diff --git a/python_binding/data/pybind_Data.cpp b/python_binding/data/pybind_Data.cpp
index c6595360b17ee08eaa82d483987914adc67b60a8..1d4eae0776b66a16e6472a51661b22fe281e6f6b 100644
--- a/python_binding/data/pybind_Data.cpp
+++ b/python_binding/data/pybind_Data.cpp
@@ -17,20 +17,42 @@ namespace py = pybind11;
 namespace Aidge {
 void init_Data(py::module& m){
-    // TODO : extend with more values !
-    py::enum_<DataType>(m, "dtype")
-    .value("float64", DataType::Float64)
-    .value("float32", DataType::Float32)
-    .value("float16", DataType::Float16)
-    .value("int8", DataType::Int8)
-    .value("int16", DataType::Int16)
-    .value("int32", DataType::Int32)
-    .value("int64", DataType::Int64)
-    .value("uint8", DataType::UInt8)
-    .value("uint16", DataType::UInt16)
-    .value("uint32", DataType::UInt32)
-    .value("uint64", DataType::UInt64)
-    ;
+    // Define enumeration names for python as lowercase dtype name
+    // This defined enum names compatible with basic numpy dtype
+    // name such as: float32, flot64, [u]int32, [u]int64, ...
+    auto python_enum_name = [](const DataType& dtype) {
+        auto str_lower = [](std::string& str) {
+            std::transform(str.begin(), str.end(), str.begin(),
+                           [](unsigned char c){
+                               return std::tolower(c);
+                           });
+        };
+        auto dtype_name = std::string(Aidge::format_as(dtype));
+        str_lower(dtype_name);
+        return dtype_name;
+    };
+    // Auto generate enumeration names from lowercase dtype strings
+    std::vector<std::string> enum_names;
+    for (auto dtype_str : EnumStrings<Aidge::DataType>::data) {
+        auto dtype = static_cast<DataType>(enum_names.size());
+        auto enum_name = python_enum_name(dtype);
+        enum_names.push_back(enum_name);
+    }
+    // Define python side enumeration aidge_core.dtype
+    auto e_dtype = py::enum_<DataType>(m, "dtype");
+    // Add enum value for each enum name
+    for (std::size_t idx = 0; idx < enum_names.size(); idx++) {
+        e_dtype.value(enum_names[idx].c_str(), static_cast<DataType>(idx));
+    }
+    // Define str() to return the bare enum name value, it allows
+    // to compare directly for instance str(tensor.dtype())
+    // with str(nparray.dtype)
+    e_dtype.def("__str__", [enum_names](const DataType& dtype) {
+        return enum_names[static_cast<int>(dtype)];
+    }, py::prepend());;
     py::class_<Data, std::shared_ptr<Data>>(m,"Data");