<!-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Huawei Inc. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 --> # Oniro Project Welcome to the Oniro\* Project main git reposiotory! Oniro is an Eclipse Foundation project focused on the development of a distributed open source operating system for consumer devices. The aim of this repository is to define the build workspace, provide build metadata and build documentation for the project. It also behaves as the main entry point for the code while aggregating most of the other components developed by the team. Learn more about Oniro Project on the main [website](https://oniroproject.org/) or on the project's [documentation](https://docs.oniroproject.org/). *\*Oniro is a trademark of Eclipse Foundation.* # About The **oniro** repository is a collection of bitbake layers that implement the build system support in Oniro Project. Check the `README.md` file in each of the included layers for layer-specific additional information. The build system documentation is available in the `docs` subdirectory. ## Contributing See the `CONTRIBUTING.md` file. ## License See the `LICENSES` subdirectory.