# Aidge Core library

You can find here the C++ code of the Core library of Aidge.

## Pip installation

To install aidge_core using pip, make sure to set the desired install path :
``` bash 
export AIDGE_INSTALL = '<path_to_aidge>/install'

Then run in your python environnement :
``` bash
pip install . -v

## Standard C++ Compilation

Create two directories ``build`` and ``ìnstall``.

Then **inside** ``build`` :


cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=$(path_to_install_folder) $(CMAKE PARAMETERS) $(projet_root)

make all install


**Compilation options**

|   Option   | Value type | Description |
| *-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH* | ``str``  | Path to the install folder |
| *-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE*          | ``str``  | If ``Debug``, compile in debug mode, ``Release`` compile with highest optimisations, default= ``Release`` |
| *-DWERROR*                    | ``bool`` | If ``ON`` show warning as error during compilation phase, default=``OFF`` |
| *-DPYBIND*                    | ``bool`` | If ``ON`` activate python binding, default=``ON`` |

If you have compiled with PyBind you can find at the root of the ``build`` file the python lib ``aidge_core.cpython*.so``

## Run tests

### CPP

Inside of the build file run:


ctest --output-on-failure


### Python