/****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2000-2021 Ericsson Telecom AB * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * https://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-2.0/EPL-2.0.html * * Contributors: * Balasko, Jeno * Baranyi, Botond * Raduly, Csaba * Szabados, Kristof * Szabo, Bence Janos * ******************************************************************************/ /* * XerAttributes.cpp * * Created on: Oct 17, 2008 * Author: ecsardu */ #include "XerAttributes.hh" // The above line must be the first in this file #include "../common/memory.h" #include "Value.hh" static const NamespaceRestriction empty_nsr = { 0, 0, NamespaceRestriction::UNUSED }; static const XerAttributes::NameChange nochange= { NamespaceSpecification::NO_MANGLING }; XerAttributes::XerAttributes() : abstract_(false) , attribute_(false) , anyAttributes_(empty_nsr) , anyElement_(empty_nsr) , base64_(false) , block_(false) , decimal_(false) , defaultForEmpty_(0) , defaultForEmptyIsRef_(false) , defaultForEmptyRef_(0) , defaultValue_(0) , element_(false) , embedValues_(false) , form_(UNSET) , has_fractionDigits_(false) , fractionDigits_(0) , hex_(false) , list_(false) , name_(nochange) , namespace_() //, pi_or_comment_() , num_text_(0) , text_(0) , untagged_(false) , useNil_(false) , useNumber_(false) , useOrder_(false) , useQName_(false) , useType_(false) , useUnion_(false) , whitespace_(PRESERVE) , xsd_type(XSD_NONE) { //__asm("int3"); //fprintf(stderr, "XER attributes(%p) new\n", (void*)this); namespace_.global_variant = false; } void FreeNamespaceRestriction(NamespaceRestriction& nsr) { for (size_t i=0; i < nsr.nElements_; ++i) { Free(nsr.uris_[i]); } Free(nsr.uris_); } XerAttributes::~XerAttributes() { FreeNamespaceRestriction(anyAttributes_); FreeNamespaceRestriction(anyElement_); Free(defaultForEmpty_); delete defaultValue_; delete defaultForEmptyRef_; FreeNameChange(name_); FreeNamespace(namespace_); //if (pi_or_comment_.position_ > AFTER_VALUE) { // Free(pi_or_comment_.value_); //} for (size_t i=0; i < num_text_; ++i) { if ((unsigned long)text_[i].keyword > (unsigned long)NamespaceSpecification::LOWERCASED) { Free(text_[i].uri); } if (text_[i].prefix > (char*)NamespaceSpecification::ALL) { Free(text_[i].prefix); } } Free(text_); } void XerAttributes::FreeNamespace(NamespaceSpecification &ns) { switch (ns.keyword) { case NamespaceSpecification::NO_MANGLING: case NamespaceSpecification::CAPITALIZED: case NamespaceSpecification::UNCAPITALIZED: case NamespaceSpecification::UPPERCASED: case NamespaceSpecification::LOWERCASED: break; // nothing to do default: // real string, must be freed Free(ns.uri); break; } ns.uri = 0; Free(ns.prefix); ns.prefix = 0; ns.global_variant = false; } void XerAttributes::FreeNameChange(XerAttributes::NameChange& n) { switch (n.kw_) { case NamespaceSpecification::NO_MANGLING: case NamespaceSpecification::CAPITALIZED: case NamespaceSpecification::UNCAPITALIZED: case NamespaceSpecification::UPPERCASED: case NamespaceSpecification::LOWERCASED: break; // nothing to do default: // real string, must be freed Free(n.nn_); break; } n.kw_ = NamespaceSpecification::NO_MANGLING; } void XerAttributes::print(const char *type_name) const { fprintf(stderr, "XER attributes(%p) for %s:\n", (const void*)this, type_name); if (empty()) fputs("...Empty...\n", stderr); else { fputs(abstract_ ? "ABSTRACT\n" : "", stderr); fputs(attribute_ ? "ATTRIBUTE\n" : "", stderr); if (has_aa(this)) { if (anyAttributes_.type_ == NamespaceRestriction::NOTHING) { fputs("ANY-ATTRIBUTES\n", stderr); } else for (size_t i = 0; i < anyAttributes_.nElements_; ++i) { fprintf(stderr, "ANY-ATTRIBUTES %s %s\n", anyAttributes_.type_ == NamespaceRestriction::FROM ? "EXCEPT" : "FROM", (anyAttributes_.uris_[i] && *anyAttributes_.uris_[i]) ? anyAttributes_.uris_[i] : "ABSENT"); } } if (has_ae(this)) { if (anyElement_.type_ == NamespaceRestriction::NOTHING) { fputs("ANY-ELEMENT\n", stderr); } else for (size_t i = 0; i < anyElement_.nElements_; ++i) { fprintf(stderr, "ANY-ELEMENT %s %s\n", anyElement_.type_ == NamespaceRestriction::FROM ? "EXCEPT" : "FROM", (anyElement_.uris_[i] && *anyElement_.uris_[i]) ? anyElement_.uris_[i] : "ABSENT"); } } fputs(base64_ ? "BASE64\n" : "", stderr); fputs(block_ ? "BLOCK\n" : "", stderr); fputs(decimal_ ? "DECIMAL\n" : "", stderr); if (defaultForEmpty_) fprintf(stderr, "DEFAULT-FOR-EMPTY '%s' %s\n", defaultForEmptyIsRef_ ? defaultForEmptyRef_->get_dispname().c_str() : defaultForEmpty_, defaultForEmptyIsRef_ ? "(reference) " : ""); if (element_) fputs("ELEMENT\n", stderr); fputs(embedValues_ ? "EMBED-VALUES\n" : "", stderr); fputs((form_ & QUALIFIED) ? "FORM AS QUALIFIED\n" : "", stderr); if (has_fractionDigits_) fprintf(stderr, "FRACTIONDIGITS '%i'\n", fractionDigits_); fputs(hex_ ? "hexBinary" : "", stderr); fputs(list_ ? "LIST\n" : "", stderr); static const char * xforms[] = { "CAPITALIZED", "UNCAPITALIZED", "UPPERCASED", "LOWERCASED" }; switch (name_.kw_) { case NamespaceSpecification::NO_MANGLING: // nothing to do break; default: // a string fprintf(stderr, "NAME AS '%s'\n", name_.nn_); break; case NamespaceSpecification::CAPITALIZED: case NamespaceSpecification::UNCAPITALIZED: case NamespaceSpecification::LOWERCASED: case NamespaceSpecification::UPPERCASED: fprintf(stderr, "NAME AS %s\n", xforms[name_.kw_ - NamespaceSpecification::CAPITALIZED]); break; } if (namespace_.uri) { fprintf(stderr, "NAMESPACE '%s' %s %s\n", namespace_.uri, (namespace_.prefix ? "PREFIX" : ""), (namespace_.prefix ? namespace_.prefix : "")); } //if (pi_or_comment_.position_ != NOWHERE) { // fputs("PI-OR-COMMENT\n", stderr); //} if (num_text_) { fputs("TEXT\n", stderr); for (size_t t=0; t < num_text_; ++t) { const char* who = 0, *action = 0; switch ((unsigned long)(text_[t].uri) ) { case NamespaceSpecification::LOWERCASED: action = "LOWERCASED"; break; case NamespaceSpecification::UPPERCASED: action = "UPPERCASED"; break; case NamespaceSpecification::CAPITALIZED: action = "CAPITALIZED"; break; case NamespaceSpecification::UNCAPITALIZED: action = "UNCAPITALIZED"; break; case 0: action = "text"; break; default: action = text_[t].uri; break; } switch ((unsigned long)text_[t].prefix) { case 0: who = ""; break; case NamespaceSpecification::ALL: who = "ALL"; break; default: who = text_[t].prefix; break; } fprintf(stderr, " %s as %s\n", who, action); } } fputs(untagged_ ? "UNTAGGED\n" : "", stderr); fputs(useNil_ ? "USE-NIL\n" : "", stderr); fputs(useNumber_ ? "USE-NUMBER\n" : "", stderr); fputs(useOrder_ ? "USE-ORDER\n" : "", stderr); fputs(useQName_ ? "USE-QNAME\n" : "", stderr); fputs(useType_ ? "USE-TYPE\n" : "", stderr); fputs(useUnion_ ? "USE-UNION\n" : "", stderr); if (whitespace_ != PRESERVE) fprintf(stderr, "WHITESPACE %s\n", whitespace_ == COLLAPSE ? "COLLAPSE" : "REPLACE"); fputs(". . . . .\n", stderr); } } XerAttributes& XerAttributes::operator |= (const XerAttributes& other) { if (other.empty()) FATAL_ERROR("XerAttributes::operator |="); /* fprintf(stderr, "@@@ replacing:\n"); print("orig."); other.print("other"); */ abstract_ |= other.abstract_; attribute_ |= other.attribute_; if (has_aa(&other)) { FreeNamespaceRestriction(anyAttributes_); anyAttributes_.nElements_ = other.anyAttributes_.nElements_; anyAttributes_.type_ = other.anyAttributes_.type_; anyAttributes_.uris_ = (char**)Malloc(anyAttributes_.nElements_ * sizeof(char*)); for (size_t i=0; i < anyAttributes_.nElements_; ++i) { anyAttributes_.uris_[i] = mcopystr(other.anyAttributes_.uris_[i]); } } if (has_ae(&other)) { FreeNamespaceRestriction(anyElement_); anyElement_.nElements_ = other.anyElement_.nElements_; anyElement_.type_ = other.anyElement_.type_; anyElement_.uris_ = (char**)Malloc(anyElement_.nElements_ * sizeof(char*)); for (size_t i=0; i < anyElement_.nElements_; ++i) { anyElement_.uris_[i] = mcopystr(other.anyElement_.uris_[i]); } } base64_ |= other.base64_; block_ |= other.block_; decimal_ |= other.decimal_; if (other.defaultForEmpty_ != 0) { Free(defaultForEmpty_); defaultForEmpty_ = mcopystr(other.defaultForEmpty_); defaultForEmptyIsRef_ = other.defaultForEmptyIsRef_; } defaultForEmptyIsRef_ |= other.defaultForEmptyIsRef_; if (other.defaultForEmptyRef_ != 0) { Free(defaultForEmptyRef_); defaultForEmptyRef_ = other.defaultForEmptyRef_->clone(); } element_ |= other.element_; embedValues_ |= other.embedValues_; form_ = other.form_; if (other.has_fractionDigits_) { has_fractionDigits_ = other.has_fractionDigits_; fractionDigits_ = other.fractionDigits_; } hex_ |= other.hex_; list_ |= other.list_; if (other.name_.kw_ != NamespaceSpecification::NO_MANGLING) { FreeNameChange(name_); switch (other.name_.kw_) { case NamespaceSpecification::NO_MANGLING: break; // not possible inside the if case NamespaceSpecification::CAPITALIZED: case NamespaceSpecification::UNCAPITALIZED: case NamespaceSpecification::UPPERCASED: case NamespaceSpecification::LOWERCASED: name_.kw_ = other.name_.kw_; break; default: // a real string name_.nn_ = mcopystr(other.name_.nn_); break; } } if (other.namespace_.uri != 0 && // global namespace variants should no longer overwrite inherited namespace variants (issue #545) (namespace_.uri == 0 || !other.namespace_.global_variant)) { switch (namespace_.keyword) { case NamespaceSpecification::NO_MANGLING: case NamespaceSpecification::CAPITALIZED: case NamespaceSpecification::UNCAPITALIZED: case NamespaceSpecification::UPPERCASED: case NamespaceSpecification::LOWERCASED: break; // nothing to do default: // real string, must be freed Free(namespace_.uri); break; } switch (other.namespace_.keyword) { case NamespaceSpecification::NO_MANGLING: case NamespaceSpecification::CAPITALIZED: case NamespaceSpecification::UNCAPITALIZED: case NamespaceSpecification::UPPERCASED: case NamespaceSpecification::LOWERCASED: namespace_.uri = other.namespace_.uri; break; default: // real string namespace_.uri = mcopystr(other.namespace_.uri); break; } Free(namespace_.prefix); namespace_.prefix = mcopystr(other.namespace_.prefix); } //pi_or_comment_; if (other.num_text_) { // Append the other TEXT. No attempt is made to eliminate duplicates. // This will be done in Type::chk_xer_text(). size_t old_num = num_text_; num_text_ += other.num_text_; text_ = (NamespaceSpecification *)Realloc( text_, num_text_ * sizeof(NamespaceSpecification)); for (size_t t = 0; t < other.num_text_; ++t) { switch ((unsigned long)(other.text_[t].uri) ) { case NamespaceSpecification::LOWERCASED: case NamespaceSpecification::UPPERCASED: case NamespaceSpecification::CAPITALIZED: case NamespaceSpecification::UNCAPITALIZED: case NamespaceSpecification::NO_MANGLING: text_[old_num + t].uri = other.text_[t].uri; break; default: text_[old_num + t].uri = mcopystr(other.text_[t].uri); break; } switch ((unsigned long)other.text_[t].prefix) { case 0: case NamespaceSpecification::ALL: text_[old_num + t].prefix = other.text_[t].prefix; break; default: text_[old_num + t].prefix = mcopystr(other.text_[t].prefix); break; } } } untagged_ |= other.untagged_; useNil_ |= other.useNil_; useNumber_ |= other.useNumber_; useOrder_ |= other.useOrder_; useQName_ |= other.useQName_; useType_ |= other.useType_; useUnion_ |= other.useUnion_; whitespace_ = other.whitespace_; if (other.xsd_type != XSD_NONE) { xsd_type = other.xsd_type; } return *this; } bool XerAttributes::empty() const { return !abstract_ && !attribute_ && !has_aa(this) && !has_ae(this) && !base64_ && !block_ && !decimal_ && defaultForEmpty_ == 0 && !defaultForEmptyIsRef_ && !defaultForEmptyRef_ && !element_ && !embedValues_ && !(form_ & LOCALLY_SET) && !has_fractionDigits_ && !hex_ && !list_ && name_.kw_ == NamespaceSpecification::NO_MANGLING && namespace_.uri == 0 && num_text_ == 0 && !untagged_ && !useNil_ && !useNumber_ && !useOrder_ && !useQName_ && !useType_ && !useUnion_ && whitespace_ == PRESERVE && xsd_type == XSD_NONE; }