diff --git a/.oniro-ci/build-generic.yaml b/.oniro-ci/build-generic.yaml
index ecc34037306adc269a64f8d20b0a5f8bf13d3cd2..86834456c05969f2e5584fb0c454eecf80a3929a 100644
--- a/.oniro-ci/build-generic.yaml
+++ b/.oniro-ci/build-generic.yaml
@@ -162,8 +162,6 @@
           | sed -e 's/^CI_ONIRO_BB_LOCAL_CONF_plus_equals_//g' -e 's/"/\\"/g' -e 's/=/ += "/g' -e 's/$/"/g' \
           | sort \
           | tee -a conf/local.conf )
-    # Print local conf for debugging.
-    - grep -E '^[^#]' conf/local.conf
     # Sanity check: disallow using public build cache with a specific setting
     # in local.conf. The list of settings may grow over time.
@@ -302,11 +300,6 @@
   extends: .build-image
-    # cve-check is enabled in the .bitbake-workspace job. Append
-    # oniro-debug-linux for all wic image build jobs to enable root login which
-    # is required in LAVA test jobs. The variable can be overwritten in build
-    # job level for builds that require non-root user.
-    CI_ONIRO_BB_LOCAL_CONF_plus_equals_INHERIT: "cve-check oniro-debug-linux"
     CI_ONIRO_JOB_ARTIFACTS: "*.wic.* *.bmap"
     - !reference [.build-image, script]