diff --git a/.oniro-ci/build-generic.yaml b/.oniro-ci/build-generic.yaml
index d5cbaa0e4cd8de27ea48ee596398bec9b9873c76..aa1b1b5d192f36fe2911a326dfc7cbdff49950ed 100644
--- a/.oniro-ci/build-generic.yaml
+++ b/.oniro-ci/build-generic.yaml
@@ -268,11 +268,14 @@
 # This job is documented in docs/ci/hidden-jobs/build-image.rst
   extends: .build-recipe
+  variables:
     - !reference [.build-recipe, script]
     # Move artifacts for recovery, which only considers $CI_PROJECT_DIR and
     # subdirectories.
     - mkdir -p "$CI_PROJECT_DIR"/artifacts
+    - rm -rf "$CI_PROJECT_DIR"/artifacts/*
     # The name of the build-specific tmp directory may vary. Ask bitbake
     # instead of hard-coding it. This is currently only relevant for Zephyr,
     # which uses tmp-newlib.
@@ -281,35 +284,37 @@
     # meta-oniro-core/classes/oniro-image.bbclass as runqemu needs it for local
     # build and boot.
     - find "$BITBAKE_TMPDIR"/deploy/images/ -name *.wic -exec rm -rf {} \;
-    - cp -a "$BITBAKE_TMPDIR"/deploy/images/ "$CI_PROJECT_DIR"/artifacts || true
     - cp -a "$BITBAKE_TMPDIR"/deploy/licenses/ "$CI_PROJECT_DIR"/artifacts || true
+    # Only copy the files defined in the CI_ONIRO_JOB_ARTIFACTS variable. Most
+    # of the remaining files are redundant and quite large.
+    - |
+      set -x
+      if test -n "$CI_ONIRO_JOB_ARTIFACTS" && test -d "$BITBAKE_TMPDIR"/deploy/; then
+        (
+          cd "$BITBAKE_TMPDIR"/deploy/
+          for artifact in $CI_ONIRO_JOB_ARTIFACTS; do
+            find ./ -type f -name "$artifact" -exec cp --parents {} "$CI_PROJECT_DIR"/artifacts \;
+          done
+        )
+      fi
+      set +x
       - artifacts/
   extends: .build-image
+  variables:
+    CI_ONIRO_JOB_ARTIFACTS: "*.wic.* *.bmap"
     - !reference [.build-image, script]
-    # Remove everything _except_ for the .wic.* and *.bmap and ovmf.qcow2 files.
-    # Most of the remaining files are redundant and quite large. Our Linux
-    # builds really only care about the wic files and the qemu UEFI firmware.
-    - echo "Removing non-wic/bmap image files"
-    - find "$CI_PROJECT_DIR"/artifacts/images/ \( -type f -o -type l \) -a ! \( -name "*.wic.*" -o -name "ovmf.qcow2" \) -print -delete
-    - echo "Pruning empty directories"
-    - find "$CI_PROJECT_DIR"/artifacts/ -type d -exec rmdir --verbose --ignore-fail-on-non-empty {} \; 2>/dev/null || true
   extends: .build-image
+  variables:
+    CI_ONIRO_JOB_ARTIFACTS: "*.raucb"
     - !reference [.build-image, script]
-    # Remove everything _except_ for the .raucb.* files. The bundle is
-    # self-sufficient (aka standalone) and does not need any supporting
-    # infrastructure.
-    - echo "Removing non-bundle files"
-    - find "$CI_PROJECT_DIR"/artifacts/images/ \( -type f -o -type l \) -a ! -name "*.raucb" -print -delete
-    - echo "Pruning empty directories"
-    - find "$CI_PROJECT_DIR"/artifacts/ -type d -exec rmdir --verbose --ignore-fail-on-non-empty {} \; 2>/dev/null || true
 # This job is currently used to customize the behavior in oniro and xts-acts.
 # It will be removed when that is safe to do so. It is not documented.
diff --git a/.oniro-ci/machines-and-flavours.yaml b/.oniro-ci/machines-and-flavours.yaml
index cf60c4298098dc147e2fce83b0145a0be972d304..d190d1ad61212533c9f7f753fe05517c621b2513 100644
--- a/.oniro-ci/machines-and-flavours.yaml
+++ b/.oniro-ci/machines-and-flavours.yaml
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ linux-qemu-x86:
     # This is done assuming that there are no non-redistributable or otherwise
     # tainted build intermediate files, downloads or published artifacts.
+    CI_ONIRO_JOB_ARTIFACTS: "*.wic.* *.bmap ovmf.qcow2"
   extends: .build-wic-image
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ linux-qemu-x86_64:
     # See the note on linux-qemu-x86.
+    CI_ONIRO_JOB_ARTIFACTS: "*.wic.* *.bmap ovmf.qcow2"
   extends: .build-wic-image
diff --git a/docs/ci/hidden-jobs/bitbake-workspace.rst b/docs/ci/hidden-jobs/bitbake-workspace.rst
index 340f246baa259298d9d403b027087a05ddd4674f..5c53d50342f837a2991599b10dd28b7cc11db580 100644
--- a/docs/ci/hidden-jobs/bitbake-workspace.rst
+++ b/docs/ci/hidden-jobs/bitbake-workspace.rst
@@ -84,6 +84,16 @@ tested.
 This functionality is useful for testing incoming changes to repositories that
 contain source code that is already packaged one of the layers.
+Most of the files generated in the ``tmp/deploy`` directory are redundant. Some
+of them are quite large. By default, only the files in the
+``tmp/deploy/licenses`` directory are published.
+``CI_ONIRO_JOB_ARTIFACTS`` allows build job to define space-separated list of
+build artifacts to publish. Wildcards are supported.
 Configuring BitBake