diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/ReduceMean.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/ReduceMean.hpp
index 52d0118743373c23a4afe4a51d3f22adbe9e6848..5f07cddfa667e7e494defe38a5667332744c3e20 100644
--- a/include/aidge/operator/ReduceMean.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/ReduceMean.hpp
@@ -12,8 +12,10 @@
+#include <algorithm>  // std::for_each
 #include <array>
 #include <cmath>
+#include <cstdint>    // std::int32_t
 #include <numeric>
 #include <vector>
@@ -31,18 +33,18 @@ enum class ReduceMeanAttr { Axes, KeepDims };
 template <DimIdx_t DIM>
 class ReduceMean_Op : public OperatorTensor,
                 public Registrable<ReduceMean_Op<DIM>, std::string, std::unique_ptr<OperatorImpl>(const ReduceMean_Op<DIM> &)>,
-                public StaticAttributes<ReduceMeanAttr, std::array<int, DIM>, DimSize_t> {
+                public StaticAttributes<ReduceMeanAttr, std::array<std::int32_t, DIM>, DimSize_t> {
     static const std::string Type;
     ReduceMean_Op() = delete;
-    using Attributes_ = StaticAttributes<ReduceMeanAttr, std::array<int, DIM>, DimSize_t>;
+    using Attributes_ = StaticAttributes<ReduceMeanAttr, std::array<std::int32_t, DIM>, DimSize_t>;
     template <ReduceMeanAttr e>
     using attr = typename Attributes_::template attr<e>;
-    constexpr ReduceMean_Op(const std::array<int, DIM> &axes, DimSize_t keep_dims)
+    constexpr ReduceMean_Op(const std::array<std::int32_t, DIM> &axes, DimSize_t keep_dims)
         : OperatorTensor(Type, 1, 0, 1),
                       attr<ReduceMeanAttr::KeepDims>(keep_dims)) {}
@@ -67,29 +69,28 @@ class ReduceMean_Op : public OperatorTensor,
     void computeOutputDims() override final {
+        if (!getInput(0)) {
+            AIDGE_THROW_OR_ABORT(std::runtime_error, "Every input should be associated with a Tensor");
+        }
         if (!getInput(0)->empty()) {
-            std::vector<DimSize_t> outDims;
-            for(std::size_t d=0; d<getInput(0)->dims().size(); ++d)
-            {
-                bool reducedDim =  false;
-                for(std::size_t i=0; i<DIM; ++i)
-                {
-                    int axis_ = this->template getAttr<ReduceMeanAttr::Axes>()[i];
-                    std::size_t axis= axis_>=0? axis_: axis_ + getInput(0)->nbDims();
-                    if(axis == d)
-                    {
-                        reducedDim = true;
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-                if(reducedDim)
-                {
-                    if(this->template getAttr<ReduceMeanAttr::KeepDims>())
-                        outDims.push_back(1);
-                }
-                else
-                    outDims.push_back(getInput(0)->dims()[d]);
+            // make Axes attribute positive
+            std::array<std::int32_t, DIM>& axes = this->template getAttr<ReduceMeanAttr::Axes>();
+            std::for_each(axes.begin(), axes.end(), [&] (std::int32_t& val) {
+                if (val < 0)
+                    val+=static_cast<std::int32_t>(getInput(0)->nbDims());
+            });
+            std::sort(axes.begin(), axes.end());
+            // build output dimensions
+            std::vector<DimSize_t> outDims = getInput(0)->dims();
+            if (this->template getAttr<ReduceMeanAttr::KeepDims>()) {
+                std::for_each(axes.begin(), axes.end(), [&outDims] (const std::int32_t& val) { outDims[val] = 1; });
+            }
+            else {
+                for (auto it = axes.crbegin(); it != axes.crend(); ++it)
+                    outDims.erase(outDims.begin() + static_cast<std::size_t>(*it));
@@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ class ReduceMean_Op : public OperatorTensor,
 template <std::array<DimSize_t, 1>::size_type DIM>
-inline std::shared_ptr<Node> ReduceMean(const std::array<int, DIM> &axes,
+inline std::shared_ptr<Node> ReduceMean(const std::array<std::int32_t, DIM> &axes,
                                         DimSize_t keep_dims=1,
                                         const std::string& name = "") {
     // FIXME: properly handle default w&b initialization in every cases
@@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ inline std::shared_ptr<Node> ReduceMean(const std::array<int, DIM> &axes,
 // helper with C-style array instead of std::array for kernel_dims to allow automatic template DIM deduction
 template <DimSize_t DIM>
 inline std::shared_ptr<Node> ReduceMean(
-    int const (&axes)[DIM],
+    std::int32_t const (&axes)[DIM],
     DimSize_t keep_dims = 1,
     const std::string& name = "") {
     static_assert(DIM<=MaxDim,"Too many kernel dimensions required by ReduceMean, not supported");