.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Huawei Inc. .. .. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 .. _OpenHarmony SDK: OpenHarmony Tools ################# OpenHarmony provides a number of dedicated host tools for working with OpenHarmony systems. The `openharmony-tools` recipe bundles up these tools for easy installation of these on a Linux host OS. Building ******** To build `openharmony-tools` for OpenHarmony 3.0.1, an initialized build environment is required:: TEMPLATECONF=../meta-openharmony/conf source oe-core/oe-init-build-env Once that is in place, the `bitbake` command is simply:: DISTRO=oniro-openharmony-linux MACHINE=qemuarma7 bitbake openharmony-tools The default configuration (as defined in [local.conf.sample](conf/local.conf.sample)), enables building of ACTS and inclusion in the `openharmony-tools` image. Installation ************ To install the tools on a Linux host OS, you need to use the shell script installer. To install into /opt/openharmony-tools do something like this: .. code-block:: console $ ./openharmony-tools-3.0-cortexa7-neon-vfpv4-1.99.99.sh -y -d /opt/openharmony-tools As the installation above will explain, in order to use the tools you need to do the following: In order to use the installed tools, you need to setup your shell environment (this needs to be done each time you create a new shell): .. code-block:: console $ . /opt/openharmony-tools/environment-setup-x86_64-oesdk-linux And with that, you will have access to `hdc` and `xdevice` commands. Running ACTS ============ To run ACTS tests, you need to connect to the OpenHarmony target device (or QEMU) using `hdc` and then run the tests using `xdevice` command. (remember to setup the environment as show in the section above) As an example, running the `ActsContextTest.json` test case against QEMU target (IP address, run .. code-block:: $ hdc tconn Connect OK $ xdevice run acts -l ActsContextTest [2023-02-20 13:25:22,954] [Main] [INFO] [*************** xDevice Test Framework Starting ***************] [2023-02-20 13:25:22,975] [Utils] [INFO] [The running command is: hdc_std -s tcp:8710 reset] [2023-02-20 13:25:23,980] [Console] [INFO] [Input command: run -l ActsContextTest] ...