(fp, "$(EXECUTABLE): %s", makefile->dynamic ? "$(SHARED_OBJECTS)" : "$(OBJECTS)");
      if (!makefile->linkingStrategy) { // use the old linking method
        if (makefile->central_storage) {
          if (makefile->dynamic) {
            fputs(" $(BASE_SHARED_OBJECTS)", fp);
          } else {
            fputs(" $(BASE_OBJECTS)", fp);
      else {
        if (!makefile->library) {
          if (makefile->dynamic) {
            fputs(" $(BASE_SHARED_OBJECTS)", fp);
          else {
            fputs(" $(BASE_OBJECTS)", fp);
          if (makefile->hierarchical) {
            fputs(" $(BASE2_LIBRARY)", fp);
      fprintf(fp, "\n"
              "\tif $(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ %s",
#if defined (SOLARIS) || defined (SOLARIS8)
              makefile->dynamic ? "-Wl,--no-as-needed " : ""); /* start writing the link step */
      if (makefile->gnu_make) fputs("$^", fp);
      else {
        if (makefile->dynamic) {
          fputs("$(SHARED_OBJECTS)", fp);
            if (makefile->central_storage)
            fputs(" $(BASE_SHARED_OBJECTS)", fp);
        else {
          fputs("$(OBJECTS)", fp);
            if (makefile->central_storage)
            fputs(" $(BASE_OBJECTS)", fp);

    if (makefile->additionalObjects) {
      struct string_list* act_elem = makefile->additionalObjects;
      while (act_elem) {
        if (act_elem->str) {
          fprintf(fp, " %s", act_elem->str);
        act_elem = act_elem->next;

    fprintf(fp, " \\\n"
        "\t-L$(TTCN3_DIR)/lib$(TTCN3_SUBDIR) -l$(TTCN3_LIB)"
        " \\\n"
        "\t-L$(OPENSSL_DIR)/lib -lcrypto");
    if (!makefile->linkingStrategy) {
      if (makefile->linkerlibraries) {
        struct string_list* act_elem = makefile->linkerlibraries;
        while (act_elem) {
          if (act_elem->str) {
            fprintf(fp, " -l%s", act_elem->str);
          act_elem = act_elem->next;
      if (makefile->linkerlibsearchpath) {
        struct string_list* act_elem = makefile->linkerlibsearchpath;
        while (act_elem) {
          if (act_elem->str) {
            fprintf(fp, " -L%s", act_elem->str);
          act_elem = act_elem->next;
      fprintf(fp, " \\\n"
            "\t-L$(XMLDIR)/lib $($(PLATFORM)_LIBS); \\\n"
            "\tthen : ; else $(TTCN3_DIR)/bin/titanver $(OBJECTS); exit 1; fi\n");
    else { // new linking strategy
     fputs (" \\\n", fp);
     if (makefile->linkerlibraries && !makefile->library) {
       struct string2_list* head = getLinkerLibs(makefile->project_name);
       struct string2_list* act_elem = head;
       while (act_elem) {
         if (act_elem->str1 && act_elem->str2) {
            fprintf(fp, "\t-L%s -Wl,-rpath=%s -l%s \\\n", act_elem->str1, act_elem->str1, act_elem->str2);
         act_elem = act_elem->next;

       struct string_list* act_head = getExternalLibPaths(makefile->project_name);
       struct string_list* act_ext_elem = act_head;
       while (act_ext_elem) {
         if (act_ext_elem->str) {
           fprintf(fp, "\t-L%s \\\n", act_ext_elem->str);
         act_ext_elem = act_ext_elem->next;
       act_head = getExternalLibs(makefile->project_name);
       act_ext_elem = act_head;
       while (act_ext_elem) {
         if (act_ext_elem->str) {
           fprintf(fp, "\t-l%s \\\n", act_ext_elem->str);
         act_ext_elem = act_ext_elem->next;
           "\t-L$(XMLDIR)/lib $($(PLATFORM)_LIBS); \\\n"
           "\tthen : ; else $(TTCN3_DIR)/bin/titanver $(OBJECTS); exit 1; fi\n");
    /* If the compiler will not be run because there are no TTCN(PP) or ASN.1
     * files, create the "compile" marker file which is checked by the
     * superior makefile if using this project as central storage */
    if (!run_compiler) fputs("\ttouch compile\n", fp);
    /* End of target $(EXECUTABLE) */

    /* target $(LIBRARY) */
    if (makefile->dynamic) {
      fprintf(fp, "\n"
                  "$(LIBRARY): $(OBJECTS)%s\n"
                  "\t$(CXX) -shared -o $@ $(OBJECTS)",
                  makefile->hierarchical ? " $(BASE2_LIBRARY)" : "");
      if (makefile->central_storage && !makefile->linkingStrategy) {
        fputs(" $(BASE_SHARED_OBJECTS) ;\n"
              "\tln -s $@ $(subst lib, ,$@) > /dev/null 2>&1 ;", fp);
      if (makefile->linkingStrategy) {
        struct string2_list* head = getLinkerLibs(makefile->project_name);
        struct string2_list* act_elem = head;
        // If the project is Executable on Top Level the linker can link the *.a and *.so together
        while (act_elem && !isTopLevelExecutable(makefile->project_name)) {
            if (act_elem->str1 && act_elem->str2 && isDynamicLibrary(act_elem->str2)) {
              fputs(" \\\n", fp);
              fprintf(fp, "\t-L%s -Wl,-rpath=%s -l%s", act_elem->str1, act_elem->str1, act_elem->str2);
            else {
              const char* mainLibName = getLibFromProject(makefile->project_name);
              ERROR("Library archive 'lib%s.a' cannot be linked to dynamic library 'lib%s.so' "
                    "in project '%s' ",
                    act_elem->str2, mainLibName ? mainLibName : "", makefile->project_name);
          act_elem = act_elem->next;
        struct string_list* act_head = getExternalLibPaths(makefile->project_name);
        struct string_list* act_ext_elem = act_head;
        while (act_ext_elem) {
          if (act_ext_elem->str) {
            fputs(" \\\n", fp);
            fprintf(fp, "\t-L%s", act_ext_elem->str);
          act_ext_elem = act_ext_elem->next;
        act_head = getExternalLibs(makefile->project_name);
        act_ext_elem = act_head;
        while (act_ext_elem) {
          if (act_ext_elem->str) {
            fputs(" \\\n", fp);
            fprintf(fp, "\t-l%s", act_ext_elem->str);
          act_ext_elem = act_ext_elem->next;
    else { // static linking
      fprintf(fp, "\n"
                  "$(LIBRARY): $(OBJECTS)%s\n"
                  "\t$(AR) -r%s $(ARFLAGS) $(LIBRARY) $(OBJECTS)",
                  makefile->hierarchical ? " $(BASE2_LIBRARY)" : "",
                  makefile->linkingStrategy ? "cT" : "");
      if (makefile->central_storage && !makefile->linkingStrategy) {
        fputs(" $(BASE_OBJECTS)", fp);
      if (makefile->linkingStrategy) {
        if (makefile->library) {
          struct string2_list* head = getLinkerLibs(makefile->project_name);
          struct string2_list* act_elem = head;
          while (act_elem) {
            if (act_elem->str2 && !isDynamicLibrary(act_elem->str2)) {
              fputs(" \\\n", fp);
              fprintf(fp, "\t%s/lib%s.a", act_elem->str1, act_elem->str2);
            else {
              const char* mainLibName = getLibFromProject(makefile->project_name);
              if (act_elem->str2) {
                ERROR("Dynamic library 'lib%s.so' cannot be linked to static library 'lib%s.a' "
                      "in project '%s' ",
                      act_elem->str2, mainLibName ? mainLibName : "", makefile->project_name);
              else {
                struct string_list* ext_libs = getExternalLibs(makefile->project_name);
                if (ext_libs && ext_libs->str) {
                  ERROR("Third party dynamic library '%s' cannot be linked to static library 'lib%s.a' "
                        "in project '%s' ", ext_libs->str,
                        mainLibName ? mainLibName : "", makefile->project_name);
            act_elem = act_elem->next;

          struct string_list* act_head = getExternalLibs(makefile->project_name);
          struct string_list* act_ext_elem = act_head;
          while (act_ext_elem) {
            if (act_ext_elem->str && hasExternalLibrary(act_ext_elem->str, makefile->project_name)) {
              fputs(" \\\n", fp);
              fprintf(fp, "\tlib%s.a", act_ext_elem->str);
              ERROR("linking static 3d party or system library 'lib%s.a' to "
                      "project library 'lib%s.a' is not supported ",
                      act_ext_elem->str, makefile->ets_name);
            act_ext_elem = act_ext_elem->next;
    fputs("\n\n.cc.o .c.o:\n"
          "\t$(CXX) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ $<\n\n", fp);

    if (makefile->gcc_dep) {
      fputs(".cc.d .c.d:\n"
            "\t@echo Creating dependency file for '$<'; set -e; \\\n"
            "\t$(CXX) $(CXXDEPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $< \\\n"
            "\t| sed 's/\\($*\\)\\.o[ :]*/\\1.o $@ : /g' > $@; \\\n"
            "\t[ -s $@ ] || rm -f $@\n\n", fp);
      /* "set -e" causes bash to exit the script if any statement
       * returns nonzero (failure).
       * The sed line transforms the first line of the dependency from
       * "x.o: x.cc" to "x.o x.d: x.cc", making the dependency file depend
       * on the source and headers.
       * [ -s x.d ] checks that the generated dependency is not empty;
       * otherwise it gets deleted.

    if (makefile->dynamic) {
      fputs("%.so: %.o\n"
            "\t$(CXX) -shared -o $@ $<\n\n", fp);

    if (makefile->preprocess) {
      fputs("%.ttcn: %.ttcnpp $(TTCN3_INCLUDES)\n"
            "\t$(CPP) -x c -nostdinc $(CPPFLAGS_TTCN3) $< $@\n\n"
            "preprocess: $(PREPROCESSED_TTCN3_MODULES) ;\n\n", fp);

    boolean merge_profiled_file_lists = makefile->profiled_file_list
      && makefile->profiled_file_list->next && !makefile->central_storage;
    if (makefile->central_storage) {
      boolean is_first = TRUE;
      fprintf(fp, "$(GENERATED_SOURCES) $(GENERATED_HEADERS):%s compile-all compile ",
              makefile->hierarchical ? " update" : "");

      if (add_refd_prjs) fputs("referenced-dep", fp);
      /* These extra compile dependencies for the generated .cc are here to
       * check if all the referenced projects are up to date.
       * If the referenced projects are built too then they are not needed
       * (and cause problems as the included .d depends on the .cc).
      if (!add_refd_prjs) for (i = 0; i < makefile->nBaseDirs; i++) {
        const struct base_dir_struct *base_dir = makefile->BaseDirs + i;
        if (base_dir->has_modules) {
          if (is_first) {
            fputs(" \\\n", fp);
            is_first = FALSE;
          else putc(' ', fp);
        fprintf(fp, "%s/compile", base_dir->dir_name);
      if (makefile->preprocess) {
        fprintf(fp, "\n"
        "\t@if [ ! -f $@ ]; then %s compile-all; $(MAKE) compile-all; fi\n"
        "check:%s $(TTCN3_MODULES) $(BASE_TTCN3_MODULES) %s\\\n"
        "\t$(ASN1_MODULES) $(BASE_ASN1_MODULES) %s\n"
        "\t$(TTCN3_DIR)/bin/compiler -s $(COMPILER_FLAGS) ",
        rm_command, add_refd_prjs?" referenced-check":"",
        makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_TTCN3_MODULES) ":"",
        makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_PREPROCESSED_TTCN3_MODULES) ":"",
        makefile->nXSDModules ? "\t$(XSD2TTCN_GENERATED_MODULES) $(BASE_XSD2TTCN_GENERATED_MODULES) \\\n" : "",
        makefile->nXSDModules && makefile->linkingStrategy ? "\t$(BASE2_XSD2TTCN_GENERATED_MODULES) \\\n" : "",
        makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_ASN1_MODULES) ":"");
        if (makefile->gnu_make) {
          if (add_refd_prjs) // referenced-check cannot be compiled it is not a ttcn modul
            fprintf(fp, "$(TTCN3_MODULES) $(BASE_TTCN3_MODULES) %s\\\n"
                        "\t$(ASN1_MODULES) $(BASE_ASN1_MODULES) %s\n",
                    makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_TTCN3_MODULES) ":"",
                    makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_PREPROCESSED_TTCN3_MODULES) ":"",
                    makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_ASN1_MODULES) ":"");
            fputs("$^", fp);
        else {
          "\t$(TTCN3_MODULES) $(BASE_TTCN3_MODULES) \\\n"
          "\t$(ASN1_MODULES) $(BASE_ASN1_MODULES)", fp);
        fprintf(fp, "\n\n"
        "port:%s $(TTCN3_MODULES) $(BASE_TTCN3_MODULES) %s\\\n"
        "\t$(ASN1_MODULES) $(BASE_ASN1_MODULES) %s\n"
        "\t$(TTCN3_DIR)/bin/compiler -t $(COMPILER_FLAGS) ",
        add_refd_prjs?" referenced-check":"",
        makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_TTCN3_MODULES) ":"",
        makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_PREPROCESSED_TTCN3_MODULES) ":"",
        makefile->nXSDModules ? "\t$(XSD2TTCN_GENERATED_MODULES) $(BASE_XSD2TTCN_GENERATED_MODULES) \\\n" : "",
        makefile->nXSDModules && makefile->linkingStrategy ? "\t$(BASE2_XSD2TTCN_GENERATED_MODULES) \\\n" : "",
        makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_ASN1_MODULES) ":"");
        if (makefile->gnu_make) {
          if (add_refd_prjs) // referenced-check cannot be compiled it is not a ttcn modul
            fprintf(fp, "$(TTCN3_MODULES) $(BASE_TTCN3_MODULES) %s\\\n"
                        "\t$(ASN1_MODULES) $(BASE_ASN1_MODULES) %s\n",
                    makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_TTCN3_MODULES) ":"",
                    makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_PREPROCESSED_TTCN3_MODULES) ":"",
                    makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_ASN1_MODULES) ":"");
            fputs("$^", fp);
        else {
          "\t$(TTCN3_MODULES) $(BASE_TTCN3_MODULES) \\\n"
          "\t$(ASN1_MODULES) $(BASE_ASN1_MODULES)", fp);
        if (makefile->linkingStrategy && makefile->hierarchical) {
          "ifneq ($(wildcard $(GENERATED_SOURCES)), ) \n"
          "ifeq ($(wildcard $?), ) \n"
          "\ttouch compile-all; \n"
          "\ttouch update; \n"
        if (makefile->profiled_file_list) {
            "compile:: $(PROFILED_FILE_LIST)\n"
            "\ttouch $(TTCN3_MODULES) $(PREPROCESSED_TTCN3_MODULES) "
            "$(ASN1_MODULES)", fp);
        fprintf(fp, "\n\n"
        "compile:%s $(TTCN3_MODULES) $(PREPROCESSED_TTCN3_MODULES) "
        "$(ASN1_MODULES) %s%s\n"
        "\t@echo \"compiling \"'$(patsubst %%.tpd, %%, $(TPD))';\n"
        "\t$(TTCN3_DIR)/bin/compiler $(COMPILER_FLAGS) \\\n"
        "\t$(TTCN3_MODULES) $(BASE_TTCN3_MODULES) %s\\\n"
        "\t$(ASN1_MODULES) $(BASE_ASN1_MODULES) %s - $?\n"
        "\ttouch $@\n\n",
        makefile->profiled_file_list ? ":" : "",
        makefile->nXSDModules && makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_XSD2TTCN_GENERATED_MODULES) " : "",
        makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_TTCN3_MODULES) ":"",
        makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_PREPROCESSED_TTCN3_MODULES) ":"",
        makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_ASN1_MODULES)":"");
        fprintf (fp,
        "\t$(MAKE) preprocess\n"
        "\t@echo \"compiling all \"'$(patsubst %%.tpd, %%, $(TPD))';\n"
        "\t$(TTCN3_DIR)/bin/compiler $(COMPILER_FLAGS) \\\n"
        "\t$(TTCN3_MODULES) $(BASE_TTCN3_MODULES) %s\\\n"
        "\t$(ASN1_MODULES) $(BASE_ASN1_MODULES) %s\\\n"
        "\ttouch $@ compile\n\n",
        makefile->nXSDModules && makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_XSD2TTCN_GENERATED_MODULES) " : "",
        makefile->linkingStrategy ? "\\\n\t$(BASE2_TTCN3_MODULES) $(BASE2_ASN1_MODULES) "
                                    "$(BASE2_PREPROCESSED_TTCN3_MODULES) ":"",
        makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_TTCN3_MODULES) ":"",
        makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_PREPROCESSED_TTCN3_MODULES) ":"",
        makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_ASN1_MODULES) ":"");
      else {
        fprintf(fp, "\n"
        "\t@if [ ! -f $@ ]; then %s compile-all; $(MAKE) compile-all; fi\n", rm_command);
        fprintf(fp, "\n"
        "check:%s $(TTCN3_MODULES) $(BASE_TTCN3_MODULES) %s\\\n"
        "\t$(ASN1_MODULES) $(BASE_ASN1_MODULES) %s%s %s\n"
        "\t$(TTCN3_DIR)/bin/compiler -s $(COMPILER_FLAGS) ",
        add_refd_prjs?" referenced-check":"",
        makefile->nXSDModules && makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_XSD2TTCN_GENERATED_MODULES) " : "",
        makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_TTCN3_MODULES) ":"",
        makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_ASN1_MODULES) ":"");
        if (makefile->gnu_make) {
          if (add_refd_prjs) // referenced-check cannot be compiled it is not a ttcn modul
            fprintf(fp, "$(TTCN3_MODULES) $(BASE_TTCN3_MODULES) %s\\\n"
                        "\t$(ASN1_MODULES) $(BASE_ASN1_MODULES) %s\n",
                    makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_TTCN3_MODULES) ":"",
                    makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_ASN1_MODULES) ":"");
            fputs("$^", fp);
        else {
          "\t$(TTCN3_MODULES) $(BASE_TTCN3_MODULES) \\\n"
          "\t$(ASN1_MODULES) $(BASE_ASN1_MODULES)", fp);
        fprintf(fp, "\n\n"
        "port:%s $(TTCN3_MODULES) $(BASE_TTCN3_MODULES) %s\\\n"
        "\t$(ASN1_MODULES) $(BASE_ASN1_MODULES) %s%s %s\n"
        "\t$(TTCN3_DIR)/bin/compiler -t $(COMPILER_FLAGS) ",
        add_refd_prjs?" referenced-check":"",
        makefile->nXSDModules && makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_XSD2TTCN_GENERATED_MODULES) " : "",
        makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_TTCN3_MODULES) ":"",
        makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_ASN1_MODULES) ":"");
        if (makefile->gnu_make) {
          if (add_refd_prjs) // referenced-check cannot be compiled it is not a ttcn modul
            fprintf(fp, "$(TTCN3_MODULES) $(BASE_TTCN3_MODULES) %s\\\n"
                        "\t$(ASN1_MODULES) $(BASE_ASN1_MODULES) %s\n",
                    makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_TTCN3_MODULES) ":"",
                    makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_ASN1_MODULES) ":"");
            fputs("$^", fp);
        else {
          "\t$(TTCN3_MODULES) $(BASE_TTCN3_MODULES) \\\n"
          "\t$(ASN1_MODULES) $(BASE_ASN1_MODULES)", fp);

        if (makefile->linkingStrategy && makefile->hierarchical) {
          "ifneq ($(wildcard $(GENERATED_SOURCES)), ) \n"
          "ifeq ($(wildcard $?), ) \n"
          "\ttouch compile-all; \n"
          "\ttouch update; \n"

        if (makefile->profiled_file_list) {
            "compile:: $(PROFILED_FILE_LIST)\n"
            "\ttouch $(TTCN3_MODULES) $(ASN1_MODULES)", fp);
        fprintf(fp, "\n\n"
        "compile:%s $(TTCN3_MODULES) $(ASN1_MODULES) %s%s\n"
        "\t@echo \"compiling \"'$(patsubst %%.tpd, %%, $(TPD))';\n"
        "\t$(TTCN3_DIR)/bin/compiler $(COMPILER_FLAGS) \\\n"
        "\t$(TTCN3_MODULES) $(BASE_TTCN3_MODULES) %s\\\n"
        "\t$(ASN1_MODULES) $(BASE_ASN1_MODULES) %s\\\n"
        "\t- $?\n"
        "\ttouch $@\n\n",
        makefile->profiled_file_list ? ":" : "",
        makefile->nXSDModules && makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_XSD2TTCN_GENERATED_MODULES) " : "",
        makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_TTCN3_MODULES) " : "",
        makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_ASN1_MODULES) " : "");
        "compile-all: $(BASE_TTCN3_MODULES) $(BASE_ASN1_MODULES) %s%s%s\n",
        makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_TTCN3_MODULES) $(BASE2_ASN1_MODULES)" : "",
        makefile->nXSDModules && makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_XSD2TTCN_GENERATED_MODULES) " : "");
        fputs("\t@echo \"compiling all \"'$(patsubst %.tpd, %, $(TPD))';\n", fp);
        fprintf(fp,"\t$(TTCN3_DIR)/bin/compiler $(COMPILER_FLAGS) \\\n"
        "\t$(TTCN3_MODULES) $(BASE_TTCN3_MODULES) %s\\\n"
        "\t$(ASN1_MODULES) $(BASE_ASN1_MODULES) %s\\\n"
        "\t- $(TTCN3_MODULES) $(ASN1_MODULES)\n"
        "\ttouch $@ compile\n\n",
        makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_TTCN3_MODULES) " : "",
        makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_ASN1_MODULES) " : "");
      if (!makefile->hierarchical) {
        for (i = 0; i < makefile->nBaseDirs; i++) {
          const struct base_dir_struct *base_dir = makefile->BaseDirs + i;
          if (base_dir->has_modules) {
            size_t j;
            fprintf(fp, "%s/compile:", base_dir->dir_name);
            for (j = 0; j < makefile->nTTCN3Modules; j++) {
              const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3Modules + j;
              if (module->dir_name != NULL &&
                  !strcmp(base_dir->dir_name, module->dir_name))
                print_file_name(fp, module);
            for (j = 0; j < makefile->nTTCN3PPModules; j++) {
              const struct module_struct *module = makefile->TTCN3PPModules + j;
              if (module->dir_name != NULL &&
                  !strcmp(base_dir->dir_name, module->dir_name))
                print_file_name(fp, module);
            for (j = 0; j < makefile->nASN1Modules; j++) {
              const struct module_struct *module = makefile->ASN1Modules + j;
              if (module->dir_name != NULL &&
                  !strcmp(base_dir->dir_name, module->dir_name))
                print_file_name(fp, module);
            for (j = 0; j < makefile->nXSDModules; j++) {
              const struct module_struct *module = makefile->XSDModules + j;
              if (module->dir_name != NULL &&
                  !strcmp(base_dir->dir_name, module->dir_name))
                print_generated_file_name(fp, module, TRUE, ".ttcn");
            fprintf(fp, "\n"
                    "\t@echo 'Central directory %s is not up-to-date!'\n"
                    "\t@exit 2\n\n", base_dir->dir_name);
    else { /* not central storage */
      fprintf(fp, "$(GENERATED_SOURCES) $(GENERATED_HEADERS): compile\n"
              "\t@if [ ! -f $@ ]; then %s compile; $(MAKE) compile; fi\n\n"
              "check:%s $(TTCN3_MODULES) %s", rm_command,
              merge_profiled_file_lists ? "check:: $(PROFILED_FILE_LIST)\n\n" : "",
              merge_profiled_file_lists ? ":" : "",
              makefile->nXSDModules ? "$(XSD2TTCN_GENERATED_MODULES) " : "");
      if (makefile->preprocess) fputs("$(PREPROCESSED_TTCN3_MODULES) ", fp);
            "\t$(TTCN3_DIR)/bin/compiler -s $(COMPILER_FLAGS) ", fp);
      if (makefile->gnu_make) fputs("$^", fp);
      else {
      fputs("\n\n", fp);
      fprintf(fp, "port: $(TTCN3_MODULES) %s ",
        makefile->nXSDModules ? "$(XSD2TTCN_GENERATED_MODULES) " : "");
      if (makefile->preprocess) fputs("$(PREPROCESSED_TTCN3_MODULES) ", fp);
      fputs("$(ASN1_MODULES)\n", fp);
      fputs("\t$(TTCN3_DIR)/bin/compiler -t $(COMPILER_FLAGS) ", fp);
      if (makefile->gnu_make) fputs("$^", fp);
      else {
      if (makefile->profiled_file_list) {
        fputs("\n\ncompile:: $(PROFILED_FILE_LIST)\n"
              "\ttouch $(TTCN3_MODULES) ", fp);
        if (makefile->preprocess) fputs("$(PREPROCESSED_TTCN3_MODULES) ", fp);
        fputs("$(ASN1_MODULES)", fp);
      fprintf(fp, "\n\n"
            "compile:%s $(TTCN3_MODULES) %s ", makefile->profiled_file_list ? ":" : "",
            makefile->nXSDModules ? "$(XSD2TTCN_GENERATED_MODULES) " : "");
      if (makefile->preprocess) fputs("$(PREPROCESSED_TTCN3_MODULES) ", fp);
            "\t$(TTCN3_DIR)/bin/compiler $(COMPILER_FLAGS) ", fp);
      if (makefile->gnu_make) fputs("$^", fp);
      else {
              "\t$(TTCN3_MODULES) ", fp);
        if (makefile->preprocess) fputs("$(PREPROCESSED_TTCN3_MODULES) ", fp);
        fputs("$(ASN1_MODULES)", fp);
      fputs(" - $?\n"
            "\ttouch $@\n"
            "\n", fp);
      if (merge_profiled_file_lists) {
              "\tcat $(PROFILED_FILE_LIST_SEGMENTS) > $(PROFILED_FILE_LIST)\n\n", fp);
// XSD conversion:
    if (makefile->nXSDModules) {
            "\t$(TTCN3_DIR)/bin/xsd2ttcn", fp);
      if (!has_xsd_module && has_base_xsd_module) {
        fputs(" -m", fp);
      }else {
        fputs(" $(XSD_MODULES)", fp);
      fputs("\n\ttouch $@ \n\n", fp);
      if (makefile->central_storage) {
        fprintf(fp, "$(BASE_XSD2TTCN_GENERATED_MODULES) %s: $(BASE_XSD_MODULES) ",
          makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_XSD2TTCN_GENERATED_MODULES)" : "");
        if (add_refd_prjs) {
          fputs("\n", fp);
          fputs("\t@for dir in $(REFERENCED_PROJECT_DIRS); do \\\n"
                "\t$(MAKE) -C $$dir compile || exit; \\\n"
                "\tdone;", fp);
        fputs("\n\n", fp);
// clean:
    if (makefile->linkingStrategy) {
      fprintf(fp, "clean:%s\n", (add_refd_prjs && !makefile->hierarchical) ?
              " referenced-clean" : "");
      if (makefile->dynamic && (makefile->central_storage || makefile->linkingStrategy)) {
        fprintf(fp,"\tfind . -type l -name \"*.so\" -exec  unlink {} \\;\n");
      fprintf(fp, "\t%s $(EXECUTABLE) $(DYNAMIC_LIBRARY) $(STATIC_LIBRARY) "
        "$(OBJECTS)\n", rm_command);
      fprintf(fp, "\t%s $(GENERATED_HEADERS)\n", rm_command);
      fprintf(fp, "\t%s $(GENERATED_SOURCES)\n", rm_command);
      if (makefile->dynamic) fprintf(fp, "\t%s $(SHARED_OBJECTS)\n", rm_command);
      if (makefile->preprocess) fprintf(fp, "\t%s $(PREPROCESSED_TTCN3_MODULES)\n", rm_command);
      fprintf(fp, "\t%s compile", rm_command);
      if (makefile->central_storage) fputs(" compile-all", fp);
      if (makefile->gcc_dep) fputs(" $(DEPFILES)", fp);
      if (merge_profiled_file_lists) {
      	fprintf(fp, "\t%s $(PROFILED_FILE_LIST)\n", rm_command);
      if (makefile->nXSDModules) fprintf(fp, "\t%s $(XSD2TTCN_GENERATED_MODULES)\n", rm_command);
      fprintf(fp, "\n\t%s tags *.log%s%s\n\n", rm_command,
        add_refd_prjs ? " referenced*" : "",
        makefile->hierarchical ? " update" : "");
    else {
      fprintf(fp, "clean:%s\n"
        "\t-%s $(EXECUTABLE) $(LIBRARY) $(OBJECTS)\n",
        add_refd_prjs?" referenced-clean":"", rm_command);
      fprintf(fp, "\t-%s $(GENERATED_HEADERS)\n", rm_command);
      fprintf(fp, "\t-%s $(GENERATED_SOURCES)\n", rm_command);
      if (makefile->dynamic) fprintf(fp, "\t-%s $(SHARED_OBJECTS)\n", rm_command);
      if (makefile->preprocess) fprintf(fp, "\t-%s $(PREPROCESSED_TTCN3_MODULES)\n", rm_command);
      fprintf(fp, "\t-%s compile", rm_command);
      if (makefile->central_storage) fputs(" compile-all", fp);
      if (makefile->gcc_dep) fputs(" $(DEPFILES)", fp);
      if (merge_profiled_file_lists) {
        fprintf(fp, "\t-%s $(PROFILED_FILE_LIST)\n", rm_command);
      if (makefile->nXSDModules) fprintf(fp, "\t-%s $(XSD2TTCN_GENERATED_MODULES)\n", rm_command);
      fprintf(fp, "\n\t-%s tags *.log%s", rm_command,
        add_refd_prjs ? " referenced*" : "");

// clean-all:
    if (makefile->linkingStrategy && makefile->hierarchical)
      fprintf(fp, "clean-all: %s clean\n", add_refd_prjs ? "referenced-clean-all" : "");

// dep:
    fputs("\n\ndep: $(GENERATED_SOURCES) $(USER_SOURCES)",fp);
    if (add_refd_prjs) {
      fprintf(fp, "\n\t%s referenced-dep", rm_command);
    else fputs(" ;",fp);

    if (makefile->gcc_dep) {
      fprintf(fp, " \n\n"
        "ifeq ($(findstring n,$(MAKEFLAGS)),)\n"
        "ifeq ($(filter clean%s check port compile archive diag%s,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)\n"
        "-include $(DEPFILES)\n"
        (makefile->linkingStrategy && makefile->hierarchical) ? " clean-all" : "",
        (makefile->preprocess ? " preprocess" : ""));
      /* Don't include .d files when cleaning etc.; make will try to build them
       * and this involves running the Titan compiler. Same for preprocess.
       * The check target would be pointless if running the compiler
       * without generating code was always preceded by running the compiler
       * _and_ generating C++ code. */
    else { /* old-style dep with makedepend. Do not check compiler version. */
      fputs("\n\tmakedepend $(CPPFLAGS) -DMAKEDEPEND_RUN ", fp);
      if (makefile->gnu_make) fputs("$^", fp);
      else fputs("$(GENERATED_SOURCES) $(USER_SOURCES)", fp);

    if (makefile->linkingStrategy) {
        "\t@perl $(TTCN3_DIR)/bin/ttcn3_archive\n\n", fp);
    else {
        "\tmkdir -p $(ARCHIVE_DIR)\n"
        "\ttar -cvhf - ", fp);
      if (makefile->central_storage) {
        if (makefile->nXSDModules) {
          fputs("$(filter-out $(XSD2TTCN_GENERATED_MODULES), $(TTCN3_MODULES)) \\\n", fp);
          fputs("\t$(filter-out $(BASE_XSD2TTCN_GENERATED_MODULES), $(BASE_TTCN3_MODULES)) \\\n", fp);
          fprintf(fp, "%s",
          makefile->linkingStrategy ? "\t$(filter-out $(BASE2_XSD2TTCN_GENERATED_MODULES), $(BASE2_TTCN3_MODULES)) \\\n" : "");
          fputs("\t$(XSD_MODULES) $(BASE_XSD_MODULES) \\\n", fp);
        } else {
          fprintf(fp, "$(TTCN3_MODULES) $(BASE_TTCN3_MODULES) %s\\\n", 
          makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_TTCN3_MODULES) " : "");
        if (makefile->preprocess) {
          fprintf(fp, "\t$(TTCN3_PP_MODULES) $(BASE_TTCN3_PP_MODULES) "
          "%s $(TTCN3_INCLUDES) \\\n",
          makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_TTCN3_PP_MODULES)" : "");
        fprintf(fp, "\t$(ASN1_MODULES) $(BASE_ASN1_MODULES) %s\\\n"
        "\t$(USER_HEADERS) $(BASE_USER_HEADERS) %s\\\n"
        "\t$(USER_SOURCES) $(BASE_USER_SOURCES) %s",
        makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_ASN1_MODULES) " : "",
        makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_USER_HEADERS) " : "",
        makefile->linkingStrategy ? "$(BASE2_USER_SOURCES)" : "");
      else {
        if (makefile->nXSDModules) {
          fputs("$(filter-out $(XSD2TTCN_GENERATED_MODULES), $(TTCN3_MODULES)) ", fp);
          fputs("$(XSD_MODULES) ", fp);
        } else {
          fputs("$(TTCN3_MODULES) ", fp);
        if (makefile->preprocess) {
          fputs("$(TTCN3_PP_MODULES) \\\n"
          "\t$(TTCN3_INCLUDES) ", fp);
        fputs("$(ASN1_MODULES) \\\n"
        "\t$(USER_HEADERS) $(USER_SOURCES)", fp);
      fputs(" $(OTHER_FILES) \\\n"
            "\t| gzip >$(ARCHIVE_DIR)/`basename $(TARGET) .exe`-"
            "`date '+%y%m%d-%H%M'`.tgz\n\n", fp);

    fprintf(fp, "diag:\n"
    "\t$(TTCN3_DIR)/bin/compiler -v 2>&1\n"
    "\t$(TTCN3_DIR)/bin/mctr_cli -v 2>&1\n"
    "\t$(CXX) -v 2>&1\n"
          "\t@echo TTCN3_DIR=$(TTCN3_DIR)\n"
          "\t@echo OPENSSL_DIR=$(OPENSSL_DIR)\n"
          "\t@echo XMLDIR=$(XMLDIR)\n"
          "\t@echo PLATFORM=$(PLATFORM)\n\n",
    makefile->dynamic ? "" : "\t$(AR) -V 2>&1\n");

    if (add_refd_prjs) {
      fprintf(fp, "referenced-all referenced-shared_objects referenced-executable referenced-library \\\n"
              "referenced-objects referenced-check \\\n"
              "\t@for dir in $(REFERENCED_PROJECT_DIRS); do \\\n"
              "\t  $(MAKE) -C $$dir $(subst referenced-,,$@) || exit; \\\n"
              "\tdone; \n\n",
              (makefile->linkingStrategy && makefile->hierarchical) ? "-all" : "");
            "\t@for dir in $(REFERENCED_PROJECT_DIRS); do \\\n"
            "\t  $(MAKE) -C $$dir $(subst referenced-,,$@) || exit; \\\n"
            "\tdone; \n"
            "\ttouch $@\n\n", fp);

    if (makefile->generatorCommandOutput) {
      fputs("### Project specific rules generated by user written script:\n\n", fp);
      fputs(makefile->generatorCommandOutput, fp);
      fputs("\n### End of project specific rules.\n\n", fp);

          "# Add your rules here if necessary...\n"
          "#\n\n", fp);
    if (strcmp(makefile->output_file, "Makefile")) {
      NOTIFY("Makefile skeleton was written to `%s'.", makefile->output_file);
    } else {
      NOTIFY("Makefile skeleton was generated.");
  else {
    ERROR("Output file `%s' already exists. Use switch `%s' to force "
      makefile->linkingStrategy ? "-F" : "-f");


/** run makefilegen commans for sub-projects */
static void run_makefilegen_commands(struct string2_list* run_command_list)
  struct string2_list* act_elem = run_command_list;
  while (act_elem) {
    struct string2_list* next_elem = act_elem->next;
    /* run commands if there were no ERRORs */
    if ((error_count == 0) && act_elem->str1 && act_elem->str2) {
      int rv;
      char* sub_proj_effective_work_dir = act_elem->str1;
      char* orig_dir = get_working_dir();
      rv = set_working_dir(sub_proj_effective_work_dir);
      if (rv) ERROR("Could not set working dir to `%s'", sub_proj_effective_work_dir);
      else {
        char* command = act_elem->str2;
        fprintf(stderr, "Executing `%s' in working directory `%s'...\n",
                command, sub_proj_effective_work_dir);
        rv = system(command);
        if (rv) ERROR("Execution failed with error code %d", rv); // TODO: it's not clear what system()'s return codes can be in different situations and platforms
      rv = set_working_dir(orig_dir);
      if (rv) ERROR("Could not restore working dir to `%s'", orig_dir);
    act_elem = next_elem;

/** execute makefileScript */
static void executeMakefileScript(const char* makefileScript, const char* output_file) {
  char* output_file_name = NULL;
  if (output_file != NULL) {
    if (get_path_status(output_file) == PS_DIRECTORY)
      output_file_name = mprintf("%s/Makefile", output_file);
    else {
      output_file_name = mcopystr(output_file);
  } else {
    output_file_name = mcopystr("Makefile");
  char* tmp_output_file_name = mprintf("%s.tmp", output_file_name);
  char* command = mprintf("%s %s %s", makefileScript, output_file_name, tmp_output_file_name);
  fprintf(stderr, "Executing '%s' command\n", command);
  int rv = system(command);
  if (rv) ERROR("MakefileScript execution failed with error code %d", rv);
  if(access(output_file_name, W_OK) == -1) {
    ERROR("%s does not exist, needed by makefile modifier script", output_file_name);
    goto free_str;
  if(access(tmp_output_file_name, W_OK) == -1) {
    ERROR("%s does not exist, needed by makefile modifier script", tmp_output_file_name);
    goto free_str;
  // Replace old file with new
  rv = rename(tmp_output_file_name, output_file_name);
  if (rv != 0) {
    ERROR("Moving makefile contents is unsuccessful");
    goto free_str;
  fprintf(stderr, "makefile modifier script executed successfully.\n");

/** create symlinks and delete list */
static void generate_symlinks(struct string2_list* create_symlink_list)
  struct string2_list* act_elem = create_symlink_list;
  while (act_elem) {
    struct string2_list* next_elem = act_elem->next;
    /* create symlinks if there were no ERRORs */
    if ((error_count == 0) && act_elem->str1 && act_elem->str2) {
      int fail = symlink(act_elem->str1, act_elem->str2);
      if (fail) perror(act_elem->str2); /* complain but do not call ERROR() */
    act_elem = next_elem;

/** Performs all tasks of Makefile generation based on the given list of
 * modules/files (taken from the command line) and options that represent
 * command line switches. */
static void generate_makefile(size_t n_arguments, char *arguments[],
  size_t n_other_files, const char *other_files[], const char *output_file,
  const char *ets_name, char *project_name, boolean gnu_make, boolean single_mode,
  boolean central_storage, boolean absolute_paths, boolean preprocess,
  boolean dump_makefile_data, boolean force_overwrite, boolean use_runtime_2,
  boolean dynamic, boolean makedepend, boolean coverage,
  const char *code_splitting_mode, const char *tcov_file_name, struct string_list* profiled_file_list, const char* file_list_file_name,
  boolean Lflag, boolean Zflag, boolean Hflag, struct string_list* sub_project_dirs, struct string_list* ttcn3_prep_includes,
  struct string_list* ttcn3_prep_defines, struct string_list* ttcn3_prep_undefines, struct string_list* prep_includes,
  struct string_list* prep_defines, struct string_list* prep_undefines, char *codesplittpd, boolean quietly, boolean disablesubtypecheck,
  const char* cxxcompiler, const char* optlevel, const char* optflags, const char* linkerOptions, boolean semanticcheckonly, boolean disableattibutevalidation,
  boolean disableber, boolean disableraw, boolean disabletext, boolean disablexer, boolean disablejson, boolean disableoer,
  boolean forcexerinasn, boolean defaultasomit, boolean gccmsgformat,
  boolean linenumbersonlymsg, boolean includesourceinfo, boolean addsourcelineinfo, boolean suppresswarnings,
  boolean outparamboundness, boolean omit_in_value_list, boolean warnings_for_bad_variants, boolean activate_debugger,
  boolean ignore_untagged_on_top_union, boolean disable_predef_ext_folder, boolean enable_legacy_encoding, boolean disable_userinfo,
  boolean realtime_features, boolean oop_features, boolean charstring_compat, struct string_list* solspeclibraries, struct string_list* sol8speclibraries,
  struct string_list* linuxspeclibraries, struct string_list* freebsdspeclibraries,
  struct string_list* win32speclibraries, const char* ttcn3preprocessor, struct string_list* linkerlibraries,
  struct string_list* additionalObjects, struct string_list* linkerlibsearchpath, char* generatorCommandOutput,
  struct string2_list* target_placement_list)
  size_t i;

  struct makefile_struct makefile;

  makefile.project_name = project_name;
  makefile.central_storage = central_storage;
  makefile.gnu_make = gnu_make;
  makefile.preprocess = preprocess;
  makefile.single_mode = single_mode;
  makefile.force_overwrite = force_overwrite;
  makefile.use_runtime_2 = use_runtime_2;
  makefile.dynamic = dynamic;
  makefile.gcc_dep = gnu_make && !makedepend;
  makefile.coverage = coverage;
  makefile.library = Lflag;
  makefile.linkingStrategy = Zflag;
  makefile.hierarchical = Hflag;
  makefile.sub_project_dirs = sub_project_dirs;
  makefile.ttcn3_prep_includes =  ttcn3_prep_includes;
  makefile.ttcn3_prep_defines =  ttcn3_prep_defines;
  makefile.ttcn3_prep_undefines =  ttcn3_prep_undefines;
  makefile.prep_includes =  prep_includes;
  makefile.prep_defines =  prep_defines;
  makefile.prep_undefines =  prep_undefines;
  makefile.quietly = quietly;
  makefile.disablesubtypecheck = disablesubtypecheck;
  makefile.cxxcompiler = cxxcompiler;
  makefile.optlevel = optlevel;
  makefile.optflags = optflags;
  makefile.linkerOptions = linkerOptions;
  makefile.semanticcheckonly = semanticcheckonly;
  makefile.disableattibutevalidation = disableattibutevalidation;
  makefile.disableber = disableber;
  makefile.disableraw = disableraw;
  makefile.disabletext = disabletext;
  makefile.disablexer = disablexer;
  makefile.disablejson = disablejson;
  makefile.disableoer = disableoer;
  makefile.forcexerinasn = forcexerinasn;
  makefile.defaultasomit = defaultasomit;
  makefile.gccmsgformat = gccmsgformat;
  makefile.linenumbersonlymsg = linenumbersonlymsg;
  makefile.includesourceinfo = includesourceinfo;
  makefile.addsourcelineinfo = addsourcelineinfo;
  makefile.suppresswarnings = suppresswarnings;
  makefile.outparamboundness = outparamboundness;
  makefile.omit_in_value_list = omit_in_value_list;
  makefile.warnings_for_bad_variants = warnings_for_bad_variants;
  makefile.activate_debugger = activate_debugger;
  makefile.ignore_untagged_on_top_union = ignore_untagged_on_top_union;
  makefile.disable_predef_ext_folder = disable_predef_ext_folder;
  makefile.enable_legacy_encoding = enable_legacy_encoding;
  makefile.disable_userinfo = disable_userinfo;
  makefile.realtime_features = realtime_features;
  makefile.oop_features = oop_features;
  makefile.charstring_compat = charstring_compat;
  makefile.solspeclibraries = solspeclibraries;
  makefile.sol8speclibraries = sol8speclibraries;
  makefile.linuxspeclibraries = linuxspeclibraries;
  makefile.freebsdspeclibraries = freebsdspeclibraries;
  makefile.win32speclibraries = win32speclibraries;
  makefile.ttcn3preprocessor = ttcn3preprocessor;
  makefile.linkerlibraries = linkerlibraries;
  makefile.additionalObjects = additionalObjects;
  makefile.linkerlibsearchpath = linkerlibsearchpath;
  makefile.generatorCommandOutput = generatorCommandOutput;
  makefile.target_placement_list = target_placement_list;
  char ** files_from_file = NULL;
  size_t n_files_from_file = 0;
  if (file_list_file_name != NULL) {
    FILE *fp = fopen(file_list_file_name, "r");
    if (fp != NULL) {
      char buff[1024];
      while (fscanf(fp, "%s", buff) == 1) {
        files_from_file = (char**)
        Realloc(files_from_file, n_files_from_file * sizeof(*files_from_file));
        files_from_file[n_files_from_file - 1] = mcopystr(buff);
    } else {
      ERROR("Cannot open file `%s' for reading: %s", file_list_file_name,
      errno = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < n_files_from_file; i++) {
    add_file_to_makefile(&makefile, files_from_file[i]);
  for (i = 0; i < n_arguments; i++) {
    add_file_to_makefile(&makefile, arguments[i]);
  for (i = 0; i < n_other_files; i++) {
    char *file_name = get_file_name_for_argument(other_files[i]);
    if (file_name != NULL) {
      add_path_to_list(&makefile.nOtherFiles, &makefile.OtherFiles, file_name,
      makefile.working_dir, TRUE);
    } else if (get_path_status(other_files[i]) == PS_DIRECTORY) {
      ERROR("Argument `%s' given as other file is a directory.",
    } else {
      ERROR("Cannot find any other file for argument `%s'.", other_files[i]);

  if (ets_name != NULL) {
    char *dir_name = get_dir_name(ets_name, makefile.working_dir);
    char *file_name = get_file_from_path(ets_name);
    makefile.ets_name = compose_path_name(dir_name, file_name);

  if (code_splitting_mode != NULL) {
    makefile.code_splitting_mode = mputprintf(makefile.code_splitting_mode, "-U %s", code_splitting_mode);
  if (codesplittpd != NULL) { // TPD code splitting overrides console code splitting
    makefile.code_splitting_mode = mputprintf(makefile.code_splitting_mode, "-U %s", codesplittpd);
  if (makefile.code_splitting_mode != NULL && makefile.linkingStrategy == TRUE) {
    WARNING("Code splitting from TPD file is not supported when the improved linking method is used (Z flag).");
    makefile.code_splitting_mode = NULL;
  if (makefile.code_splitting_mode != NULL && makefile.hierarchical == TRUE) {
    WARNING("Code splitting from TPD file is not supported when hierarchical makefile generation is used (H flag).");
    makefile.code_splitting_mode = NULL;

  if (tcov_file_name != NULL) {
    makefile.tcov_file_name = mprintf(" -K %s", tcov_file_name);
  if (profiled_file_list != NULL) {
    makefile.profiled_file_list = profiled_file_list;

  if (makefile.nTTCN3Modules >= 1) {
    if (makefile.ets_name == NULL)
      makefile.ets_name = mcopystr(makefile.TTCN3Modules[0].module_name);
  } else if (preprocess && (makefile.nTTCN3PPModules >= 1)) {
    if (makefile.ets_name == NULL)
      makefile.ets_name = mcopystr(makefile.TTCN3PPModules[0].module_name);
  } else if (makefile.nASN1Modules >= 1) {
    WARNING("No TTCN-3 module was given for the Makefile.");
    if (makefile.ets_name == NULL)
      makefile.ets_name = mcopystr(makefile.ASN1Modules[0].module_name);
  } else if (makefile.nXSDModules >= 1) {
    WARNING("No TTCN-3 or ASN.1 was given for the Makefile.");
    if (makefile.ets_name == NULL)
      makefile.ets_name = mcopystr(makefile.XSDModules[0].module_name);
  } else if (makefile.nUserFiles > 0) {
    WARNING("No TTCN-3 or ASN.1 or XSD module was given for the Makefile.");
    if (makefile.ets_name == NULL)
      makefile.ets_name = mcopystr(makefile.UserFiles[0].file_prefix);
  } else {
    WARNING("No source files were given for the Makefile");

  if (output_file != NULL) {
    if (get_path_status(output_file) == PS_DIRECTORY)
      makefile.output_file = mprintf("%s/Makefile", output_file);
    else makefile.output_file = mcopystr(output_file);
  } else makefile.output_file = mcopystr("Makefile");
  add_path_to_list(&makefile.nOtherFiles, &makefile.OtherFiles,
    makefile.output_file, makefile.working_dir, FALSE);
  if (preprocess) check_preprocessed_filename_collision(&makefile);
  if (!absolute_paths) convert_dirs_to_relative(&makefile);
  if (central_storage) collect_base_dirs(&makefile);

  if (dump_makefile_data) dump_makefile_struct(&makefile, 0);

  if (error_count == 0) print_makefile(&makefile);
  for (i = 0; i < n_files_from_file; i++) {

#define C_flag    "C"
#define C_flag

static void usage(void)
  fprintf(stderr, "\n"
    "usage: %s [-abc" C_flag "dDEfFgGlLmMnNprRsStTVwWXZ] [-K file] [-z file ] [-P dir]"
    " [-J file] [-U none|type|'number'] [-e ets_name] [-o dir|file]\n"
    "        [-t project_descriptor.tpd [-b buildconfig]]\n"
    "        [-O file] ... module_name ... testport_name ...\n"
    "   or  %s -v\n"
    "	-a:		use absolute pathnames in the generated Makefile\n"
    "	-c:		use the pre-compiled files from central directories\n"
    "	-C:		enable coverage of generated C++ code\n"
    "	-d:		dump the data used for Makefile generation\n"
    "	-e ets_name:	name of the target executable\n"
    "	-E:		display only warnings for unrecognized encoding variants\n"
    "	-f:		force overwriting of the output Makefile\n"
    "	-g:		generate Makefile for use with GNU make\n"
    "	-G:		enable legacy encoding rules\n"
    "	-i:		enable real-time testing features\n"
    "	-I path:	Add path to the search paths when using TPD files\n"
    "	-J file:	The names of files taken from file instead of command line\n"
    "	-k:		enable object-oriented features\n"
    "	-K file:	enable selective code coverage\n"
    "	-l:		use dynamic linking\n"
    "	-L:		create makefile with library archive as the default target\n"
    "	-m:		always use makedepend for dependencies\n"
    "	-M:		allow 'omit' in template value lists (legacy behavior)\n"
    "	-n:		activate debugger (generates extra code for debugging)\n"
    "	-N:		ignore UNTAGGED encoding instruction on top level unions (legacy behaviour)\n"
    "	-o dir|file:	write the Makefile to the given directory or file\n"
    "	-O file:	add the given file to the Makefile as other file\n"
    "	-p:		generate Makefile with TTCN-3 preprocessing\n"
    "	-R:		use function test runtime (TITAN_RUNTIME_2)\n"
    "	-s:		generate Makefile for single mode\n"
    "	-S:		suppress makefilegen warnings\n"
    "	-U none|type|'number':	split generated code\n"
    "	-v:		show version\n"
    "	-w:		suppress warnings generated by TITAN\n"
    "	-Y:		Enforces legacy behaviour of the \"out\" function parameters (see refguide)\n"
    "	-z file:	enable profiling and code coverage for the TTCN-3 files in the argument\n"
    "Options for processing the Titan Project Descriptor file(s):\n"
    "	-t tpd:		read project descriptor file\n"
    "	-b buildconfig:	use the specified build config instead of the default\n"
    "	-D:		use current directory as working directory\n"
    "	-V:		disable validation of TPD file with schema\n"
    "	-r:		generate Makefile hierarchy for TPD hierarchy (recursive)\n"
    "	-F:		force overwriting of all generated Makefiles, use with -r\n"
    "	-T:		generate only top-level Makefile of the hierarchy, use with -r\n"
    "	-P dir:		prints out a file list found in a given TPD relative to the given directory\n"
    "	-X:		generate XML file that describes the TPD hierarchy, use with -r\n"
    "	-W:		prefix working directories with project name\n"
    "	-Z:		recursive Makefile generation from TPD using object files and dynamic libraries too\n"
    "	-H:		hierarchical Makefile generation from TPD use with -Z\n"
    , program_name, program_name);

#define SET_FLAG(x) if (x##flag) {\
    ERROR("Flag -" #x " was specified more than once.");\
    error_flag = TRUE;\
    } else x##flag = TRUE

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    aflag = FALSE, bflag = FALSE, cflag = FALSE, Cflag = FALSE,
    dflag = FALSE, eflag = FALSE, fflag = FALSE, gflag = FALSE,
    oflag = FALSE, Kflag = FALSE, lflag = FALSE, pflag = FALSE,
    Pflag = FALSE, Rflag = FALSE, sflag = FALSE, tflag = FALSE,
    wflag = FALSE, vflag = FALSE, mflag = FALSE, Uflag = FALSE,
    Lflag = FALSE, rflag = FALSE, Fflag = FALSE, Xflag = FALSE,
    Tflag = FALSE, Yflag = FALSE, quflag = FALSE,
    dsflag = FALSE, dbflag = FALSE, drflag = FALSE, dtflag = FALSE,
    dxflag = FALSE, fxflag = FALSE, doflag = FALSE,
    gfflag = FALSE, lnflag = FALSE, isflag = FALSE, asflag = FALSE,
    Sflag = FALSE, Vflag = FALSE, Dflag = FALSE, Wflag = FALSE,
    djflag = FALSE, doerflag = FALSE, Zflag = FALSE, Hflag = FALSE, Mflag = FALSE,
    diflag = FALSE, zflag = FALSE, Eflag = FALSE, nflag = FALSE,
    Nflag = FALSE, Gflag = FALSE, duflag = FALSE, iflag = FALSE, kflag = FALSE,
    hflag = FALSE;
  boolean error_flag = FALSE;
  char *output_file = NULL;
  char *ets_name = NULL;
  char *project_name = NULL;
  char *csmode = NULL;
  size_t n_other_files = 0;
  const char **other_files = NULL;
  const char *code_splitting_mode = NULL;
  const char *tpd_file_name = NULL;
  const char *tpd_build_config = NULL;
  const char *tcov_file_name = NULL;
  const char *file_list_file_name = NULL;
  size_t n_search_paths = 0;
  const char **search_paths = NULL;
  struct string_list* profiled_file_list = NULL;
  const char *profiled_file_list_zflag = NULL;
  const char *file_list_path = NULL;
  enum tpd_result tpd_processed = FALSE;
  struct string_list* sub_project_dirs = NULL;
  struct string2_list* create_symlink_list = NULL;
  struct string_list* ttcn3_prep_includes = NULL;
  struct string_list* ttcn3_prep_defines = NULL;
  struct string_list* ttcn3_prep_undefines = NULL;
  struct string_list* prep_includes = NULL;
  struct string_list* prep_defines = NULL;
  struct string_list* prep_undefines = NULL;
  char *cxxcompiler = NULL;
  char *optlevel = NULL;
  char *optflags = NULL;
  char* linkerOptions = NULL;
  struct string_list* solspeclibraries = NULL;
  struct string_list* sol8speclibraries = NULL;
  struct string_list* linuxspeclibraries = NULL;
  struct string_list* freebsdspeclibraries = NULL;
  struct string_list* win32speclibraries = NULL;
  char *ttcn3prep = NULL;
  struct string_list* linkerlibraries = NULL;
  struct string_list* additionalObjects = NULL;
  struct string_list* linkerlibsearchpath = NULL;
  char* generatorCommandOutput = NULL;
  struct string2_list* target_placement_list = NULL;
  struct string2_list* run_command_list = NULL;
  struct string2_list* required_configs = NULL;
  char* makefileScript = NULL;

#ifdef LICENSE
  license_struct lstr;
  int valid_license;

  program_name = argv[0];

  if (argc == 1) {
    fputs("Makefile Generator for the TTCN-3 Test Executor, version "
      PRODUCT_NUMBER "\n", stderr);
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  for ( ; ; ) {
    int c = getopt(argc, argv, "O:ab:c" C_flag "dDe:EfFgGhHiI:J:kK:o:lLmMnNpP:rRsSt:TU:vVwWXYz:Z");
    if (c == -1) break;
    switch (c) {
    case 'O':
      other_files = (const char**)
      Realloc(other_files, n_other_files * sizeof(*other_files));
      other_files[n_other_files - 1] = optarg;
      case 'I':
        search_paths = (const char**)
        Realloc(search_paths, n_search_paths * sizeof(*search_paths));
        search_paths[n_search_paths - 1] = optarg;
    case 'a':
    case 'b':
      tpd_build_config = optarg;
    case 'c':
    case 'K':
      tcov_file_name = optarg;
    case 'C':
    case 'd':
    case 'D':
    case 'e':
      ets_name = optarg;
    case 'E':
    case 'f':
    case 'F':
    case 'g':
    case 'G':
    case 'h':
    case 'H':
    case 'i':
    case 'J':
      file_list_file_name = optarg;
    case 'o':
      output_file = optarg;
    case 'l':
    case 'L':
    case 'm':
    case 'M':
    case 'n':
    case 'N':
    case 'p':
    case 'P':
      /* Optional arguments with `::' are GNU specific... */
      if (get_path_status(optarg) == PS_DIRECTORY) {
        file_list_path = optarg;
      } else {
        ERROR("The -P flag requires a valid directory as its argument "
              "instead of `%s'", optarg);
        error_flag = TRUE;
    case 'r':
    case 'R':
    case 's':
    case 'S':
      suppress_warnings = TRUE;
    case 't':
      tpd_file_name = optarg;
    case 'T':
    case 'Y':
    case 'U':
      int n_slices = atoi(optarg);
      code_splitting_mode = optarg;
      if (!n_slices && 
        (strcmp(optarg, "none") != 0 &&
        strcmp(optarg, "type") != 0))
        ERROR("Unrecognizable argument: '%s'. Valid options for -U switch are: "
          "'none', 'type', or a number.", optarg);
      } else if (n_slices) {
        size_t length = strlen(optarg);
        for (size_t i=0;i<length; i++) {
          if (!isdigit(optarg[i])) {
            ERROR("The number argument of -U must be a valid number.");
        if (n_slices < 1 || n_slices > 999999) {
          ERROR("The number argument of -U must be between 1 and 999999.");
    case 'v':
    case 'V':
    case 'w':
    case 'W':
    case 'X':
    case 'z':
      profiled_file_list_zflag = optarg;
    case 'Z':
    case 'k':
      error_flag = TRUE;

  /* Checking incompatible options */
  if (vflag) {
    /* -v prints the version and exits, it's pointless to specify other flags */
    if ( aflag || bflag || cflag || Cflag || dflag || eflag || fflag || Fflag || gflag
      || mflag || oflag || lflag || pflag || Pflag || rflag || Rflag || sflag || Gflag
      || tflag || Tflag || Vflag || wflag || Xflag || Kflag || Dflag || Wflag || Yflag
      || Zflag || Hflag || Mflag || zflag || Eflag || nflag || iflag || kflag || hflag
      || n_other_files > 0 || n_search_paths > 0)
      error_flag = TRUE;

  if (Zflag) {
    if (!gflag) gflag = TRUE; // GNU make
    if (!cflag) cflag = TRUE; // central sorage 

  if ((bflag || Dflag || Pflag || Vflag || rflag || Wflag || Zflag) && !tflag) {
    ERROR("Using the '-b', '-D', '-P', '-V', '-r' 'Z' or '-W' option requires the use of the -t' option.");
    error_flag = TRUE;

  if (rflag && !cflag) {
    ERROR("Using the '-r' option requires use of the '-c' option. Recursive makefile hierarchy uses the central directory feature.");
    error_flag = TRUE;

  if (Fflag && !rflag) {
    ERROR("Using the '-F' option requires use of the '-r' option.");
    error_flag = TRUE;

  if (Xflag && !rflag) {
    ERROR("Using the '-X' option requires use of the '-r' option.");
    error_flag = TRUE;

  if (Tflag && !rflag) {
    ERROR("Using the '-T' option requires use of the '-r' option.");
    error_flag = TRUE;

  if (!Zflag && Hflag) {
    ERROR("Using the '-H' option requires use of the '-Z' option.");
    error_flag = TRUE;

  if (Zflag && !Fflag && !fflag) {
    ERROR("Using the '-Z' option requires use of the '-F' option.");
    error_flag = TRUE;

  if (lflag && !strncmp(get_platform_string(), "WIN32", 5)) {
    ERROR("Generating Makefile with dynamic linking enabled is not supported "
          "on Windows platform");
    error_flag = TRUE;

  if (n_search_paths > 0 && !tflag) {
    ERROR("Using the '-I' option requires use of the '-t' option.");
    error_flag = TRUE;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < n_search_paths; i++) {
    boolean is_abs_path = 
#if defined WIN32 && defined MINGW
	/* On native Windows the absolute path name shall begin with
	 * a drive letter, colon and backslash */
	(((search_paths[i][0] < 'A' || search_paths[i][0] > 'Z') &&
	  (search_paths[i][0] < 'a' || search_paths[i][0] > 'z')) ||
	 search_paths[i][1] != ':' || search_paths[i][2] != '\\');
	/* On UNIX-like systems the absolute path name shall begin with
	 * a slash */
	search_paths[i][0] != '/';
    if (is_abs_path) {
      ERROR("The path after the -I flag must be an absolute path.");
      error_flag = TRUE;
  if (error_flag) {
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if (vflag) {
    fputs("Makefile Generator for the TTCN-3 Test Executor\n"
	  "Version: " VERSION_STRING "\n"
	  "Build date: " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "\n"
	  "Compiled with: " C_COMPILER_VERSION "\n\n"
	  COPYRIGHT_STRING "\n\n", stderr);
#ifdef LICENSE
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

#ifdef LICENSE
  valid_license = verify_license(&lstr);
  if (!valid_license) {
  if (!check_feature(&lstr, FEATURE_TPGEN)) {
    ERROR("The license key does not allow the generation of "
          "Makefile skeletons.");
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  boolean semantic_check_only = FALSE;
  boolean disable_attibute_validation = FALSE;

  boolean free_argv = FALSE;
  if (tflag) {
    char* abs_work_dir = NULL;
    FILE* prj_graph_fp = NULL;
    sub_project_dirs = (struct string_list*)Malloc(sizeof(struct string_list));
    sub_project_dirs->str = NULL;
    sub_project_dirs->next = NULL;
    ttcn3_prep_includes = (struct string_list*)Malloc(sizeof(struct string_list));
    ttcn3_prep_includes->str = NULL;
    ttcn3_prep_includes->next = NULL;
    ttcn3_prep_defines = (struct string_list*)Malloc(sizeof(struct string_list));
    ttcn3_prep_defines->str = NULL;
    ttcn3_prep_defines->next = NULL;
    ttcn3_prep_undefines = (struct string_list*)Malloc(sizeof(struct string_list));
    ttcn3_prep_undefines->str = NULL;
    ttcn3_prep_undefines->next = NULL;
    prep_includes = (struct string_list*)Malloc(sizeof(struct string_list));
    prep_includes->str = NULL;
    prep_includes->next = NULL;
    prep_defines = (struct string_list*)Malloc(sizeof(struct string_list));
    prep_defines->str = NULL;
    prep_defines->next = NULL;
    prep_undefines = (struct string_list*)Malloc(sizeof(struct string_list));
    prep_undefines->str = NULL;
    prep_undefines->next = NULL;
    solspeclibraries = (struct string_list*)Malloc(sizeof(struct string_list));
    solspeclibraries->str = NULL;
    solspeclibraries->next = NULL;
    sol8speclibraries = (struct string_list*)Malloc(sizeof(struct string_list));
    sol8speclibraries->str = NULL;
    sol8speclibraries->next = NULL;
    linuxspeclibraries = (struct string_list*)Malloc(sizeof(struct string_list));
    linuxspeclibraries->str = NULL;
    linuxspeclibraries->next = NULL;
    freebsdspeclibraries = (struct string_list*)Malloc(sizeof(struct string_list));
    freebsdspeclibraries->str = NULL;
    freebsdspeclibraries->next = NULL;
    win32speclibraries = (struct string_list*)Malloc(sizeof(struct string_list));
    win32speclibraries->str = NULL;
    win32speclibraries->next = NULL;
    linkerlibraries = (struct string_list*)Malloc(sizeof(struct string_list));
    linkerlibraries->str = NULL;
    linkerlibraries->next = NULL;
    additionalObjects = (struct string_list*)Malloc(sizeof(struct string_list));
    additionalObjects->str = NULL;
    additionalObjects->next = NULL;
    linkerlibsearchpath = (struct string_list*)Malloc(sizeof(struct string_list));
    linkerlibsearchpath->str = NULL;
    linkerlibsearchpath->next = NULL;

    if (Xflag) {
      const char* prj_graph_filename = "project_hierarchy_graph.xml";
      prj_graph_fp = fopen(prj_graph_filename, "w");
      if (prj_graph_fp==NULL) WARNING("Cannot open output file `%s' for writing: %s", prj_graph_filename, strerror(errno));
      if (prj_graph_fp) fprintf(prj_graph_fp, "<project_hierarchy_graph top_level_tpd=\"%s\">\n", tpd_file_name);
    create_symlink_list = (struct string2_list*)Malloc(sizeof(struct string2_list));
    create_symlink_list->str1 = NULL;
    create_symlink_list->str2 = NULL;
    create_symlink_list->next = NULL;
    target_placement_list = (struct string2_list*)Malloc(sizeof(struct string2_list));
    target_placement_list->str1 = NULL;
    target_placement_list->str2 = NULL;
    target_placement_list->next = NULL;
    run_command_list = (struct string2_list*)Malloc(sizeof(struct string2_list));
    run_command_list->str1 = NULL;
    run_command_list->str2 = NULL;
    run_command_list->next = NULL;
    required_configs = (struct string2_list*)Malloc(sizeof(struct string2_list));
    required_configs->str1 = NULL;
    required_configs->str2 = NULL;
    required_configs->next = NULL;

    // This temp flag is used to get the value of suppressWarnings from the TPD
    // while the wflag still holds the value of the command line parameter -w
    boolean temp_wflag = FALSE;

    tpd_processed = process_tpd(&tpd_file_name, tpd_build_config, file_list_path,
      &argc, &argv, &free_argv, &optind, &ets_name, &project_name,
      &gflag, &sflag, &cflag, &aflag, &pflag,
      &Rflag, &lflag, &mflag, &Pflag, &Lflag, rflag, Fflag, Tflag, output_file, &abs_work_dir, sub_project_dirs, program_name, prj_graph_fp,
      create_symlink_list, ttcn3_prep_includes, ttcn3_prep_defines, ttcn3_prep_undefines, prep_includes, prep_defines, prep_undefines, &csmode,
      &quflag, &dsflag, &cxxcompiler, &optlevel, &optflags, &linkerOptions, &semantic_check_only, &disable_attibute_validation,
      &dbflag, &drflag, &dtflag, &dxflag, &djflag, &doerflag, &fxflag, &doflag, &gfflag, &lnflag, &isflag,
      &asflag, &temp_wflag, &Yflag, &Mflag, &Eflag, &nflag, &Nflag, &diflag, &Gflag, &duflag, &iflag, &kflag, &hflag,
      solspeclibraries, sol8speclibraries, linuxspeclibraries, freebsdspeclibraries, win32speclibraries, &ttcn3prep,
      linkerlibraries, additionalObjects, linkerlibsearchpath, Vflag, Dflag, &Zflag, &Hflag,
      &generatorCommandOutput, target_placement_list, Wflag, run_command_list, required_configs, &profiled_file_list, search_paths, n_search_paths, &makefileScript);
    // wflag overrides temp_wflag
    if (!wflag) {
      wflag = temp_wflag;

    if (prj_graph_fp) {
      fprintf(prj_graph_fp, "</project_hierarchy_graph>\n");
    if (tpd_processed == TPD_FAILED) {
      ERROR("Failed to process %s", tpd_file_name);
      // process_tpd has already cleaned everything up
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
    else {
    if (zflag) {
      WARNING("Compiler option '-z' and its argument will be overwritten by "
        "the settings in the TPD");
  else if (zflag) {
    // use the argument given in the command line if there is no TPD
    profiled_file_list = (struct string_list*)Malloc(sizeof(struct string_list));
    profiled_file_list->str = mcopystr(profiled_file_list_zflag);
    profiled_file_list->next = NULL;

  if (!Pflag) {
    if (Zflag) {
      if (Fflag)
        NOTIFY("Makefile generation from top-level TPD: %s", tpd_file_name);
      if (!Fflag && fflag)
        NOTIFY("Makefile generation from lower level TPD: %s", tpd_file_name);
    generate_makefile(argc - optind, argv + optind, n_other_files, other_files,
      output_file, ets_name, project_name, gflag, sflag, cflag, aflag, pflag, dflag, fflag||Fflag,
      Rflag, lflag, mflag, Cflag, code_splitting_mode, tcov_file_name, profiled_file_list,
      file_list_file_name, Lflag, Zflag, Hflag, rflag ? sub_project_dirs : NULL, ttcn3_prep_includes,
      ttcn3_prep_defines, ttcn3_prep_undefines, prep_includes, prep_defines, prep_undefines, csmode, quflag, dsflag,
      cxxcompiler, optlevel, optflags, linkerOptions,
      semantic_check_only, disable_attibute_validation, dbflag, drflag, dtflag, dxflag, djflag, doerflag,
      fxflag, doflag, gfflag, lnflag, isflag, asflag, wflag, Yflag, Mflag, Eflag, nflag, Nflag, diflag,
      Gflag, duflag, iflag, kflag, hflag, solspeclibraries, sol8speclibraries, linuxspeclibraries,
      freebsdspeclibraries, win32speclibraries, ttcn3prep, linkerlibraries, additionalObjects,
      linkerlibsearchpath, generatorCommandOutput, target_placement_list);
    if (makefileScript != NULL) {
      executeMakefileScript(makefileScript, output_file);
  else {



  if (tpd_processed == TPD_SUCCESS) {
    if (!(eflag && ets_name))
    if (cxxcompiler)
    if (optlevel)
    if (optflags)
    if (linkerOptions)
    if (ttcn3prep)
  /* Free(output_file); */
  if (free_argv) {
    int E;
    for (E = 0; E < argc; ++E) Free(argv[E]);
   /* check_mem_leak(program_name); not needed when linked to new.cc */
  return error_count > 0 ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS;