diff --git a/compiler2/main.cc b/compiler2/main.cc
index c09b9d0efa8689816aefced84b539a47899beea1..d9326ce42d9076b1a4657d09c3677198cc21d3a4 100644
--- a/compiler2/main.cc
+++ b/compiler2/main.cc
@@ -98,7 +98,8 @@ boolean generate_skeleton = FALSE, force_overwrite = FALSE,
   implicit_json_encoding = FALSE, json_refs_for_all_types = TRUE,
   force_gen_seof = FALSE, omit_in_value_list = FALSE,
   warnings_for_bad_variants = FALSE, debugger_active = FALSE,
-  legacy_unbound_union_fields = FALSE, split_to_slices = FALSE;
+  legacy_unbound_union_fields = FALSE, split_to_slices = FALSE,
+  legacy_untagged_union;
 // Default code splitting mode is set to 'no splitting'.
 CodeGenHelper::split_type code_splitting_mode = CodeGenHelper::SPLIT_NONE;
@@ -387,7 +388,7 @@ static boolean is_valid_asn1_filename(const char* file_name)
 static void usage()
   fprintf(stderr, "\n"
-    "usage: %s [-abcdEfgijlLMnOpqrRsStuwxXyY] [-J file] [-K file] [-z file] [-V verb_level]\n"
+    "usage: %s [-abcdEfgijlLMnNOpqrRsStuwxXyY] [-J file] [-K file] [-z file] [-V verb_level]\n"
     "	[-o dir] [-U none|type|'number'] [-P modulename.top_level_pdu_name] [-Q number] ...\n"
     "	[-T] module.ttcn [-A] module.asn ...\n"
     "	or  %s -v\n"
@@ -410,6 +411,7 @@ static void usage()
     "	-L:		add source line info for logging\n"
     "	-M:		allow 'omit' in template value lists (legacy behavior)\n"
     "	-n:		activate debugger (generates extra code for debugging)\n"
+    "	-N:		ignore UNTAGGED encoding instruction on top level unions (legacy behaviour)\n"
     "	-o dir:		output files will be placed into dir\n"
     "	-p:		parse only (no semantic check or code generation)\n"
     "	-P pduname:	define top-level pdu\n"
@@ -487,7 +489,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     s0flag = false, Cflag = false, yflag = false, Uflag = false, Qflag = false,
     Sflag = false, Kflag = false, jflag = false, zflag = false, Fflag = false,
     Mflag = false, Eflag = false, nflag = false, Bflag = false, errflag = false,
-    print_usage = false, ttcn2json = false; 
+    print_usage = false, ttcn2json = false, Nflag = false; 
   CodeGenHelper cgh;
@@ -581,7 +583,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   if (!ttcn2json) {
     for ( ; ; ) {
-      int c = getopt(argc, argv, "aA:bBcC:dEfFgijJ:K:lLMno:pP:qQ:rRsStT:uU:vV:wxXyYz:0-");
+      int c = getopt(argc, argv, "aA:bBcC:dEfFgijJ:K:lLMnNo:pP:qQ:rRsStT:uU:vV:wxXyYz:0-");
       if (c == -1) break;
       switch (c) {
       case 'a':
@@ -759,6 +761,10 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         debugger_active = TRUE;
+      case 'N':
+        SET_FLAG(N);
+        legacy_untagged_union = TRUE;
+        break;
       case 'B':
         legacy_unbound_union_fields = TRUE;
diff --git a/compiler2/main.hh b/compiler2/main.hh
index f486fec3966af99b825f83b6df55d33884f39069..06710f2799a33752afb6cfd024230c02992ef8fe 100644
--- a/compiler2/main.hh
+++ b/compiler2/main.hh
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ extern boolean generate_skeleton, force_overwrite, include_line_info,
   check_subtype, suppress_context, enable_set_bound_out_param, display_up_to_date,
   implicit_json_encoding, json_refs_for_all_types, force_gen_seof,
   omit_in_value_list, warnings_for_bad_variants, debugger_active,
-  legacy_unbound_union_fields, split_to_slices;
+  legacy_unbound_union_fields, split_to_slices, legacy_untagged_union;
 extern const char *expected_platform;
diff --git a/compiler2/record.c b/compiler2/record.c
index 27bd00cfa5138f2823d75126511dfab3b2111824..0ee6d5268b8fbad0094d20558a5e142f52acb362 100644
--- a/compiler2/record.c
+++ b/compiler2/record.c
@@ -2290,7 +2290,7 @@ void gen_xer(const struct_def *sdef, char **pdef, char **psrc)
       if (i > start_at + num_attributes) { // First field's embed value is already processed
         src = mputprintf(src, 
-          "if (e_xer && (p_td.xer_bits & UNTAGGED && !(p_td.xer_bits & EMBED_VALUES) && 0 != emb_val_parent\n"
+          "if (e_xer && ((p_td.xer_bits & UNTAGGED) && !(p_td.xer_bits & EMBED_VALUES) && 0 != emb_val_parent\n"
           "  %s%s%s)) {\n"
           "  if (0 != emb_val_parent->embval_array_reg) {\n"
           "    if (emb_val_parent->embval_index < emb_val_parent->embval_array_reg->size_of()) {\n"
@@ -3000,7 +3000,7 @@ void gen_xer(const struct_def *sdef, char **pdef, char **psrc)
       , sdef->elements[i].dispname);
     src = mputprintf(src, 
-      "  if (p_td.xer_bits & UNTAGGED && 0 != emb_val_parent) {\n"
+      "  if ((p_td.xer_bits & UNTAGGED) && 0 != emb_val_parent) {\n"
       "    if (p_reader.NodeType() == XML_READER_TYPE_TEXT) {\n"
       "      UNIVERSAL_CHARSTRING emb_ustr((const char*)p_reader.Value());\n"
       "      if (0 != emb_val_parent->embval_array_reg) {\n"
diff --git a/compiler2/ttcn3/AST_ttcn3.cc b/compiler2/ttcn3/AST_ttcn3.cc
index 7b4bcdea7a95e687a3a0de39ed4d8d28b17cf491..58ea606b37c5abc2291e9ba39a8492acdfd3108f 100644
--- a/compiler2/ttcn3/AST_ttcn3.cc
+++ b/compiler2/ttcn3/AST_ttcn3.cc
@@ -6806,9 +6806,9 @@ namespace Ttcn {
           if (Common::Type::CT_XER == encoding_type) {
             Type* last = input_type->get_type_refd_last();
             if (last->is_untagged() &&
-               last->get_typetype() != Type::T_CHOICE_A &&
+               ((last->get_typetype() != Type::T_CHOICE_A &&
                last->get_typetype() != Type::T_CHOICE_T &&
-               last->get_typetype() != Type::T_ANYTYPE) {
+               last->get_typetype() != Type::T_ANYTYPE) || legacy_untagged_union == TRUE)) {
               // "untagged" on the (toplevel) input type will have no effect,
               // unless it is union or anytype
               warning("UNTAGGED encoding attribute is ignored on top-level type");
diff --git a/compiler2/union.c b/compiler2/union.c
index 21fe71e1b02ce62da60004171059b3953d807359..05e835e1579930e95bb585784ab56bd9926c1bac 100644
--- a/compiler2/union.c
+++ b/compiler2/union.c
@@ -1520,11 +1520,15 @@ void defUnionClass(struct_def const *sdef, output_struct *output)
       "  if (is_exer(p_flavor)) flavor_1 &= ~XER_RECOF;\n"
       "  if (!(p_flavor & XER_LIST)) flavor_2 |= FROM_UNION_USETYPE;\n"
       "  boolean omit_tag = begin_xml(p_td, p_buf, flavor_1, p_indent, FALSE, "
-      "(collector_fn)&%s::collect_ns%s, flavor_2 | THIS_UNION);\n"
-      // Top level union can be untagged, so don't increase the indentation
-      "  int p_indent_tmp = (is_exer(p_flavor) && p_indent == 0 && (p_td.xer_bits & UNTAGGED)) ? p_indent : p_indent + (!p_indent || !omit_tag);\n"
+      "(collector_fn)&%s::collect_ns%s, flavor_2%s);\n"
       , sdef->name
-      , sdef->xerUseTypeAttr ? ", type_atr" : ", 0");
+      , sdef->xerUseTypeAttr ? ", type_atr" : ", 0"
+      , legacy_untagged_union == FALSE ? " | THIS_UNION" : "");
+    if (legacy_untagged_union == FALSE) {
+      // Top level union can be untagged, so don't increase the indentation
+      src = mputstr(src,
+        "  int p_indent_tmp = (is_exer(p_flavor) && p_indent == 0 && (p_td.xer_bits & UNTAGGED)) ? p_indent : p_indent + (!p_indent || !omit_tag);\n");
+    }
     src = mputprintf(src,
       "  unsigned int flavor_0 = (p_flavor & XER_MASK)%s;\n"
       "  switch (union_selection) {\n"
@@ -1533,11 +1537,12 @@ void defUnionClass(struct_def const *sdef, output_struct *output)
       src = mputprintf(src, "  case %s_%s:\n"
 	"    ec_1.set_msg(\"%s': \");\n"
 	"    field_%s->XER_encode(%s_xer_, p_buf, flavor_0, "
-	"flavor_2, p_indent_tmp, 0);\n"
+	"flavor_2, p_indent%s, 0);\n"
 	"    break;\n",
 	selection_prefix, sdef->elements[i].name,
-	sdef->elements[i].name, sdef->elements[i].typegen);
+	sdef->elements[i].name, sdef->elements[i].typegen,
+  legacy_untagged_union == FALSE ? "_tmp" : " + (!p_indent || !omit_tag)");
     src = mputprintf(src, "  case %s:\n"
       "    (void)flavor_0;\n" /* warning reduction for empty union */
@@ -1547,10 +1552,11 @@ void defUnionClass(struct_def const *sdef, output_struct *output)
     if (sdef->xerUseTypeAttr) {
       src = mputstr(src, "  if (p_buf.get_data()[p_buf.get_len()-1] != '\\n') flavor_1 |= SIMPLE_TYPE;\n");
-    src = mputstr(src,
-      "  end_xml(p_td, p_buf, flavor_1, p_indent, 0, flavor_2 | THIS_UNION);\n"
+    src = mputprintf(src,
+      "  end_xml(p_td, p_buf, flavor_1, p_indent, 0, flavor_2%s);\n"
       "  return (int)p_buf.get_len() - encoded_length;\n"
-      "}\n\n");
+      "}\n\n"
+      , legacy_untagged_union == FALSE ? " | THIS_UNION" : "");
     if (use_runtime_2) {
       def = mputstr(def,
@@ -1741,6 +1747,7 @@ void defUnionClass(struct_def const *sdef, output_struct *output)
       "  int rd_ok=1, xml_depth=-1;\n"
       "  unsigned long xerbits = p_td.xer_bits;\n"
+      "%s"
       "  if (xerbits & USE_TYPE_ATTR) p_flavor &= ~XER_RECOF;\n"
       "  boolean own_tag = !(e_xer && ((xerbits & (ANY_ELEMENT | UNTAGGED)) "
       "|| (p_flavor & (USE_NIL|(e_xer ? XER_LIST : XER_RECOF)))));\n"
@@ -1756,6 +1763,7 @@ void defUnionClass(struct_def const *sdef, output_struct *output)
       , name
       , sdef->xerUseTypeAttr ? "  const char * typeatr = 0;\n" : ""
       , sdef->xerUseUnion ? "  boolean attribute = (p_td.xer_bits & XER_ATTRIBUTE) ? TRUE : FALSE;\n" : ""
+      , legacy_untagged_union ? "  if (p_flavor & XER_TOPLEVEL) xerbits &= ~UNTAGGED;\n" : ""
       , sdef->xerUseUnion ? "if (!attribute) " : ""
       , sdef->xerUseUnion ? " || (p_flavor & USE_TYPE_ATTR)" : ""
       , sdef->xerUseUnion ? "if (!(p_flavor & USE_TYPE_ATTR)) " : ""
diff --git a/regression_test/XML/LegacyUntaggedUnion/LegacyUntaggedUnion.ttcnpp b/regression_test/XML/LegacyUntaggedUnion/LegacyUntaggedUnion.ttcnpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0379bb5238a83a522842468f81574d944c0e0cb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/regression_test/XML/LegacyUntaggedUnion/LegacyUntaggedUnion.ttcnpp
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2017 Ericsson Telecom AB
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ *   Szabo, Bence Janos
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+module LegacyUntaggedUnion {
+modulepar boolean Untagged_verbose := false;
+#define verbose Untagged_verbose
+#include "../macros.ttcnin"
+  type component EmptyCT {
+  }
+  type union MyUnion {
+    integer i,
+    charstring cs
+  } with {
+    variant "untagged";
+  }
+  DECLARE_XER_ENCODERS(MyUnion, myunion);
+  DECLARE_EXER_ENCODERS(MyUnion, myunion);
+  const MyUnion c_mu := { i := 5 };
+  const universal charstring c_b_mu := "<MyUnion>\n\t<i>5</i>\n</MyUnion>\n\n";
+  const universal charstring c_e_mu := "<MyUnion>\n\t<i>5</i>\n</MyUnion>\n\n";
+  testcase tc_legacy_union_untagged() runs on EmptyCT {
+    CHECK_METHOD(bxer_enc_myunion, c_mu, c_b_mu);
+    CHECK_METHOD(exer_enc_myunion, c_mu, c_e_mu);
+    CHECK_DECODE(bxer_dec_myunion, c_b_mu, MyUnion, c_mu);
+    CHECK_DECODE(exer_dec_myunion, c_e_mu, MyUnion, c_mu);
+  }
+  type union MyRecord {
+    MyUnion mu
+  } with {
+    variant (mu) "untagged";
+  }
+  DECLARE_XER_ENCODERS(MyRecord, myrec);
+  DECLARE_EXER_ENCODERS(MyRecord, myrec);
+  const MyRecord c_mr := { mu := { i := 5 } };
+  const universal charstring c_b_mr := "<MyRecord>\n\t<mu>\n\t\t<i>5</i>\n\t</mu>\n</MyRecord>\n\n";
+  const universal charstring c_e_mr := "<MyRecord>\n\t<i>5</i>\n</MyRecord>\n\n";
+  // This should be unaffected from the legacy switch
+  testcase tc_legacy_union_in_record_untagged() runs on EmptyCT {
+    CHECK_METHOD(bxer_enc_myrec, c_mr, c_b_mr);
+    CHECK_METHOD(exer_enc_myrec, c_mr, c_e_mr);
+    CHECK_DECODE(bxer_dec_myrec, c_b_mr, MyRecord, c_mr);
+    CHECK_DECODE(exer_dec_myrec, c_e_mr, MyRecord, c_mr);
+  }
+  control {
+    execute(tc_legacy_union_untagged());
+    execute(tc_legacy_union_in_record_untagged());
+  }
+} with {
+  encode "XML";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/regression_test/XML/LegacyUntaggedUnion/Makefile b/regression_test/XML/LegacyUntaggedUnion/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3a212e46467f3580ef9827a27916042acc136143
--- /dev/null
+++ b/regression_test/XML/LegacyUntaggedUnion/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2000-2017 Ericsson Telecom AB
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
+# Contributors:
+#   Szabo, Bence Janos
+TOPDIR := ../..
+include   ../../Makefile.regression
+ORIG ?= .
+ifdef SRCDIR
+CPP := cpp
+# Flags for the C++ preprocessor (and makedepend as well):
+# Flags for preprocessing TTCN-3 files:
+# Flags for the C++ compiler:
+CXXFLAGS += -g -fmessage-length=0
+# Flags for the linker:
+LDFLAGS += -g
+WIN32_LIBS += -liconv
+INTERIX_LIBS += -L/usr/local/lib -liconv
+FREEBSD_LIBS += -liconv
+# Local flags for Titan (can be overridden from the environment or commandline)
+TTCNFLAGS := -b -r -x -N
+# Flags for the TTCN-3 and ASN.1 compiler
+# (common flags already set in Makefile.regression)
+# $(sort ) also eliminates duplicates
+# Execution mode: (either ttcn3 or ttcn3-parallel)
+# TTCN-3 modules of this project:
+TTCN3_MODULES = converter.ttcn
+# UTF8.ttcn
+# TTCN-3 modules to preprocess:
+TTCN3_PP_MODULES := $(wildcard $(ORIGSRC)/*.ttcnpp)
+# Files to include in TTCN-3 preprocessed modules:
+TTCN3_INCLUDES = $(TOP_SRC)/XML/macros.ttcnin
+# TTCN-3 source files generated by the C preprocessor:
+PREPROCESSED_TTCN3_MODULES := $(notdir $(TTCN3_PP_MODULES:.ttcnpp=.ttcn))
+# C++ source & header files generated from the TTCN-3 & ASN.1 modules of
+# this project:
+GENERATED_SOURCES := $(foreach file, $(GENERATED_SOURCES:.cc=), $(addprefix $(file), .cc _seq.cc _set.cc  _seqof.cc _setof.cc _union.cc))
+else ifdef SPLIT_TO_SLICES
+POSTFIXES := $(foreach file, $(SPLIT_TO_SLICES), $(addsuffix $(file), _part_))
+POSTFIXES := $(foreach file, $(POSTFIXES), $(addprefix $(file), .cc))
+GENERATED_SOURCES2 := $(foreach file, $(GENERATED_SOURCES:.cc=), $(addprefix $(file), $(POSTFIXES)))
+# C/C++ Source & header files of Test Ports, external functions and
+# other modules:
+USER_SOURCES := iconver.cc
+# Object files of this project that are needed for the executable test suite:
+# The name of the executable test suite:
+TARGET := LegacyUnionUntagged$(RT2_SUFFIX)$(EXESUFFIX)
+# Rules for building the executable...
+all:  $(TARGET)
+objects: $(OBJECTS) ;
+ifeq ($(findstring dynamic,$(TTCN3_LIB)),)
+# not dynamic
+CORELIB_BINARY := $(TTCN3_DIR)/lib/lib$(TTCN3_LIB).so
+# libttcn3.a appears twice; this should be harmless
+	$(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJECTS) \
+	-L$(TTCN3_DIR)/lib -l$(TTCN3_LIB) \
+	-L$(OPENSSL_DIR)/lib -lcrypto $($(PLATFORM)_LIBS) \
+	|| $(TTCN3_DIR)/bin/titanver $(OBJECTS)
+%.o: %.cc
+	@echo '(C++)' $<; $(CXX) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $<
+%.d: %.cc
+	@echo '(dep)' $<; $(CXX) -MM -MP $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $< >$@
+# The preprocessing step
+%.ttcn: %.ttcnpp $(TTCN3_INCLUDES)
+	$(CPP) -x c -nostdinc $(CPPFLAGS_TTCN3) $< $@
+	@if [ ! -f $@ ]; then $(RM) compile; $(MAKE) compile; fi
+compile:: $(firstword $(TTCN3_COMPILER))
+	@if [ -f $@ ]; then $(RM) compile; $(MAKE) compile; fi
+#	"modulepar boolean verbose" makes this unusable with old names
+	touch $@
+clean celan clena:
+	tags *.log
+distclean: clean
+	-$(RM) $(DEPFILES)
+# Add your rules here if necessary...
+.SUFFIXES: .asn .ttcn .ttcnpp
+RUN := $(shell which colortitan 2>/dev/null)
+ifeq ($(firstword $(RUN)),no)
+# stupid /bin/which on Solaris writes errors to stdout instead of stderr
+RUN :=
+run: $(TARGET)
+	$(RUN) ./$^
+	$(MAKE) run RUN='gdb --args'
+vpath %.cc   $(TOP_SRC)/iconv
+vpath %.ttcn $(TOP_SRC)/iconv
+dep: ;
+ifeq (,$(findstring n,$(MAKEFLAGS)))
+ifeq (,$(filter clean distclean preprocess,$(MAKECMDGOALS)))
+-include $(DEPFILES)
+# Only ttcnpp files contain tests
+# Ability to run one control part
+	$(RUN) ./$^
+ifdef SRCDIR
+$(foreach src, $(USER_SOURCES), $(eval vpath $(src) $(ABS_SRC)))
diff --git a/regression_test/XML/Makefile b/regression_test/XML/Makefile
index a3eb1e51391cb83ae83eafc6699bb1301d4c1fe5..f2506c080c5b34897e3d7b485cbf82ddba94807a 100644
--- a/regression_test/XML/Makefile
+++ b/regression_test/XML/Makefile
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ endif
 XDIRS := $(wildcard $(SHADOWED)) xsdConverter \
 HM60295 HN15589 HQ30408 HR49727 HU13380 $(RT2_ONLY) \
 XmlWorkflow tpdValidTest AbstractBlock UseNilLong AttributeFormDefault \
-RecordOmit XSDBaseType
+RecordOmit XSDBaseType LegacyUntaggedUnion
 # List of fake targets:
 .PHONY: all dep clean run $(XDIRS) $(addsuffix /, $(XDIRS)) profile
diff --git a/usrguide/referenceguide.doc b/usrguide/referenceguide.doc
index e498fb6d296e76bfbe9784d71c15063c12e60b77..c103a2285c6f0be226f1be38a92e768712de65f7 100644
Binary files a/usrguide/referenceguide.doc and b/usrguide/referenceguide.doc differ