diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 7f2ea9a26e5482a2d45ce26779c521d366a58bc7..bafbee42e8139071e1e606cacd21c5f078031865 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -4,225 +4,16 @@ SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Huawei Inc.
 SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
+# meta-ohos
-**meta-ohos** is a set of bitbake layers for building OpenHarmony images 
-using the bitbake infrastructure.
+**meta-ohos** is a collection of bitbake layers that implement the build system
+support in OpenHarmony. The build system documentation is available in the
+`docs` subdirectory.
-# Getting started
-## Prerequisites
-To start working with **meta-ohos** first install git repo:
-    $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:zyga/oh-tools
-    $ sudo apt-get update
-    $ sudo apt-get install git-repo
-## Building OpenHarmony image
-Once git repo has been installed we can use it to clone the necessary repositories:
-    $ mkdir ohos; cd ohos
-    $ repo init -u https://git.ostc-eu.org/OSTC/OHOS/manifest.git -b stable
-    $ repo sync
-You can checkout latest development source code by using `develop` branch instead of `stable` with the above `repo init` command.
-`repo sync` command should result in the following directory structure:
-    ./ohos/
-    └── sources
-        ├── meta-freertos
-        ├── meta-ohos
-        ├── meta-openembedded
-        ├── meta-zephyr
-        ├── <various yocto layers>
-        └── poky
-### OHOS flavours
-OpenHarmony can be hosted on top of variety of kernels.
-Currently supported kernels (a.k.a. OHOS flavours) are Linux, Zephyr
-and FreeRTOS (experimental).
-To build OHOS flavour issue following commands:
-    $ TEMPLATECONF=../sources/meta-ohos/flavours/<lower_case_flavour> . ./sources/poky/oe-init-build-env build-<flavour>-<target_machine>
-    $ bitbake <image-name>
-MACHINE variable can be set up in conf/local.conf file under build directory
-or via command line, e.g.:
-    $ MACHINE=<target_machine> bitbake <image-name>
-#### OHOS Linux flavour
-OHOS Linux flavour is based on _openharmony-linux_ distribution.
-Supported images:
-- openharmony-image-base
-- openharmony-image-base-tests
-- openharmony-image-extra
-- openharmony-image-extra-tests
-Supported machines (default in **bold**):
-- **qemux86-64**
-- qemux86
-- qemuarm
-- qemuarm64
-- seco-intel-b68 (SECO SBC-B68)
-- stm32mp1-av96 (96Boards Avenger96)
-- seco-imx8mm-c61 (SECO SBC-C61)
-    $ TEMPLATECONF=../sources/meta-ohos/flavours/linux . ./sources/poky/oe-init-build-env build-ohos-linux-qemux86-64
-    $ bitbake openharmony-image-base
-You can test the image built for the qemux86-64 target by issuing:
-    $ runqemu qemux86-64 qemuparams="-nographic"
-After successful bootup, you should see following:
-    qemux86-64 login:
-Default login is _root_ without a password.
-After login you should see prompt:
-    root@qemux86-64:~#
-To exit qemu, you can either shut down the system:
-    root@qemux86:~# poweroff -f
-or close qemu using key combination:
-    Ctrl-a followed by 'x'
-#### OHOS Zephyr flavour
-OHOS Zephyr flavour is based on _zephyr_ distribution and supports following images / machines:
-Supported images:
-- Zephyr comes with multiple sample applications. Take a look into `sources/meta-zephyr/recipes-kernel/zephyr-kernel/` to see available recipes.
-Nothing prevents you to add your own recipes to [use sample applications provided with Zephyr](https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr/tree/master/samples) or to add your own applications.
-Supported machines (default in **bold**):
-- **qemu-x86**
-- qemu-cortex-m3
-- 96b-nitrogen (96Boards Nitrogen)
-- 96b-avenger96 (96Boards Avenger96)
-    $ TEMPLATECONF=../sources/meta-ohos/flavours/zephyr . ./sources/poky/oe-init-build-env build-ohos-zephyr-qemu-x86
-    $ bitbake zephyr-philosophers
-You can test the image built for the qemu-x86 target by issuing:
-    $ runqemu qemu-x86
-After successful bootup, you should see following:
-    Booting from ROM..*** Booting Zephyr OS build zephyr-v2.4.0  ***
-    Philosopher 0 [P: 3]  THINKING [  300 ms ]
-    Philosopher 1 [P: 2]   EATING  [  575 ms ]
-    Philosopher 2 [P: 1]        STARVING
-    Philosopher 3 [P: 0]   EATING  [  525 ms ]
-    Philosopher 4 [C: -1]  THINKING [  475 ms ]
-To exit qemu, use key combination:
-    Ctrl-a followed by 'x'
-#### OHOS FreeRTOS flavour
-OHOS FreeRTOS flavour is based on _freertos_ distribution and supports following images / machines:
-Supported images:
-- freertos-demo
-Supported machines (default in **bold**):
-- **qemuarmv5**
-    $ TEMPLATECONF=../sources/meta-ohos/flavours/freertos . ./sources/poky/oe-init-build-env build-ohos-freertos-qemuarmv5
-    $ bitbake freertos-demo
-You can test the image built for the qemuarmv5 target by issuing:
-    $ runqemu qemuarmv5
-After successful bootup, you should see following:
-    ###### - FreeRTOS sample application - ######
-    A text may be entered using a keyboard.
-    It will be displayed when 'Enter' is pressed.
-    Periodic task 10 secs
-    Waiting For Notification - Blocked...
-    Task1
-    Task1
-    You entered: "HelloFreeRTOS"
-    Unblocked
-    Notification Received
-    Waiting For Notification - Blocked...
-To exit qemu, use key combination:
-    Ctrl-a followed by 'x'
-# meta-ohos architecture
-All decisions for architecturally significant requirements are documented using 
-[adr-tools](https://github.com/npryce/adr-tools) and stored in [docs/adr](./docs/adr) subdirectory.
-Decisions are discussed within MR of a given decision md file.
-**meta-ohos** architecture is documented using [c4 model](https://c4model.com/).
-## meta-ohos overview
-**OpenHarmony** is a distributed OS that is designed to run atop variety of OS kernels 
-ranging from RTOSs to Linux.
-**meta-ohos** is a _umbrella_ meta layer containing all layers required to build
-**OpenHarmony** Image basing on existing kernel meta-layers.
-!includeurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RicardoNiepel/C4-PlantUML/release/1-0/C4_Context.puml
-Person(dev, "Developer", "Anyone willing to build the OHOS based image")
-System(meta_ohos, "meta-ohos", "OpenHarmony OS umbrella bitbake meta-layer")
-Boundary(poky, "poky") {
-    System_Ext(bitbake, "bitbake", "build process orchestrator")
-    System_Ext(linux_yocto, "linux-yocto", "Yocto Project LTS linux kernel")
-    System_Ext(meta_external_toolchain, "meta-external-toolchain", "Yocto Project LTS GNU GCC and LLVM toolchains")
-System_Ext(meta_zephyr, "meta-zephyr", "ZephyrOS meta-layer")
-System_Ext(meta_freertos, "meta-freertos", "FreeRTOS meta-layer")
-System_Ext(meta_freertos, "meta-freertos", "FreeRTOS meta-layer")
-System_Ext(linux_yocto, "linux-yocto", "Yocto Project LTS linux kernel")
-System_Ext(meta_external_toolchain, "meta-external-toolchain", "Yocto Project LTS GNU GCC and LLVM toolchains")
-Rel(dev, bitbake, "selects configuration, initiates the build, deploys image to the target")
-Rel(bitbake, meta_ohos, "incorporates meta-layers relevant for selected kernel / configuration")
-Rel(bitbake, linux_yocto, "incorporates Yocto Project LTS linux kernel reference")
-Rel(bitbake, meta_external_toolchain, "incorporates Yocto Project LTS toolchains")
-Rel(bitbake, meta_zephyr, "incorporates for OHOS on Zephyr build")
-Rel(bitbake, meta_freertos, "incorporates for OHOS on FreeRTOS build")
-# Contributing
+## Contributing
 See the `CONTRIBUTING.md` file.
-# License
+## License
 See the `LICENSES` subdirectory.