diff --git a/meta-oniro-core/recipes-bsp/grub/files/grub.cfg b/meta-oniro-core/recipes-bsp/grub/files/grub.cfg
index b72bf6f9d628e8f00cb441a7fd041b0f2f66bcef..8f488fd9e9607621c5efc8be9dcb514d591f4882 100644
--- a/meta-oniro-core/recipes-bsp/grub/files/grub.cfg
+++ b/meta-oniro-core/recipes-bsp/grub/files/grub.cfg
@@ -33,20 +33,20 @@ echo "note: loaded SYSOTA_BOOT_ACTIVE=$SYSOTA_BOOT_ACTIVE SYSOTA_BOOT_TRY=$SYSOT
 # Recover active slot if the file is corrupted.
 if [ -z "$SYSOTA_BOOT_ACTIVE" ]; then
     echo "warning: SYSOTA_BOOT_ACTIVE is unset, attempting recovery"
-    if [ -e "(hd0,gpt2)/boot/bzImage" -a -e "(hd0,gpt3)/boot/bzImage" ]; then
+    if [ -e "(hd0,gpt2)/boot/@KERNEL_IMAGETYPE@" -a -e "(hd0,gpt3)/boot/@KERNEL_IMAGETYPE@" ]; then
         # Both slots are available, pick the more recent slot.
         # TODO: handle rollback prevention flags (how?)
-        if [ "(hd0,gpt2)/boot/bzImage" -nt "(hd0,gpt3)/boot/bzImage" ]; then
+        if [ "(hd0,gpt2)/boot/@KERNEL_IMAGETYPE@" -nt "(hd0,gpt3)/boot/@KERNEL_IMAGETYPE@" ]; then
             echo "note: recovered SYSOTA_BOOT_ACTIVE=A (slot A kernel is newer than slot B)"
             set SYSOTA_BOOT_ACTIVE="A"
             echo "note: recovered SYSOTA_BOOT_ACTIVE=B (slot B kernel is newer than slot A)"
             set SYSOTA_BOOT_ACTIVE="B"
-    elif [ -e "(hd0,gpt2)/boot/bzImage" ]; then
+    elif [ -e "(hd0,gpt2)/boot/@KERNEL_IMAGETYPE@" ]; then
         echo "note: recovered SYSOTA_BOOT_ACTIVE=A"
         set SYSOTA_BOOT_ACTIVE="A"
-    elif [ -e "(hd0,gpt3)/boot/bzImage" ]; then
+    elif [ -e "(hd0,gpt3)/boot/@KERNEL_IMAGETYPE@" ]; then
         echo "note: recovered SYSOTA_BOOT_ACTIVE=B"
         set SYSOTA_BOOT_ACTIVE="B"
@@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ fi
 # https://gitlab.eclipse.org/eclipse/oniro-core/sysota/-/wikis/Boot%20Assets%20Specification#efigrub
 if [ "$SLOT" == "A" ]; then
     # TODO pass root partition by partuuid.
-    linux "(hd0,gpt2)/boot/bzImage" root=/dev/sda2 rauc.slot=A $CMDLINE
+    linux "(hd0,gpt2)/boot/@KERNEL_IMAGETYPE@" root=/dev/sda2 rauc.slot=A $CMDLINE
 elif [ "$SLOT" == "B" ]; then
-    linux "(hd0,gpt3)/boot/bzImage" root=/dev/sda3 rauc.slot=B $CMDLINE
+    linux "(hd0,gpt3)/boot/@KERNEL_IMAGETYPE@" root=/dev/sda3 rauc.slot=B $CMDLINE
     echo "error: cannot select slot to boot from, halting"
diff --git a/meta-oniro-core/recipes-bsp/grub/oniro-grub-bootconf.bb b/meta-oniro-core/recipes-bsp/grub/oniro-grub-bootconf.bb
index 856c0aa292337142b5708a6b4ec13e272429548e..ebd1041167cac5de746843fe6313fe6173823061 100644
--- a/meta-oniro-core/recipes-bsp/grub/oniro-grub-bootconf.bb
+++ b/meta-oniro-core/recipes-bsp/grub/oniro-grub-bootconf.bb
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ SRC_URI = " \
 	file://grubenv \
-inherit allarch deploy
+inherit deploy
 RPROVIDES:${PN} += "virtual-grub-bootconf"
@@ -32,17 +32,18 @@ do_install() {
 	# testing.
 	install -d ${D}${EFI_FILES_PATH}
 	install -m 644 grub.cfg ${D}${EFI_FILES_PATH}/grub.cfg
 	install -m 644 grubenv ${D}${EFI_FILES_PATH}/grubenv
 do_deploy() {
 	# Install the boot assets into DEPLOYDIR. The deploy bbclass
 	# eventually copies those into the boot partition.
-	install -m 644 ${WORKDIR}/grub.cfg ${DEPLOYDIR}
+	install -m 644 ${D}${EFI_FILES_PATH}/grub.cfg ${DEPLOYDIR}
 	# Unlike grub.cfg, nothing installs this file to the boot partition
 	# automatically. It is handled by extending IMAGE_EFI_BOOT_FILES from
 	# conf/distro/oniro-linux.conf.
-	install -m 644 ${WORKDIR}/grubenv ${DEPLOYDIR}
+	install -m 644 ${D}${EFI_FILES_PATH}/grubenv ${DEPLOYDIR}
 # Cargo-cult from a similar recipe.
@@ -52,3 +53,5 @@ FILES:${PN} = "\
 	${EFI_FILES_PATH}/grub.cfg \
 	${EFI_FILES_PATH}/grubenv \