diff --git a/meta-ohos-core/recipes-ota/sysota/sysota_git.bb b/meta-ohos-core/recipes-ota/sysota/sysota_git.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9260c889ebff4e2d5da8d6453af7279949771686
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-ohos-core/recipes-ota/sysota/sysota_git.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Huawei Inc.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+DESCRIPTION = "Robust, unattended update system for Linux gateways"
+LICENSE = "Apache-2.0"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://src/${GO_IMPORT}/LICENSES/Apache-2.0.txt;md5=c846ebb396f8b174b10ded4771514fcc"
+SRC_URI = "git://git.ostc-eu.org/OSTC/OHOS/components/sysota.git;protocol=https;branch=main"
+SRCREV = "8d2f4fce96a4cf880c329103b2640450857d6423"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+# This package is built with go-mod as well as with make.
+# The go-mod build is done in the ${B} directory but is not sufficient for
+# packaging, as the package contains additional data files, manual pages and
+# systemd units. The make build is done inside the ${B}/make-build
+# sub-directory and is similar to what upstream CI is testing.
+# The way go-mod prepares the build tree in go_do_configure clobbers ${B}/ and
+# replaces it with a symbolic link. The make build is done in _append functions
+# to see the final file system structure.
+# To avoid compiling the code twice a trick is employed. We know go-mod.bbclass
+# has already compiled the project and has stashed the binary into
+# ${B}/${GO_BUILD_BINDIR}. In do_compile_append() we move those binaries over
+# to where the project makefile would have built them. In addition we pass
+# Go.Cmd=/bin/false to make sure that make does not attempt to compile anything
+# successfully for the second time.
+inherit go-mod systemd features_check
+# Go import path of SystemOTA.
+GO_IMPORT = "git.ostc-eu.org/OSTC/OHOS/components/sysota"
+# The make side of the build depends on zmk. We cannot rely on zmk.bbclass as
+# that internally depends on autotools.bbclass but using autotools.bbclass and
+# go-mod.bbclass in one recipe is not supported.
+DEPENDS += "zmk-native pkgconfig-native systemd"
+do_configure[dirs] =+ "${B}/make-build"
+do_configure_append() {
+    # Note that path ${S}/src/${GO_IMPORT} is hard-coded in go.bbclass.
+    # Depending on what The SRC_URI points to we may be building from a git
+    # repository or an upstream release tarball.  In the latter case, the
+    # tarball contains an autotools-like bundled copy of the zmk library for
+    # Make. Remove that copy so that we always build with zmk provided by
+    # Yocto.
+    rm -rf ${S}/src/${GO_IMPORT}/zmk
+    rm -f ${S}/src/${GO_IMPORT}/z.mk
+    rm -f ${S}/src/${GO_IMPORT}/configure
+    # Re-create the configure script in the source tree.
+    oe_runmake --warn-undefined-variables -C ${S}/src/${GO_IMPORT} configure
+    # Run the generated configure script passing --prefix=, --libexecdir= and
+    # --sysconfdir=. The paths are used in generated data files, most notably
+    # systemd units.
+    cd ${B}/make-build/ && ${S}/src/${GO_IMPORT}/configure \
+        --prefix=${prefix} \
+        --libexecdir=${libexecdir} \
+        --sysconfdir=${sysconfdir}
+do_compile_append() {
+    # See the "trick" paragraph above. If additional binaries are added to the
+    # package, they should be moved as well.
+    mkdir -p ${B}/make-build/cmd/sysotad
+    mv ${B}/${GO_BUILD_BINDIR}/sysotad ${B}/make-build/cmd/sysotad
+    # Run the upstream build system which prepares systemd units and manual pages.
+    oe_runmake -C ${B}/make-build --warn-undefined-variables Go.Cmd=/bin/false
+do_install_append() {
+    oe_runmake -C ${B}/make-build --warn-undefined-variables install DESTDIR=${D}
+# Include D-Bus configuration files in the primary package. Those contain bus
+# policy for talking to SystemOTA as well as the D-Bus activation service file
+# (not to be confused with the systemd service unit).
+FILES_${PN} += "${datadir}/dbus-1"
+# SystemOTA depends on RAUC and unsquashfs and mksquashfs (for tests).
+RDEPENDS_${PN} += "squashfs-tools rauc"
+# SystemOTA test scripts technically depend on Bash for spread integration.
+RDEPENDS_${PN}-dev += "bash"
+# SystemOTA heavily depends on Systemd. Individual portions are implemented as
+# systemd services.
+SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "sysotad.service"