Maven AsciiDoc checker: Jenkins doesn't report errors as errors and hides crucial information
From the build of the ToolDef user manual:
[2024-12-09T15:16:17.127Z] [INFO] Checking 22 AsciiDoc source file(s).
[2024-12-09T15:16:17.127Z] [INFO] Found 4 problems:
[2024-12-09T15:16:17.127Z] [INFO] - File /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ESCET_build_MR-1176/tooldef/org.eclipse.escet.tooldef.documentation/asciidoc/user-manual/expressions.asciidoc, line 28, column 80: Multiple sentences on the same source line.
[2024-12-09T15:16:17.127Z] [INFO] - File /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ESCET_build_MR-1176/tooldef/org.eclipse.escet.tooldef.documentation/asciidoc/user-manual/expressions.asciidoc, line 45, column 68: Multiple sentences on the same source line.
[2024-12-09T15:16:17.127Z] [INFO] - File /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ESCET_build_MR-1176/tooldef/org.eclipse.escet.tooldef.documentation/asciidoc/user-manual/language.asciidoc, line 60, column 128: Multiple sentences on the same source line.
[2024-12-09T15:16:17.127Z] [INFO] - File /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ESCET_build_MR-1176/tooldef/org.eclipse.escet.tooldef.documentation/asciidoc/user-manual/language.asciidoc, line 472, column 37: Multiple sentences on the same source line.
These are the actual problems. They are marked as INFO. Not WARNING, ERROR, or FATAL. Just INFO.
Then at the very bottom of the log it's an ERROR:
10:16:17 [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.eclipse.escet:org.eclipse.escet.common.asciidoc:6.0.0-SNAPSHOT:source-check (source-check) on project org.eclipse.escet.tooldef.documentation: One or more AsciiDoc source files have problems. -> [Help 1]
I don't know who designed this system, but it's useless as a source of information.
- It's hiding crucial information in the ocean of "INFO" lines.
- It doesn't even label errors as ERRORs.
- It doesn't give me the documentation result so I can have a look at it at all.
Also, why do we crash a build on formatting layout of documentation?