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--- a/docs/adr/.adr-dir
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
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--- a/docs/adr/.adr-dir.license
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Huawei Inc.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/adr/0001-record-architecture-decisions.md b/docs/adr/0001-record-architecture-decisions.md
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/docs/adr/0001-record-architecture-decisions.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Huawei Inc.
-SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-# 1. Record architecture decisions
-Date: 2020-11-30
-## Status
-## Context
-We need to record the architectural decisions made on this project.
-## Decision
-We will use Architecture Decision Records, as [described by Michael Nygard](http://thinkrelevance.com/blog/2011/11/15/documenting-architecture-decisions).
-## Consequences
-See Michael Nygard's article, linked above. For a lightweight ADR toolset, see Nat Pryce's [adr-tools](https://github.com/npryce/adr-tools).
diff --git a/docs/adr/0002-use-yocto-bitbake-for-building-ohos.md b/docs/adr/0002-use-yocto-bitbake-for-building-ohos.md
deleted file mode 100644
index e8fe0e2b7d7b5369fd40d97939de68e3f97bf67e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/docs/adr/0002-use-yocto-bitbake-for-building-ohos.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Huawei Inc.
-SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-# 2. Use Yocto / bitbake for building OHOS
-Date: 2020-12-01
-## Status
-## Context
-OHOS as a distributed operating system is designed to be hosted on 
-top of OS kernel. Currently Liteos-a (targeting ARM Cortex-A based devices) 
-and Liteos-m (targeting ARM Cortex-M based devices) kernels are supported.
-OHOS Liteos-A has BSP for only two ip cameras devices, whereas Liteos-M
-has BSP for only one wifi iot device. Qemu support is missing.
-## Decision
-To leverage existing BSPs OHOS will be made compatible with Yocto.
-We will start with Linux Poky distribution for ARM Cortex-A based devices
-and Zephyr for the Cortex-M based devices.
-## Consequences
-meta-ohos layer (when done properly) will enable nearly effortless porting 
-of OHOS to new kernels / distros.
-Decoupling of existing OHOS services from Liteos-A/M kernels has to be done.
-HQ modification to the OHOS stack between releases can require repeating
-decoupling works with each and every release if we're not aligned and in sync.
diff --git a/docs/adr/0003-ohos-environment-setup-for-various-kernels.md b/docs/adr/0003-ohos-environment-setup-for-various-kernels.md
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index 8c25ce2dfaac4a35c5f7685adbcea54104351667..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/docs/adr/0003-ohos-environment-setup-for-various-kernels.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Huawei Inc.
-SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-# 3. OHOS environment setup for various kernels
-Date: 2020-12-18
-## Status
-## Context
-Given that OHOS will run on multiple different kernels we need 
-a straight-forward way of setting up build environment.
-There are many possible solutions, so we need to pick a sensible one
-that'll suit our needs.
-## Decision
-Add OHOS kernel flavours which
-will contain all necessary bitbake sample files (e.g. local.conf.sample,
-bblayers.conf.sample, etc.) that can be used together with 
-oe-init-build-env script:
-    TEMPLATECONF=sources/ohos/flavours/zephyr/conf . oe-init-build-env build-zephyr
-This will create a build-zephyr/conf directory based on the contents 
-of meta-ohos-zephyr/conf where all required layers and configs 
-can be defined. The same applies for other kernels, like FreeRTOS, 
-Liteos or any other Linux-based distro.
-Below is a sequence diagram of how this could look like for Zephyr: 
-!includeurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RicardoNiepel/C4-PlantUML/release/1-0/C4_Container.puml
-Person(dev, "Developer", "Anyone willing to build the OHOS based image")
-System_Boundary(ohos, "OHOS") {
-    Boundary(ohos_flavours, "flavours") {
-        Container(zephyr_config, "zephyr", "bb sample files", "Layer set and initial configuration for OHOS on Zephyr")
-        Container(linux_config, "linux", "bb sample files", "Layer set and initial configuration for OHOS on Poky")
-    }
-    Container(meta_ohos_foundation, "meta-ohos-foundation", "meta-layer", "OHOS foundation service (samgr, softbus)")
-    Container(ohos_docs, "docs", "Documentation", "OHOS build system documentation")
-Container(meta_zephyr, "meta-zephyr", "meta-layer", "ZephyrOS meta-layer")
-System_Ext(yocto, "yocto-poky", "distro scaffolding: predefined meta-data, bitbake build system")
-Rel(dev, yocto, "1. selects OHOS Zephyr flavour", "environment shell script")
-Rel(yocto, zephyr_config, "2. gets default OHOS Zephyr configuration and sets up build environemt", "conf/ subdirectory")
-Rel(dev, yocto, "3. initiates the build", "bitbake")
-Rel(yocto, meta_ohos_foundation, "4. incorporates Zephyr-compatible OHOS layers")
-Rel(yocto, meta_zephyr, "4. incorporates upstream yocto layers")
-Lay_D(zephyr_config, linux_config)
-Lay_D(meta_ohos_foundation, ohos_docs)
-## Consequences
-The benefit of that approach is that a single command is sufficient
-to setup the OHOS build environment for a selected kernel. All 
-required layers and configs are pre-defined.
-On the down side, this approach can lead to problems when the default
-_build_ directory is used for working with different kernels.
-When sourcing _oe-init-bild-env_ script, it will create _conf/_ 
-basing on the directory pointed to by TEMPLATECONF variable
-only when one is missing.
-Working with Zephyr in default _build_ directory instead of e.g. _build-zephyr_:
-    TEMPLATECONF=sources/ohos/flavours/zephyr/conf . oe-init-build-env
-Then switching to Poky also in default _build_ directory:
-    TEMPLATECONF=sources/ohos/flavours/poky/conf . oe-init-build-env
-    # this command will not result in changing the environment setup
-    # as the _build/conf_ directory already exists
diff --git a/docs/adr/README.md b/docs/adr/README.md
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--- a/docs/adr/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Huawei Inc.
-SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-Architectural Decision Records
-[All decisions for architecturally significant requirements](adr-list.md) are documented
-using [adr-tools](https://github.com/npryce/adr-tools).
-Decisions are to be discussed within MR of a given decision md file.
diff --git a/docs/adr/adr-list.md b/docs/adr/adr-list.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 92c665ac9c04cb35d5809501add5c4f6d23ab6af..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/docs/adr/adr-list.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Huawei Inc.
-SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-# Architecture Decision Records
-* [1. Record architecture decisions](0001-record-architecture-decisions.md)
-* [2. Use Yocto / bitbake for building OHOS](0002-use-yocto-bitbake-for-building-ohos.md)
-* [3. OHOS environment setup for various kernels](0003-ohos-environment-setup-for-various-kernels.md)
diff --git a/docs/blueprints/doorlock.rst b/docs/blueprints/doorlock.rst
index 926c53ad6766afe58489f5edade532e73ca4a5c4..f692a1b9643fcb1912cc541dc5b80279cf9ff55d 100644
--- a/docs/blueprints/doorlock.rst
+++ b/docs/blueprints/doorlock.rst
@@ -138,13 +138,13 @@ The Software
 Get sources
- Get |main_project_name| sources as described in the :ref:`documentation <AllScenariOSQuickBuild>`.
+ Get |main_project_name| sources as described in the :ref:`documentation <OniroQuickBuild>`.
  If you already have sources cloned, update them to the most recent revision
 .. code-block:: bash
- user@pc:~/ohos$ repo sync -d
+ user@pc:~/oniro$ repo sync -d
diff --git a/docs/blueprints/smart-panel.rst b/docs/blueprints/smart-panel.rst
index 3f063aa92573fbae15294d300871c1cde4e4e680..95bdf6fd49b5474daca5b7172230d9a03300522c 100644
--- a/docs/blueprints/smart-panel.rst
+++ b/docs/blueprints/smart-panel.rst
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ IoT devices
 Get sources
-   Get |main_project_name| sources as described in the :ref:`documentation <AllScenariOSQuickBuild>`.
+   Get |main_project_name| sources as described in the :ref:`documentation <OniroQuickBuild>`.
    If you already have sources cloned, update them to the most recent revision
diff --git a/docs/blueprints/touchpanel.rst b/docs/blueprints/touchpanel.rst
index 9e8b54751a91aa6bf2f8e00fd48d0f24d9d39de1..53dc7c93d2631ef9eb156c6aa653273f43bf77d5 100644
--- a/docs/blueprints/touchpanel.rst
+++ b/docs/blueprints/touchpanel.rst
@@ -28,14 +28,14 @@ The TouchPanel Blueprint provides support for building a PoC smart touch panel t
 Get sources
-   Get |main_project_name| sources as described in the :ref:`documentation <AllScenariOSQuickBuild>`.
+   Get |main_project_name| sources as described in the :ref:`documentation <OniroQuickBuild>`.
    If you already have sources cloned, update them to the most recent revision
    .. code-block:: bash
-      user@pc:~/ohos$ repo sync -d
+      user@pc:~/oniro$ repo sync -d
diff --git a/docs/blueprints/transparent-gateway.rst b/docs/blueprints/transparent-gateway.rst
index 80cc208c02691742704c7340bec0af50de074e2d..02cef47379f8988cd46be3a4633f980208c8b52e 100644
--- a/docs/blueprints/transparent-gateway.rst
+++ b/docs/blueprints/transparent-gateway.rst
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ For more details, the used `OpenThread configuration script <https://git.ostc-eu
 Get sources
-#. Get |main_project_name| sources as described in the :ref:`documentation <AllScenariOSQuickBuild>`.
+#. Get |main_project_name| sources as described in the :ref:`documentation <OniroQuickBuild>`.
 #. If you already have sources cloned, update them to the most recent revision.
    .. code-block:: bash
diff --git a/docs/blueprints/vending-machine-dev.rst b/docs/blueprints/vending-machine-dev.rst
index 230edb889962b26c745aa25185b97c82a3a85173..c24213675e6c1ac420e2dbe9ea6ee504e6205de0 100644
--- a/docs/blueprints/vending-machine-dev.rst
+++ b/docs/blueprints/vending-machine-dev.rst
@@ -245,13 +245,13 @@ order" message and show a "reset" button to refresh for the next order.
 Software Dependencies Versions
-ASOS supports the following libraries for message encoding/decoding/parsing and
+Oniro Project supports the following libraries for message encoding/decoding/parsing and
 the communication protocol:
 * `libwebsockets <https://libwebsockets.org/>`_ 4.0.1
 * `cjson <https://github.com/DaveGamble/cJSON/>`_ 1.7.13 (to be upgraded to
-  1.7.14 for OHOS convergence reasons)
+  1.7.14 for OpenHarmony convergence)
 * `json-c <https://github.com/json-c/json-c>`_ 0.13.1
diff --git a/docs/blueprints/vending-machine.rst b/docs/blueprints/vending-machine.rst
index 64f6478774e6154237cf20ae5979ad0886b23fde..b523633d3dbf8e23e28b29747e6fd277a85fa632 100644
--- a/docs/blueprints/vending-machine.rst
+++ b/docs/blueprints/vending-machine.rst
@@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ build an end-to-end solution using multiple operating systems cooperating inside
 Get sources
-   Get |main_project_name| sources as described in the :ref:`documentation <AllScenariOSQuickBuild>`.
+   Get |main_project_name| sources as described in the :ref:`documentation <OniroQuickBuild>`.
    If you already have sources cloned, update them to the most recent revision
    .. code-block:: bash
-      user@pc:~/ohos$ repo sync -d
+      user@pc:~/oniro$ repo sync -d
 Architecture and Interfaces
diff --git a/docs/build-flavours/freertos-flavour.rst b/docs/build-flavours/freertos-flavour.rst
index eae9aa57fce7331e559f3b3f0b12b8a84931352d..4cc5988ae0ae2aeabcad4892ec35bf8f922b2a0d 100644
--- a/docs/build-flavours/freertos-flavour.rst
+++ b/docs/build-flavours/freertos-flavour.rst
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Build steps example:
 .. code-block:: console
-    $ TEMPLATECONF=../oniro/flavours/freertos . ./oe-core/oe-init-build-env build-ohos-freertos
+    $ TEMPLATECONF=../oniro/flavours/freertos . ./oe-core/oe-init-build-env build-oniro-freertos
     $ bitbake freertos-demo
 You can test the image built for the qemuarmv5 target by issuing:
diff --git a/docs/build-flavours/linux-flavour.rst b/docs/build-flavours/linux-flavour.rst
index ea01895196e6f1965ced6618599d1ce9fd4ca003..c1aedf010bf73c240afe831976dd80a878f454cb 100644
--- a/docs/build-flavours/linux-flavour.rst
+++ b/docs/build-flavours/linux-flavour.rst
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ Linux Kernel Build Flavour
 Supported images:
-* allscenarios-image-base
-* allscenarios-image-base-tests
-* allscenarios-image-extra
-* allscenarios-image-extra-tests
+* oniro-image-base
+* oniro-image-base-tests
+* oniro-image-extra
+* oniro-image-extra-tests
 Supported machines (default in **bold**):
@@ -32,14 +32,14 @@ Build steps example:
 .. code-block:: console
-    $ TEMPLATECONF=../oniro/flavours/linux . ./oe-core/oe-init-build-env build-ohos-linux
-    $ bitbake allscenarios-image-base
+    $ TEMPLATECONF=../oniro/flavours/linux . ./oe-core/oe-init-build-env build-oniro-linux
+    $ bitbake oniro-image-base
 You can test the image built for the qemux86-64 target by issuing:
 .. code-block:: console
-    $ runqemu qemux86-64 allscenarios-image-base wic
+    $ runqemu qemux86-64 oniro-image-base wic
 After successful bootup, you will be dropped into a login shell:
diff --git a/docs/build-flavours/zephyr-flavour.rst b/docs/build-flavours/zephyr-flavour.rst
index 4bad933f8d8b6453769b10f6b35fa4031c782934..3dbb1d80322f19a5461b1b4b19e6feda3c19afcf 100644
--- a/docs/build-flavours/zephyr-flavour.rst
+++ b/docs/build-flavours/zephyr-flavour.rst
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Build steps example:
 .. code-block:: console
-    $ TEMPLATECONF=../oniro/flavours/zephyr . ./oe-core/oe-init-build-env build-ohos-zephyr
+    $ TEMPLATECONF=../oniro/flavours/zephyr . ./oe-core/oe-init-build-env build-oniro-zephyr
     $ bitbake zephyr-philosophers
 You can test the image built for the qemu-x86 target by issuing:
diff --git a/docs/ci/hidden-jobs/workspace.rst b/docs/ci/hidden-jobs/workspace.rst
index 71f00314ebcf0e5c8e4de79f9898b5905adcd81f..0061c5ae429f9d7fe0915dc1f91860271cf6c951 100644
--- a/docs/ci/hidden-jobs/workspace.rst
+++ b/docs/ci/hidden-jobs/workspace.rst
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ CI_ONIRO_MANIFEST_URL
 The URL consumed by git-repo. You only want to change this if you forked the
 entire infrastructure and want to use it in private.
-The default value is ``https://git.ostc-eu.org/OSTC/OHOS/manifest``.
+The default value is ``https://git.ostc-eu.org/distro/manifest``.
 If you change the default value, please set ``CI_ONIRO_MANIFEST_MIRROR``
 as well.
diff --git a/docs/ci/machines-and-flavours.rst b/docs/ci/machines-and-flavours.rst
index 2c86c107e41d1a1166fa7c87952f26b7c4a4b664..fab47cce3b17739db157110dd178f68e801d6ae5 100644
--- a/docs/ci/machines-and-flavours.rst
+++ b/docs/ci/machines-and-flavours.rst
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ combination of ``FLAVOUR`` and ``MACHINE``.
 .. warning::
-    Do not include YAML files from the meta-ohos repository directly. The
+    Do not include YAML files from the oniro repository directly. The
     primary entry point for build and test pipelines is defined by the manifest
diff --git a/docs/hardware-support/boards/96b-Avenger.rst b/docs/hardware-support/boards/96b-Avenger.rst
index 617be3bc7b31fef7afdf6f61e49cf8c35f5b44ed..5e178c7ee1a38a9cf2661606c957d11ce43874a0 100644
--- a/docs/hardware-support/boards/96b-Avenger.rst
+++ b/docs/hardware-support/boards/96b-Avenger.rst
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ For more details on Avenger96 board, see `Avenger96 product page <https://www.96
 Working with the board
-Building OHOS image
+Building an Oniro image
 To clone the source code, perform the procedure in: :ref:`Setting up a repo workspace <RepoWorkspace>`.
@@ -50,14 +50,14 @@ Linux image
    $ TEMPLATECONF=../oniro/flavours/linux . ./oe-core/oe-init-build-env build-oniro-linux
 2. You will find yourself in the newly created build directory. Call *bitbake*
-   to build the image. For example, if you are using *allscenarios-image-base*
+   to build the image. For example, if you are using *oniro-image-base*
    run the following command:
 .. code-block:: console
-   $ MACHINE=stm32mp1-av96 bitbake allscenarios-image-base
+   $ MACHINE=stm32mp1-av96 bitbake oniro-image-base
-To generate images for eMMC on SD card, refer to the :ref:`Flashing OHOS image <Flashing_ohos>`.
+To generate images for eMMC on SD card, refer to the :ref:`Flashing an Oniro image <Flashing_oniro>`.
 Zephyr image
@@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ Zephyr image
 3. The output file will be located in the build directory
-.. _Flashing_ohos:
+.. _Flashing_oniro:
-Flashing OHOS image
+Flashing an Oniro image
 For Linux, `bmaptool <https://github.com/intel/bmap-tools>` is recommended to
 create an SD card image. The images we provide also create wic files (disk
@@ -112,13 +112,13 @@ For more information on Avenger96 boot options, see `Getting Started with the Av
 1. After the image is built, you are ready to burn the generated image onto the
    SD card. We recommend using `bmaptool <https://github.com/intel/bmap-tools>`
    and the instructions below will use it. For example, if you are building
-   allscenarios-image-base run the following command replacing (or defining)
+   oniro-image-base run the following command replacing (or defining)
    ``$DEVNODE`` accordingly:
 .. code-block:: console
    $ cd tmp/deploy/images/stm32mp1-av96
-   $ bmaptool copy allscenarios-image-base-stm32mp1-av96.wic.bz2 $DEVNODE
+   $ bmaptool copy oniro-image-base-stm32mp1-av96.wic.bz2 $DEVNODE
 2. Put the card to the board and turn it on.
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ STM32 Cube Programmer
 After you build the image, follow the instructions in `Avenger96 Image Programming <https://wiki.dh-electronics.com/index.php/Avenger96_Image_Programming>`_,
 pointing the program to the
 flash layout file.
 .. _zephyr-image-1:
diff --git a/docs/hardware-support/boards/96b-nitrogen.rst b/docs/hardware-support/boards/96b-nitrogen.rst
index c2a28f54a95ae7ddaece8c07b102a8d555a3411b..f95a2eb5383354ff0c22f2606a3819c8e62dde92 100644
--- a/docs/hardware-support/boards/96b-nitrogen.rst
+++ b/docs/hardware-support/boards/96b-nitrogen.rst
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Building an application
 .. code-block:: console
-   $ TEMPLATECONF=../oniro/flavours/zephyr . ./oe-core/oe-init-build-env build-ohos-zephyr
+   $ TEMPLATECONF=../oniro/flavours/zephyr . ./oe-core/oe-init-build-env build-oniro-zephyr
 * You will find yourself in the newly created build directory. Call bitbake to build the image. The supported image name is zephyr-philosophers.
diff --git a/docs/hardware-support/boards/raspberrypi4.rst b/docs/hardware-support/boards/raspberrypi4.rst
index 1503c1aa58f3af26db4992f97164cb135721c7bf..99afa83a5b52ff307d994c84ad8c06b2ccd0b018 100644
--- a/docs/hardware-support/boards/raspberrypi4.rst
+++ b/docs/hardware-support/boards/raspberrypi4.rst
@@ -73,18 +73,18 @@ Linux image
       ./oe-core/oe-init-build-env build-oniro-linux-raspberrypi4-64
 2. You will find yourself in the newly created build directory. Call *bitbake*
-   to build the image. For example, if you are using *allscenarios-image-base*
+   to build the image. For example, if you are using *oniro-image-base*
    run the following command:
 .. code-block:: console
-   $ MACHINE=raspberrypi4-64 bitbake allscenarios-image-base
+   $ MACHINE=raspberrypi4-64 bitbake oniro-image-base
 3. After the build completes, the bootloader, kernel, and rootfs image files
    can be found in
    The key file which is needed to flash into the SD card is
-   ``allscenarios-image-base-raspberrypi4-64.wic.bz2``.
+   ``oniro-image-base-raspberrypi4-64.wic.bz2``.
 Flashing |main_project_name| Linux Image
@@ -98,13 +98,13 @@ describes booting the board with an SD card option.
 1. After the image is built, you are ready to burn the generated image onto the
    SD card. We recommend using `bmaptool <https://github.com/intel/bmap-tools>`
    and the instructions below will use it. For example, if you are building
-   allscenarios-image-base run the following command replacing (or defining)
+   oniro-image-base run the following command replacing (or defining)
    ``$DEVNODE`` accordingly:
 .. code-block:: console
    $ cd tmp/deploy/images/raspberrypi4-64
-   $ bmaptool copy allscenarios-image-base-raspberrypi4-64.wic.bz2 $DEVNODE
+   $ bmaptool copy oniro-image-base-raspberrypi4-64.wic.bz2 $DEVNODE
 2. Put the card to the board and turn it on.
diff --git a/docs/hardware-support/boards/seco-imx8mm-c61.rst b/docs/hardware-support/boards/seco-imx8mm-c61.rst
index f2304c471ea85e4555811752c7bca6d8e7149044..bd1ec9a4c9fa33872576c489e737d6fd8a614b40 100644
--- a/docs/hardware-support/boards/seco-imx8mm-c61.rst
+++ b/docs/hardware-support/boards/seco-imx8mm-c61.rst
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ For more detailed specifications of SBC-C61 SECO board, see `SBC-C61 Specificati
 Working with the board
-Building OHOS image
+Building an Oniro image
 To clone the source code, perform the procedure in: :ref:`Setting up a repo workspace <RepoWorkspace>`.
@@ -43,16 +43,16 @@ Linux image
    $ TEMPLATECONF=../oniro/flavours/linux . ./oe-core/oe-init-build-env build-oniro-linux
-2. You will find yourself in the newly created build directory. Call ``bitbake`` to build the image. The supported image is ``allscenarios-image-base``.
+2. You will find yourself in the newly created build directory. Call ``bitbake`` to build the image. The supported image is ``oniro-image-base``.
 .. code-block:: console
-   $ MACHINE=seco-imx8mm-c61 bitbake allscenarios-image-base
+   $ MACHINE=seco-imx8mm-c61 bitbake oniro-image-base
 To generate images for eMMC, refer to the following flashing procedure.
-Flashing OHOS image
+Flashing an Oniro image
 Linux image
@@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ MMC Storage
 * Download and install `mfgtools <https://github.com/NXPmicro/mfgtools>`__
 * Linux Host
-To flash OHOS using USB to OTG adapter, perform the following steps:
+To flash Oniro image using USB to OTG adapter, perform the
+following steps:
 #. Short circuit pin 1 and 2 of CN52 pin header to enter the Serial Download mode.
 #. Connect USB to OTG adapter to your host PC
@@ -81,13 +82,13 @@ To flash OHOS using USB to OTG adapter, perform the following steps:
    .. code-block:: console
-      $ gzip -d allscenarios-image-base-seco-imx8mm-c61.wic.gz
+      $ gzip -d oniro-image-base-seco-imx8mm-c61.wic.gz
 #. To write uboot and image(p1:kernel, p2:dtb, rootfs) into c61 mmc via mfgtools:
    .. code-block:: console
-      $ sudo uuu -b emmc_all imx-boot-seco-imx8mm-c61-emmc.bin-flash_evk allscenarios-image-base-seco-imx8mm-c61.wic
+      $ sudo uuu -b emmc_all imx-boot-seco-imx8mm-c61-emmc.bin-flash_evk oniro-image-base-seco-imx8mm-c61.wic
 #. Power ON SBC-C61
 #. Remove **CN52 short circuit**
diff --git a/docs/hardware-support/boards/seco-intel-b68.rst b/docs/hardware-support/boards/seco-intel-b68.rst
index 7f0a4dde8c41414fc7f206aac65f78e33438c2c6..dc853b3a26d267e200991ee23466a076c4b02f05 100644
--- a/docs/hardware-support/boards/seco-intel-b68.rst
+++ b/docs/hardware-support/boards/seco-intel-b68.rst
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ For more detailed specifications of SBC-B68-eNUC SECO board, see `SBC-B68-eNUC S
 Working with the board
-Building Oniro image
+Building an Oniro image
 To clone the source code, perform the procedure in: :ref:`Setting up a repo workspace <RepoWorkspace>`.
@@ -44,16 +44,16 @@ Linux image
    $ TEMPLATECONF=../oniro/flavours/linux . ./oe-core/oe-init-build-env build-oniro-linux
-2. You will find yourself in the newly created build directory. Call *bitbake* to build the image. For example, if you are using *allscenarios-image-base* run the following command:
+2. You will find yourself in the newly created build directory. Call *bitbake* to build the image. For example, if you are using *oniro-image-base* run the following command:
 .. code-block:: console
-   $ MACHINE=seco-intel-b68 bitbake allscenarios-image-base
+   $ MACHINE=seco-intel-b68 bitbake oniro-image-base
-To generate images for SSD Disk, refer to the following flashing OHOS image section.
+To generate images for SSD Disk, refer to the following Flashing an Oniro image section.
-Flashing OHOS image
+Flashing an Oniro image
 .. _linux-image-2:
@@ -70,26 +70,27 @@ USB Storage
 * USB Storage
 * Linux Host
-To flash OHOS using USB storage, perform the following steps:
+To flash Oniro image using USB storage, perform the following
-**Prepare OHOS bootable USB**
+**Prepare an Oniro Bootable USB Stick**
 1. Connect USB storage to your host PC.
 2. After the image is built, you are ready to burn the generated image onto the
    USB storage. We recommend using `bmaptool <https://github.com/intel/bmap-tools>`
    and the instructions below will use it. For example, if you are building
-   allscenarios-image-base run the following command replacing (or defining)
+   oniro-image-base run the following command replacing (or defining)
    ``$DEVNODE`` accordingly:
 .. code-block:: console
    $ cd tmp/deploy/images/seco-intel-b68
-   $ bmaptool copy allscenarios-image-base-seco-intel-b68.wic.bz2 $DEVNODE
+   $ bmaptool copy oniro-image-base-seco-intel-b68.wic.bz2 $DEVNODE
 3. Put the card to the board and turn it on.
-**Run OHOS**
+**Run Oniro image**
 #. Connect bootable USB to target
diff --git a/docs/hardware-support/virtual-boards/qemux86-64.rst b/docs/hardware-support/virtual-boards/qemux86-64.rst
index 89a1355a1ce242cec3c4294b22e265fe1ce5db6b..bb4e3452067c90ff9eea8e6e8b4feea22ce65d15 100644
--- a/docs/hardware-support/virtual-boards/qemux86-64.rst
+++ b/docs/hardware-support/virtual-boards/qemux86-64.rst
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ Overview
 |main_project_name| supports running the software stack into an virtual environment using Qemu.
-Building OHOS image
+Building an Oniro image
 To clone the source code, perform the procedure in: :ref:`Setting up a repo workspace <RepoWorkspace>`.
@@ -29,23 +29,23 @@ Build steps
 1. Source the environment with proper template settings, flavour being *linux*
    and target machine being *qemux86-64*. Pay attention to how relative paths are
    constructed. The value of *TEMPLATECONF* is relative to the location of the
-   build directory *./build-ohos-linux*, that is going to be created after
+   build directory *./build-oniro-linux*, that is going to be created after
    this step:
 .. code-block:: console
-   $ TEMPLATECONF=../oniro/flavours/linux . ./oe-core/oe-init-build-env build-ohos-linux
+   $ TEMPLATECONF=../oniro/flavours/linux . ./oe-core/oe-init-build-env build-oniro-linux
 2. You will find yourself in the newly created build directory. Call *bitbake*
-   to build the image. For example, if you are using *allscenarios-image-base*
+   to build the image. For example, if you are using *oniro-image-base*
    run the following command:
 .. code-block:: console
-   $ MACHINE=qemux86-64 bitbake allscenarios-image-base
+   $ MACHINE=qemux86-64 bitbake oniro-image-base
 Once the image is done, you can run the Qemu using the provided script wrapper:
 .. code-block:: console
-   $ MACHINE=qemux86-64 runqemu allscenarios-image-base wic
+   $ MACHINE=qemux86-64 runqemu oniro-image-base wic
diff --git a/docs/hardware-support/virtual-boards/qemux86.rst b/docs/hardware-support/virtual-boards/qemux86.rst
index a91253b815fe4d723e4d4b46d0735ec33a01d735..5c7e45a89fce9b3f2f2ec33a1459f6cd1bdc46d7 100644
--- a/docs/hardware-support/virtual-boards/qemux86.rst
+++ b/docs/hardware-support/virtual-boards/qemux86.rst
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ Overview
 |main_project_name| supports running the software stack into an virtual environment using Qemu.
-Building OHOS image
+Building an Oniro image
 To clone the source code, perform the procedure in: :ref:`Setting up a repo workspace <RepoWorkspace>`.
@@ -29,23 +29,23 @@ Build steps
 1. Source the environment with proper template settings, flavour being *linux*
    and target machine being *qemux86*. Pay attention to how relative paths are
    constructed. The value of *TEMPLATECONF* is relative to the location of the
-   build directory *./build-ohos-linux*, that is going to be created after
+   build directory *./build-oniro-linux*, that is going to be created after
    this step:
 .. code-block:: console
-   $ TEMPLATECONF=../oniro/flavours/linux . ./oe-core/oe-init-build-env build-ohos-linux
+   $ TEMPLATECONF=../oniro/flavours/linux . ./oe-core/oe-init-build-env build-oniro-linux
 2. You will find yourself in the newly created build directory. Call *bitbake*
-   to build the image. For example, if you are using *allscenarios-image-base*
+   to build the image. For example, if you are using *oniro-image-base*
    run the following command:
 .. code-block:: console
-   $ MACHINE=qemux86 bitbake allscenarios-image-base
+   $ MACHINE=qemux86 bitbake oniro-image-base
 Once the image is done, you can run the Qemu using the provided script wrapper:
 .. code-block:: console
-   $ MACHINE=qemux86 runqemu allscenarios-image-base wic
+   $ MACHINE=qemux86 runqemu oniro-image-base wic
diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
index 9ac6552e8f396f4085ab51dda1cd02925c59e211..3a81fd62b67b651bb3f7a37b81ac46340e9972ba 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Build System Guide
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 1
-   allscenarios-quick-build
+   oniro-quick-build
diff --git a/docs/allscenarios-quick-build.rst b/docs/oniro-quick-build.rst
similarity index 89%
rename from docs/allscenarios-quick-build.rst
rename to docs/oniro-quick-build.rst
index 543f8999fc3cf47af8693522f94a5b1999821b9c..97db3fc71721ef82e88d20328d852fd3e3017967 100644
--- a/docs/allscenarios-quick-build.rst
+++ b/docs/oniro-quick-build.rst
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 .. include:: definitions.rst
-.. _AllScenariOSQuickBuild:
+.. _OniroQuickBuild:
 |main_project_name| - Quick Build
@@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ Initialize a repo workspace and clone all required repositories:
     $ repo init -u https://git.ostc-eu.org/distro/oniro
     $ repo sync --no-clone-bundle
-Build the allscenarios-image-base image
+Building an Oniro image
-The following steps will build a ``allscenarios-image-base``. The process will
+The following steps will build a ``oniro-image-base``. The process will
 build all its components, including the toolchain, from source.
 First of all change directory into the one where the build repositories were
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ Initialize the build directory and run a build:
 .. code-block:: console
     $ TEMPLATECONF=../oniro/flavours/linux . ./oe-core/oe-init-build-env build-oniro-linux
-    $ MACHINE=qemux86-64 bitbake allscenarios-image-base
+    $ MACHINE=qemux86-64 bitbake oniro-image-base
 Booting a Qemu X86-64 target with a |main_project_name| image
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Once the image is built, you can run a Qemu X86-64 instance using the provided s
 .. code-block:: console
-      $ MACHINE=qemux86-64 runqemu allscenarios-image-base wic
+      $ MACHINE=qemux86-64 runqemu oniro-image-base wic
 If the host has a VT-capable CPU, you can pass the ``kvm`` argument for better
 performance. Check ``runqemu``'s help message for all available arguments.
diff --git a/docs/supported-images.rst b/docs/supported-images.rst
index d6899afa806a7c4541dac0f08eae2e0dc9a6254f..232862560a2389c00d19b10a6b56d88e626c5cf7 100644
--- a/docs/supported-images.rst
+++ b/docs/supported-images.rst
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ kernel that serves as the primary interface between the computer's hardware and
    * - Image Name
      - Description
-   * - allscenarios-image-base
+   * - oniro-image-base
 	   * |main_project_name| image including the base OS software stack.
 	   * This imageƂ also includes middleware and application packages to support a wide range of hardware which includes WiFi, Bluetooth, sound, and serial ports. 
-   * - allscenarios-image-extra
+   * - oniro-image-extra
 	   * |main_project_name| Wayland image including the base OS software stack. This is a Wayland protocol and Weston reference compositor-based image.
 	   * It uses the Wayland protocol and implementation to exchange data with its clients.
diff --git a/docs/yocto-build-system/assets/meta-ohos-arch.png b/docs/yocto-build-system/assets/oniro-arch.png
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/yocto-build-system/assets/meta-ohos-arch.png
rename to docs/yocto-build-system/assets/oniro-arch.png
diff --git a/docs/yocto-build-system/assets/meta-ohos-arch.png.license b/docs/yocto-build-system/assets/oniro-arch.png.license
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/yocto-build-system/assets/meta-ohos-arch.png.license
rename to docs/yocto-build-system/assets/oniro-arch.png.license
diff --git a/docs/yocto-build-system/assets/ohos-build-arch.puml b/docs/yocto-build-system/assets/oniro-build-arch.puml
similarity index 71%
rename from docs/yocto-build-system/assets/ohos-build-arch.puml
rename to docs/yocto-build-system/assets/oniro-build-arch.puml
index 03257f127078af6a41ce9f232b45fca06edab4fe..cfe461c0c750b3dd45cb0218177bff9cfd485991 100644
--- a/docs/yocto-build-system/assets/ohos-build-arch.puml
+++ b/docs/yocto-build-system/assets/oniro-build-arch.puml
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
 ' SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
-@startuml meta-ohos-arch
+@startuml meta-oniro-arch
 !include https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plantuml-stdlib/C4-PlantUML/master/C4_Container.puml
-Person(dev, "Developer", "Anyone willing to build the OHOS based image")
-System(meta_ohos, "meta-ohos", "All Scenario OS OS umbrella bitbake meta-layer")
+Person(dev, "Developer", "Anyone willing to build the Oniro Operating System")
+System(oniro, "oniro", "All Scenario OS OS umbrella bitbake meta-layer")
 Boundary(poky, "poky") {
     System_Ext(bitbake, "bitbake", "build process orchestrator")
     System_Ext(linux_yocto, "linux-yocto", "Yocto Project LTS linux kernel")
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ System_Ext(linux_yocto, "linux-yocto", "Yocto Project LTS linux kernel")
 System_Ext(meta_external_toolchain, "meta-external-toolchain", "Yocto Project LTS GNU GCC and LLVM toolchains")
 Rel(dev, bitbake, "selects configuration, initiates the build, deploys image to the target")
-Rel(bitbake, meta_ohos, "incorporates meta-layers relevant for selected kernel / configuration")
+Rel(bitbake, oniro, "incorporates meta-layers relevant for selected kernel / configuration")
 Rel(bitbake, linux_yocto, "incorporates Yocto Project LTS linux kernel reference")
 Rel(bitbake, meta_external_toolchain, "incorporates Yocto Project LTS toolchains")
-Rel(bitbake, meta_zephyr, "incorporates for OHOS on Zephyr build")
-Rel(bitbake, meta_freertos, "incorporates for OHOS on FreeRTOS build")
+Rel(bitbake, meta_zephyr, "incorporates for Oniro Operating System on Zephyr build")
+Rel(bitbake, meta_freertos, "incorporates for Oniro Operating System on FreeRTOS build")
diff --git a/docs/yocto-build-system/index.rst b/docs/yocto-build-system/index.rst
index 9d82ed4b323897be85a11dd687df312246b70daf..ac413a7189d3391decee4f6da46654cc79c7e66c 100644
--- a/docs/yocto-build-system/index.rst
+++ b/docs/yocto-build-system/index.rst
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ This section details both generic and |main_project_name| specific aspects of th
    :maxdepth: 1
-   ohos-build-arch
+   oniro-build-arch
diff --git a/docs/yocto-build-system/ohos-build-arch.rst b/docs/yocto-build-system/oniro-build-arch.rst
similarity index 94%
rename from docs/yocto-build-system/ohos-build-arch.rst
rename to docs/yocto-build-system/oniro-build-arch.rst
index 5a83048b3da774d7bc49863777be356e3e1a454d..ea54805fc54453f14e8404329b595da4491481c2 100644
--- a/docs/yocto-build-system/ohos-build-arch.rst
+++ b/docs/yocto-build-system/oniro-build-arch.rst
@@ -22,4 +22,4 @@ ranging from RTOSes to Linux.
 required for compiling |main_project_name| images. The architecture supports plugging
 various kernels.
-.. image:: assets/meta-ohos-arch.png
+.. image:: assets/oniro-arch.png