From 7932a2c135c996ce99b0c5e849c182fed4074d82 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: vl241552 <>
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2023 16:30:54 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] [fix] ConditionalInterpreter

 .../nodeTester/ConditionalInterpreter.hpp     | 72 ++++++++-------
 include/aidge/utils/Recipies.hpp              |  7 +-
 src/nodeTester/ConditionalInterpreter.cpp     | 84 ++++++++++--------
 src/recipies/FuseBatchNorm.cpp                | 87 +++++++++++++------
 .../Test_ConditionalInterpreter.cpp           | 35 ++++++--
 unit_tests/recipies/Test_FuseBatchNorm.cpp    | 46 ++++++++++
 unit_tests/recipies/Test_FuseMulAdd.cpp       |  2 +
 7 files changed, 229 insertions(+), 104 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 unit_tests/recipies/Test_FuseBatchNorm.cpp

diff --git a/include/aidge/nodeTester/ConditionalInterpreter.hpp b/include/aidge/nodeTester/ConditionalInterpreter.hpp
index 674e942c7..af6a3b920 100644
--- a/include/aidge/nodeTester/ConditionalInterpreter.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/nodeTester/ConditionalInterpreter.hpp
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ namespace Aidge{
  * @brief class used to register any lambda function without context,
- * it encapsulates the source lambda in a lambda which takes as argument ConditionalData* which are any type.
+ * it encapsulates the source lambda in a lambda which takes as argument  std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData> which are any type.
  * @see ConditionalData
 class ConditionalRegisterFunction {
@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@ class ConditionalRegisterFunction {
-     * @brief recast the ConditionalData* to the argument type of the lambda
+     * @brief recast the  std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData> to the argument type of the lambda
      * @tparam T type of the lambda argument
      * @see ConditionalData
     template <typename T>
-    T safeCastInput(ConditionalData* data) {
+    T safeCastInput( std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData> data) {
         //cnvertion and type cheking
         if (data->isTypeEqualTo<T>()){
             return data->getValue<T>();
@@ -48,14 +48,14 @@ class ConditionalRegisterFunction {
-     * @brief recaste the output of the lambda to a  ConditionalData*
+     * @brief recaste the output of the lambda to a   std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData>
      * @tparam T type of the lambda return
      * @see ConditionalData
     template <typename T>
-    ConditionalData* safeCastOutput(T data) {
+     std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData> safeCastOutput(T data) {
-        ConditionalData* out = new ConditionalData;
+        std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData> out = std::make_shared<ConditionalData>();
         return out;
@@ -111,11 +111,11 @@ class ConditionalRegisterFunction {
-    //change the function to ConditionalData*(std::vector<ConditionalData*>)
+    //change the function to  std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData>(std::vector< std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData>>)
-     * @brief Converts a function to a ConditionalData*(std::vector<ConditionalData*>).
+     * @brief Converts a function to a  std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData>(std::vector< std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData>>).
      * @tparam F The type of the function to convert.
      * @tparam ParamsIdx The indices of the function parameters.
      * @param f The function to convert.
@@ -124,25 +124,31 @@ class ConditionalRegisterFunction {
     template <class F, std::size_t... ParamsIdx>
     auto funcPointer(F f, std::index_sequence<ParamsIdx...>) {
         //wrapp the lambda in a new one that as ConditionalData as inputs and output
-    	return [this,f](std::vector<ConditionalData*>  &args) {
-            if (args.size() != sizeof...(ParamsIdx)){
+    	return [this,f](std::vector< std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData>>  &args) {
+            if (args.size() < sizeof...(ParamsIdx)){
                 std::ostringstream errorMessage;
                 errorMessage << "bad Number of argument: get " << args.size() << " need " << sizeof...(ParamsIdx) << "\n";
                 throw std::runtime_error(errorMessage.str());
-    		//assert(args.size() == sizeof...(ParamsIdx));//the size of the vector valide
+    		//we used std::vector< std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData>> as a fifo 
+            std::size_t offset = args.size()-sizeof...(ParamsIdx);
     		using FuncTraits = function_traits<decltype(f)>;
     		using outType = typename FuncTraits::return_type;
-    		outType result = f(safeCastInput<typename FuncTraits::template argument<ParamsIdx>::type>(args[ParamsIdx])...);
+    		outType result = f(safeCastInput<typename FuncTraits::template argument<ParamsIdx>::type>(args[offset+ParamsIdx])...);
+            //suppress what we used
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof...(ParamsIdx); ++i) {
+                args.pop_back();
+            }
     		return safeCastOutput<outType>(result);
-     * @brief Converts a function pointer to a ConditionalData*(std::vector<ConditionalData*>).
+     * @brief Converts a function pointer to a  std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData>(std::vector< std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData>>).
      * @tparam R The return type of the function.
      * @tparam Params The parameter types of the function.
      * @param f The function pointer to convert.
@@ -154,7 +160,7 @@ class ConditionalRegisterFunction {
-     * @brief Converts a std::function to a ConditionalData*(std::vector<ConditionalData*>).
+     * @brief Converts a std::function to a  std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData>(std::vector< std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData>>).
      * @tparam R The return type of the function.
      * @tparam Params The parameter types of the function.
      * @param f The function pointer to convert.
@@ -196,7 +202,7 @@ class ConditionalRegisterFunction {
      * @param datas The vector of input data.
      * @return A pointer to the output ConditionalData object.
-    ConditionalData* run(const std::string key,std::vector<ConditionalData*> & datas);
+     std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData> run(const std::string key,std::vector< std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData>> & datas);
     bool isLambdaRegister(const std::string &key) {
         if(mWlambda.find(key) != mWlambda.end()){
@@ -207,7 +213,7 @@ class ConditionalRegisterFunction {
     /// @brief map of name and the converted function.
-    std::map<const std::string, std::function<ConditionalData*(std::vector<ConditionalData*>  &)>> mWlambda;
+    std::map<const std::string, std::function< std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData>(std::vector< std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData>>  &)>> mWlambda;
@@ -237,15 +243,15 @@ class ConditionalInterpreter
     ConditionalRegisterFunction mLambdaRegister;
-    std::vector<ConditionalData*> mResolution ;
+    std::vector< std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData>> mResolution ;
-    void clearRes(){
+    // void clearRes(){
-        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < mResolution.size(); ++i) {
-            delete mResolution[i];
-        }
-        mResolution.clear();
-    }
+    //     for (std::size_t i = 0; i < mResolution.size(); ++i) {
+    //         delete mResolution[i];
+    //     }
+    //     mResolution.clear();
+    // }
@@ -258,7 +264,7 @@ class ConditionalInterpreter
     ConditionalInterpreter(const std::string key,const std::string ConditionalExpressions);
-    ~ConditionalInterpreter(){clearRes();}
+    ~ConditionalInterpreter(){}
      * @brief get the condition key
@@ -293,12 +299,12 @@ class ConditionalInterpreter
      * @param NodeOp The node currently being tested
      * @param nodes The AST given by the parsing process
-    std::vector<ConditionalData*> visit(const ASTNodeCh& nodes, const NodePtr NodeOp );
+    std::vector< std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData>> visit(const ASTNodeCh& nodes, const NodePtr NodeOp );
      * @defgroup ASTnodeInterpreterF Functions for interpreting AST nodes
      * @brief For each node type in the AST, function defines the processing to be performed
-     *          they return a  std::vector<ConditionalData*> which corresponds to the value(s) obtained
+     *          they return a  std::vector< std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData>> which corresponds to the value(s) obtained
@@ -308,38 +314,38 @@ class ConditionalInterpreter
     void fLambda(const std::shared_ptr<AstNode<ConditionalTokenTypes>>& node);
      * @ingroup ASTnodeInterpreterF
-     * @brief Converted the lexeme to a int and to ConditionalData*
+     * @brief Converted the lexeme to a int and to  std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData>
     void fStrToInteger(const std::shared_ptr<AstNode<ConditionalTokenTypes>>& node);
      * @ingroup ASTnodeInterpreterF
-     * @brief Converted the lexeme to a float and to ConditionalData*
+     * @brief Converted the lexeme to a float and to  std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData>
     void fStrToFloat(const std::shared_ptr<AstNode<ConditionalTokenTypes>>& node);
      * @ingroup ASTnodeInterpreterF
-     * @brief Converted the lexeme to a str and to ConditionalData*
+     * @brief Converted the lexeme to a str and to  std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData>
     void fStrToStr(const std::shared_ptr<AstNode<ConditionalTokenTypes>>& node);
      * @ingroup ASTnodeInterpreterF
-     * @brief makes the == operation between two previously converted ConditionalData*
+     * @brief makes the == operation between two previously converted  std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData>
     void fEq(void);
      * @ingroup ASTnodeInterpreterF
-     * @brief makes the != operation between two previously converted ConditionalData*
+     * @brief makes the != operation between two previously converted  std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData>
     void fNeq(void);
      * @ingroup ASTnodeInterpreterF
-     * @brief makes the && operation between two previously converted ConditionalData* in bool
+     * @brief makes the && operation between two previously converted  std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData> in bool
     void fAnd(void);
      * @ingroup ASTnodeInterpreterF
-     * @brief makes the || operation between two previously converted ConditionalData* in bool
+     * @brief makes the || operation between two previously converted  std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData> in bool
     void fOr(void);
diff --git a/include/aidge/utils/Recipies.hpp b/include/aidge/utils/Recipies.hpp
index 3236e7bf3..bf6683d34 100644
--- a/include/aidge/utils/Recipies.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/utils/Recipies.hpp
@@ -70,7 +70,12 @@ void removeFlatten(std::shared_ptr<GraphView> graphView);
  * @param nodes Strict set of Node to merge.
-void fuseBatchNorm(std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>> nodes);
+void fuseBatchNorm(std::shared_ptr<Node> conv,std::shared_ptr<Node> batchnorm);
+void fuseBatchNorm(std::shared_ptr<MatchSolution> solution);
  * @brief Fuse :cpp:function:`Aidge::BatchNorm` with :cpp:function:`Aidge::Conv` or :cpp:function:`Aidge::FC` Nodes.
  * Ref:
diff --git a/src/nodeTester/ConditionalInterpreter.cpp b/src/nodeTester/ConditionalInterpreter.cpp
index 59515d0ac..f40e62305 100644
--- a/src/nodeTester/ConditionalInterpreter.cpp
+++ b/src/nodeTester/ConditionalInterpreter.cpp
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ using namespace Aidge;
-    ConditionalData* ConditionalRegisterFunction::run(const std::string key,std::vector<ConditionalData*> & datas){
+     std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData> ConditionalRegisterFunction::run(const std::string key,std::vector< std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData>> & datas){
         auto lambdaIt = mWlambda.find(key);
         if (lambdaIt != mWlambda.end()) {
@@ -45,10 +45,9 @@ using namespace Aidge;
     bool ConditionalInterpreter::test( const NodePtr nodeOp)
-        clearRes();
+        mResolution.clear();
-            std::vector<ConditionalData*> r =  visit({mTree},nodeOp);
+            std::vector< std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData>> r =  visit({mTree},nodeOp);
             if (mResolution.size() != 1){
                 throw std::runtime_error("Multi output interpretation output");
@@ -72,8 +71,8 @@ using namespace Aidge;
-    std::vector<ConditionalData*> ConditionalInterpreter::visit(const ASTNodeCh& nodes, const NodePtr nodeOp ){
-            std::vector<ConditionalData*> dataVector;
+    std::vector< std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData>> ConditionalInterpreter::visit(const ASTNodeCh& nodes, const NodePtr nodeOp ){
+            std::vector< std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData>> dataVector;
             for ( std::shared_ptr<AstNode<ConditionalTokenTypes>> node : nodes) {
@@ -140,7 +139,7 @@ using namespace Aidge;
                         case ConditionalTokenTypes::NODE: //TODO
-                                ConditionalData* data = new ConditionalData;
+                                std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData> data = std::make_shared<ConditionalData>();
@@ -157,7 +156,7 @@ using namespace Aidge;
                         case ConditionalTokenTypes::BOOL: //TODO
-                            ConditionalData* data = new ConditionalData;
+                             std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData> data = std::make_shared<ConditionalData>();
                             if(node->getValue() == "true"){
@@ -195,7 +194,8 @@ using namespace Aidge;
     void ConditionalInterpreter::fStrToInteger(const std::shared_ptr<AstNode<ConditionalTokenTypes>>& node)
-        ConditionalData* data = new ConditionalData;
+         std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData> data = std::make_shared<ConditionalData>();
@@ -203,14 +203,14 @@ using namespace Aidge;
     void ConditionalInterpreter::fStrToFloat(const std::shared_ptr<AstNode<ConditionalTokenTypes>>& node)
-        ConditionalData* data = new ConditionalData;
+         std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData> data = std::make_shared<ConditionalData>();
     void ConditionalInterpreter::fStrToStr(const std::shared_ptr<AstNode<ConditionalTokenTypes>>& node)
-        ConditionalData* data = new ConditionalData;
+         std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData> data = std::make_shared<ConditionalData>();
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ using namespace Aidge;
     void ConditionalInterpreter::fLambda(const std::shared_ptr<AstNode<ConditionalTokenTypes>>& node)
         //if the lambda have input
-        ConditionalData* data;
+         std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData> data;
         try {
             data =>getValue(),mResolution);
         } catch (const std::exception& e) {
@@ -227,17 +227,20 @@ using namespace Aidge;
             throw std::runtime_error(errorMessage.str());
-        clearRes();
+        //clearRes();
     void ConditionalInterpreter::fEq(void)
-        if (mResolution.size() != 2){
+        if (mResolution.size() < 2){
             throw std::runtime_error("EQ need 2 arg and get :" + std::to_string(mResolution.size()));
-        auto a = mResolution[0];
-        auto b = mResolution[1];
+        auto a = mResolution.back(); 
+        mResolution.pop_back();
+        auto b = mResolution.back(); 
+ 	    mResolution.pop_back();
         if (a->getType() != b->getType()){
             throw std::runtime_error("EQ Unsupported between type :" + a->getType() +" "+ b->getType());
@@ -245,7 +248,7 @@ using namespace Aidge;
-        ConditionalData* data = new ConditionalData;
+         std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData> data = std::make_shared<ConditionalData>();
         if (a->isTypeEqualTo<int>()) {
            data->setValue<bool>( a->getValue<int>() == b->getValue<int>());
@@ -259,23 +262,25 @@ using namespace Aidge;
            throw std::runtime_error("EQ Unknown type encountered :" + a->getType() );
-        clearRes();
     void ConditionalInterpreter::fNeq(void)
-        if (mResolution.size() != 2){
+        if (mResolution.size() < 2){
              throw std::runtime_error("NEQ need 2 arg and get :" + std::to_string(mResolution.size()));
-        auto a = mResolution[0];
-        auto b = mResolution[1];
+        auto a = mResolution.back(); 
+ 	    mResolution.pop_back();
+        auto b = mResolution.back(); 
+ 	    mResolution.pop_back();
         if (a->getType() != b->getType()){
             throw std::runtime_error("NEQ Unsupported between type :" + a->getType() +" "+ b->getType());
-        ConditionalData* data = new ConditionalData;
+         std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData> data = std::make_shared<ConditionalData>();
         if (a->isTypeEqualTo<int>()) {
            data->setValue<bool>( a->getValue<int>() != b->getValue<int>());
@@ -288,67 +293,72 @@ using namespace Aidge;
            throw std::runtime_error("NEQ Unknown type encountered :" + a->getType() );
-        clearRes();
     void ConditionalInterpreter::fAnd(void)
-        if (mResolution.size() != 2){
+        if (mResolution.size() < 2){
            throw std::runtime_error("AND need 2 arg and get :" + std::to_string(mResolution.size()));
-        auto a = mResolution[0];
-        auto b = mResolution[1];
+        auto a = mResolution.back(); 
+ 	    mResolution.pop_back();
+        auto b = mResolution.back(); 
+ 	    mResolution.pop_back();
         if (a->getType() != typeid(bool).name() || b->getType() != typeid(bool).name()){
             throw std::runtime_error("AND Unknown type encountered need bool get :" + a->getType() );
-        ConditionalData* data = new ConditionalData;
+         std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData> data = std::make_shared<ConditionalData>();
         data->setValue<bool>( a->getValue<bool>() && b->getValue<bool>());
-        clearRes();
     void ConditionalInterpreter::fOr(void)
-        if (mResolution.size() != 2){
+        if (mResolution.size() < 2){
              throw std::runtime_error("OR need 2 arg and get :" + std::to_string(mResolution.size()));
-        auto a = mResolution[0];
-        auto b = mResolution[1];
+        auto a = mResolution.back(); 
+ 	    mResolution.pop_back();
+        auto b = mResolution.back(); 
+ 	    mResolution.pop_back();
         if (a->getType() != typeid(bool).name() || b->getType() != typeid(bool).name()){
              throw std::runtime_error("OR Unknown type encountered need bool get :" + a->getType() );
-        ConditionalData* data = new ConditionalData;
+         std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData> data = std::make_shared<ConditionalData>();
         data->setValue<bool>( a->getValue<bool>() || b->getValue<bool>());
-        clearRes();
     void ConditionalInterpreter::fNot()
-            if (mResolution.size() != 1){
+            if (mResolution.size() < 1){
                 throw std::runtime_error("NOT need 1 arg and get :" + std::to_string(mResolution.size()));
-            auto a = mResolution[0];
+            auto a = mResolution.back(); 
+ 	        mResolution.pop_back();
             if (a->getType() != typeid(bool).name()){
                 throw std::runtime_error("NOT Unknown type encountered need bool get :" + a->getType() );
-            ConditionalData* data = new ConditionalData;
+             std::shared_ptr<ConditionalData> data = std::make_shared<ConditionalData>();
             data->setValue<bool>( !a->getValue<bool>() );
-            clearRes();
diff --git a/src/recipies/FuseBatchNorm.cpp b/src/recipies/FuseBatchNorm.cpp
index 4b2f7a811..0d86d8789 100644
--- a/src/recipies/FuseBatchNorm.cpp
+++ b/src/recipies/FuseBatchNorm.cpp
@@ -24,25 +24,30 @@
 // Graph Regex
 #include "aidge/graphmatching/GRegex.hpp"
 #include "aidge/graphmatching/NodeRegex.hpp"
-using namespace Aidge;
-void Aidge::fuseBatchNorm(std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>> nodes){
+//Graph Regex
+#include "aidge/graphRegex/GraphRegex.hpp"
-    assert(nodes.size() == 2 && "Wrong number of nodes to replace\n");
+using namespace Aidge;
-    // Assert the nodes types are correct to be fused
-    std::shared_ptr<Node> conv;
-    std::shared_ptr<Node> batchnorm;
-    for (const auto& element : nodes) {
-        assert((element->type() == "Conv" || element->type() == "BatchNorm") && "Wrong type for the nodes to replace");
-        if (element->type() == "Conv"){
-            conv = element;
-        }
-        else if (element->type() == "BatchNorm") {
-            batchnorm = element;
-        }
-    }
+void Aidge::fuseBatchNorm(std::shared_ptr<Node> conv,std::shared_ptr<Node> batchnorm){
+    // assert(nodes.size() == 2 && "Wrong number of nodes to replace\n");
+    // // Assert the nodes types are correct to be fused
+    // std::shared_ptr<Node> conv;
+    // std::shared_ptr<Node> batchnorm;
+    // for (const auto& element : nodes) {
+    //     assert((element->type() == "Conv" || element->type() == "BatchNorm") && "Wrong type for the nodes to replace");
+    //     if (element->type() == "Conv"){
+    //         conv = element;
+    //     }
+    //     else if (element->type() == "BatchNorm") {
+    //         batchnorm = element;
+    //     }
+    // }
     // TODO : check if batchnorm is the only child of the Conv or FC
     std::shared_ptr<Tensor> scale  = batchnorm->input(1).first->getOperator()->getOutput(batchnorm->input(1).second);
     std::shared_ptr<Tensor> shift  = batchnorm->input(2).first->getOperator()->getOutput(batchnorm->input(2).second);
     std::shared_ptr<Tensor> b_mean = batchnorm->input(3).first->getOperator()->getOutput(batchnorm->input(3).second);
@@ -127,19 +132,45 @@ void Aidge::fuseBatchNorm(std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>> nodes){
+void Aidge::fuseBatchNorm(std::shared_ptr<MatchSolution> solution){
+    assert(solution->at("BatchNorm").size() == 1 && "Wrong number of nodes BatchNorm to replace\n");
+    assert(solution->at("OP").size() == 1 && "Wrong number of nodes OP to replace\n");
+    for (const auto& op : solution->at("OP")) {
+        for (const auto& batchNorm : solution->at("BatchNorm")) {
+            fuseBatchNorm(op,batchNorm);
+        }
+    }
 void Aidge::fuseBatchNorm(std::shared_ptr<GraphView> graphView){
-    std::map<std::string,NodeRegex*> nodesRegex ;
-    nodesRegex["BatchNorm"] = new NodeRegex("BatchNorm");
-    nodesRegex["Conv"] = new NodeRegex("Conv");
-    nodesRegex["FC"] = new NodeRegex("FC");
-    std::vector<std::string> seqRegex;
-    seqRegex.push_back("Conv -> BatchNorm;"); // TODO: Add (Conv | FC)
-    GRegex GReg(nodesRegex, seqRegex);
-    Match matches = GReg.match(graphView);
-    std::vector<std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>>> matchNodes = matches.getMatchNodes();
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < matches.getNbMatch(); ++i) {
-        fuseBatchNorm(matchNodes[i]);
+    // std::map<std::string,NodeRegex*> nodesRegex ;
+    // nodesRegex["BatchNorm"] = new NodeRegex("BatchNorm");
+    // nodesRegex["Conv"] = new NodeRegex("Conv");
+    // nodesRegex["FC"] = new NodeRegex("FC");
+    // std::vector<std::string> seqRegex;
+    // seqRegex.push_back("Conv -> BatchNorm;"); // TODO: Add (Conv | FC)
+    // GRegex GReg(nodesRegex, seqRegex);
+    // Match matches = GReg.match(graphView);
+    // std::vector<std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>>> matchNodes = matches.getMatchNodes();
+    // for (size_t i = 0; i < matches.getNbMatch(); ++i) {
+    //     fuseBatchNorm(matchNodes[i]);
+    // }
+    std::shared_ptr<GraphRegex> regex = std::make_shared<GraphRegex>();
+    regex->setNodeKey("BatchNorm","getType($) =='BatchNorm'");
+    regex->setNodeKey("OP","getType($) =='Conv'");//  || getType($) =='FC' ");
+    regex->addQuery("OP -> BatchNorm");
+    for (const auto& solution : regex->match(graphView)) {
+        fuseBatchNorm(solution);
diff --git a/unit_tests/nodeTester/Test_ConditionalInterpreter.cpp b/unit_tests/nodeTester/Test_ConditionalInterpreter.cpp
index 6143b7e3d..ec068358a 100644
--- a/unit_tests/nodeTester/Test_ConditionalInterpreter.cpp
+++ b/unit_tests/nodeTester/Test_ConditionalInterpreter.cpp
@@ -12,13 +12,38 @@ TEST_CASE("ConditionalInterpreter", "ConditionalInterpreter") {
     SECTION("custom Lambda") {
-        const std::string test = " !toto($) == true " ;
-        ConditionalInterpreter conditionalParser = ConditionalInterpreter("A",test);
-        conditionalParser.insertLambda("toto",+[](NodePtr NodeOp){return false;});
+        ConditionalInterpreter conditionalParserB = ConditionalInterpreter("A"," bad($) == false ");
+        ConditionalInterpreter conditionalParserG = ConditionalInterpreter("A"," good($) == true ");
+        conditionalParserB.insertLambda("bad",+[](NodePtr NodeOp){return NodeOp->name() == "ZZ";});
+        conditionalParserG.insertLambda("good",+[](NodePtr NodeOp){return NodeOp->name() == "Gop1";});
         std::shared_ptr<Node> nodeOp = GenericOperator("conv", 0, 0, 0, "Gop1");
-        bool result = conditionalParser.test(nodeOp);
-        REQUIRE(result == true);
+        REQUIRE(conditionalParserB.test(nodeOp) == true);
+        REQUIRE(conditionalParserG.test(nodeOp) == true);
+    }
+     ConditionalInterpreter conditionalParserT = ConditionalInterpreter("A","isConv($)==true");
+     conditionalParserT.insertLambda("isConv",+[](NodePtr NodeOp){return NodeOp->type() == "Conv";});
+     std::shared_ptr<Node> zz = GenericOperator("conv", 0, 0, 0, "Gop1");
+     conditionalParserT.test(zz);
+    SECTION("Lambdas") {
+        ConditionalInterpreter conditionalParser = ConditionalInterpreter("OP_test","getType($) =='Conv' || getType($) =='FC' ");
+        std::shared_ptr<Node> A = GenericOperator("Conv", 0, 0, 0, "A");
+        REQUIRE(conditionalParser.test(A) == true);
+        std::shared_ptr<Node> B = GenericOperator("FC", 0, 0, 0, "B");
+        REQUIRE(conditionalParser.test(B) == true);
+        std::shared_ptr<Node> C = GenericOperator("A", 0, 0, 0, "C");
+        conditionalParser.test(C);
+        REQUIRE(conditionalParser.test(C) == false);
     SECTION("syntax error") {
diff --git a/unit_tests/recipies/Test_FuseBatchNorm.cpp b/unit_tests/recipies/Test_FuseBatchNorm.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..45e268797
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit_tests/recipies/Test_FuseBatchNorm.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
+#include <set>
+#include "aidge/operator/Conv.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/GenericOperator.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/Producer.hpp"
+#include "aidge/graph/OpArgs.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/BatchNorm.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/Recipies.hpp"
+#include <cstddef>
+namespace Aidge {
+    TEST_CASE("[FuseBatchNorm] conv") {
+        auto g1 = Sequential({
+            Producer({16, 3, 224, 224}, "dataProvider"),
+            Conv(3, 32, {3, 3}, "conv1"),
+            BatchNorm<32>()
+        });
+        fuseBatchNorm(g1);
+        SECTION("Check resulting nodes") {
+            // REQUIRE(g1->getNodes().size() == 2);
+            // REQUIRE(g2->getNode("conv1")->getOperator()->type() == "MaxPooling");
+            // REQUIRE(g2->getNode("conv1")->getOperator()->getOutput(0) == g2->getNode("conv2")->getOperator()->getInput(0));
+            // REQUIRE(g2->getNode("conv2")->getOperator()->type() == "MaxPooling");
+            // REQUIRE(g2->getNode("conv2")->getOperator()->getOutput(0) == g2->getNode("conv3")->getOperator()->getInput(0));
+            // REQUIRE(g2->getNode("conv3")->getOperator()->type() == "MaxPooling");
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit_tests/recipies/Test_FuseMulAdd.cpp b/unit_tests/recipies/Test_FuseMulAdd.cpp
index da5364205..6a8079b3e 100644
--- a/unit_tests/recipies/Test_FuseMulAdd.cpp
+++ b/unit_tests/recipies/Test_FuseMulAdd.cpp
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 namespace Aidge {
 TEST_CASE("[cpu/recipies] FuseMulAdd", "[FuseMulAdd][recipies]") {
     // generate the original GraphView
     auto matmul0 = MatMul(5, "matmul0");
@@ -74,4 +75,5 @@ TEST_CASE("[cpu/recipies] FuseMulAdd", "[FuseMulAdd][recipies]") {
 		REQUIRE(((node->type() == "Producer") || (node->type() == "FC")));
 }  // namespace Aidge
\ No newline at end of file