diff --git a/README.cygwin b/README.cygwin
index 588904302e1d5591af3cbf679de233347b029245..cf3e34bf74b13e0f8be551b5f46e89e6dc875e83 100644
--- a/README.cygwin
+++ b/README.cygwin
@@ -83,12 +83,12 @@ Cygwin setup
        <your cygwin installation directory>/home/<yourUserId>
        If you are (also) working in command line mode, it is a good 
        practice to change this to the folder where your TTCN-3 projects 
-       are.       
+       are.
+       In older cygwins: 
        Edit the file <your cygwin installation directory>/etc/passw:
        In the line:
        replace "/home/<yourUserId>" with the folder of your preference.
        Note: you can access all Windows drives from Cygwin as
@@ -96,11 +96,13 @@ Cygwin setup
        within your Windows Documents folder, you should replace 
        "/home/<yourUserId>" by 
+       Starting with Cygwin 1.7.34 or later, set "db_home" in file "/etc/nsswitch.conf".
+       Fore example set:
+       "db_home:  /cygdrive/c/Users/<yourUserId>/My_Home".
        WARNING: The path of your "unix" home directory shall not contain
                 any space!
-       NOTE: If /etc/passwd does not exist, edit the /etc/nsswitch.conf file. Insert the line
-       db_home:  /cygdrive/c/Users/<yourUserId>/Documents/My_Home
-	   into that file (or edit that line).
     (I1)If you are working with Titan plugins for Eclipse or any Windows based program 
         using cygwin commands, insert the Windows equivalent path of cygwin folders "/bin" or/and "/usr/bin" 
diff --git a/usrguide/installationguide/installationguide.adoc b/usrguide/installationguide/installationguide.adoc
index 80e35b5fd517bb559f1c30dc258ed873dc40c2fb..acbb36e8d8547f9ca33043600c6452bb7b4d0eeb 100644
--- a/usrguide/installationguide/installationguide.adoc
+++ b/usrguide/installationguide/installationguide.adoc
@@ -120,20 +120,37 @@ Libs: libexpat1 +
 Libs: libiconv, libiconv-devel, libiconv2
 .. To contribute to Titan, test port or protocol module development: Devel: git-review If, after selecting the required packages and clicking on the "Next" button, a "Resolving Dependencies" window lists further required packages, ensure that the "Select required packages (RECOMMENDED)" checkbox is checked and click on the "Next" button.
-. Select the ``Create'' icon on the Desktop checkbox
+. Select the ``Create`` icon on the Desktop checkbox
 . Optional +
-Your "unix" home directory, by default is: <your cygwin installation directory>/home/<yourUserId>. If you are (also) working in command line mode, it is a good practice to change this to the folder where your TTCN-3 projects are located. Edit the file <your cygwin installation directory>/etc/passw: In the line: ourUserId>:unused:<xxxxxx>:<yyyyy>:U-<yourDomain>&lt;yourUserId>, S-1-5-21-nnnnnn…nnnnnn:/home/<yourUserId>:/bin/bash replace ``/home/<yourUserId>'' with the folder of your preference.
+Your "unix" home directory, by default is: ``<your cygwin installation directory>/home/<yourUserId>``. +
+If you are (also) working in command line mode, it is a good practice to change this to the folder where your TTCN-3 projects are located. +
+In older ``cygwins``: +
+Edit the file ``<your cygwin installation directory>/etc/passw``: +
+In the line: 
+``<ourUserId>:unused:<xxxxxx>:<yyyyy>:U-<yourDomain><yourUserId>, S-1-5-21-nnnnnn…nnnnnn:/home/<yourUserId>:/bin/bash`` +
+replace ``/home/<yourUserId>`` with the folder of your preference. +
-NOTE: you can access all Windows drives from Cygwin as /cygdrive/<windowsDriveLetter>. Example: to set your "unix" home directory to the "My_Home" folder within your Windows Documents folder, you should replace "/home/<yourUserId>" by /cygdrive/c/Users/<yourUserId>/Documents/My_Home''WARNING: The path of your "unix" home directory shall not contain any space! It is not a requirement, but is a kind of best practice to place Titan into a subfolder within your "unix" home directory.
+Starting with Cygwin 1.7.34 or later, set ``db_home`` in file ``/etc/nsswitch.conf``. +
+For example set: +
+``db_home:  /cygdrive/c/Users/<yourUserId>``.
+NOTE: You can access all Windows drives from Cygwin as ``/cygdrive/<windowsDriveLetter>``.
+Example: to set your "unix" home directory to the ``My_Home`` folder within your Windows Documents folder, 
+you should replace ``/home/<yourUserId>`` by ``/cygdrive/c/Users/<yourUserId>/Documents/My_Home``.
+WARNING: The path of your "unix" home directory shall not contain any space!
+It is not a requirement, but is a kind of best practice to place Titan into a subfolder within your "unix" home directory.
 . When installation is finished, add the +
-$CYGWIN_INSTALL_DIRECTORY\usr\bin directories to the PATH +
+``$CYGWIN_INSTALL_DIRECTORY\usr\bin`` directories to the ``PATH`` +
 environment variable of Windows, so Eclipse will access the shell commands. +
-For example, if the cygwin root is ``C:64'' then ``Path'' should contain ``C:64;C:64''.
+For example, if the cygwin root is ``C:\cygwin64`` then ``Path`` should contain ``C:\cygwin64\bin;C:\cygwin64\usr\bin``.
-. To check if your installation is correct, open either a Cygwin shell (use the desktop icon created during Cygwin installation or start bash.exe from the Windows Start menu) or start cmd.exe from the Windows Start menu and type:bash.exe
+. To check if your installation is correct, open either a Cygwin shell 
+(use the desktop icon created during Cygwin installation or start ``bash.exe`` from the Windows ``Start`` menu) or 
+start ``cmd.exe`` from the Windows Start menu and type: ``bash.exe``.
 = Installing from a pre-built binary package
@@ -145,9 +162,11 @@ The Titan package can be installed from the provided download sites.
 Download the Titan package for your platform, OS and GCC version from the provided download sites:
-* For Ericsson users only: http://ttcn.ericsson.se/download. The usage of this version is conditioned by the presence of a license file and supported by the Titan support team.
+* For Ericsson users only: http://ttcn.ericsson.se/download.
+The usage of this version is conditioned by the presence of a license file and supported by the Titan support team.
-* For users outside Ericsson: https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/tools.titan/downloads. This version is licensed under the Eclipse Public License.
+* For users outside Ericsson: https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/tools.titan/downloads. 
+This version is licensed under the Eclipse Public License.
 A binary distribution, suitable for the used operating system (Solaris, Linux, FreeBSD), and for a {cpp} compiler, in a tar-gzip archive will be received. For Windowsfootnote:[For using TITAN on Windows platforms, installing the Cygwin programming environment is required see chapter 1.5 Installing Prerequisites on Cygwin (on Windows)] users there is no pre-built version, but compiling the open-source version is possible.