diff --git a/regression_test/commProcedure/ProcPort.ttcn b/regression_test/commProcedure/ProcPort.ttcn
index 38d4839e58653cef97e4927c9dfb47c180509e53..0b11940a8f0a70028b3d9222153bc180647c9ef3 100644
--- a/regression_test/commProcedure/ProcPort.ttcn
+++ b/regression_test/commProcedure/ProcPort.ttcn
@@ -1,673 +1,673 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000-2016 Ericsson Telecom AB
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
- *
- * Contributors:
- *   Balasko, Jeno
- *   Baranyi, Botond
- *   Forstner, Matyas
- *   Raduly, Csaba
- *   Szabados, Kristof
- *   Szabo, Janos Zoltan – initial implementation
- *   Tatarka, Gabor
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
+* Copyright (c) 2000-2016 Ericsson Telecom AB
+* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
+* Contributors:
+*   Balasko, Jeno
+*   Baranyi, Botond
+*   Forstner, Matyas
+*   Raduly, Csaba
+*   Szabados, Kristof
+*   Szabo, Janos Zoltan – initial implementation
+*   Tatarka, Gabor
 module ProcPort {
-    type record MyRecord { }
+type record MyRecord { }
+signature MyProc(in integer Par1,inout charstring Par2,out float Par3)
+return boolean
+signature MyProc2();
+type MyProc2 MyProc2Alias; // testing type alias
+signature MyProc3(in integer I) return float exception(integer);
+signature MyProc4(in float F) noblock;
+signature MyProc5(in integer A, in integer B)
+return float exception(charstring, MyRecord);
+signature s_StopPTC();
+signature MyProc6(inout integer I);
+template s_StopPTC StopPTC := { }
+template MyProc5 MyProc5Template_any := {
+  A:=?,
+  B:=?
-    signature MyProc(in integer Par1,inout charstring Par2,out float Par3)
-	return boolean
-    	exception(integer);
-    signature MyProc2();
-    type MyProc2 MyProc2Alias; // testing type alias
-    signature MyProc3(in integer I) return float exception(integer);
-    signature MyProc4(in float F) noblock;
-    signature MyProc5(in integer A, in integer B)
-    	return float exception(charstring, MyRecord);
-    signature s_StopPTC();
-    signature MyProc6(inout integer I);
+template MyProc5 MyProc5TemplateP(integer pA,integer pB) := {
+  A:=pA,
+  B:=pB
-    template s_StopPTC StopPTC := { }
+template MyProc3 MyProc3Template:={
+  I:=2003
-    template MyProc5 MyProc5Template_any := {
-	A:=?,
-	B:=?
-    }
+template MyProc3 MyProc3Template_any:={I:=?}
+template MyProc3 MyProc3TemplateP (integer P) := {
+  I:=P
+template MyProc MyProcTemplateP (integer i,charstring c,float f) := {
+  Par1:=i,
+  Par2:=c,
+  Par3:=f
+template MyProc MyProcTemplate:= {
+  Par1:=44,
+  Par2:="Q",
+  Par3:=324.664
+template MyProc MyProcTemplate2:= {
+  Par1:=4200,
+  Par2:="T",
+  Par3:=170.01
+template MyProc MyProcTemplate_any:= {
+  Par1:=?,
+  Par2:=?,
+  Par3:=?
+template MyProc2 MyProc2Template := { }
-    template MyProc5 MyProc5TemplateP(integer pA,integer pB) := {
-	A:=pA,
-	B:=pB
+type record address {
+  integer a1,
+  integer a2
+template address MyAddress(integer p1,integer p2) := {
+  a1:=p1,
+  a2:=p2
+type port PortAddress procedure {
+  inout MyProc,s_StopPTC;
+  in MyProc2;
+} with { extension "address" }
+type port ProcPort1 procedure
+  inout MyProc,s_StopPTC;
+  in MyProc2;
+  out MyProc3;
+} with {extension "internal"}
+type port ProcPort2 procedure
+  inout MyProc,s_StopPTC;
+  out MyProc2;
+  in MyProc3;
+} with {extension "internal"}
+type port ExtProcPort procedure
+  inout MyProc5;
+type port CompileOnlyPort procedure
+  in MyProc;
+  inout MyProc2;
+  out MyProc3;
+  in MyProc4;
+  inout MyProc5;
+type port CompileOnlyPortAddress procedure {
+  out MyProc;
+  in MyProc2;
+  inout MyProc3;
+  out MyProc4;
+  in MyProc5;
+} with { extension "address" }
+type port ProcPort3 procedure {
+  inout MyProc6;
+} with { extension "internal" }
+type component ProcComponent
+  port ProcPort1 Port0;
+type component ProcComponent2
+  port ProcPort2 Port1;
+type component ProcComponentMultiPort
+  port ProcPort1 Port0;
+  port ProcPort2 Port1[4];
+  port ExtProcPort Port2;
+  port CompileOnlyPort Port3;
+  port PortAddress Port4;
+type component eComponent
+  port ExtProcPort ePort;
+type component addressComponent
+  port PortAddress P;
+type component ProcComponent3 {
+  port ProcPort3 pt;
+function GetCall_behav1() runs on ProcComponent2 {
+  while(true) {
+    alt {
+      []Port1.getcall(MyProcTemplate_any) {
+        Port1.reply(MyProcTemplate2 value true);
+      }
+      []Port1.getcall(MyProc3Template_any) {
+        Port1.reply(MyProc3Template value 3.1415);
+      }
+      []Port1.getcall(StopPTC) {
+        Port1.reply(StopPTC);
+        stop;
+      }
+  }
-    template MyProc3 MyProc3Template:={
-	I:=2003
+function GetCall_behav2() runs on ProcComponent {
+  while(true) {
+    alt {
+      []Port0.getcall(MyProcTemplate2) {
+        Port0.raise(MyProc,integer:555);
+      }
+      []Port0.getcall(MyProcTemplate_any) {
+        Port0.reply(MyProcTemplate value false);
+      }
+      []Port0.getcall(MyProc2Template) {
+        Port0.reply(MyProc2Template);
+      }
+      []Port0.getcall(StopPTC) {
+        Port0.reply(StopPTC);
+        stop;
+      }
+  }
-    template MyProc3 MyProc3Template_any:={I:=?}
+function GetCall_behav3() runs on ProcComponent2 {
+  while(true) {
+    alt {
+      []Port1.getcall(MyProcTemplate2) {
+        Port1.raise(MyProc,integer:272869);
+      }
+      []Port1.getcall(MyProcTemplate_any) {
+        Port1.reply(MyProcTemplateP(22,"G",199.99) value false);
+      }
+      []Port1.getcall(MyProc3Template_any) {
+        Port1.reply(MyProc3Template value 2.78);
+      }
+      []Port1.getcall(StopPTC) {
+        Port1.reply(StopPTC);
+        stop;
+      }
+    }
+  }
-    template MyProc3 MyProc3TemplateP (integer P) := {
-	I:=P
+function Check_getcall_behav() runs on ProcComponent2 {
+  while(true) {
+    alt {
+      []Port1.check(getcall(MyProcTemplate2)) {
+        Port1.getcall;
+        Port1.reply(MyProcTemplate value true);
+      }
+      []Port1.getcall(StopPTC) {
+        Port1.reply(StopPTC);
+        stop;
+      }
+      []Port1.check(getcall) {
+        Port1.getcall;
+        Port1.reply(MyProcTemplate2 value false);
+      }
+  }
-    template MyProc MyProcTemplateP (integer i,charstring c,float f) := {
-	Par1:=i,
-	Par2:=c,
-	Par3:=f
+// parameters values
+const integer c_CallParam := 10;
+const integer c_ReplyParam := 19;
+// error codes
+template integer t_getCall_invalidValue := -1;
+template integer t_getCall_timeout := -2;
+function GetCallParameters_behav() runs on ProcComponent3 {
+  var integer x := 0;
+  timer t := 1.0;
+  t.start;
+  alt {
+    [] pt.getcall(MyProc6:{?}) -> param (x) {
+      if (c_CallParam == x) { pt.reply(MyProc6:{c_ReplyParam}); }
+      else { pt.reply(MyProc6:{t_getCall_invalidValue}); }
+    }
+    [] t.timeout { pt.reply(MyProc6:{t_getCall_timeout}); }
+  }
+testcase tc1_Call() runs on ProcComponent {
+  /* Non-blocking calls */
+  var ProcComponent2 PC2;
+  var integer i:=0;
+  var boolean b:=false;
+  var float f:=0.0;
+  timer T:=1.0;
+  PC2:=ProcComponent2.create;
+  PC2.start(GetCall_behav1());
+  connect(self:Port0,PC2:Port1);
+  T.start;
+  Port0.call(MyProcTemplate,nowait);
+  Port0.call(MyProc3Template,nowait);
+  while(i<2) {
+    alt {
+      []Port0.getreply(MyProcTemplate2) -> value b {
+        if(i==0) {
+          if(b==true) {i:=1;}
+          else {setverdict(fail);stop;}
+        } else {
+          setverdict(inconc);stop;
+        }
+      }
+      []Port0.getreply(MyProc3Template) -> value f {
+        if((i==1)and(f==3.1415)) {i:=2;}
+        else {log(f);setverdict(inconc);stop;}
+      }
+      []T.timeout {
+        setverdict(fail);
+        stop;
+      }
+  }
+  if(i==2) {setverdict(pass);}
+  Port0.call(StopPTC,0.5) {
+    []Port0.getreply(StopPTC) { }
+    []Port0.catch(timeout) { }
+  }
+  disconnect(self:Port0,PC2:Port1);
-    template MyProc MyProcTemplate:= {
-    	Par1:=44,
-	Par2:="Q",
-	Par3:=324.664
+testcase tc2_Call() runs on ProcComponent2 {
+  /* Blocking calls */
+  var ProcComponent PC;
+  var boolean b:=true;
+  PC:=ProcComponent.create;
+  PC.start(GetCall_behav2());
+  connect(self:Port1,PC:Port0);
+  Port1.call(MyProcTemplate,1.0) {
+    []Port1.getreply(MyProcTemplate value ?) -> value b{
+      Port1.call(MyProc2Template,0.7) {
+        []Port1.getreply(MyProc2Template) {
+          Port1.call(MyProcTemplate2,0.4) {
+            []Port1.catch(MyProc,integer:555) {
+              if(b==false) {setverdict(pass);}
+              else {setverdict(inconc);}
+            }
+            []Port1.catch(timeout) {
+              setverdict(fail);
+              stop;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        []Port1.catch(timeout) {
+          setverdict(fail);
+          stop;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    []Port1.catch(timeout) {
+      setverdict(fail);
+      stop;
+  }
+  Port1.call(StopPTC,0.5) {
+    []Port1.getreply(StopPTC) { }
+    []Port1.catch(timeout) { }
+  }
-    template MyProc MyProcTemplate2:= {
-    	Par1:=4200,
-	Par2:="T",
-	Par3:=170.01
+testcase tc_extCall() runs on eComponent system eComponent {
+  map(self:ePort,system:ePort);
+  ePort.call(MyProc5TemplateP(128,32),0.5) {
+    []ePort.getreply(MyProc5Template_any value 4.0) {
+      setverdict(pass);
+    }
+    []ePort.catch(timeout) {
+      setverdict(fail);stop;
+  }
+  unmap(self:ePort,system:ePort);
-    template MyProc MyProcTemplate_any:= {
-    	Par1:=?,
-	Par2:=?,
-	Par3:=?
+testcase tc_extCall_2() runs on eComponent system eComponent {
+  map(self:ePort,system:ePort);
+  ePort.call(MyProc5TemplateP(32,128),0.5) {
+    []ePort.getreply(MyProc5Template_any value 0.25) {
+      setverdict(pass);
+    }
+    []ePort.catch(timeout) {
+      setverdict(fail);stop;
+  }
+  unmap(self:ePort,system:ePort);
-    template MyProc2 MyProc2Template := { }
+testcase tc_extCall_3() runs on eComponent system eComponent {
+  map(self:ePort,system:ePort);
+  ePort.call(MyProc5TemplateP(128,0),0.5) {
+    []ePort.catch(MyProc5,charstring:"Divide by 0.") {
+      setverdict(pass);
+    }
+    []ePort.catch(timeout) {
+      setverdict(fail);stop;
+    }
+  }
+  unmap(self:ePort,system:ePort);
-    type record address {
-	    integer a1,
-	    integer a2
+testcase tc_Call_MultiPTC() runs on ProcComponent {
+  /* procedure based communication with multiple PTCs */
+  var ProcComponent2 PC1,PC2;
+  var integer i:=0;
+  timer T:=1.0;
+  PC1:=ProcComponent2.create;
+  PC1.start(GetCall_behav1());
+  connect(self:Port0,PC1:Port1);
+  PC2:=ProcComponent2.create;
+  PC2.start(GetCall_behav3());
+  connect(self:Port0,PC2:Port1);
+  T.start;
+  Port0.call(MyProcTemplate,nowait) to PC1;
+  Port0.call(MyProc3Template,nowait) to PC2;
+  while(i<2) {
+    alt {
+      []Port0.getreply(MyProcTemplate2 value true) from PC1 {
+        i:=i+1;
+      }
+      []Port0.getreply(MyProc3Template value 2.78) from PC2 {
+        i:=i+1;
+      }
+      []T.timeout {
+        setverdict(fail);stop;
+      }
+  }
+  setverdict(pass);
+  Port0.call(StopPTC,0.5) to PC1 {
+    []Port0.getreply(StopPTC) from PC1 { }
+    []Port0.catch(timeout) { setverdict(fail);stop; }
+  }
+  Port0.call(StopPTC,0.5) to PC2 {
+    []Port0.getreply(StopPTC) from PC2 { }
+    []Port0.catch(timeout) { setverdict(fail);stop; }
+  }
+  disconnect(self:Port0,PC1:Port1);
+  disconnect(self:Port0,PC2:Port1);
-    template address MyAddress(integer p1,integer p2) := {
-	a1:=p1,
-	a2:=p2
+testcase tc_Call_MultiPTC_anyport() runs on ProcComponentMultiPort {
+  /* testing any-port operations with multiple PTCs */
+  var ProcComponent2 PC1,PC2;
+  var ProcComponent2 sndr;
+  var integer i:=0;
+  var boolean chk1:=true,chk2:=true;
+  timer T:=1.5;
+  PC1:=ProcComponent2.create;
+  PC1.start(GetCall_behav1());
+  connect(self:Port0,PC1:Port1);
+  PC2:=ProcComponent2.create;
+  PC2.start(GetCall_behav3());
+  connect(self:Port0,PC2:Port1);
+  T.start;
+  Port0.call(MyProcTemplate,nowait) to PC1;
+  Port0.call(MyProc3Template,nowait) to PC2;
+  while(i<4) {
+    alt {
+      [chk1]any port.check {
+        i:=i+1;
+        chk1:=false;
+        log("any port.check OK");
+      }
+      [chk2]any port.check(getreply -> sender sndr) {
+        i:=i+1;
+        chk2:=false;
+        log("any port.check(getreply) OK, sender: ",sndr);
+      }
+      []any port.check(catch) {
+        log("any port.check(catch) matched --> fail");
+        setverdict(fail);stop;
+      }
+      []any port.getcall {
+        log("any port.getcall matched --> fail");
+        setverdict(fail);stop;
+      }
+      []any port.getreply from PC1 {
+        log("any port.getreply from PC1 OK");
+        i:=i+1;
+      }
+      []any port.getreply from PC2 {
+        log("any port.getreply from PC2 OK");
+        i:=i+1;
+      }
+      []T.timeout {
+        setverdict(fail);stop;
+      }
+  }
+  setverdict(pass);
+  Port0.call(StopPTC,0.5) to PC1 {
+    []Port0.getreply(StopPTC) from PC1 { }
+    []Port0.catch(timeout) { setverdict(fail);stop; }
+  }
+  Port0.call(StopPTC,0.5) to PC2 {
+    []Port0.getreply(StopPTC) from PC2 { }
+    []Port0.catch(timeout) { setverdict(fail);stop; }
+  }
+  disconnect(self:Port0,PC1:Port1);
+  disconnect(self:Port0,PC2:Port1);
-    type port PortAddress procedure {
-	inout MyProc,s_StopPTC;
-	in MyProc2;
-    } with { extension "address" }
+testcase tc_Check_1() runs on ProcComponent {
+  var ProcComponent2 PC2;
+  timer T:=1.5;
+  PC2:=ProcComponent2.create;
+  PC2.start(GetCall_behav3());
+  connect(self:Port0,PC2:Port1);
+  Port0.call(MyProcTemplate2,nowait);
+  T.start;
+  alt {
+    []Port0.check(catch) { }
+    []T.timeout {
+      setverdict(fail);
+      stop;
+    }
+  }
+  alt {
+    []any port.check(catch) {
+      log("any port.check(catch) OK");
+    }
+    []T.timeout {
+      setverdict(fail);
+      stop;
+    }
+  }
+  alt {
+    []Port0.check(catch(MyProc,integer:272869)) {
+      Port0.catch;
+    }
+    []T.timeout {
+      setverdict(fail);
+      stop;
+    }
+  }
+  Port0.call(MyProcTemplate,nowait);
+  alt {
+    []Port0.check(getreply) { }
+    []T.timeout {
+      setverdict(fail);
+      stop;
+    }
+  }
+  alt {
+    []Port0.check(getreply(MyProcTemplateP(22,"G",199.99) value false)){
+      Port0.getreply;
+      setverdict(pass);
+    }
+    []T.timeout {
+      setverdict(fail);
+      stop;
+    }
+  }
+  Port0.call(StopPTC,0.5) {
+    []Port0.getreply(StopPTC) { }
+    []Port0.catch(timeout) { }
+  }
-    type port ProcPort1 procedure
-    {
-	inout MyProc,s_StopPTC;
-	in MyProc2;
-	out MyProc3;
-    } with {extension "internal"}
+testcase tc_Check_2() runs on ProcComponent {
+  var ProcComponent2 PC2;
+  PC2:=ProcComponent2.create;
+  PC2.start(Check_getcall_behav());
+  connect(self:Port0,PC2:Port1);
+  Port0.call(MyProcTemplate2,1.0) {
+    []Port0.getreply(MyProcTemplate value true) { }
+    []Port0.catch(timeout) {
+      setverdict(fail);
+      stop;
+    }
+  }
+  Port0.call(MyProcTemplate,1.0) {
+    []Port0.getreply(MyProcTemplate2 value false) {
+      setverdict(pass);
+    }
+    []Port0.catch(timeout) {
+      setverdict(fail);
+      stop;
+    }
+  }
+  Port0.call(StopPTC,0.5) {
+    []Port0.getreply(StopPTC) { }
+    []Port0.catch(timeout) { }
+  }
-    type port ProcPort2 procedure
-    {
-    	inout MyProc,s_StopPTC;
-	out MyProc2;
-	in MyProc3;
-    } with {extension "internal"}
+testcase tc_PortAddress_internal_usage() runs on ProcComponentMultiPort {
+  /* procedure based internal communication with address-supporting port */
+  var ProcComponent2 PC2;
+  var integer i:=0;
+  PC2:=ProcComponent2.create;
+  PC2.start(GetCall_behav3());
+  connect(self:Port4,PC2:Port1);
+  Port4.call(MyProcTemplateP(11,"T",99.012),1.0) {
+    []Port4.getreply(MyProcTemplateP(22,"G",199.99) value false) {
+      i:=i+1;
+    }
+    []Port4.catch(timeout) {
+      setverdict(fail);stop;
+    }
+  }
+  Port4.call(MyProcTemplate2,1.0) {
+    []Port4.catch(MyProc,integer:272869) {
+      i:=i+1;
+    }
+    []Port4.catch(timeout) {
+      setverdict(fail);stop;
+    }
+  }
+  if(i==2){setverdict(pass);}
+  Port4.call(StopPTC,1.0) {
+    []Port4.getreply(StopPTC) { }
+    []Port4.catch(timeout) {
+      setverdict(fail);
+    }
+  }
-    type port ExtProcPort procedure
-    {
-    	inout MyProc5;
+testcase tc_PortAddress_external_usage1() runs on addressComponent
+system addressComponent {
+  map(self:P,system:P);
+  P.call(MyProcTemplate,1.0) to valueof(MyAddress(321,67)) {
+    []P.getreply(MyProcTemplate_any value true) from MyAddress(67,321) {
+      setverdict(pass);
-    type port CompileOnlyPort procedure
-    {
-	in MyProc;
-	inout MyProc2;
-	out MyProc3;
-	in MyProc4;
-	inout MyProc5;
-    }
-    type port CompileOnlyPortAddress procedure {
-	out MyProc;
-	in MyProc2;
-	inout MyProc3;
-	out MyProc4;
-	in MyProc5;
-    } with { extension "address" }
-    type port ProcPort3 procedure {
-      inout MyProc6;
-    } with { extension "internal" }
-    type component ProcComponent
-    {
-	port ProcPort1 Port0;
-    }
-    type component ProcComponent2
-    {
-    	port ProcPort2 Port1;
-    }
-    type component ProcComponentMultiPort
-    {
-	port ProcPort1 Port0;
-	port ProcPort2 Port1[4];
-	port ExtProcPort Port2;
-	port CompileOnlyPort Port3;
-	port PortAddress Port4;
-    }
-    type component eComponent
-    {
-	port ExtProcPort ePort;
-    }
-    type component addressComponent
-    {
-	port PortAddress P;
-    }
-    type component ProcComponent3 {
-      port ProcPort3 pt;
-    }
-    function GetCall_behav1() runs on ProcComponent2 {
-	while(true) {
-	    alt {
-		[]Port1.getcall(MyProcTemplate_any) {
-		    Port1.reply(MyProcTemplate2 value true);
-		}
-		[]Port1.getcall(MyProc3Template_any) {
-		    Port1.reply(MyProc3Template value 3.1415);
-		}
-		[]Port1.getcall(StopPTC) {
-		    Port1.reply(StopPTC);
-		    stop;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    function GetCall_behav2() runs on ProcComponent {
-	while(true) {
-	    alt {
-		[]Port0.getcall(MyProcTemplate2) {
-		    Port0.raise(MyProc,integer:555);
-		}
-		[]Port0.getcall(MyProcTemplate_any) {
-		    Port0.reply(MyProcTemplate value false);
-		}
-		[]Port0.getcall(MyProc2Template) {
-		    Port0.reply(MyProc2Template);
-		}
-		[]Port0.getcall(StopPTC) {
-		    Port0.reply(StopPTC);
-		    stop;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    function GetCall_behav3() runs on ProcComponent2 {
-	while(true) {
-	    alt {
-		[]Port1.getcall(MyProcTemplate2) {
-		    Port1.raise(MyProc,integer:272869);
-		}
-		[]Port1.getcall(MyProcTemplate_any) {
-		    Port1.reply(MyProcTemplateP(22,"G",199.99) value false);
-		}
-		[]Port1.getcall(MyProc3Template_any) {
-		    Port1.reply(MyProc3Template value 2.78);
-		}
-		[]Port1.getcall(StopPTC) {
-		    Port1.reply(StopPTC);
-		    stop;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    function Check_getcall_behav() runs on ProcComponent2 {
-	while(true) {
-	    alt {
-		[]Port1.check(getcall(MyProcTemplate2)) {
-		    Port1.getcall;
-		    Port1.reply(MyProcTemplate value true);
-		}
-		[]Port1.getcall(StopPTC) {
-		    Port1.reply(StopPTC);
-		    stop;
-		}
-		[]Port1.check(getcall) {
-		    Port1.getcall;
-		    Port1.reply(MyProcTemplate2 value false);
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    // parameters values
-    const integer c_CallParam := 10;
-    const integer c_ReplyParam := 19;
-    // error codes
-    template integer t_getCall_invalidValue := -1;
-    template integer t_getCall_timeout := -2;
-    function GetCallParameters_behav() runs on ProcComponent3 {
-      var integer x := 0;
-      timer t := 1.0;
-      t.start;
-      alt {
-        [] pt.getcall(MyProc6:{?}) -> param (x) {
-          if (c_CallParam == x) { pt.reply(MyProc6:{c_ReplyParam}); }
-          else { pt.reply(MyProc6:{t_getCall_invalidValue}); }
-        }
-        [] t.timeout { pt.reply(MyProc6:{t_getCall_timeout}); }
-      }
+    []P.catch(timeout) {
+      setverdict(fail);
+  }
+  unmap(self:P,system:P);
-    testcase Call_tc1() runs on ProcComponent {
-	/* Non-blocking calls */
-	var ProcComponent2 PC2;
-	var integer i:=0;
-	var boolean b:=false;
-	var float f:=0.0;
-	timer T:=1.0;
-	PC2:=ProcComponent2.create;
-	PC2.start(GetCall_behav1());
-	connect(self:Port0,PC2:Port1);
-	T.start;
-	Port0.call(MyProcTemplate,nowait);
-	Port0.call(MyProc3Template,nowait);
-	while(i<2) {
-	    alt {
-		[]Port0.getreply(MyProcTemplate2) -> value b {
-		    if(i==0) {
-			if(b==true) {i:=1;}
-			else {setverdict(fail);stop;}
-		    } else {
-			setverdict(inconc);stop;
-		    }
-		}
-		[]Port0.getreply(MyProc3Template) -> value f {
-		    if((i==1)and(f==3.1415)) {i:=2;}
-		    else {log(f);setverdict(inconc);stop;}
-		}
-		[]T.timeout {
-		    setverdict(fail);
-		    stop;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	if(i==2) {setverdict(pass);}
-	Port0.call(StopPTC,0.5) {
-	    []Port0.getreply(StopPTC) { }
-	    []Port0.catch(timeout) { }
-	}
-	disconnect(self:Port0,PC2:Port1);
-    }
-    testcase Call_tc2() runs on ProcComponent2 {
-	/* Blocking calls */
-	var ProcComponent PC;
-	var boolean b:=true;
-	PC:=ProcComponent.create;
-	PC.start(GetCall_behav2());
-	connect(self:Port1,PC:Port0);
-	Port1.call(MyProcTemplate,1.0) {
-	    []Port1.getreply(MyProcTemplate value ?) -> value b{
-		Port1.call(MyProc2Template,0.7) {
-		    []Port1.getreply(MyProc2Template) {
-			Port1.call(MyProcTemplate2,0.4) {
-			    []Port1.catch(MyProc,integer:555) {
-				if(b==false) {setverdict(pass);}
-				else {setverdict(inconc);}
-			    }
-			    []Port1.catch(timeout) {
-				setverdict(fail);
-				stop;
-			    }
-			}
-		    }
-		    []Port1.catch(timeout) {
-			setverdict(fail);
-			stop;
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	    []Port1.catch(timeout) {
-		setverdict(fail);
-		stop;
-	    }
-	}
-	Port1.call(StopPTC,0.5) {
-	    []Port1.getreply(StopPTC) { }
-	    []Port1.catch(timeout) { }
-	}
-    }
-    testcase extCall_tc1() runs on eComponent system eComponent {
-	map(self:ePort,system:ePort);
-	ePort.call(MyProc5TemplateP(128,32),0.5) {
-	    []ePort.getreply(MyProc5Template_any value 4.0) {
-		setverdict(pass);
-	    }
-	    []ePort.catch(timeout) {
-		setverdict(fail);stop;
-	    }
-	}
-	unmap(self:ePort,system:ePort);
-    }
-    testcase extCall_tc2() runs on eComponent system eComponent {
-	map(self:ePort,system:ePort);
-	ePort.call(MyProc5TemplateP(32,128),0.5) {
-	    []ePort.getreply(MyProc5Template_any value 0.25) {
-		setverdict(pass);
-	    }
-	    []ePort.catch(timeout) {
-		setverdict(fail);stop;
-	    }
-	}
-	unmap(self:ePort,system:ePort);
-    }
-    testcase extCall_tc3() runs on eComponent system eComponent {
-	map(self:ePort,system:ePort);
-	ePort.call(MyProc5TemplateP(128,0),0.5) {
-	    []ePort.catch(MyProc5,charstring:"Divide by 0.") {
-		setverdict(pass);
-	    }
-	    []ePort.catch(timeout) {
-		setverdict(fail);stop;
-	    }
-	}
-	unmap(self:ePort,system:ePort);
-    }
-    testcase Call_MultiPTC_tc() runs on ProcComponent {
-	/* procedure based communication with multiple PTCs */
-	var ProcComponent2 PC1,PC2;
-	var integer i:=0;
-	timer T:=1.0;
-	PC1:=ProcComponent2.create;
-	PC1.start(GetCall_behav1());
-	connect(self:Port0,PC1:Port1);
-	PC2:=ProcComponent2.create;
-	PC2.start(GetCall_behav3());
-	connect(self:Port0,PC2:Port1);
-	T.start;
-	Port0.call(MyProcTemplate,nowait) to PC1;
-	Port0.call(MyProc3Template,nowait) to PC2;
-	while(i<2) {
-	    alt {
-		[]Port0.getreply(MyProcTemplate2 value true) from PC1 {
-		    i:=i+1;
-		}
-		[]Port0.getreply(MyProc3Template value 2.78) from PC2 {
-		    i:=i+1;
-		}
-		[]T.timeout {
-		    setverdict(fail);stop;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	setverdict(pass);
-	Port0.call(StopPTC,0.5) to PC1 {
-	    []Port0.getreply(StopPTC) from PC1 { }
-	    []Port0.catch(timeout) { setverdict(fail);stop; }
-	}
-	Port0.call(StopPTC,0.5) to PC2 {
-	    []Port0.getreply(StopPTC) from PC2 { }
-	    []Port0.catch(timeout) { setverdict(fail);stop; }
-	}
-	disconnect(self:Port0,PC1:Port1);
-	disconnect(self:Port0,PC2:Port1);
-    }
-    testcase Call_MultiPTC_anyport_tc() runs on ProcComponentMultiPort {
-	/* testing any-port operations with multiple PTCs */
-	var ProcComponent2 PC1,PC2;
-	var ProcComponent2 sndr;
-	var integer i:=0;
-	var boolean chk1:=true,chk2:=true;
-	timer T:=1.5;
-	PC1:=ProcComponent2.create;
-	PC1.start(GetCall_behav1());
-	connect(self:Port0,PC1:Port1);
-	PC2:=ProcComponent2.create;
-	PC2.start(GetCall_behav3());
-	connect(self:Port0,PC2:Port1);
-	T.start;
-	Port0.call(MyProcTemplate,nowait) to PC1;
-	Port0.call(MyProc3Template,nowait) to PC2;
-	while(i<4) {
-	    alt {
-		[chk1]any port.check {
-		    i:=i+1;
-		    chk1:=false;
-		    log("any port.check OK");
-		}
-		[chk2]any port.check(getreply -> sender sndr) {
-		    i:=i+1;
-		    chk2:=false;
-		    log("any port.check(getreply) OK, sender: ",sndr);
-		}
-		[]any port.check(catch) {
-		    log("any port.check(catch) matched --> fail");
-		    setverdict(fail);stop;
-		}
-		[]any port.getcall {
-		    log("any port.getcall matched --> fail");
-		    setverdict(fail);stop;
-		}
-		[]any port.getreply from PC1 {
-		    log("any port.getreply from PC1 OK");
-		    i:=i+1;
-		}
-		[]any port.getreply from PC2 {
-		    log("any port.getreply from PC2 OK");
-		    i:=i+1;
-		}
-		[]T.timeout {
-		    setverdict(fail);stop;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	setverdict(pass);
-	Port0.call(StopPTC,0.5) to PC1 {
-	    []Port0.getreply(StopPTC) from PC1 { }
-	    []Port0.catch(timeout) { setverdict(fail);stop; }
-	}
-	Port0.call(StopPTC,0.5) to PC2 {
-	    []Port0.getreply(StopPTC) from PC2 { }
-	    []Port0.catch(timeout) { setverdict(fail);stop; }
-	}
-	disconnect(self:Port0,PC1:Port1);
-	disconnect(self:Port0,PC2:Port1);
-    }
-    testcase Check_tc1() runs on ProcComponent {
-	var ProcComponent2 PC2;
-	timer T:=1.5;
-	PC2:=ProcComponent2.create;
-	PC2.start(GetCall_behav3());
-	connect(self:Port0,PC2:Port1);
-	Port0.call(MyProcTemplate2,nowait);
-	T.start;
-	alt {
-	    []Port0.check(catch) { }
-	    []T.timeout {
-		setverdict(fail);
-		stop;
-	    }
-	}
-	alt {
-	    []any port.check(catch) {
-		log("any port.check(catch) OK");
-	    }
-	    []T.timeout {
-		setverdict(fail);
-		stop;
-	    }
-	}
-	alt {
-	    []Port0.check(catch(MyProc,integer:272869)) {
-		Port0.catch;
-	    }
-	    []T.timeout {
-		setverdict(fail);
-		stop;
-	    }
-	}
-	Port0.call(MyProcTemplate,nowait);
-	alt {
-	    []Port0.check(getreply) { }
-	    []T.timeout {
-		setverdict(fail);
-		stop;
-	    }
-	}
-	alt {
-	    []Port0.check(getreply(MyProcTemplateP(22,"G",199.99) value false)){
-		Port0.getreply;
-		setverdict(pass);
-	    }
-	    []T.timeout {
-		setverdict(fail);
-		stop;
-	    }
-	}
-	Port0.call(StopPTC,0.5) {
-	    []Port0.getreply(StopPTC) { }
-	    []Port0.catch(timeout) { }
-	}
-    }
-    testcase Check_tc2() runs on ProcComponent {
-	var ProcComponent2 PC2;
-	PC2:=ProcComponent2.create;
-	PC2.start(Check_getcall_behav());
-	connect(self:Port0,PC2:Port1);
-	Port0.call(MyProcTemplate2,1.0) {
-	    []Port0.getreply(MyProcTemplate value true) { }
-	    []Port0.catch(timeout) {
-		setverdict(fail);
-		stop;
-	    }
-	}
-	Port0.call(MyProcTemplate,1.0) {
-	    []Port0.getreply(MyProcTemplate2 value false) {
-		setverdict(pass);
-	    }
-	    []Port0.catch(timeout) {
-		setverdict(fail);
-		stop;
-	    }
-	}
-	Port0.call(StopPTC,0.5) {
-	    []Port0.getreply(StopPTC) { }
-	    []Port0.catch(timeout) { }
-	}
-    }
-    testcase PortAddress_internal_usage() runs on ProcComponentMultiPort {
-    /* procedure based internal communication with address-supporting port */
-	var ProcComponent2 PC2;
-	var integer i:=0;
-	PC2:=ProcComponent2.create;
-	PC2.start(GetCall_behav3());
-	connect(self:Port4,PC2:Port1);
-	Port4.call(MyProcTemplateP(11,"T",99.012),1.0) {
-	    []Port4.getreply(MyProcTemplateP(22,"G",199.99) value false) {
-		i:=i+1;
-	    }
-	    []Port4.catch(timeout) {
-		setverdict(fail);stop;
-	    }
-	}
-	Port4.call(MyProcTemplate2,1.0) {
-	    []Port4.catch(MyProc,integer:272869) {
-		i:=i+1;
-	    }
-	    []Port4.catch(timeout) {
-		setverdict(fail);stop;
-	    }
-	}
-	if(i==2){setverdict(pass);}
-	Port4.call(StopPTC,1.0) {
-	    []Port4.getreply(StopPTC) { }
-	    []Port4.catch(timeout) {
-		setverdict(fail);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    testcase PortAddress_external_usage1() runs on addressComponent
-	system addressComponent {
-	map(self:P,system:P);
-	P.call(MyProcTemplate,1.0) to valueof(MyAddress(321,67)) {
-	    []P.getreply(MyProcTemplate_any value true) from MyAddress(67,321) {
-		setverdict(pass);
-	    }
-	    []P.catch(timeout) {
-		setverdict(fail);
-	    }
-	}
-	unmap(self:P,system:P);
-    }
-    testcase PortAddress_external_usage2() runs on addressComponent
-	system addressComponent {
-	map(self:P,system:P);
-	P.call(MyProcTemplate,1.0) to valueof(MyAddress(321,68)) {
-	    []P.catch(MyProc,integer:389) from MyAddress(68,321) {
-		setverdict(pass);
-	    }
-	    []P.catch(timeout) {
-		setverdict(fail);
-	    }
-	}
-	unmap(self:P,system:P);
+testcase tc_PortAddress_external_usage2() runs on addressComponent
+system addressComponent {
+  map(self:P,system:P);
+  P.call(MyProcTemplate,1.0) to valueof(MyAddress(321,68)) {
+    []P.catch(MyProc,integer:389) from MyAddress(68,321) {
+      setverdict(pass);
+    }
+    []P.catch(timeout) {
+      setverdict(fail);
+  }
+  unmap(self:P,system:P);
 function signatureEncode(template MyProc par1, template MyProc par2) runs on addressComponent
   log(par1, par2);
-    // tests the 'param' directive in functions 'getcall' and 'getreply',
-    // specificly with signatures containing 'inout' parameters (HT93096)
-    testcase GetReplyParameters_tc() runs on ProcComponent3 {
-      var ProcComponent3 c := ProcComponent3.create;
-      connect(c:pt, self:pt);
-      c.start(GetCallParameters_behav());
-      var integer x := 0;
-      pt.call(MyProc6:{c_CallParam}, 1.0) {
-        [] pt.getreply(MyProc6:{t_getCall_invalidValue}) { setverdict(fail, "invalid getcall parameter"); }
-        [] pt.getreply(MyProc6:{t_getCall_timeout}) { setverdict(fail, "getcall timed out"); }
-        [] pt.getreply(MyProc6:{?}) -> param (x) {
-          if (c_ReplyParam == x) { setverdict(pass); }
-          else { setverdict(fail, "invalid getreply parameter"); }
-        }
-        [] pt.catch(timeout) { setverdict(fail, "getreply timed out"); }
-      }
-      c.done;
-    }
-    control {
-	execute(Call_tc1());
-	execute(Call_tc2());
-	execute(extCall_tc1());
-	execute(extCall_tc2());
-	execute(extCall_tc3());
-	execute(Call_MultiPTC_tc());
-	execute(Call_MultiPTC_anyport_tc());
-	execute(Check_tc1());
-	execute(Check_tc2());
-	execute(PortAddress_internal_usage());
-	execute(PortAddress_external_usage1());
-	execute(PortAddress_external_usage2());
-	execute(GetReplyParameters_tc());
-    }
+// tests the 'param' directive in functions 'getcall' and 'getreply',
+// specificly with signatures containing 'inout' parameters (HT93096)
+testcase tc_GetReplyParameters() runs on ProcComponent3 {
+  var ProcComponent3 c := ProcComponent3.create;
+  connect(c:pt, self:pt);
+  c.start(GetCallParameters_behav()); 
+  var integer x := 0;
+  pt.call(MyProc6:{c_CallParam}, 1.0) {
+    [] pt.getreply(MyProc6:{t_getCall_invalidValue}) { setverdict(fail, "invalid getcall parameter"); }
+    [] pt.getreply(MyProc6:{t_getCall_timeout}) { setverdict(fail, "getcall timed out"); }
+    [] pt.getreply(MyProc6:{?}) -> param (x) {
+      if (c_ReplyParam == x) { setverdict(pass); }
+      else { setverdict(fail, "invalid getreply parameter"); }
+    }
+    [] pt.catch(timeout) { setverdict(fail, "getreply timed out"); }
+  }
+  c.done;
+control {
+  execute(tc1_Call());
+  execute(tc2_Call());
+  execute(tc_extCall());
+  execute(tc_extCall_2());
+  execute(tc_extCall_3());
+  execute(tc_Call_MultiPTC());
+  execute(tc_Call_MultiPTC_anyport());
+  execute(tc_Check_1());
+  execute(tc_Check_2());
+  execute(tc_PortAddress_internal_usage());
+  execute(tc_PortAddress_external_usage1());
+  execute(tc_PortAddress_external_usage2());
+  execute(tc_GetReplyParameters());